Hillary; 'White people need to recognize our privilege and practice humility'

More than likely she acquired the taste while living in Arkansas with Bill. Once you acquire that taste, you progressively like things hotter and hotter. Bland things are, well, bland.

My son when he was five hated anything spicy.

Now, when ever we buy salsa from the market, as soon as we get it home, he opens it up and immediately spikes it with Tabasco.

. . . and the amount of black pepper he puts on his vegetables? IT's obscene. . . . :badgrin:

Most of the black GIs in Vietnam used this tabasco sauce in their c-rats....we Recon guys got the first MREs which were tastier but required water which was at a premium out on patrol.

She forgot to add one important thing. When a white person asks a Black person about racism they should follow that advise. I know I personally dont go around talking about racism because its simply another obstacle in my way that I just smash.

The word is "advice" fool....and you're as racist as they come. As to "smashing" anything you better make sure it's made out of cardboard and you have a couple hours. :lol:
i cant be racist. I've sexed plenty of white chicks and have a god daughter thats white. I've smashed white boys in the mouth physically and out competed them mentally.
I call BFS...Erkel

Sorry, what is BFS?
The inevitable punishment for habitual liars is not to be believed even when they stumble on the Truth.
If that's true, which is always in question with her, she may have either lost her sense of taste (she's almost 70) or is using it for dildo lube. :lol:
This message board badly needs an 'OH! That is so GROSS!' button.
Lol, and people think this idiot will beat Trump? roflmao, white people are sick to death of liberal racist bullshit.

Clinton - All Whites Are Privileged Racists Who Must Humble Themselves To Black Peo ⋆ Dc Gazette
Sounding a lot like Hussein Obama lecturing Americans for failing to properly roll over for Islamists, Hillary Clinton adopted the same condescending, scolding tone to her admonishments. She said, “White people need to do a much better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume our experiences are everyone else’s experiences. “
Did you know one of the co-founders of the BLM movement had actually been in the Tea Party? Isn't that a hoot? It should tell you how nefarious our government works and how you just can't trust the political workings going on behind the media.

BLM Activist Who Shut Down Sanders is Radical Christian, Sarah Palin Supporter
BLM Activist Who Shut Down Sanders is Radical Christian, Sarah Palin Supporter


Things are never quite what they seem. . . .

Probably why the HRC campaign paid them to sabotage the Bernie Campaign. :dunno:

I can see that. They're yolked together in low intelligence.
So I'm half white and half Asian. Does that make me privileged super sized?
Please, madam Secretary, I know you feel you have to pander, but please, try to hang on to SOME dignity here.
So I'm half white and half Asian. Does that make me privileged super sized?

Bah, it makes you doggy poo, race traitor!

lol /sarc

These racial discussions get to be so stupid, I feel like I have to sober up and I'm already sober!

Gawd, I hate that feeling!
Lol, and people think this idiot will beat Trump? roflmao, white people are sick to death of liberal racist bullshit.

Clinton - All Whites Are Privileged Racists Who Must Humble Themselves To Black Peo ⋆ Dc Gazette
Sounding a lot like Hussein Obama lecturing Americans for failing to properly roll over for Islamists, Hillary Clinton adopted the same condescending, scolding tone to her admonishments. She said, “White people need to do a much better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume our experiences are everyone else’s experiences. “

I agree, Hillary is not the spokesperson for racism in this country especially the way she and Bill exploit ignorant blacks in this country....however, one thing should be noted....Trump along with Hillary could give two fucks about black people.
Lol, and people think this idiot will beat Trump? roflmao, white people are sick to death of liberal racist bullshit.

Clinton - All Whites Are Privileged Racists Who Must Humble Themselves To Black Peo ⋆ Dc Gazette
Sounding a lot like Hussein Obama lecturing Americans for failing to properly roll over for Islamists, Hillary Clinton adopted the same condescending, scolding tone to her admonishments. She said, “White people need to do a much better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume our experiences are everyone else’s experiences. “

I am so sick of that crap. I don't have any special privileges that others don't have. I work hard for my lot in life and fuck people who think they can get their lot without hard work. I am not going to be humble for my lot, I earned it.
Chill the fuck out, so you work hard for your keep, guess what we all do. Stop allowing Donald to make you think the world is against you and stop allowing Hillary to make you think you got a headstart in life by your white skin....both exploit the stupid...don't be one of em!!
Lol, and people think this idiot will beat Trump? roflmao, white people are sick to death of liberal racist bullshit.

Clinton - All Whites Are Privileged Racists Who Must Humble Themselves To Black Peo ⋆ Dc Gazette
Sounding a lot like Hussein Obama lecturing Americans for failing to properly roll over for Islamists, Hillary Clinton adopted the same condescending, scolding tone to her admonishments. She said, “White people need to do a much better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume our experiences are everyone else’s experiences. “
Jim, you really need to learn about what you call the white "race". Your enemy isn't the people of color , you have bought into the narrative of your masters

Lol, and people think this idiot will beat Trump? roflmao, white people are sick to death of liberal racist bullshit.

Clinton - All Whites Are Privileged Racists Who Must Humble Themselves To Black Peo ⋆ Dc Gazette
Sounding a lot like Hussein Obama lecturing Americans for failing to properly roll over for Islamists, Hillary Clinton adopted the same condescending, scolding tone to her admonishments. She said, “White people need to do a much better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume our experiences are everyone else’s experiences. “
Mathematically there aren't enough white people of the rightwing ilk alone to vote and elect trump
Mathematically there aren't enough white people of the rightwing ilk alone to vote and elect trump

Yeah, only 63% of Americans are white, and 16% are Latino. Without the Latino vote Trump can't possibly win, since 16 is so much bigger than 63.

Yer a right fucking genius, Guano ISIS boi....

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