Hillary's Tax Speech; an Exercise in Fantasy and False Promises

Democrats like money so they will always do right for the big corporations in the end. They talk a good game but that is all it is...a game. The Clinton's have earned over 300 million dollars in just three years by Hillary selling access to the perks of the State Dept of the United States. (our state Dept.not hers) They are big globalist no matter who gets hurt as long as foreigners will line their pockets. The Clinton Global initiative is a criminal enterprise the likes of which we have never seen before in our nation and should be brought up on racketeering charges. She and Bill are profiting on corruption through her position at the State Dept. and you libs still have the nerve to defend her. WOW!
Hillary had a good speech today, but it was fundamentally flawed, in that it ignored her track record of Pay to Play administration. For example she has claimed to want to stop the clear cutting of the Amazon forest, and then she uses her influence to get the Columbian government to approve a land lease to a resource bidnessman from Canada that did exactly that to dozens of square miles of Rain Forest. Why?

Because he got a Canadian business association to give Bill millions in speaking fees. She She cleared the way for the XL pipeline after promising to oppose it because of donations and speaking fees to Bill again, and the same thing is true for preventing the nation of India getting nuclear technology; she switched once a donation came in. Of course she claims it was all mere coincidence like the $400 million that went to Iran to get hostages released was all just coincidence and not a ransom, lol.

The problem with Hillary is not so much her proposals and honesty so much as it is the odds of her not switching her position due to donations and favors. That is what Crony Capitalism is all about friends.

And she also proposed to build shovel ready project, repair our nations infrastructure, etc, but why has this not been done ALREADY? She is running as Obama 2.0, so if Obama has not done it yet, why should anyone believe that Hillary will?

Hillary also has this problem of self contradiction in principle. For example, she says that Trumps plan will bankrupt the nation and then complains that he is not giving away enough money to working Moms by giving a reduction to taxable income for child care instead of a financial hand out to pay for it all. Why should anyone believe anything she says since the last donation to the Clinton Foundation will always count for more in her mind than any number of promises to stupid voters?

Hillary also has a problem with distinguishing the real world from her policy paper world. While saying that she will reinvigorate our nations power grid using Clean Energy may sound promising, it is not a Reality as of yet, which is why various green energy companies have gone out of business despite government help. No, we cannot wait 5 to ten years for the green energy research to catch up to what we already hav ein coal and shale oil, two forms of energy Hillary want to penalize due to supposed Global Warming affects which is an absolute disaster of a theory. And even if you think it is proven to be real, then why not pressure India and China to clean up their act instead of shutting down perfectly good coal here at home?

Hillarys speech was a good speech in style, etc, but as to the facts? She completely contradicts each and every one of them.

I missed her speech, but I missed Trump's speech as well. Did Hillary promise free college for everyone as Bernie did?
Hillary Clinton's 'Family First' economic plan explained
highlights for you

For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

So how is she going to reduce federal taxes in the already over taxed American Middle Class?
Well, it's simply not just taxes that affects the middle class.....there are many many middle class families who already do not pay any federal income tax....so things like Donald's tax write off with no cap for childcare, is primarily for those who are wealthy and spend $10k plus per child for child care or basically, they are doing better than most of those in the middle class are doing...

Most citizens do not have enough tax write offs to take deductions and they file the short form....

So in Hillary's tax plan, parents with children would get a tax credit for child care instead of this cap lifted on the deduction for child care thingy....that only benefits those who takes deductions when filing and have a very prestigious and costly child care service, this is better for the middle class....a credit is better than a 'deduction' any day of the week...

We have some of the lowest tax rates in our history and we are taking in each year in revenues at the lowest percentage of GDP in recent history as well....

in hillary's plan, the middle class federal income taxes are not raised, but the very wealthiest's taxes are raised...this reduces our deficits, which reduces the need to print money and accelerate inflation, which benefits the middle class the most...short and long term imo.

Using some of these extra revenues to fix our infrastructure problems is also beneficial to the construction field of workers which has been suffering since the housing bust....middle class workers of all kinds...will benefit by jobs added, and all of us and our children will benefit simply by building up this infrastructure...

Trump's plan now has changed some from what he first spoke about and I read he's using the ''ryan'' tax plan now....

it's mostly a joke, a gift horse for the very very very wealthiest and adds debt from here to kingdom come.... that means inflation...

You really are that naive...aren't you, Care? You think that Hillary can give all those freebies away and get the rich folks to pay for it? How many politicians have made that promise (Barack Obama anyone?) and then realized that rich people aren't going to play that game? Rich people became rich because they know how to protect their wealth. You think they're just going to roll over and write Hillary a big check? Seriously? I'll tell you how THAT scenario will play out right now! The wealthy will take their wealth and put it into tax shelters and tax free bonds. The amount of "income" that the wealthy will be paying taxes on will plunge like the Titanic going to the bottom of the Atlantic. What happens then? What always happens. Wealthy people make less money but maintain their assets. Middle Class people get hit with tax increases to make up the budget shortfalls and Lower Class people lose jobs because wealthy people aren't investing in growing businesses because the profit motive has been taken away. Why risk capital on a new business startup if your profits are going to take a big hit from the IRS?
Hillary had a good speech today, but it was fundamentally flawed, in that it ignored her track record of Pay to Play administration. For example she has claimed to want to stop the clear cutting of the Amazon forest, and then she uses her influence to get the Columbian government to approve a land lease to a resource bidnessman from Canada that did exactly that to dozens of square miles of Rain Forest. Why?

Because he got a Canadian business association to give Bill millions in speaking fees. She She cleared the way for the XL pipeline after promising to oppose it because of donations and speaking fees to Bill again, and the same thing is true for preventing the nation of India getting nuclear technology; she switched once a donation came in. Of course she claims it was all mere coincidence like the $400 million that went to Iran to get hostages released was all just coincidence and not a ransom, lol.

The problem with Hillary is not so much her proposals and honesty so much as it is the odds of her not switching her position due to donations and favors. That is what Crony Capitalism is all about friends.

And she also proposed to build shovel ready project, repair our nations infrastructure, etc, but why has this not been done ALREADY? She is running as Obama 2.0, so if Obama has not done it yet, why should anyone believe that Hillary will?

Hillary also has this problem of self contradiction in principle. For example, she says that Trumps plan will bankrupt the nation and then complains that he is not giving away enough money to working Moms by giving a reduction to taxable income for child care instead of a financial hand out to pay for it all. Why should anyone believe anything she says since the last donation to the Clinton Foundation will always count for more in her mind than any number of promises to stupid voters?

Hillary also has a problem with distinguishing the real world from her policy paper world. While saying that she will reinvigorate our nations power grid using Clean Energy may sound promising, it is not a Reality as of yet, which is why various green energy companies have gone out of business despite government help. No, we cannot wait 5 to ten years for the green energy research to catch up to what we already hav ein coal and shale oil, two forms of energy Hillary want to penalize due to supposed Global Warming affects which is an absolute disaster of a theory. And even if you think it is proven to be real, then why not pressure India and China to clean up their act instead of shutting down perfectly good coal here at home?

Hillarys speech was a good speech in style, etc, but as to the facts? She completely contradicts each and every one of them.

I missed her speech, but I missed Trump's speech as well. Did Hillary promise free college for everyone as Bernie did?
Hillary Clinton's 'Family First' economic plan explained
highlights for you

For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.
Hillary had a good speech today, but it was fundamentally flawed, in that it ignored her track record of Pay to Play administration. For example she has claimed to want to stop the clear cutting of the Amazon forest, and then she uses her influence to get the Columbian government to approve a land lease to a resource bidnessman from Canada that did exactly that to dozens of square miles of Rain Forest. Why?

Because he got a Canadian business association to give Bill millions in speaking fees. She She cleared the way for the XL pipeline after promising to oppose it because of donations and speaking fees to Bill again, and the same thing is true for preventing the nation of India getting nuclear technology; she switched once a donation came in. Of course she claims it was all mere coincidence like the $400 million that went to Iran to get hostages released was all just coincidence and not a ransom, lol.

The problem with Hillary is not so much her proposals and honesty so much as it is the odds of her not switching her position due to donations and favors. That is what Crony Capitalism is all about friends.

And she also proposed to build shovel ready project, repair our nations infrastructure, etc, but why has this not been done ALREADY? She is running as Obama 2.0, so if Obama has not done it yet, why should anyone believe that Hillary will?

Hillary also has this problem of self contradiction in principle. For example, she says that Trumps plan will bankrupt the nation and then complains that he is not giving away enough money to working Moms by giving a reduction to taxable income for child care instead of a financial hand out to pay for it all. Why should anyone believe anything she says since the last donation to the Clinton Foundation will always count for more in her mind than any number of promises to stupid voters?

Hillary also has a problem with distinguishing the real world from her policy paper world. While saying that she will reinvigorate our nations power grid using Clean Energy may sound promising, it is not a Reality as of yet, which is why various green energy companies have gone out of business despite government help. No, we cannot wait 5 to ten years for the green energy research to catch up to what we already hav ein coal and shale oil, two forms of energy Hillary want to penalize due to supposed Global Warming affects which is an absolute disaster of a theory. And even if you think it is proven to be real, then why not pressure India and China to clean up their act instead of shutting down perfectly good coal here at home?

Hillarys speech was a good speech in style, etc, but as to the facts? She completely contradicts each and every one of them.

I missed her speech, but I missed Trump's speech as well. Did Hillary promise free college for everyone as Bernie did?
Hillary Clinton's 'Family First' economic plan explained
highlights for you

Her plan is to tax a group she thinks has too much in order to give benefits to a group she thinks has too little and is unwilling to do for themselves. Nothing to highlight. It's the same typical Liberal bullshit.

The Democrat economic plan is like hiring the neighbor's kid willing to work to cut your grass then the government taking a percentage of that money and giving it to the lazy kid down the street that wouldn't get out from behind his video game controller.
I missed her speech, but I missed Trump's speech as well. Did Hillary promise free college for everyone as Bernie did?
Hillary Clinton's 'Family First' economic plan explained
highlights for you

For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

What about the part that the government steals?
I missed her speech, but I missed Trump's speech as well. Did Hillary promise free college for everyone as Bernie did?
Hillary Clinton's 'Family First' economic plan explained
highlights for you

For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

Every dollar the poor are HANDED for doing nothing is a dollar someone else that is honorable had to earn for those fucking freeloaders to get something for nothing.
I missed her speech, but I missed Trump's speech as well. Did Hillary promise free college for everyone as Bernie did?
Hillary Clinton's 'Family First' economic plan explained
highlights for you

For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.

For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.
For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

Since you lefties claim unemployment went down, are you saying the poor people created job? If those that have the ability to hire others didn't hire them, who did?
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

Since you lefties claim unemployment went down, are you saying the poor people created job? If those that have the ability to hire others didn't hire them, who did?
But you don't hire people just because you have some spare change in your pocket...

You hire people because your sales have increased to the point of needing another person to make more widgets or another person to serve more customers.
How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

Since you lefties claim unemployment went down, are you saying the poor people created job? If those that have the ability to hire others didn't hire them, who did?
But you don't hire people just because you have some spare change in your pocket...

You hire people because your sales have increased to the point of needing another person to make more widgets or another person to serve more customers.

All that and you still didn't answer either question.
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

Since you lefties claim unemployment went down, are you saying the poor people created job? If those that have the ability to hire others didn't hire them, who did?
But you don't hire people just because you have some spare change in your pocket...

You hire people because your sales have increased to the point of needing another person to make more widgets or another person to serve more customers.

All that and you still didn't answer either question.
The stimulus helped....I know you guys on the rightwing don't want to admit such, but it did help...and all the refinancing programs for people underwater in their mortgages also helped with less foreclosures keeping the housing market from even falling further, a lot of little things helped, more food stamp help, the bailout of the auto industry kept auto part makers in business....keeping money exchanging hands....all of this kept us afloat and allowed our economy to continue to grow, eventually on its own, without the govt's assistance....this lead to more jobs.
So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

Since you lefties claim unemployment went down, are you saying the poor people created job? If those that have the ability to hire others didn't hire them, who did?
But you don't hire people just because you have some spare change in your pocket...

You hire people because your sales have increased to the point of needing another person to make more widgets or another person to serve more customers.

All that and you still didn't answer either question.
The stimulus helped....I know you guys on the rightwing don't want to admit such, but it did help...and all the refinancing programs for people underwater in their mortgages also helped with less foreclosures keeping the housing market from even falling further, a lot of little things helped, more food stamp help, the bailout of the auto industry kept auto part makers in business....keeping money exchanging hands....this kept us afloat and allowed our economy to continue to grow, eventually on its own, without the govt's assistance....this lead to more jobs.

Oh, the Obama gets all the credit answer?

If so many more are working, why are so many million more on food stamps under Obama than Bush at the SAME unemployment rate? Go ahead, find some excuse for the black President.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

Since you lefties claim unemployment went down, are you saying the poor people created job? If those that have the ability to hire others didn't hire them, who did?
But you don't hire people just because you have some spare change in your pocket...

You hire people because your sales have increased to the point of needing another person to make more widgets or another person to serve more customers.

All that and you still didn't answer either question.
The stimulus helped....I know you guys on the rightwing don't want to admit such, but it did help...and all the refinancing programs for people underwater in their mortgages also helped with less foreclosures keeping the housing market from even falling further, a lot of little things helped, more food stamp help, the bailout of the auto industry kept auto part makers in business....keeping money exchanging hands....this kept us afloat and allowed our economy to continue to grow, eventually on its own, without the govt's assistance....this lead to more jobs.

Oh, the Obama gets all the credit answer?

If so many more are working, why are so many million more on food stamps under Obama than Bush at the SAME unemployment rate? Go ahead, find some excuse for the black President.
Why did you have to mention he was a Black president? Are you a racist?

Food stamp handouts have been dropping the past year or two, since our economy has started to get better.
For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

First, you are correct in that the richest 1% are just getting richer. They are creating jobs...but not very good ones.

Second, we do need to tax the rich at a higher rate. I've always said, I'd trade one dollar in additional taxes for 3 dollars in spending cuts.

And we do need spending cuts.

We are nearly 20 Trillion in DEBT. How do you expect to sustain that.

Your myth of velocity (and it is just that....a hypothetical that has somehow become truth even though never proven) is just that....never proven.

I am O.K with a minimum wage of 9 to 10 dollars an hour with exceptions for part time workers under 18. 15 dollars an hour will kill many small businesses....
For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

So how is she going to reduce federal taxes in the already over taxed American Middle Class?
Well, it's simply not just taxes that affects the middle class.....there are many many middle class families who already do not pay any federal income tax....so things like Donald's tax write off with no cap for childcare, is primarily for those who are wealthy and spend $10k plus per child for child care or basically, they are doing better than most of those in the middle class are doing...

Most citizens do not have enough tax write offs to take deductions and they file the short form....

So in Hillary's tax plan, parents with children would get a tax credit for child care instead of this cap lifted on the deduction for child care thingy....that only benefits those who takes deductions when filing and have a very prestigious and costly child care service, this is better for the middle class....a credit is better than a 'deduction' any day of the week...

We have some of the lowest tax rates in our history and we are taking in each year in revenues at the lowest percentage of GDP in recent history as well....

in hillary's plan, the middle class federal income taxes are not raised, but the very wealthiest's taxes are raised...this reduces our deficits, which reduces the need to print money and accelerate inflation, which benefits the middle class the most...short and long term imo.

Using some of these extra revenues to fix our infrastructure problems is also beneficial to the construction field of workers which has been suffering since the housing bust....middle class workers of all kinds...will benefit by jobs added, and all of us and our children will benefit simply by building up this infrastructure...

Trump's plan now has changed some from what he first spoke about and I read he's using the ''ryan'' tax plan now....

it's mostly a joke, a gift horse for the very very very wealthiest and adds debt from here to kingdom come.... that means inflation...

Well, Trump will REDUCE Middle Class tax rates as well as everyone elses. Given his broader tax cuts, the likelihood that the final tax bill + subsidy > a straight benefit for child care is something we can only estimate, IF BOTH candidates get their full agenda through Congress and into law.

But the Middle Class has been getting gang banged by the corporate lobbyists, media and sell out Congress critters since 1970 and my preference is for the tax cut up front AND the child care paid up front also.

How we can pay for it is a problem, but after they handed out $4 trillion to wall street banksters, I figure they can work that out for us like they did for them.
Hillary had a good speech today, but it was fundamentally flawed, in that it ignored her track record of Pay to Play administration. For example she has claimed to want to stop the clear cutting of the Amazon forest, and then she uses her influence to get the Columbian government to approve a land lease to a resource bidnessman from Canada that did exactly that to dozens of square miles of Rain Forest. Why?

Because he got a Canadian business association to give Bill millions in speaking fees. She She cleared the way for the XL pipeline after promising to oppose it because of donations and speaking fees to Bill again, and the same thing is true for preventing the nation of India getting nuclear technology; she switched once a donation came in. Of course she claims it was all mere coincidence like the $400 million that went to Iran to get hostages released was all just coincidence and not a ransom, lol.

The problem with Hillary is not so much her proposals and honesty so much as it is the odds of her not switching her position due to donations and favors. That is what Crony Capitalism is all about friends.

And she also proposed to build shovel ready project, repair our nations infrastructure, etc, but why has this not been done ALREADY? She is running as Obama 2.0, so if Obama has not done it yet, why should anyone believe that Hillary will?

Hillary also has this problem of self contradiction in principle. For example, she says that Trumps plan will bankrupt the nation and then complains that he is not giving away enough money to working Moms by giving a reduction to taxable income for child care instead of a financial hand out to pay for it all. Why should anyone believe anything she says since the last donation to the Clinton Foundation will always count for more in her mind than any number of promises to stupid voters?

Hillary also has a problem with distinguishing the real world from her policy paper world. While saying that she will reinvigorate our nations power grid using Clean Energy may sound promising, it is not a Reality as of yet, which is why various green energy companies have gone out of business despite government help. No, we cannot wait 5 to ten years for the green energy research to catch up to what we already hav ein coal and shale oil, two forms of energy Hillary want to penalize due to supposed Global Warming affects which is an absolute disaster of a theory. And even if you think it is proven to be real, then why not pressure India and China to clean up their act instead of shutting down perfectly good coal here at home?

Hillarys speech was a good speech in style, etc, but as to the facts? She completely contradicts each and every one of them.

I missed her speech, but I missed Trump's speech as well. Did Hillary promise free college for everyone as Bernie did?
Hillary Clinton's 'Family First' economic plan explained
highlights for you

For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

That's a myth that exists only in first year economics books.

It's never been proven in reality.
How do we prove it in reality if we dont try it.

I say giving me a $4 trillion dollar hand out like they gave Wall Street Banks will greatly stimulate the economy, lets test that one first. :)
I missed her speech, but I missed Trump's speech as well. Did Hillary promise free college for everyone as Bernie did?
Hillary Clinton's 'Family First' economic plan explained
highlights for you

For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

That's a myth that exists only in first year economics books.

It's never been proven in reality.
How do we prove it in reality if we dont try it.

I say giving me a $4 trillion dollar hand out like they gave Wall Street Banks will greatly stimulate the economy, lets test that one first. :)

We have tried it. Nobody an connect the dots they think exist.

Our stimulus sucked.

All the academics in the world don't means squat when you look at slow and sluggish the economy has been...especially given that it is the 1% who are now almost exclusively benefitting from new wealth.

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