Hillary; 'White people need to recognize our privilege and practice humility'

Another Hillary doozy.

If this bitch wins I swear I'm headed to the mountain cabin, retiring forever and selling my TV. Girlfriend. Dog. Mountains. River. Truck. Grill. That's all I need. Oh...and guns and ammo. Lots.
Please, madam Secretary, I know you feel you have to pander, but please, try to hang on to SOME dignity here.

Pandering confuses me. These people are being insulted by the implication that all a politician has to do to get your vote is to compliment whatever groups you are in and kiss the collective ass.

Why would anyone vote for someone because they did that?

IF someone picked a red headed VP to pander to red heads like me, I think I would tell them to fuck themselves.
Mathematically there aren't enough white people of the rightwing ilk alone to vote and elect trump

Yeah, only 63% of Americans are white, and 16% are Latino. Without the Latino vote Trump can't possibly win, since 16 is so much bigger than 63.

Yer a right fucking genius, Guano ISIS boi....

Really? I mean really? 67% of female voters hate Trump + Asians + blacks + Hispanics + Muslims.......... Looks like we have a loser.
Another Hillary doozy.

If this bitch wins I swear I'm headed to the mountain cabin, retiring forever and selling my TV. Girlfriend. Dog. Mountains. River. Truck. Grill. That's all I need. Oh...and guns and ammo. Lots.

Better get ready............. leave your internet device. But take your rabbit.
Exactly only white people are racist, I think a lot of people are getting tired of this "racist" horsecrap.

When I was growing up back in the 60's a racist was someone who put people in death camps or sicked dogs on little brown children, but now it means you admit to maybe saying the N-word decades ago or that you dont think that blacks should be able to kill cops when they get drunk.

'Racist' is now a relatively meaningless phrase with no sting left to it any more other than among guilt tripping libtards.

Be very careful what you wish for If Trump won.
He will increase the quota of H2B visa from 85,000 2016 to 240,000 for 2017. Better get your early retirement ready.
And I will increase my hospital products 450% across the board....... Better don't get sick.
Exactly only white people are racist, I think a lot of people are getting tired of this "racist" horsecrap.

When I was growing up back in the 60's a racist was someone who put people in death camps or sicked dogs on little brown children, but now it means you admit to maybe saying the N-word decades ago or that you dont think that blacks should be able to kill cops when they get drunk.

'Racist' is now a relatively meaningless phrase with no sting left to it any more other than among guilt tripping libtards.

Be very careful what you wish for If Trump won.
He will increase the quota of H2B visa from 85,000 2016 to 240,000 for 2017. Better get your early retirement ready.
And I will increase my hospital products 450% across the board....... Better don't get sick.

What makes you say that?
Exactly only white people are racist, I think a lot of people are getting tired of this "racist" horsecrap.

When I was growing up back in the 60's a racist was someone who put people in death camps or sicked dogs on little brown children, but now it means you admit to maybe saying the N-word decades ago or that you dont think that blacks should be able to kill cops when they get drunk.

'Racist' is now a relatively meaningless phrase with no sting left to it any more other than among guilt tripping libtards.

Be very careful what you wish for If Trump won.
He will increase the quota of H2B visa from 85,000 2016 to 240,000 for 2017. Better get your early retirement ready.
And I will increase my hospital products 450% across the board....... Better don't get sick.

What makes you say that?
Delusional obsession.
Exactly only white people are racist, I think a lot of people are getting tired of this "racist" horsecrap.

When I was growing up back in the 60's a racist was someone who put people in death camps or sicked dogs on little brown children, but now it means you admit to maybe saying the N-word decades ago or that you dont think that blacks should be able to kill cops when they get drunk.

'Racist' is now a relatively meaningless phrase with no sting left to it any more other than among guilt tripping libtards.

Be very careful what you wish for If Trump won.
He will increase the quota of H2B visa from 85,000 2016 to 240,000 for 2017. Better get your early retirement ready.
And I will increase my hospital products 450% across the board....... Better don't get sick.

What makes you say that?

Get yours updated. I'm not going to educate you.
Exactly only white people are racist, I think a lot of people are getting tired of this "racist" horsecrap.

When I was growing up back in the 60's a racist was someone who put people in death camps or sicked dogs on little brown children, but now it means you admit to maybe saying the N-word decades ago or that you dont think that blacks should be able to kill cops when they get drunk.

'Racist' is now a relatively meaningless phrase with no sting left to it any more other than among guilt tripping libtards.

Be very careful what you wish for If Trump won.
He will increase the quota of H2B visa from 85,000 2016 to 240,000 for 2017. Better get your early retirement ready.
And I will increase my hospital products 450% across the board....... Better don't get sick.

What makes you say that?
Delusional obsession.
It's the reality. Do your research.
Lol, and people think this idiot will beat Trump? roflmao, white people are sick to death of liberal racist bullshit.

Clinton - All Whites Are Privileged Racists Who Must Humble Themselves To Black Peo ⋆ Dc Gazette
Sounding a lot like Hussein Obama lecturing Americans for failing to properly roll over for Islamists, Hillary Clinton adopted the same condescending, scolding tone to her admonishments. She said, “White people need to do a much better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume our experiences are everyone else’s experiences. “

Hey Jim, please don't call Hillary a "Liberal". She's denied it herself. And on that topic at least you can believe her. She's further to the right than you'll ever be. e.g. Have you seen her smug defense of the Panama free trade agreement in 2011, claiming Panama had cleaned up its Banking laws and the agreement would result in 10s of thousands of new jobs? When all it resulted in was making the off-shore tax haven even more opaque? Come on, please don't tarnish real liberals with her slimey money worshipping presence in our midst.
i cant be racist. I've sexed plenty of white chicks and have a god daughter thats white. I've smashed white boys in the mouth physically and out competed them mentally.

:lol: Rapes and slapping around homo boys in rest areas doesn't make you a bad ass, boy.
I only play raped 2 white women. The others were into normal sex. I've never hit a homo. I have slapped the shit out of 2 KKK guys, put another in the hospital, and just the other day fucked up this retarded inbred cave ape that dared to disrespect a mexican woman. Of course none of that makes me a bad ass but it makes you feel I am a bad ass. Why else would you claim it?
of course you did.
no really we all believe it MLK jr... LOL
Please, madam Secretary, I know you feel you have to pander, but please, try to hang on to SOME dignity here.

Pandering confuses me. These people are being insulted by the implication that all a politician has to do to get your vote is to compliment whatever groups you are in and kiss the collective ass.

Why would anyone vote for someone because they did that?

IF someone picked a red headed VP to pander to red heads like me, I think I would tell them to fuck themselves.
This is one of the core reasons I admit I really don't understand politics. Surely people know they're being manipulated. Don't they? When a politician or politico is being interviewed, surely we know all they're doing is spinning. Don't we? When we see/hear a politician/politico/pundit make a "point", surely we know they're highlighting only what supports their "point", and ignoring/avoiding/distorting all information that is contrary to their argument, don't we?

I'm really not sure.

Honestly, sometimes I wonder if this is all just a big game, and no one has told me.
Seeing America as humiliated and abused by foreigners is no more healthy, productive or based in reality than the idea that middle aged whites are under the heel of minorities and millennials. It's all of a piece. Most people will get tripped up by the scaffolding of foreign policy talk around this basic worldview. That's mainly beside the point. Trumpism at abroad is basically identical to Trumpism at home. We shouldn't fool ourselves into thinking that will be any less toxic abroad than it is at home.
What To Take from Trump's Speech

Hey Jim, please don't call Hillary a "Liberal". She's denied it herself. And on that topic at least you can believe her. She's further to the right than you'll ever be. e.g. Have you seen her smug defense of the Panama free trade agreement in 2011, claiming Panama had cleaned up its Banking laws and the agreement would result in 10s of thousands of new jobs? When all it resulted in was making the off-shore tax haven even more opaque? Come on, please don't tarnish real liberals with her slimey money worshipping presence in our midst.

My apologies.

Normally I refer to Marxist Democrats as libtards and corrupt Democrats/Republicans as Crooks or Establishment, in this case Hillary is an Establishment libtard Crook, her wealth acquired for selling herself meriting the double Crook Establishment label.

But just to be fair, I read somewhere that Mitch McConnel is now estimated to have made more than $24 million while in the Senate. How do you do that on a salary of less than $200k annually?

Sounds like he is now hooked deeply into the Corporate Crony Network. He is,like a typical Republican Establishment type, just like the Dems only half as high and a couple of years later.

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