Hillary wins the popular vote

59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

Democrats have now won the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections.

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. But it’s nearly certain that Hillary Clinton got more votes.

That will mean that for the second time in 16 years, Democrats will have lost the White House despite winning the popular vote.

With votes still trickling in, Clinton held about a 200,000-vote edge in the popular contest, even as Trump appeared headed for a stronger Electoral College win than George W. Bush secured in his first election ― when he lost the popular vote by 500,000 ballots.

How could that happen? The short answer is key Democratic voters didn’t bother to go vote, while white Republican voters in rural areas of swing states did.

Democrats Likely To Win Popular Vote And Lose Presidency For Second Time In Less Than 20 Years

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

Kerry won Ohio and the popular vote in 2004, according to the 2004 exit polls. So the Democrats have actually won the popular vote in 7 out of the last 7 Presidential elections.

The simple fact is that a Republican hasn't legitimately won a presidential election since Bush in 1988. There was widespread voter suppression during the 2016 election in states like N. Carolina, Arizona, and Wisconsin and this election was stolen from Clinton.

Democracy is on life support in this country and has been for the past several elections. The Repug Party is fascist, the Repug Party is evil, and the Repug Party does not believe in democracy.
Democracy is alive and well. Hey guy! Are you going to change your name now?
Well, technically, you are correct, but the ACA left out a couple of provisions that Democrats knew would sink the ship, so a week later they pushed through the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (56-43) with the Budget Reconciliation Rule.

Technically correct? Actually, I'm just plain correct. Why didn't any Republicans participate in the ACA to help make it better?
Because they weren't included in discussions.
Then how did they make 161 amendments to it?
In committee and on the floor, or don't you understand what an amendment is?
Sure, and the republicans proposed over 200 of them to the ACA of which 161 were adopted. Doesn't look like they were shut out of participating in the ACA after all.
You're an idiot! They were shut out of discussion before the abortion got to committee. If the opposition does not get a say in writing the bill, the only recourse open to them is amending it.
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

You realize that the margin you're excited about is LESS than the number of votes that Gary Johnson got in some states. It's not really a convincing "win".. Especially when you look at the electoral results.. Just means California is too far gone..

It means Hillary got more popular votes. That's what it means...
That's not what it means.

Quit being idiot.
Technically correct? Actually, I'm just plain correct. Why didn't any Republicans participate in the ACA to help make it better?
Because they weren't included in discussions.
Then how did they make 161 amendments to it?
In committee and on the floor, or don't you understand what an amendment is?
Sure, and the republicans proposed over 200 of them to the ACA of which 161 were adopted. Doesn't look like they were shut out of participating in the ACA after all.
You're an idiot! They were shut out of discussion before the abortion got to committee. If the opposition does not get a say in writing the bill, the only recourse open to them is amending it.[/QUOT
Technically correct? Actually, I'm just plain correct. Why didn't any Republicans participate in the ACA to help make it better?
Because they weren't included in discussions.
Then how did they make 161 amendments to it?
In committee and on the floor, or don't you understand what an amendment is?
Sure, and the republicans proposed over 200 of them to the ACA of which 161 were adopted. Doesn't look like they were shut out of participating in the ACA after all.
You're an idiot! They were shut out of discussion before the abortion got to committee. If the opposition does not get a say in writing the bill, the only recourse open to them is amending it.
Gee, why would the repugs be left out of writing a health care bill? Dems wouldn't go for a bill that says "Let him die"? Don't feel bad though. They got to fuck it up with all their stupid amendments.
Because they weren't included in discussions.
Then how did they make 161 amendments to it?
In committee and on the floor, or don't you understand what an amendment is?
Sure, and the republicans proposed over 200 of them to the ACA of which 161 were adopted. Doesn't look like they were shut out of participating in the ACA after all.
You're an idiot! They were shut out of discussion before the abortion got to committee. If the opposition does not get a say in writing the bill, the only recourse open to them is amending it.[/QUOT
Because they weren't included in discussions.
Then how did they make 161 amendments to it?
In committee and on the floor, or don't you understand what an amendment is?
Sure, and the republicans proposed over 200 of them to the ACA of which 161 were adopted. Doesn't look like they were shut out of participating in the ACA after all.
You're an idiot! They were shut out of discussion before the abortion got to committee. If the opposition does not get a say in writing the bill, the only recourse open to them is amending it.
Gee, why would the repugs be left out of writing a health care bill? Dems wouldn't go for a bill that says "Let him die"? Don't feel bad though. They got to fuck it up with all their stupid amendments.
Figures you would quote the LIE ('Let them die') spread by a Democratic Party Criminal.

Details of allegations against Democratic Senate candidate Grayson released, investigation continued
That's a lie. Obama begged Republicans to participate and provide input. I remember that very clearly.

Why must you lie?
H told them that "He won" and that "Elections had consequences".

The following link proves that you are lying.

The Real Story of Obamacare's Birth

Obama to GOP: 'I won'
Obama to GOP: 'I won'

President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

Obama To GOP: “I Won”
Obama To GOP: "I Won" | The Huffington Post

From your WaPo link:

A visibly frustrated President Obama delivered a blunt message to Republicans with whom he had feuded over the government shutdown and the debt ceiling over the past month on Tuesday: Elections matter. I won; you lost. Deal with it.

That's a paraphrase -- obviously. Here's what Obama actually said:

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don't break it. Don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country's about."

Yawn. Idiots.
I agree that the "quote" is not so much a quote as a paraphrase, but 'I won. Get over it' is what he would have said had he been free to do so.
So, idjut, Trump won. Get over it.

So this is how an unsophisticated Repug goober such as yourself "wins" a debate? By using paraphrases and reading the mind of Obama?

Your shit is weak, goober.
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

Democrats have now won the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections.

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. But it’s nearly certain that Hillary Clinton got more votes.

That will mean that for the second time in 16 years, Democrats will have lost the White House despite winning the popular vote.

With votes still trickling in, Clinton held about a 200,000-vote edge in the popular contest, even as Trump appeared headed for a stronger Electoral College win than George W. Bush secured in his first election ― when he lost the popular vote by 500,000 ballots.

How could that happen? The short answer is key Democratic voters didn’t bother to go vote, while white Republican voters in rural areas of swing states did.

Democrats Likely To Win Popular Vote And Lose Presidency For Second Time In Less Than 20 Years

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

Kerry won Ohio and the popular vote in 2004, according to the 2004 exit polls. So the Democrats have actually won the popular vote in 7 out of the last 7 Presidential elections.

The simple fact is that a Republican hasn't legitimately won a presidential election since Bush in 1988. There was widespread voter suppression during the 2016 election in states like N. Carolina, Arizona, and Wisconsin and this election was stolen from Clinton.

Democracy is on life support in this country and has been for the past several elections. The Repug Party is fascist, the Repug Party is evil, and the Repug Party does not believe in democracy.
Democracy is alive and well. Hey guy! Are you going to change your name now?

I might change it to "Bush Sr. Da Last Repug Prez"...because that's the truth.

You Repug fascist fuckers simply can't win the Presidential election on a level playing field anymore. Hillary won the popular vote by over 1 million, DESPITE all the voter suppression efforts of you cheating mother fuckers.

If millions of minorities had not had their constitutional right to vote infringed upon, Hillary may have won by over 5 million votes.
Because they weren't included in discussions.
Then how did they make 161 amendments to it?
In committee and on the floor, or don't you understand what an amendment is?
Sure, and the republicans proposed over 200 of them to the ACA of which 161 were adopted. Doesn't look like they were shut out of participating in the ACA after all.
You're an idiot! They were shut out of discussion before the abortion got to committee. If the opposition does not get a say in writing the bill, the only recourse open to them is amending it.[/QUOT
Because they weren't included in discussions.
Then how did they make 161 amendments to it?
In committee and on the floor, or don't you understand what an amendment is?
Sure, and the republicans proposed over 200 of them to the ACA of which 161 were adopted. Doesn't look like they were shut out of participating in the ACA after all.
You're an idiot! They were shut out of discussion before the abortion got to committee. If the opposition does not get a say in writing the bill, the only recourse open to them is amending it.
Gee, why would the repugs be left out of writing a health care bill? Dems wouldn't go for a bill that says "Let him die"? Don't feel bad though. They got to fuck it up with all their stupid amendments.

It's ironic that Repugs would actually whine about supposedly being left out of the legislative process, when sleazeball Mitch McConnell stated on day one that he would not work with President Obama and would do everything he could to obstruct his agenda.

You Repugs are simply a bunch of dishonest lying assholes, nothing more.
You Repugs are simply a bunch of dishonest lying assholes, nothing more.
Yep, they're exactly like the Democrats in that regard.

.... on the bright side, they'll all get to suffer the same fate when the piper comes to be paid for the decades of fiscal and monetary shenanigans both sides have been perpetrating on the citizenry.

"The government you elect is government you deserve." -- Thomas Jefferson
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

Democrats have now won the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections.

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. But it’s nearly certain that Hillary Clinton got more votes.

That will mean that for the second time in 16 years, Democrats will have lost the White House despite winning the popular vote.

With votes still trickling in, Clinton held about a 200,000-vote edge in the popular contest, even as Trump appeared headed for a stronger Electoral College win than George W. Bush secured in his first election ― when he lost the popular vote by 500,000 ballots.

How could that happen? The short answer is key Democratic voters didn’t bother to go vote, while white Republican voters in rural areas of swing states did.

Democrats Likely To Win Popular Vote And Lose Presidency For Second Time In Less Than 20 Years

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

Kerry won Ohio and the popular vote in 2004, according to the 2004 exit polls. So the Democrats have actually won the popular vote in 7 out of the last 7 Presidential elections.

It's really sad when you get so desperate that you actually believe exit polls over the real votes.

The simple fact is that a Republican hasn't legitimately won a presidential election since Bush in 1988. There was widespread voter suppression during the 2016 election in states like N. Carolina, Arizona, and Wisconsin and this election was stolen from Clinton.

Democracy is on life support in this country and has been for the past several elections. The Repug Party is fascist, the Repug Party is evil, and the Repug Party does not believe in democracy.
You might want to let your superiors know that their faxes are not working.
Then how did they make 161 amendments to it?
In committee and on the floor, or don't you understand what an amendment is?
Sure, and the republicans proposed over 200 of them to the ACA of which 161 were adopted. Doesn't look like they were shut out of participating in the ACA after all.
You're an idiot! They were shut out of discussion before the abortion got to committee. If the opposition does not get a say in writing the bill, the only recourse open to them is amending it.[/QUOT
Then how did they make 161 amendments to it?
In committee and on the floor, or don't you understand what an amendment is?
Sure, and the republicans proposed over 200 of them to the ACA of which 161 were adopted. Doesn't look like they were shut out of participating in the ACA after all.
You're an idiot! They were shut out of discussion before the abortion got to committee. If the opposition does not get a say in writing the bill, the only recourse open to them is amending it.
Gee, why would the repugs be left out of writing a health care bill? Dems wouldn't go for a bill that says "Let him die"? Don't feel bad though. They got to fuck it up with all their stupid amendments.

It's ironic that Repugs would actually whine about supposedly being left out of the legislative process, when sleazeball Mitch McConnell stated on day one that he would not work with President Obama and would do everything he could to obstruct his agenda.

You Repugs are simply a bunch of dishonest lying assholes, nothing more.
Because McConnell knew obuthole's agenda was not good for America. Goober.
Even if everyone of those votes in those states goes for Hillary, Trump still wins.
Yes that is true ...it is also true that the majority of those who voted did not want Trump....that is true also ...that is the part that has you all reacting with "butt hurt"
Says a lot about hillary, doesn't it?
yes that she was more popular than Trump in terms of voters
Not really. It just means there are more people in liberal ran states. People of New York and California dont have the same values as people in Oklahoma and Texas. But because they have more people they should have more a voice in the country? This is the very reason direct democracy doesn't work. Also I would like to see the actual fraud numbers..... I have a feeling to many illegals once again voted for Clinton.
Suppose it's fixed in 2 years. THEN will you criticize barack obama for his inability to "fix" it? What would it take for you to admit that obama was a disaster?
Two years? You must be swimming in the kool-aide. Republicans have been blocking every attempt to address problems for the past six years. I expect that Democrats will now become the party of obstruction unless they are more pragmatic than the republicans were and can find areas of agreement. I really think that you are about to see how hard it is to get anything done in the face of opposition. Unless of course, the republicans decide to do away with the filibuster and then force everything through. Then they can have the fascist dictatorship they so desire.
"Unless of course, the republicans decide to do away with the filibuster and then force everything through."

You mean like the way Democrats passed ACA? THAT shit is going to come back and bite your silly asses.

I thought 60 Democrats passed the ACA.
Well, technically, you are correct, but the ACA left out a couple of provisions that Democrats knew would sink the ship, so a week later they pushed through the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (56-43) with the Budget Reconciliation Rule.

Technically correct? Actually, I'm just plain correct. Why didn't any Republicans participate in the ACA to help make it better?
Because it is a piece of shit bill that the American people didn't want.
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

Democrats have now won the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections.

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. But it’s nearly certain that Hillary Clinton got more votes.

That will mean that for the second time in 16 years, Democrats will have lost the White House despite winning the popular vote.

With votes still trickling in, Clinton held about a 200,000-vote edge in the popular contest, even as Trump appeared headed for a stronger Electoral College win than George W. Bush secured in his first election ― when he lost the popular vote by 500,000 ballots.

How could that happen? The short answer is key Democratic voters didn’t bother to go vote, while white Republican voters in rural areas of swing states did.

Democrats Likely To Win Popular Vote And Lose Presidency For Second Time In Less Than 20 Years

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

Kerry won Ohio and the popular vote in 2004, according to the 2004 exit polls. So the Democrats have actually won the popular vote in 7 out of the last 7 Presidential elections.

The simple fact is that a Republican hasn't legitimately won a presidential election since Bush in 1988. There was widespread voter suppression during the 2016 election in states like N. Carolina, Arizona, and Wisconsin and this election was stolen from Clinton.

Democracy is on life support in this country and has been for the past several elections. The Repug Party is fascist, the Repug Party is evil, and the Repug Party does not believe in democracy.
Democracy is alive and well. Hey guy! Are you going to change your name now?

I might change it to "Bush Sr. Da Last Repug Prez"...because that's the truth.

You Repug fascist fuckers simply can't win the Presidential election on a level playing field anymore. Hillary won the popular vote by over 1 million, DESPITE all the voter suppression efforts of you cheating mother fuckers.

If millions of minorities had not had their constitutional right to vote infringed upon, Hillary may have won by over 5 million votes.

I'm thinking if Hillary was a better candidate she would have gotten the 6,000,000 people that voted for Obama, however she was too much in with Wall St. and didn't inspire people to vote.
David Wasserman, an editor at Cook Political Report, told the Atlantic that Clinton could lead by as many as 2 percentage points in the popular vote when all votes are counted.

The Atlantic.....lololololololololol!!!!
Counting is almost done- Hillary leads by 600k...So many RW lies...a disgrace.
Which if you take out the obvious fraud Democrats use means Hillary lost the popular vote as well....
David Wasserman, an editor at Cook Political Report, told the Atlantic that Clinton could lead by as many as 2 percentage points in the popular vote when all votes are counted.

The Atlantic.....lololololololololol!!!!
Counting is almost done- Hillary leads by 600k...So many RW lies...a disgrace.
Which if you take out the obvious fraud Democrats use means Hillary lost the popular vote as well....
Or if you factor in the obvious voter suppression tactics the Republicans use, Hillary wins hands down.
That's a lie. Obama begged Republicans to participate and provide input. I remember that very clearly.

Why must you lie?
H told them that "He won" and that "Elections had consequences".

The following link proves that you are lying.

The Real Story of Obamacare's Birth

Obama to GOP: 'I won'
Obama to GOP: 'I won'

President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

Obama To GOP: “I Won”
Obama To GOP: "I Won" | The Huffington Post

From your WaPo link:

A visibly frustrated President Obama delivered a blunt message to Republicans with whom he had feuded over the government shutdown and the debt ceiling over the past month on Tuesday: Elections matter. I won; you lost. Deal with it.

That's a paraphrase -- obviously. Here's what Obama actually said:

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don't break it. Don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country's about."

Yawn. Idiots.
I agree that the "quote" is not so much a quote as a paraphrase, but 'I won. Get over it' is what he would have said had he been free to do so.
So, idjut, Trump won. Get over it.
No, because he has class and integrity. And being duped is how you became a hater dupe. And illustrates why our media is crap, anything for ratings and getting a click. Or in Fox's case, a total lying disgrace. I'm hoping Trump is a genius. and still a Dem lol.
Why must you lie?
H told them that "He won" and that "Elections had consequences".

The following link proves that you are lying.

The Real Story of Obamacare's Birth

Obama to GOP: 'I won'
Obama to GOP: 'I won'

President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

Obama To GOP: “I Won”
Obama To GOP: "I Won" | The Huffington Post

From your WaPo link:

A visibly frustrated President Obama delivered a blunt message to Republicans with whom he had feuded over the government shutdown and the debt ceiling over the past month on Tuesday: Elections matter. I won; you lost. Deal with it.

That's a paraphrase -- obviously. Here's what Obama actually said:

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don't break it. Don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country's about."

Yawn. Idiots.
I agree that the "quote" is not so much a quote as a paraphrase, but 'I won. Get over it' is what he would have said had he been free to do so.
So, idjut, Trump won. Get over it.
No, because he has class and integrity. And being duped is how you became a hater dupe. And illustrates why our media is crap, anything for ratings and getting a click. Or in Fox's case, a total lying disgrace. I'm hoping Trump is a genius. and still a Dem lol.

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