Hillary's Tax Speech; an Exercise in Fantasy and False Promises

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

Since you lefties claim unemployment went down, are you saying the poor people created job? If those that have the ability to hire others didn't hire them, who did?
But you don't hire people just because you have some spare change in your pocket...

You hire people because your sales have increased to the point of needing another person to make more widgets or another person to serve more customers.

Actually Care...people only invest in businesses if they have good reason to believe that the capital they are risking will return adequate returns in profit. There is no such thing as "trickle down" economics...it's always been "trickle up" economics and it will always remain "trickle up"! If you tell me that you're going to increase the taxes on the profits that I might make from building a new widget factory here in the US then I'm going to take that into account when I decide whether or not to pull the trigger on spending that money and more importantly when I decide if the US is the best place economically to do business. It's a global economy. The super rich and multinational corporations have no reason to invest in America under Clinton's proposed tax changes.
For those of you who slept through your economics classes or never signed up for them...Hillary Clinton's economic "plan" is a watered down version of the same kind of stimulus spending on infrastructure that failed to create jobs. She threw in some assorted giveaways to her voting base...government subsidies for college, paid family leave for the parents of newborns and a $15 an hour national minimum wage all of which is going to suck money out of the Private Sector and hurt job creation. What's pathetic is that she want's you to believe that she'll pay for all these things by raising taxes on the wealthy and on corporations! The reason I say pathetic is that anyone who thinks Hillary is going to bite the hand that fed her all those millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is as naive as they come.
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

But you think they WILL if you raise their taxes? Come on Care...use your head for something more than a hat rack!
It puts as much money or MORE in the private sector citizen worker's hands....the employee's hands.... and then from their hands, directly in to the economy.

How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

But you think they WILL if you raise their taxes? Come on Care...use your head for something more than a hat rack!
What are we going to do Oldstyle, never ever commit to spending any tax monies on our infrastructure to fix and repair and improve it for future generations?
How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

But you think they WILL if you raise their taxes? Come on Care...use your head for something more than a hat rack!
What are we going to do Oldstyle, never ever commit to spending any tax monies on our infrastructure to fix and repair and improve it for future generations?

Wait a second...have we NOT been paying gasoline and tire taxes for decades that were supposed to go towards fixing roads and bridges? The American taxpayer has BEEN committed to infrastructure spending! It's our elected officials who have taken the monies raised for that purpose and diverted those funds to pay for other government programs.
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

But you think they WILL if you raise their taxes? Come on Care...use your head for something more than a hat rack!
What are we going to do Oldstyle, never ever commit to spending any tax monies on our infrastructure to fix and repair and improve it for future generations?

Wait a second...have we NOT been paying gasoline and tire taxes for decades that were supposed to go towards fixing roads and bridges? The American taxpayer has BEEN committed to infrastructure spending! It's our elected officials who have taken the monies raised for that purpose and diverted those funds to pay for other government programs.
that's not the main problem, the main problem is that the federal gas tax has not kept up with inflation and has much less buying power, the federal gas tax has not been raised since 1993.

and the second biggest problem is that people are driving less due to gasoline prices rising so much under President Bush and car drivers are using less gasoline to drive, with more fuel efficient cars.

And the highways and bridges are just a tip of all of our infrastructure needs, electric grids, sewer systems, water pipes, natural gas pipelines, railways, airports upgrading all schools with computers for students etc... just so many things have already fallen by the wayside.
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How does that work, Care? You take money from taxpayers...run it through a bloated and inefficient Federal Government and then give what's left BACK to taxpayers? And you think that's effective economic policy? In what alternative universe? Here's a novel concept...let people keep their hard earned money and let them spend it on the things they want to! Big government politicians love having the power to play with other folks money. That's what this is all about...power!
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

But you think they WILL if you raise their taxes? Come on Care...use your head for something more than a hat rack!
What are we going to do Oldstyle, never ever commit to spending any tax monies on our infrastructure to fix and repair and improve it for future generations?

We do commit money to infrastructure. I drive through detours all the time that they fix roads....that don't need to be fixed.

So, please don't talk about this in the context of it being a good thing.

I've seen tax money wasted time and time again.
Every dollar the middle class and poor earn or get, goes right back in to the local economy...this also has a ripple effect.

So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

But you think they WILL if you raise their taxes? Come on Care...use your head for something more than a hat rack!
What are we going to do Oldstyle, never ever commit to spending any tax monies on our infrastructure to fix and repair and improve it for future generations?

We do commit money to infrastructure. I drive through detours all the time that they fix roads....that don't need to be fixed.

So, please don't talk about this in the context of it being a good thing.

I've seen tax money wasted time and time again.
we all have seen it...
The Federal money collected goes right back to the States transportation fund... whatever you see wasted... is at the State level, even if it is from federal funds.

WE ALL need to pay attention more to our own politicians within our State and hold them to their wastefulness!
So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

But you think they WILL if you raise their taxes? Come on Care...use your head for something more than a hat rack!
What are we going to do Oldstyle, never ever commit to spending any tax monies on our infrastructure to fix and repair and improve it for future generations?

We do commit money to infrastructure. I drive through detours all the time that they fix roads....that don't need to be fixed.

So, please don't talk about this in the context of it being a good thing.

I've seen tax money wasted time and time again.
we all have seen it...
The Federal money collected goes right back to the States transportation fund... whatever you see wasted... is at the State level, even if it is from federal funds.

WE ALL need to pay attention more to our own politicians within our State and hold them to their wastefulness!

Once that happens.....I'll be on board.

Right now...forget it.

There is to much corruption.

When the paving contractors of Missouri run adds against candidates who don't support huge expenditures on state infrastructure....you know something is wrong.
So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

But you think they WILL if you raise their taxes? Come on Care...use your head for something more than a hat rack!
What are we going to do Oldstyle, never ever commit to spending any tax monies on our infrastructure to fix and repair and improve it for future generations?

Wait a second...have we NOT been paying gasoline and tire taxes for decades that were supposed to go towards fixing roads and bridges? The American taxpayer has BEEN committed to infrastructure spending! It's our elected officials who have taken the monies raised for that purpose and diverted those funds to pay for other government programs.
that's not the main problem, the main problem is that the federal gas tax has not kept up with inflation and has much less buying power, the federal gas tax has not been raised since 1993.

and the second biggest problem is that people are driving less due to gasoline prices rising so much under President Bush and car drivers are using less gasoline to drive, with more fuel efficient cars.

And the highways and bridges are just a tip of all of our infrastructure needs, electric grids, sewer systems, water pipes, natural gas pipelines, railways, airports upgrading all schools with computers for students etc... just so many things have already fallen by the wayside.

There are a lot more cars now than there were in 1993.

Most Highway and bridge infrastructure is State responsibility and are paid for from state gas taxes and bond issues. Interstate Highways and US highways are a dual responsibility. Sewer system, water pipes and school computers are paid for by cities and county taxes. The electric grid is the responsibility of the electric companies and gas pipelines are the gas companies job. Railways are maintained by the railroad companies and Airports are owned and operated by cities,counties and the airlines.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

But you think they WILL if you raise their taxes? Come on Care...use your head for something more than a hat rack!
What are we going to do Oldstyle, never ever commit to spending any tax monies on our infrastructure to fix and repair and improve it for future generations?

Wait a second...have we NOT been paying gasoline and tire taxes for decades that were supposed to go towards fixing roads and bridges? The American taxpayer has BEEN committed to infrastructure spending! It's our elected officials who have taken the monies raised for that purpose and diverted those funds to pay for other government programs.
What you need to know about state and federal gas taxes
that's not the main problem, the main problem is that the federal gas tax has not kept up with inflation and has much less buying power, the federal gas tax has not been raised since 1993.

and the second biggest problem is that people are driving less due to gasoline prices rising so much under President Bush and car drivers are using less gasoline to drive, with more fuel efficient cars.

And the highways and bridges are just a tip of all of our infrastructure needs, electric grids, sewer systems, water pipes, natural gas pipelines, railways, airports upgrading all schools with computers for students etc... just so many things have already fallen by the wayside.

There are a lot more cars now than there were in 1993.

Most Highway and bridge infrastructure is State responsibility and are paid for from state gas taxes and bond issues. Interstate Highways and US highways are a dual responsibility. Sewer system, water pipes and school computers are paid for by cities and county taxes. The electric grid is the responsibility of the electric companies and gas pipelines are the gas companies job. Railways are maintained by the railroad companies and Airports are owned and operated by cities,counties and the airlines.

2013 Report Card for America's Infrastructure

This is from the Society of Civil Engineers........go figure.
We need to cut other spending.

Dump the Department of Education.

Use that money to help reduce the debt......it's not like our education system is worth anything.
So after taking the money from the very people who would use it to create jobs for the people who need them...you're going to give that money back to the poor after wasting a good percentage of it in an incredibly inefficient Federal bureaucracy? Clinton isn't going to give money TO the Middle Class...she's going to TAKE money from the Middle Class because that's what you progressives ALWAYS do, Care! It's what you did with ObamaCare! The Middle Class in America were begging for someone to lower their health care costs. Instead of that taking place you guys passed ObamaCare which provided a few million poor people with subsidized healthcare and upped the healthcare costs of the Middle Class to pay for it. Clinton's promise to go after the wealthy is just one more of her lies. The wealthy have been pouring millions into her election campaign because if there's one thing you can count on with the Clinton's...it's that they can be bought off.
Oh please stop with the rhetoric....

the very wealthiest didn't go out and create jobs with the tax break they got in the Bush tax cuts....and continued to get under Obama for a few years.

But you think they WILL if you raise their taxes? Come on Care...use your head for something more than a hat rack!
What are we going to do Oldstyle, never ever commit to spending any tax monies on our infrastructure to fix and repair and improve it for future generations?

We do commit money to infrastructure. I drive through detours all the time that they fix roads....that don't need to be fixed.

So, please don't talk about this in the context of it being a good thing.

I've seen tax money wasted time and time again.
we all have seen it...
The Federal money collected goes right back to the States transportation fund... whatever you see wasted... is at the State level, even if it is from federal funds.

WE ALL need to pay attention more to our own politicians within our State and hold them to their wastefulness![/QUOTE

Oh, it's those wasteful "State" politicians that are the problem? LOL 25% of gasoline taxes collected are now spent on things OTHER than what the tax was originally intended to do...which was to maintain our interstate highway system and that diversion of tax monies is done by the Federal government.

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