Hillary's Campaign Implodes, If Anyone Cares Any More

I posted a video in another thread claiming the polls had to be wrong and for some good reasons. Those reasons are the lopsided crowds at rallies, the followers on Facebook and Twitter. Trumps numbers on social media crush Hillary. Why is that not reflecting in the polls?

Also there is a thread about the most accurate poll having Trump ahead by one point.
I posted a video in another thread claiming the polls had to be wrong and for some good reasons. Those reasons are the lopsided crowds at rallies, the followers on Facebook and Twitter. Trumps numbers on social media crush Hillary. Why is that not reflecting in the polls?

Also there is a thread about the most accurate poll having Trump ahead by one point.
Over-confidence has lost many a football game.

You're down by 5 TDs in the middle of the 4th quarter.

The Oilers came back from that.

Trump is no Oiler. He's taking a dump in his own end zone, complaining about how the refs are against him while the crowd is already making their way toward the exits to beat traffic.

For fuck's sake, the bookies have even started paying out on 'Madam President' bets.

And Hillary dumping her shit on the public streets. Gives you an idea of how she feels about Americans.
I posted a video in another thread claiming the polls had to be wrong and for some good reasons. Those reasons are the lopsided crowds at rallies, the followers on Facebook and Twitter. Trumps numbers on social media crush Hillary. Why is that not reflecting in the polls?

Also there is a thread about the most accurate poll having Trump ahead by one point.

The aggregates have Trump losing badly, with HIllary opening up her lead. Worse for Trump is the State polling. He's trailing in virtually all of the key 'must win' battle ground states. He has no plausible path to 270 electoral votes.

But his believers will ignore these enormously germane and overwhelmingly large quantities of evidence....and continue to pretend that facebook likes are votes.

Ah, the smell of Cognitive Dissonance in the morning. It smells like.....orange.
I posted a video in another thread claiming the polls had to be wrong and for some good reasons. Those reasons are the lopsided crowds at rallies, the followers on Facebook and Twitter. Trumps numbers on social media crush Hillary. Why is that not reflecting in the polls?

Also there is a thread about the most accurate poll having Trump ahead by one point.

The aggregates have Trump losing badly, with HIllary opening up her lead. Worse for Trump is the State polling. He's trailing in virtually all of the key 'must win' battle ground states. He has no plausible path to 270 electoral votes.

But his believers will ignore these enormously germane and overwhelmingly large quantities of evidence....and continue to pretend that facebook likes are votes.

Ah, the smell of Cognitive Dissonance in the morning. It smells like.....orange.

You are ignoring those social media numbers. They are very easy to check. And remember Wikileaks does not plan to let the real bad stuff out until Nov. 1st. Your bubble could burst with just one email.
I posted a video in another thread claiming the polls had to be wrong and for some good reasons. Those reasons are the lopsided crowds at rallies, the followers on Facebook and Twitter. Trumps numbers on social media crush Hillary. Why is that not reflecting in the polls?

Also there is a thread about the most accurate poll having Trump ahead by one point.

The aggregates have Trump losing badly, with HIllary opening up her lead. Worse for Trump is the State polling. He's trailing in virtually all of the key 'must win' battle ground states. He has no plausible path to 270 electoral votes.

But his believers will ignore these enormously germane and overwhelmingly large quantities of evidence....and continue to pretend that facebook likes are votes.

Ah, the smell of Cognitive Dissonance in the morning. It smells like.....orange.
Your smelling your own finger you had up your ass, dude.
I posted a video in another thread claiming the polls had to be wrong and for some good reasons. Those reasons are the lopsided crowds at rallies, the followers on Facebook and Twitter. Trumps numbers on social media crush Hillary. Why is that not reflecting in the polls?

Also there is a thread about the most accurate poll having Trump ahead by one point.

Romney actually got larger crowds than Trump.
You really have to wonder what trump supporters are smoking at this point..

LMAO You really have to wonder if Hillary supporters have a working brain.

Ahead In every poll by wide margins, Trump threatening to sue newspapers for reporting the truth, she easily wins every debate with him, his supporters talking about starting a civil war. Its so obvious that Hillary will win that one would think someone programmed this a long time ago. Everything necessary for HRC to win the election has taken place.

My question was, Do you really think her in the WH is a good idea? I sure don't.

No. It's a GREAT idea.
She is the best qualified person who ran this time. Not only is she the best choice, the obvious choice, and the choice of the people, she is the right choice as well.

Well if stupid, careless and incompetent is your idea of the best qualified than she sure is. LOL
Who would win the presidency today?

Chance of winning


Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


How about the fact that the majority of us don't even bother visiting media polls anymore because we can't trust them to give us real news? I bet that is skewing the results. I haven't taken a single poll on this yet.
I posted a video in another thread claiming the polls had to be wrong and for some good reasons. Those reasons are the lopsided crowds at rallies, the followers on Facebook and Twitter. Trumps numbers on social media crush Hillary. Why is that not reflecting in the polls?

Also there is a thread about the most accurate poll having Trump ahead by one point.

The aggregates have Trump losing badly, with HIllary opening up her lead. Worse for Trump is the State polling. He's trailing in virtually all of the key 'must win' battle ground states. He has no plausible path to 270 electoral votes.

But his believers will ignore these enormously germane and overwhelmingly large quantities of evidence....and continue to pretend that facebook likes are votes.

Ah, the smell of Cognitive Dissonance in the morning. It smells like.....orange.
Your smelling your own finger you had up your ass, dude.

No, I'm simply not ignoring the overwhelming evidence that you must to cling to the narrative you want to believe.

You're gonna be adding a lot of people to your ignore list on November 9th, Jim. As you don't handle information that is contrary to what you want to believe well at all.

And Trump losing badly isn't something you want to believe.....despite the overwhelming evidence demonstrating it for you.
For fuck's sake, the bookies have even started paying out on 'Madam President' bets.
Then they are idiots, lol.

Or....they aren't ignoring the evidence that you are.

I'm genuinely curious what excuse you're going to give for Trump's loss on November 9th. I expect it will have as much to do with ignoring overwhelming evidence as your election predictions have.
I posted a video in another thread claiming the polls had to be wrong and for some good reasons. Those reasons are the lopsided crowds at rallies, the followers on Facebook and Twitter. Trumps numbers on social media crush Hillary. Why is that not reflecting in the polls?

Also there is a thread about the most accurate poll having Trump ahead by one point.

The aggregates have Trump losing badly, with HIllary opening up her lead. Worse for Trump is the State polling. He's trailing in virtually all of the key 'must win' battle ground states. He has no plausible path to 270 electoral votes.

But his believers will ignore these enormously germane and overwhelmingly large quantities of evidence....and continue to pretend that facebook likes are votes.

Ah, the smell of Cognitive Dissonance in the morning. It smells like.....orange.

You are ignoring those social media numbers.

I'm not ignoring them. I'm rationally noting that social media isn't voting. When folks are asked who they are voting for......most don't choose Trump.

Sorry, but Facebook likes aren't how we choose a president. No matter what your Facebook friends might have told you.

They are very easy to check. And remember Wikileaks does not plan to let the real bad stuff out until Nov. 1st. Your bubble could burst with just one email.

Ah, so your one last hope for winning is hypothetical, imaginary evidence.

Which makes a sort of sense. As you've clearly got jack shit to work with for a Trump victory without a healthy imagination.
Great article and I agree.

But the distractions on Trump are hitting a diminishing rate of return and the bribery scandal is shoving the Bimbo Eruptions plaguing Trump off the front burner. Hillary and her crooks running her campaign are an embarrassment and an insult to this nation.

Trump is going to win this thing.

Hillary's Campaign Implodes...If Anybody Cares Anymore

With the massive coordinated hit on Donald Trump unleashed by the mainstream media over his alleged sexual assaults and harassment, the quiet implosion of Hillary Clinton’s campaign has gone unnoticed. This week, Bill Clinton called Trump’s base “your standard redneck.” This would normally be relatively crippling – the Clintons have now declared Trump’s voters “deplorable” and “redneck.” That isn’t smart.

But that’s the least of their worries.

The Clinton team, thanks to the subservience of the media, has been able to escape talk of Bill’s alleged sexual assaults and Hillary’s alleged cover-ups with just a bit of head-shaking and tut-tutting. When Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway appeared on CNN with Briana Keiler and started attacking the Clintons on these grounds, Keiler brushed her off and redirected to Trump. Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg spent their day on The View on Monday mocking Clinton’s alleged victims.

But in the real world, we’d be taking Juanita Broaddrick every bit as seriously – more seriously, since her allegations are more serious – than Trump’s accusers.

Then there are the leaks from the FBI. Multiple reports have emerged that the FBI and DOJ employees are devastated that they failed to prosecute Hillary Clinton for obvious lawbreaking.

Then there are the Wikileaks. We now know that DNC official Donna Brazile told the Clinton campaign that she had some townhall questions from CNN’s upcoming event – and Roland Martin had sent it to her. According to Politico’s Hadas Gold, Martin had sent CNN producers his question, and Brazile somehow obtained the question and sent it to Hillary.

We know that Doug Band, who worked for Bill Clinton, got a call from a close friend who told him that Chelsea had told one of George W. Bush’s daughters that she was “conducting an internal investigation of money within the foundation from [Clinton Global Initiative] to the foundation…Not smart.” Oh. So no corruption, then.

We also know that the Democrats created fake Catholic organizations to create a “Catholic spring” – a la the Arab Spring – to move the Church in wild leftist ways. One of Podesta’s advisors wrote, “There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could happen….Of course, this idea may just reveal my total lack of understanding of the Catholic church.”
if only the Russians would steal Trump campaign's email and wiki leak them, then we could compare and see who really has some rotten people working for them...vs Russian moles.

Her campaign/podesta private email leaks mean nothing....you won't get a rise out of it...it's stolen goods by an adversary of the USA, leaked to disrupt and interfere with our elections, in favor of getting Trump elected....otherwise, if it were truly to inform us electorate, Trump campaign emails would have been stolen and leaked too....

so, no wayyyyyyyy would I let the Russians influence my vote....you shouldn't either....

oh, and there is no quid pro quo.... the past year on this site, i've posted several times on how Kerry's state dept was arguing with the intelligence community on the classification designations of Hillary's emails, the State dept (kennedy)wanting them to be released to the public, and the FBI or originator of the classification arguing it should stay classified and kept from us... this is NORMAL procedure....

and what we the public want is for them to declassify them instead of keeping things from us, and over classifying....the State dept is right in fighting for sunshine....
Yet you are totally okay with foreign owned media interfering by categorically twisting one of the candidates words into the worst possible way to read them, while uniformly refusing to show /anything/ that might possibly damage the opposing candidate? NOR does the media bring up the blatant lies that Mrs. Clinton has told on camera within the media's archives (and these days available on the web.)
Great article and I agree.

But the distractions on Trump are hitting a diminishing rate of return and the bribery scandal is shoving the Bimbo Eruptions plaguing Trump off the front burner. Hillary and her crooks running her campaign are an embarrassment and an insult to this nation.

Trump is going to win this thing.

Hillary's Campaign Implodes...If Anybody Cares Anymore

With the massive coordinated hit on Donald Trump unleashed by the mainstream media over his alleged sexual assaults and harassment, the quiet implosion of Hillary Clinton’s campaign has gone unnoticed. This week, Bill Clinton called Trump’s base “your standard redneck.” This would normally be relatively crippling – the Clintons have now declared Trump’s voters “deplorable” and “redneck.” That isn’t smart.

But that’s the least of their worries.

The Clinton team, thanks to the subservience of the media, has been able to escape talk of Bill’s alleged sexual assaults and Hillary’s alleged cover-ups with just a bit of head-shaking and tut-tutting. When Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway appeared on CNN with Briana Keiler and started attacking the Clintons on these grounds, Keiler brushed her off and redirected to Trump. Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg spent their day on The View on Monday mocking Clinton’s alleged victims.

But in the real world, we’d be taking Juanita Broaddrick every bit as seriously – more seriously, since her allegations are more serious – than Trump’s accusers.

Then there are the leaks from the FBI. Multiple reports have emerged that the FBI and DOJ employees are devastated that they failed to prosecute Hillary Clinton for obvious lawbreaking.

Then there are the Wikileaks. We now know that DNC official Donna Brazile told the Clinton campaign that she had some townhall questions from CNN’s upcoming event – and Roland Martin had sent it to her. According to Politico’s Hadas Gold, Martin had sent CNN producers his question, and Brazile somehow obtained the question and sent it to Hillary.

We know that Doug Band, who worked for Bill Clinton, got a call from a close friend who told him that Chelsea had told one of George W. Bush’s daughters that she was “conducting an internal investigation of money within the foundation from [Clinton Global Initiative] to the foundation…Not smart.” Oh. So no corruption, then.

We also know that the Democrats created fake Catholic organizations to create a “Catholic spring” – a la the Arab Spring – to move the Church in wild leftist ways. One of Podesta’s advisors wrote, “There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could happen….Of course, this idea may just reveal my total lack of understanding of the Catholic church.”
if only the Russians would steal Trump campaign's email and wiki leak them, then we could compare and see who really has some rotten people working for them...vs Russian moles.

Her campaign/podesta private email leaks mean nothing....you won't get a rise out of it...it's stolen goods by an adversary of the USA, leaked to disrupt and interfere with our elections, in favor of getting Trump elected....otherwise, if it were truly to inform us electorate, Trump campaign emails would have been stolen and leaked too....

so, no wayyyyyyyy would I let the Russians influence my vote....you shouldn't either....

oh, and there is no quid pro quo.... the past year on this site, i've posted several times on how Kerry's state dept was arguing with the intelligence community on the classification designations of Hillary's emails, the State dept (kennedy)wanting them to be released to the public, and the FBI or originator of the classification arguing it should stay classified and kept from us... this is NORMAL procedure....

and what we the public want is for them to declassify them instead of keeping things from us, and over classifying....the State dept is right in fighting for sunshine....
You are making the assumption that Trump's emails were able to be "stolen" by the Russians.
It's now beyond obvious that Hillary's emails which came to/from her private illegal server and the DNC's email server were being carelessly handled by fucking idiots!
I'd say what the LIB MSM have done to get Hillary elected and whatever the Russians have done to get Trump elected are about even.
If Hillary wins the election by a very slim margin then, as any candidate would do (read Gore), a call for a recount is appropriate.
Trump may not win but there's no way Hillary will win in a "landslide".
Even if Trump loses, real American Patriots will have won the battle. That's a good start to taking back the country.
Great article and I agree.

But the distractions on Trump are hitting a diminishing rate of return and the bribery scandal is shoving the Bimbo Eruptions plaguing Trump off the front burner. Hillary and her crooks running her campaign are an embarrassment and an insult to this nation.

Trump is going to win this thing.

Hillary's Campaign Implodes...If Anybody Cares Anymore

With the massive coordinated hit on Donald Trump unleashed by the mainstream media over his alleged sexual assaults and harassment, the quiet implosion of Hillary Clinton’s campaign has gone unnoticed. This week, Bill Clinton called Trump’s base “your standard redneck.” This would normally be relatively crippling – the Clintons have now declared Trump’s voters “deplorable” and “redneck.” That isn’t smart.

But that’s the least of their worries.

The Clinton team, thanks to the subservience of the media, has been able to escape talk of Bill’s alleged sexual assaults and Hillary’s alleged cover-ups with just a bit of head-shaking and tut-tutting. When Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway appeared on CNN with Briana Keiler and started attacking the Clintons on these grounds, Keiler brushed her off and redirected to Trump. Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg spent their day on The View on Monday mocking Clinton’s alleged victims.

But in the real world, we’d be taking Juanita Broaddrick every bit as seriously – more seriously, since her allegations are more serious – than Trump’s accusers.

Then there are the leaks from the FBI. Multiple reports have emerged that the FBI and DOJ employees are devastated that they failed to prosecute Hillary Clinton for obvious lawbreaking.

Then there are the Wikileaks. We now know that DNC official Donna Brazile told the Clinton campaign that she had some townhall questions from CNN’s upcoming event – and Roland Martin had sent it to her. According to Politico’s Hadas Gold, Martin had sent CNN producers his question, and Brazile somehow obtained the question and sent it to Hillary.

We know that Doug Band, who worked for Bill Clinton, got a call from a close friend who told him that Chelsea had told one of George W. Bush’s daughters that she was “conducting an internal investigation of money within the foundation from [Clinton Global Initiative] to the foundation…Not smart.” Oh. So no corruption, then.

We also know that the Democrats created fake Catholic organizations to create a “Catholic spring” – a la the Arab Spring – to move the Church in wild leftist ways. One of Podesta’s advisors wrote, “There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could happen….Of course, this idea may just reveal my total lack of understanding of the Catholic church.”
if only the Russians would steal Trump campaign's email and wiki leak them, then we could compare and see who really has some rotten people working for them...vs Russian moles.

Her campaign/podesta private email leaks mean nothing....you won't get a rise out of it...it's stolen goods by an adversary of the USA, leaked to disrupt and interfere with our elections, in favor of getting Trump elected....otherwise, if it were truly to inform us electorate, Trump campaign emails would have been stolen and leaked too....

so, no wayyyyyyyy would I let the Russians influence my vote....you shouldn't either....

oh, and there is no quid pro quo.... the past year on this site, i've posted several times on how Kerry's state dept was arguing with the intelligence community on the classification designations of Hillary's emails, the State dept (kennedy)wanting them to be released to the public, and the FBI or originator of the classification arguing it should stay classified and kept from us... this is NORMAL procedure....

and what we the public want is for them to declassify them instead of keeping things from us, and over classifying....the State dept is right in fighting for sunshine....
You are making the assumption that Trump's emails were able to be "stolen" by the Russians.
It's now beyond obvious that Hillary's emails which came to/from her private illegal server and the DNC's email server were being carelessly handled by fucking idiots!
I'd say what the LIB MSM have done to get Hillary elected and whatever the Russians have done to get Trump elected are about even.
If Hillary wins the election by a very slim margin then, as any candidate would do (read Gore), a call for a recount is appropriate.
Trump may not win but there's no way Hillary will win in a "landslide".
Even if Trump loses, real American Patriots will have won the battle. That's a good start to taking back the country.
Danny please keep up, The Russians or anyone else... did not steal/hack Hillary's emails from her private SoS server....NONE of these stolen email dumps are from Hillary's time as SOS.

The Russians hacked the DNC'S private email, the Clinton Campaign private emails, and John Podesta's private emails....they had NOTHING to do with her SOS private server and emails from it.

The Russians can hack anything they want, they hack in to our govt systems DAILY...
Of course they hacked in to Trump's Campaign emails too....they just chose to not dump them on us for us to read because it would defeat their purpose of getting their PUPPET elected and defeating Hillary....

they will more than likely use Trump's/ campaign emails to BLACK MAIL him later, if their plan works to elect him/defeat Hillary....
Great article and I agree.

But the distractions on Trump are hitting a diminishing rate of return and the bribery scandal is shoving the Bimbo Eruptions plaguing Trump off the front burner. Hillary and her crooks running her campaign are an embarrassment and an insult to this nation.

Trump is going to win this thing.

Hillary's Campaign Implodes...If Anybody Cares Anymore

With the massive coordinated hit on Donald Trump unleashed by the mainstream media over his alleged sexual assaults and harassment, the quiet implosion of Hillary Clinton’s campaign has gone unnoticed. This week, Bill Clinton called Trump’s base “your standard redneck.” This would normally be relatively crippling – the Clintons have now declared Trump’s voters “deplorable” and “redneck.” That isn’t smart.

But that’s the least of their worries.

The Clinton team, thanks to the subservience of the media, has been able to escape talk of Bill’s alleged sexual assaults and Hillary’s alleged cover-ups with just a bit of head-shaking and tut-tutting. When Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway appeared on CNN with Briana Keiler and started attacking the Clintons on these grounds, Keiler brushed her off and redirected to Trump. Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg spent their day on The View on Monday mocking Clinton’s alleged victims.

But in the real world, we’d be taking Juanita Broaddrick every bit as seriously – more seriously, since her allegations are more serious – than Trump’s accusers.

Then there are the leaks from the FBI. Multiple reports have emerged that the FBI and DOJ employees are devastated that they failed to prosecute Hillary Clinton for obvious lawbreaking.

Then there are the Wikileaks. We now know that DNC official Donna Brazile told the Clinton campaign that she had some townhall questions from CNN’s upcoming event – and Roland Martin had sent it to her. According to Politico’s Hadas Gold, Martin had sent CNN producers his question, and Brazile somehow obtained the question and sent it to Hillary.

We know that Doug Band, who worked for Bill Clinton, got a call from a close friend who told him that Chelsea had told one of George W. Bush’s daughters that she was “conducting an internal investigation of money within the foundation from [Clinton Global Initiative] to the foundation…Not smart.” Oh. So no corruption, then.

We also know that the Democrats created fake Catholic organizations to create a “Catholic spring” – a la the Arab Spring – to move the Church in wild leftist ways. One of Podesta’s advisors wrote, “There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could happen….Of course, this idea may just reveal my total lack of understanding of the Catholic church.”
if only the Russians would steal Trump campaign's email and wiki leak them, then we could compare and see who really has some rotten people working for them...vs Russian moles.

Her campaign/podesta private email leaks mean nothing....you won't get a rise out of it...it's stolen goods by an adversary of the USA, leaked to disrupt and interfere with our elections, in favor of getting Trump elected....otherwise, if it were truly to inform us electorate, Trump campaign emails would have been stolen and leaked too....

so, no wayyyyyyyy would I let the Russians influence my vote....you shouldn't either....

oh, and there is no quid pro quo.... the past year on this site, i've posted several times on how Kerry's state dept was arguing with the intelligence community on the classification designations of Hillary's emails, the State dept (kennedy)wanting them to be released to the public, and the FBI or originator of the classification arguing it should stay classified and kept from us... this is NORMAL procedure....

and what we the public want is for them to declassify them instead of keeping things from us, and over classifying....the State dept is right in fighting for sunshine....
You are making the assumption that Trump's emails were able to be "stolen" by the Russians.
It's now beyond obvious that Hillary's emails which came to/from her private illegal server and the DNC's email server were being carelessly handled by fucking idiots!
I'd say what the LIB MSM have done to get Hillary elected and whatever the Russians have done to get Trump elected are about even.
If Hillary wins the election by a very slim margin then, as any candidate would do (read Gore), a call for a recount is appropriate.
Trump may not win but there's no way Hillary will win in a "landslide".
Even if Trump loses, real American Patriots will have won the battle. That's a good start to taking back the country.
Danny please keep up, The Russians or anyone else... did not steal/hack Hillary's emails from her private SoS server....NONE of these stolen email dumps are from Hillary's time as SOS.

The Russians hacked the DNC'S private email, the Clinton Campaign private emails, and John Podesta's private emails....they had NOTHING to do with her SOS private server and emails from it.

The Russians can hack anything they want, they hack in to our govt systems DAILY...
Of course they hacked in to Trump's Campaign emails too....they just chose to not dump them on us for us to read because it would defeat their purpose of getting their PUPPET elected and defeating Hillary....

they will more than likely use Trump's/ campaign emails to BLACK MAIL him later, if their plan works to elect him/defeat Hillary....

I still do not believe that ANYONE KNOWS it is the Russians who did this. Onion layer style redirecting sites like TOR that strip the addresses off previous nodes on internet traffic packets are all the rage today on the Darknet, and though the NSA has compromised TOR with trojans and open portals at TOR, I am certain the Russians dont use anything but their own private Onion server farms, which means we have NOT penetrated those servers as we have TOR.

There is no way to PROVE the Russians did it. They can look at things like languages used, and so forth, but the Russians likely mask these as well as they are as good at this stuff as we are and the Chinese are as well, all thanks to us having been training their coders via our own H1-B visa programs for the past 28 years.

No one KNOWS for a fact that Russia did it. All Russia is is a best guess and that proves nothing at all, C4A.

And though all the Wikileak data is coming from DNC emails and Brazille and Blumenthal and other staffers so far, it might also have scans from her own unsecured email server also and they just havent been released yet. You know, save the best for last kind of thing.
Last edited:
No, you're offering us elaborate acts of self deception as your judgement is being put to the test. There's an objective measure of whether or not you have the slightest clue what you're talking about: the election.

And as Trump implodes, as his numbers plummet, as his campaign becomes more confused, disjoined and bizarre.....you're justification for his eventual victory becomes more confused, disjoined and bizarre.

Lol, you are hysterical. Nothing I said was disjointed or bizarre, and you didnt even address my supporting points except to whine about growing Democratic numbers, which I did use fromt he latest Pew survey, doofus, lol.

Like how is it that in these polls, Trump has the vast majority of GOP support, and an edge among independents of anywhere from 7% to 20% and yet Hillary keeps coming out on top? The latest FOX poll shows Trump behind by 6% and yet he has an advantage of 7% among independents.

Where is that 13% swing to Hillary coming from?
Self proclaimed democrats is on the rise. When a candidate is winning, people tend to glum onto the winning side. Its why self reported democrats rose in 2008, 2012 and 2016.....but fell in 2004.

Take a look at the most recent Fox News poll which you seem to be citing. The break down of Democrats, Republicans and INdependants weren't equal. 43% were dems, 39% were republicans 18% were independants.

Pg 19 of 58
Fox News Poll: October, 18, 2016

Thus, a 7 point lean among only 18% of those polled isn't going to as significant as a 89% lean among 43% of those polled. And the breakdown is relatively consistent among Fox News polls.

Yes, I already noted that the party affiliations were not equal and pointed out that they shouldnt be since we have 6% more Democrats than GOP and used Pews numbers. The exit polls from 2012 had 38% Dems, and 32% GOP, with 29% independents, while Pew lists these groups at 46%, 40% and 14% respectively. Trumps lead among independents should give him another 5%, and his, last I saw 85% of GOP gives him 34% and 39% total, while Hillary has 36% from Democrats and less than 3% from independents giving her also 39% and a race too close to call, not a 6% lead.

The numbers dont add up at all.

These aren't 'polling errors' where either democrats or republicans are 'oversampled'. These reflect actual movement in the electorate. And played out again and again in actual elections.

And of course, look at the aggregates. An individual poll can be useful. But its the averages of many polls where the most valuable information is gleaned. And the aggregates demonstrate a Clinton lean by the electorate to an almost ludicrous degree. You're cherry picking, selecting whatever individual poll matches the narrative you want to believe.

And ignoring the overwhelming majority of evidence by dismissing any poll or group of polls that doesn't.

That's not going to work out well for you. I suspect I'm going right back on your ignore list come November 9th. As information that runs contrary to your beliefs don't sit well with you. And I most definitely will be providing such information.

Blah, blah, blah and you still have not accurately restated what I have said in this thread.

Try again, dude.
Nodding......Trump is whining about how the election was stolen from him before the election even occurs. That's the 'strategy' of a whiny bitch that knows he's going to lose and is now desperately scrambling to convince people that its not his fault.

I'm sorry, were you in your safe zone when I said that?

Too fucking bad.

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