Hiring Bolton a betrayal to trump base

Hiring John Bolton Would Be a Betrayal of Donald Trump's Base

Yup...another slap in the face to his base. He will now have China buying agricultural needs from other countries and he will also be leaning on Bolton to start a war.

You trump voters bent over and took one in the rear...how does it feel now?

We are in the betrayal phase of the Trump Presidency.

Massive spending, no wall, and a tariff war.

All he needs to do now is attack some third world country.

Why do you think he brought in Bolton. There really is no other explanation

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Well, who is gonna be?
The Trump base loves Bolton. It's the democrat base that hates him. Proof that the world is upside and ass backwards in the liberal mind.

Of course the Trump base loves Bolton, he is a warmonger that lacks the balls to fight himself...just like all the Trump zealots on here

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--------------------------------- yeah , 70 year old man with old 'bone spurs' on the Battlefield . Heck , The TRUMP has Doctor Verified Bone Spurs in the 60s and here you want The TRUMP with his old , decrepit bone spurs on a battlefield . That doesn't make sense GGator . :afro:

Actually I would rather the POTUS did not start any new wars.

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--------------------------------------------------- i personally think that The 'CiC' TRUMP will only go to war if it is 'needed' to preserve the USA , its integrity and security and standing in the world GGator .

I personally think that Trump wants a war in the worst kind of way. He wants to go down in the history books as a war time president that led the US to victory. It will be the best victory in the long history of victories. Nobody does war like Trump does war....

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-------------------------------- i don't think that he'd start a war for grins . Then again if he fights a needed war against the 'norks' or 'iranians' so as to stop their nuke and nuke delivery and missile reentry development then that that'd probably be ok with me . I mean , who wants the 'norks or 'iranians' to have 'nukes' that can destroy the USA . Why allow them the ability to nuke the USA GGator .
I always tell people, Trump has to do 2 things in order to be the best President in the last 50 years.

1. Don't start a war
2. Improve the economy.

The bar has been set that low.
Hiring John Bolton Would Be a Betrayal of Donald Trump's Base

Yup...another slap in the face to his base. He will now have China buying agricultural needs from other countries and he will also be leaning on Bolton to start a war.

You trump voters bent over and took one in the rear...how does it feel now?

We are in the betrayal phase of the Trump Presidency.

Massive spending, no wall, and a tariff war.

All he needs to do now is attack some third world country.

Why do you think he brought in Bolton. There really is no other explanation

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Well, who is gonna be?

The easy money would say NK, but I think Bolton wants to finish what he started under Bush II so my money is on Iran

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Of course the Trump base loves Bolton, he is a warmonger that lacks the balls to fight himself...just like all the Trump zealots on here

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--------------------------------- yeah , 70 year old man with old 'bone spurs' on the Battlefield . Heck , The TRUMP has Doctor Verified Bone Spurs in the 60s and here you want The TRUMP with his old , decrepit bone spurs on a battlefield . That doesn't make sense GGator . :afro:

Actually I would rather the POTUS did not start any new wars.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
--------------------------------------------------- i personally think that The 'CiC' TRUMP will only go to war if it is 'needed' to preserve the USA , its integrity and security and standing in the world GGator .

I personally think that Trump wants a war in the worst kind of way. He wants to go down in the history books as a war time president that led the US to victory. It will be the best victory in the long history of victories. Nobody does war like Trump does war....

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-------------------------------- i don't think that he'd start a war for grins . Then again if he fights a needed war against the 'norks' or 'iranians' so as to stop their nuke and nuke delivery and missile reentry development then that that'd probably be ok with me . I mean , who wants the 'norks or 'iranians' to have 'nukes' that can destroy the USA . Why allow them the ability to nuke the USA GGator .

Not for grins, for ego. Ego drives everything Trump does.

If you think that Iran or NK could destroy the US, even with nukes you must shit yourself every time you think about Russia or China.

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Hiring John Bolton Would Be a Betrayal of Donald Trump's Base

Yup...another slap in the face to his base. He will now have China buying agricultural needs from other countries and he will also be leaning on Bolton to start a war.

You trump voters bent over and took one in the rear...how does it feel now?

We are in the betrayal phase of the Trump Presidency.

Massive spending, no wall, and a tariff war.

All he needs to do now is attack some third world country.

Why do you think he brought in Bolton. There really is no other explanation

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I don't really agree. Trump's simply a school bully who didn't get schooled. When EU Canada and Mexico called him out over tariffs, he folded. He can bully Muslim-Americans and illegal immigrants because ... he can. Hillary? What's she gonna say: He's a crooked guy who likes fucking women who give up sex to get something? LOL

Mattis is against getting out of the Iran deal. And frankly he's right because our getting out won't change Iran's behavior at all, and we'll be further at odds with the countries that supported the trade embargos Hillary negotiated. McMaster was against getting out too. Trump's putting Bolton in to argue against Mattis. Trump is intimidated by "Mad Dog" Mattis. Who can possibly out crazy Bolton? John Belushi?
The Trump base loves Bolton. It's the democrat base that hates him. Proof that the world is upside and ass backwards in the liberal mind.

Of course the Trump base loves Bolton, he is a warmonger that lacks the balls to fight himself...just like all the Trump zealots on here

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
--------------------------------- yeah , 70 year old man with old 'bone spurs' on the Battlefield . Heck , The TRUMP has Doctor Verified Bone Spurs in the 60s and here you want The TRUMP with his old , decrepit bone spurs on a battlefield . That doesn't make sense GGator . :afro:

Actually I would rather the POTUS did not start any new wars.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
--------------------------------------------------- i personally think that The 'CiC' TRUMP will only go to war if it is 'needed' to preserve the USA , its integrity and security and standing in the world GGator .

I personally think that Trump wants a war in the worst kind of way. He wants to go down in the history books as a war time president that led the US to victory. It will be the best victory in the long history of victories. Nobody does war like Trump does war....

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When someone say "I personally think"...

That's not your thinking, dupe. That's collective leftist thinking.

Here is one. I personally think that you're so butthurt, that you're cant write the sentence without screaming something-something about Trump. The good news is, you're not the only one. You're part of the "collective".

Shillian is so smart, she must be a smug style liberal.

It is a crying shame that you lack the basic intelligence to see the irony in someone using 3rd grade nicknames commenting on how smart someone else is.

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And there you are, commenting how smart I am.

That is a common problem with con trolls. They all believe themselves smart. Funny thing is, it is because they are all brain dead. Followers all.

I don't know if they're all brain dead or just uneducated and deluded.

It depends what word "educated" means.

For you lefties, it doesn't mean knowing a lot about the world...

It means being injected with the views and assumptions of your teachers and your elite. Not at all, me boy. Teachers of various levels are confident enough that they do not need to inject anyone with anything, me boy. Ever. You are "educated" if you accepted it and if you don't challenge it. I'd say, you lefties are very good at that. You are "educated" what you must think. It is as prescriptive as education in the communist countries. Now that is stupid. Looks to me that you have not been to any level of school, me boy. At all. As a student of any school of higher education, what you suggest is rejected. But it is what conservatives do, according to studies. Because cons like you need to be told what to believe. Actual thinking people want to be shown various reasoning, based on things like evidence, truth, studies, and so on.

You think... or you know I am uneducated? Let's compare it. I'll put my MSE and MCS against anything you got, without even bothering with another I am aiming to get for some time now. I do not "aim" at anything, me boy. My degrees are long since earned and stored. But you? I think you are simply a keyboard genius. By the way, you should be careful of what you put in writing. When you say "anything you got", you showed you do not know the basics of english composition. A simple freshman class should have shown you that you look like a 5th grader.

Let me educate you, me boy. You said, above:
"It means being injected with the views and assumptions of your teachers and your elite."
1. Education is never injected. You may inject drugs, but not thought. Even con trolls like yourself do not have thought injected into them. Though I am sure you would like it if were possible.
2. without question I have listened to teachers, who always were impartial. But I never in my life listened to an elite. Stupid accusation, stupid accuser, me boy.

"You are "educated" if you accepted it and if you don't challenge it. " Hardly, me boy. Really, I am more and more certain you have no education. Because that just does not happen in a school of higher education.
"You are "educated" what you must think". Sorry, me boy. Back to a freshman comp class, because that is not even a complete sentence, and makes no sense. Nice try, though.

"It is as prescriptive as education in the communist countries". Another non sentence, me boy. Back again to freshman comp As a con, you seem to be suggesting someone, I guess myself, is a communist. I am not, never have been, and do not even know a communist. You aught to understand, though, that communism is pretty much dead, and never really existed in a pure form. The less important countries that claim to be communist are really socialist with a couple communist traits. And, me boy, they are failing. As all communist countries do. Really a stupid post, me boy.

Really, me boy, you are a mess. A freshman english comp class would be a good start. But stupid is as stupid does, and there is nothing much you are going to be able to do about it.
It is a crying shame that you lack the basic intelligence to see the irony in someone using 3rd grade nicknames commenting on how smart someone else is.

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And there you are, commenting how smart I am.

That is a common problem with con trolls. They all believe themselves smart. Funny thing is, it is because they are all brain dead. Followers all.

I don't know if they're all brain dead or just uneducated and deluded.

It depends what word "educated" means.

For you lefties, it doesn't mean knowing a lot about the world...

It means being injected with the views and assumptions of your teachers and your elite. Not at all, me boy. Teachers of various levels are confident enough that they do not need to inject anyone with anything, me boy. Ever. You are "educated" if you accepted it and if you don't challenge it. I'd say, you lefties are very good at that. You are "educated" what you must think. It is as prescriptive as education in the communist countries. Now that is stupid. Looks to me that you have not been to any level of school, me boy. At all. As a student of any school of higher education, what you suggest is rejected. But it is what conservatives do, according to studies. Because cons like you need to be told what to believe. Actual thinking people want to be shown various reasoning, based on things like evidence, truth, studies, and so on.

You think... or you know I am uneducated? Let's compare it. I'll put my MSE and MCS against anything you got, without even bothering with another I am aiming to get for some time now. I do not "aim" at anything, me boy. My degrees are long since earned and stored. But you? I think you are simply a keyboard genius. By the way, you should be careful of what you put in writing. When you say "anything you got", you showed you do not know the basics of english composition. A simple freshman class should have shown you that you look like a 5th grader.

Let me educate you, me boy. You said, above:
"It means being injected with the views and assumptions of your teachers and your elite."
1. Education is never injected. You may inject drugs, but not thought. Even con trolls like yourself do not have thought injected into them. Though I am sure you would like it if were possible.
2. without question I have listened to teachers, who always were impartial. But I never in my life listened to an elite. Stupid accusation, stupid accuser, me boy.

"You are "educated" if you accepted it and if you don't challenge it. " Hardly, me boy. Really, I am more and more certain you have no education. Because that just does not happen in a school of higher education.
"You are "educated" what you must think". Sorry, me boy. Back to a freshman comp class, because that is not even a complete sentence, and makes no sense. Nice try, though.

"It is as prescriptive as education in the communist countries". Another non sentence, me boy. Back again to freshman comp As a con, you seem to be suggesting someone, I guess myself, is a communist. I am not, never have been, and do not even know a communist. You aught to understand, though, that communism is pretty much dead, and never really existed in a pure form. The less important countries that claim to be communist are really socialist with a couple communist traits. And, me boy, they are failing. As all communist countries do. Really a stupid post, me boy.

Really, me boy, you are a mess. A freshman english comp class would be a good start. But stupid is as stupid does, and there is nothing much you are going to be able to do about it.

Educated people learn how to think for themselves. For example, educated will find the way to quote properly, to make it easier for others to follow. Educated don't need to use insults (me boy) to make the point. If their point is valid, it will be heard. You got that, you "educated" shitstain?
--------------------------------- yeah , 70 year old man with old 'bone spurs' on the Battlefield . Heck , The TRUMP has Doctor Verified Bone Spurs in the 60s and here you want The TRUMP with his old , decrepit bone spurs on a battlefield . That doesn't make sense GGator . :afro:

Actually I would rather the POTUS did not start any new wars.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
--------------------------------------------------- i personally think that The 'CiC' TRUMP will only go to war if it is 'needed' to preserve the USA , its integrity and security and standing in the world GGator .

I personally think that Trump wants a war in the worst kind of way. He wants to go down in the history books as a war time president that led the US to victory. It will be the best victory in the long history of victories. Nobody does war like Trump does war....

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
-------------------------------- i don't think that he'd start a war for grins . Then again if he fights a needed war against the 'norks' or 'iranians' so as to stop their nuke and nuke delivery and missile reentry development then that that'd probably be ok with me . I mean , who wants the 'norks or 'iranians' to have 'nukes' that can destroy the USA . Why allow them the ability to nuke the USA GGator .

Not for grins, for ego. Ego drives everything Trump does.

If you think that Iran or NK could destroy the US, even with nukes you must shit yourself every time you think about Russia or China.

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---------------------------------- i don't worry about it , i don't live in a big city GGator .
--------------------------------- yeah , 70 year old man with old 'bone spurs' on the Battlefield . Heck , The TRUMP has Doctor Verified Bone Spurs in the 60s and here you want The TRUMP with his old , decrepit bone spurs on a battlefield . That doesn't make sense GGator . :afro:

Actually I would rather the POTUS did not start any new wars.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
--------------------------------------------------- i personally think that The 'CiC' TRUMP will only go to war if it is 'needed' to preserve the USA , its integrity and security and standing in the world GGator .

I personally think that Trump wants a war in the worst kind of way. He wants to go down in the history books as a war time president that led the US to victory. It will be the best victory in the long history of victories. Nobody does war like Trump does war....

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When someone say "I personally think"... Freshman english comp would help, because that is not a sentence. Bad tense, bad construction. You created an unreadable scramble of words.

That's not your thinking, dupe. That's collective leftist thinking.
And that is your opinion. The opinion of someone with no standing. Stupid, in other words.

Here is one. I personally think that you're so butthurt, that you're cant write the sentence without screaming something-something about Trump. The good news is, you're not the only one. You're part of the "collective".
Great. Your opinion again. And you know how much we value your opinion.


Do you have any argument related to the content, or you're just a grammar-Nazi?

If you can't figure out how to quote, maybe you should ask someone more "educated".
And there you are, commenting how smart I am.

That is a common problem with con trolls. They all believe themselves smart. Funny thing is, it is because they are all brain dead. Followers all.

I don't know if they're all brain dead or just uneducated and deluded.

It depends what word "educated" means.

For you lefties, it doesn't mean knowing a lot about the world...

It means being injected with the views and assumptions of your teachers and your elite. Not at all, me boy. Teachers of various levels are confident enough that they do not need to inject anyone with anything, me boy. Ever. You are "educated" if you accepted it and if you don't challenge it. I'd say, you lefties are very good at that. You are "educated" what you must think. It is as prescriptive as education in the communist countries. Now that is stupid. Looks to me that you have not been to any level of school, me boy. At all. As a student of any school of higher education, what you suggest is rejected. But it is what conservatives do, according to studies. Because cons like you need to be told what to believe. Actual thinking people want to be shown various reasoning, based on things like evidence, truth, studies, and so on.

You think... or you know I am uneducated? Let's compare it. I'll put my MSE and MCS against anything you got, without even bothering with another I am aiming to get for some time now. I do not "aim" at anything, me boy. My degrees are long since earned and stored. But you? I think you are simply a keyboard genius. By the way, you should be careful of what you put in writing. When you say "anything you got", you showed you do not know the basics of english composition. A simple freshman class should have shown you that you look like a 5th grader.

Let me educate you, me boy. You said, above:
"It means being injected with the views and assumptions of your teachers and your elite."
1. Education is never injected. You may inject drugs, but not thought. Even con trolls like yourself do not have thought injected into them. Though I am sure you would like it if were possible.
2. without question I have listened to teachers, who always were impartial. But I never in my life listened to an elite. Stupid accusation, stupid accuser, me boy.

"You are "educated" if you accepted it and if you don't challenge it. " Hardly, me boy. Really, I am more and more certain you have no education. Because that just does not happen in a school of higher education.
"You are "educated" what you must think". Sorry, me boy. Back to a freshman comp class, because that is not even a complete sentence, and makes no sense. Nice try, though.

"It is as prescriptive as education in the communist countries". Another non sentence, me boy. Back again to freshman comp As a con, you seem to be suggesting someone, I guess myself, is a communist. I am not, never have been, and do not even know a communist. You aught to understand, though, that communism is pretty much dead, and never really existed in a pure form. The less important countries that claim to be communist are really socialist with a couple communist traits. And, me boy, they are failing. As all communist countries do. Really a stupid post, me boy.

Really, me boy, you are a mess. A freshman english comp class would be a good start. But stupid is as stupid does, and there is nothing much you are going to be able to do about it.

Educated people learn how to think for themselves. For example, educated will find the way to quote properly, to make it easier for others to follow.Educated what, me boy. Really, freshman english comp would help you. Educated don't need to use insults (me boy) to make the point "Me boy" is a term of endearment. It is not an insult. Look up insult, and try to understand what an insult actually is. For instance, you called me a "shitstain". Now that, me boy, IS an insult.. If their point is valid, it will be heard. You got that, you "educated" shitstain?
"You got that" is improper english. Again. Try repeating "do you understand that" a hundred times, see if it helps.
You need a new hobby, me boy. You are not good at working with composition of the english language.
Really, I try to educate you a bit, and I receive no thanks from you. You could use, along with a class in english comp, a class in gratitude. Me boy.
Actually I would rather the POTUS did not start any new wars.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
--------------------------------------------------- i personally think that The 'CiC' TRUMP will only go to war if it is 'needed' to preserve the USA , its integrity and security and standing in the world GGator .

I personally think that Trump wants a war in the worst kind of way. He wants to go down in the history books as a war time president that led the US to victory. It will be the best victory in the long history of victories. Nobody does war like Trump does war....

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When someone say "I personally think"... Freshman english comp would help, because that is not a sentence. Bad tense, bad construction. You created an unreadable scramble of words.

That's not your thinking, dupe. That's collective leftist thinking.
And that is your opinion. The opinion of someone with no standing. Stupid, in other words.

Here is one. I personally think that you're so butthurt, that you're cant write the sentence without screaming something-something about Trump. The good news is, you're not the only one. You're part of the "collective".
Great. Your opinion again. And you know how much we value your opinion.


Do you have any argument related to the content, or you're just a grammar-Nazi?

If you can't figure out how to quote, maybe you should ask someone more "educated".

Yes, indeed, if you could construct a sentence that is close to readable, I may comment on it. But thanks for trying, me poor con troll.
Relying on Russian propaganda. Lol. At least you have come out of the closet. The rest of the libs need to come out.

Really, maybe you should stop posting and find a new hobby. This is not, me boy, russian propaganda. It is simply how the thinking people of the world see trump. Sorry, you are not a thinking person. You do not get to play.
RT is directed by the Kremlin. Keep pushing their agenda like a good little marxist.

So, I have no idea why you are referencing RT. I know what RT is, me boy. And as such, I never use it as a reference. Period. Perhaps it is something you saw when your head was up your ass.
--------------------------------------------------- i personally think that The 'CiC' TRUMP will only go to war if it is 'needed' to preserve the USA , its integrity and security and standing in the world GGator .

I personally think that Trump wants a war in the worst kind of way. He wants to go down in the history books as a war time president that led the US to victory. It will be the best victory in the long history of victories. Nobody does war like Trump does war....

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

When someone say "I personally think"... Freshman english comp would help, because that is not a sentence. Bad tense, bad construction. You created an unreadable scramble of words.

That's not your thinking, dupe. That's collective leftist thinking.
And that is your opinion. The opinion of someone with no standing. Stupid, in other words.

Here is one. I personally think that you're so butthurt, that you're cant write the sentence without screaming something-something about Trump. The good news is, you're not the only one. You're part of the "collective".
Great. Your opinion again. And you know how much we value your opinion.


Do you have any argument related to the content, or you're just a grammar-Nazi?

If you can't figure out how to quote, maybe you should ask someone more "educated".

Yes, indeed, if you could construct a sentence that is close to readable, I may comment on it. But thanks for trying, me poor con troll.

Right. You're so high above that you can't climb down so low to talk to me. It seems your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

Perhaps you should look at your own grammar before you address my grammar again.
Ever wonder WHY U.S. banks REFUSE to lend Trump a dime, forcing this charlatan to look for financing from oligarchs???
Ever wonder why snowflakes are so pi$$ed about people like Trump doing things LEGALLY?

Getting money from 'oligarchs'? Hillary took $145 million from the GB Bank while Bill met directly with Vladimir Putin.... Bwuhahahaha.....

Any proof, or do you just like posting con talking points. What you are suggesting has been disproven many times. Now, try an actual link I have provided to Politifact, which proves you are wrong. Which is why you have no independent source to point to. Makes you look like a con troll. Which, as we all know, is exactly what you are.
Fact-checking Donald Trump’s tweets about Hillary Clinton and Russia
Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia

I personally think that Trump wants a war in the worst kind of way. He wants to go down in the history books as a war time president that led the US to victory. It will be the best victory in the long history of victories. Nobody does war like Trump does war....

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

When someone say "I personally think"... Freshman english comp would help, because that is not a sentence. Bad tense, bad construction. You created an unreadable scramble of words.

That's not your thinking, dupe. That's collective leftist thinking.
And that is your opinion. The opinion of someone with no standing. Stupid, in other words.

Here is one. I personally think that you're so butthurt, that you're cant write the sentence without screaming something-something about Trump. The good news is, you're not the only one. You're part of the "collective".
Great. Your opinion again. And you know how much we value your opinion.


Do you have any argument related to the content, or you're just a grammar-Nazi?

If you can't figure out how to quote, maybe you should ask someone more "educated".

Yes, indeed, if you could construct a sentence that is close to readable, I may comment on it. But thanks for trying, me poor con troll.

Right. You're so high above that you can't climb down so low to talk to me. It seems your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

Perhaps you should look at your own grammar before you address my grammar again.

Again, thanks for offering your opinion. My observation is that you are a simple con troll. And truth is of no interest to you.
So far, my grammar is fine. But thanks for your concern. I will keep it in mind. Me boy.
Ever wonder WHY U.S. banks REFUSE to lend Trump a dime, forcing this charlatan to look for financing from oligarchs???
Ever wonder why snowflakes are so pi$$ed about people like Trump doing things LEGALLY?

Getting money from 'oligarchs'? Hillary took $145 million from the GB Bank while Bill met directly with Vladimir Putin.... Bwuhahahaha.....

Ya...Bill was a real President!

Yes, but republicans HATE surpluses, like the ones that Bill had during his presidency. So they are relegated to trying to lie about things done during his terms, which are usually easy to prove untrue.
How is the national debt doing under our new president??
Last edited:
The Trump base loves Bolton. It's the democrat base that hates him. Proof that the world is upside and ass backwards in the liberal mind.

Of course the Trump base loves Bolton, he is a warmonger that lacks the balls to fight himself...just like all the Trump zealots on here

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--------------------------------- yeah , 70 year old man with old 'bone spurs' on the Battlefield . Heck , The TRUMP has Doctor Verified Bone Spurs in the 60s and here you want The TRUMP with his old , decrepit bone spurs on a battlefield . That doesn't make sense GGator . :afro:

Maybe. But 90% of bone spurs can be eliminated without surgery. Most of the other 10% require simple surgery. You see, I am the same age as Trump, and saw a ton of guys trying to avoid Vietnam, and bone spurs were a common method. So, rather than treat them, those wanting to avoid the draft just ignored them, looking for that coveted 4F.
Really, me boy, if you had the money Trump had at that time, from his father, and you did not want to go to Vietnam, there was no way he was going to serve. Like Bolton, he made sure he did not see Vietnam. What makes no sense is you providing cover for a draft dodger.

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