Hillary's Southern Drawl

VIDEO: Hillary adopts southern accent for Memphis crowd
Honest to GOD!Anyone who at this point thinks Hillary has a shread of honesty is dulusional.
This would be hilarious if she wasn't running to become the President.
When she speaks at the gay and lesbian conference in SF rumor has it she'll have had she hair spiked, be wearing a nose ring and have uma standing on the stage with her.
My GOD what a piece of LIB shit!
Lots of red necks pour it on. She was the first lady of Arkansas before she was the first lady of the united States.

No one has more experience than hillary.

Experience at what? Killing Americans? Lying under oath? Shredding emails? Wiping servers? Taking illegal campaign contributions? Covering up her husband's sexual misbehavior? Those things?
First lady of Arkansas, then first lady of the USA. She and Bill were a team. She has 16 years of Governor and President experience. Then secretary of state and Senator. She has the complete resume.

George Bush was the bobble I mean figure head for the Texas rangers, did NOTHING as Governor of Texas and then stole the election with the help of the mega super powerful and rich and his brother in Florida. A complete loser. No wonder you like him.
How come Republicans and Christians are so ready to forgive sinners on the right but Bill Clinton said one little white lie under oath and they'll never forgive that.

Bush lies us into Iraq, they defend him tooth and nail. Bill gets a BJ and WAAAAH burgers for everyone. Want some more cheese with that whine?
VIDEO: Hillary adopts southern accent for Memphis crowd
Honest to GOD!Anyone who at this point thinks Hillary has a shread of honesty is dulusional.
This would be hilarious if she wasn't running to become the President.
When she speaks at the gay and lesbian conference in SF rumor has it she'll have had she hair spiked, be wearing a nose ring and have uma standing on the stage with her.
My GOD what a piece of LIB shit!
Bush jr. had a fake southern drawl, considering he was from the Yankee side of town....
A Texas twang is different from a Southern drawl. Bush sounds like the Texan he is.

Hillary is from Arkansas

Hillary was born in Chicago.

She lived in Arkansas from 1975-92....more than enough time to learn to speak like a Hillbilly

So when she said, "I ain' in no ways tared" that was natural and unpretentious?
Bush jr. had a fake southern drawl, considering he was from the Yankee side of town....
A Texas twang is different from a Southern drawl. Bush sounds like the Texan he is.

Hillary is from Arkansas

Hillary was born in Chicago.

She lived in Arkansas from 1975-92....more than enough time to learn to speak like a Hillbilly

So when she said, "I ain' in no ways tared" that was natural and unpretentious?
Bush jr. had a fake southern drawl, considering he was from the Yankee side of town....
A Texas twang is different from a Southern drawl. Bush sounds like the Texan he is.

Hillary is from Arkansas

Hillary was born in Chicago.

She lived in Arkansas from 1975-92....more than enough time to learn to speak like a Hillbilly

So when she said, "I ain' in no ways tared" that was natural and unpretentious?

For the Nth time, it's a song lyric, Stupid. That is, it would be if you even bothered to get the lyrics right:

--- which she completely introduced as such, and you would have heard if you hadn't been sucking on the tit of a dishonest Fox Noise edit. The intro is at 0:33 yet for some reason Fox Noise cut it to the 0:44 point, making it look as if it was part of the speech:

--- That's why the congregation (it's in a CHURCH) starts cheering at the first line -- because they recognize the lyrics. DUMBASS.

Which, by the way, she quotes absolutely verbatim -- see lyrics here.

And you bought the Fox Noise edit -- hook, line and sinker.

Once again ----- Gullible's Travels. Apparently Hillary knows gospel music better than you do.

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