Hirono is the biggest piece of garbage we have ever had in Congress

What were Barr’s specific lies?

How come none of the resident liberals will be specific?
How many times did one of President Obama's AG's refuse to testify before the GOP led House Judiciary Committee?

Doesn’t sound like Holder was being the AG, seems like he was Obama’s personal attorney.

Holder held in contempt

At least he had the balls and brains to testify to several hostile House Committees.

President Obama didn't need a Roy Cone......
Barr testified to kkk members would kill if they could

But them mean old Democrats scared the Holy Baby Jesus out of him huh?

I don't blame him for not wanting to testify after spreading the lies ahead of the release of the Mueller report like he did. I don't blame him one bit for hiding.

What were his specific lies?

During a hearing on April 9, Congressman Charlie Crist, a Florida Democrat, asked Barr about reports that some members of Mueller's team were "frustrated at some level with the limited information" included in the AG's summary letter, specifically "that it does not adequately or accurately, necessarily, portray the report's findings. Do you know what they're referencing with that?"

"No, I don't," Barr said,

Fact check: Did William Barr perjure himself to Congress? - CNNPolitics
Obama’s DOJ was weaponized against his political enemies.

Obama is a corrupt piece of human garbage.

How many times did one of President Obama's AG's refuse to testify before the GOP led House Judiciary Committee?

Doesn’t sound like Holder was being the AG, seems like he was Obama’s personal attorney.

Holder held in contempt

At least he had the balls and brains to testify to several hostile House Committees.

President Obama didn't need a Roy Cone......
Barr testified to kkk members would kill if they could

But them mean old Democrats scared the Holy Baby Jesus out of him huh?

I don't blame him for not wanting to testify after spreading the lies ahead of the release of the Mueller report like he did. I don't blame him one bit for hiding.
He looked like a patriot to me.. I think you interpreted what you said wrong .. why?
Another non white/ male/ heterosexual that conservatives hate.
What a shock.

A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

It’s an observation. I’ve yet to see a minority or a gay person who is approved of by conservatives.

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Doesn’t sound like Holder was being the AG, seems like he was Obama’s personal attorney.

Holder held in contempt

At least he had the balls and brains to testify to several hostile House Committees.

President Obama didn't need a Roy Cone......
Barr testified to kkk members would kill if they could

But them mean old Democrats scared the Holy Baby Jesus out of him huh?

I don't blame him for not wanting to testify after spreading the lies ahead of the release of the Mueller report like he did. I don't blame him one bit for hiding.

What were his specific lies?

During a hearing on April 9, Congressman Charlie Crist, a Florida Democrat, asked Barr about reports that some members of Mueller's team were "frustrated at some level with the limited information" included in the AG's summary letter, specifically "that it does not adequately or accurately, necessarily, portray the report's findings. Do you know what they're referencing with that?"

"No, I don't," Barr said,

Fact check: Did William Barr perjure himself to Congress? - CNNPolitics

ILMAO, that's not a lie you silly sally. What the heck is wrong with you people?

Let's be honest, PROG-FBI weren't happy with any of it, because FACTS could not support their EMOTIONS. Same applies to all progs.
How many times did one of President Obama's AG's refuse to testify before the GOP led House Judiciary Committee?

Doesn’t sound like Holder was being the AG, seems like he was Obama’s personal attorney.

Holder held in contempt

At least he had the balls and brains to testify to several hostile House Committees.

President Obama didn't need a Roy Cone......
Barr testified to kkk members would kill if they could

But them mean old Democrats scared the Holy Baby Jesus out of him huh?

I don't blame him for not wanting to testify after spreading the lies ahead of the release of the Mueller report like he did. I don't blame him one bit for hiding.

DOJ official plans to plead the Fifth, refuse to testify on Fast and Furious

Meanwhile, top officials — including President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder — have been caught lying about the scheme on key points from the beginning. The lies, some made under oath, have led to growing calls by members of Congress and the public for Holder to resign or be fired. So far, however, he has refused to step down, lashing out at the media instead.

And that made Holder refuse to testify before the Committed?

The whole premise of the accusation was ridiculous.
Doesn’t sound like Holder was being the AG, seems like he was Obama’s personal attorney.

Holder held in contempt

At least he had the balls and brains to testify to several hostile House Committees.

President Obama didn't need a Roy Cone......
Barr testified to kkk members would kill if they could

But them mean old Democrats scared the Holy Baby Jesus out of him huh?

I don't blame him for not wanting to testify after spreading the lies ahead of the release of the Mueller report like he did. I don't blame him one bit for hiding.

What were his specific lies?

During a hearing on April 9, Congressman Charlie Crist, a Florida Democrat, asked Barr about reports that some members of Mueller's team were "frustrated at some level with the limited information" included in the AG's summary letter, specifically "that it does not adequately or accurately, necessarily, portray the report's findings. Do you know what they're referencing with that?"

"No, I don't," Barr said,

Fact check: Did William Barr perjure himself to Congress? - CNNPolitics

That’s your lie?

You have the entire fucking report. The summary was his interpretation.

You can read all 455 pages.

Perjury is this, Obama’s DOJ:

James Clapper Avoids Perjury Charges After 5 Years of Inaction From DOJ
At least he had the balls and brains to testify to several hostile House Committees.

President Obama didn't need a Roy Cone......
Barr testified to kkk members would kill if they could

But them mean old Democrats scared the Holy Baby Jesus out of him huh?

I don't blame him for not wanting to testify after spreading the lies ahead of the release of the Mueller report like he did. I don't blame him one bit for hiding.

What were his specific lies?

During a hearing on April 9, Congressman Charlie Crist, a Florida Democrat, asked Barr about reports that some members of Mueller's team were "frustrated at some level with the limited information" included in the AG's summary letter, specifically "that it does not adequately or accurately, necessarily, portray the report's findings. Do you know what they're referencing with that?"

"No, I don't," Barr said,

Fact check: Did William Barr perjure himself to Congress? - CNNPolitics

ILMAO, that's not a lie you silly sally. What the heck is wrong with you people?

Let's be honest, PROG-FBI weren't happy with any of it, because FACTS could not support their EMOTIONS. Same applies to all progs.

Hahaha. It's as big a lie as "I did not have sex with that woman!"
What has this stupid bitch ever accomplished?

This whole hearing yesterday was simply grandstanding.

What new facts were gleaned from the hearing?

What questions did Hirono ask? What purpose did she serve?

Dimms are trying so hard to lose in 2020.
Read the report. 10 out of 12 repubs didn't?
That the limit of your education?
What has this stupid bitch ever accomplished?

This whole hearing yesterday was simply grandstanding.

What new facts were gleaned from the hearing?

What questions did Hirono ask? What purpose did she serve?

Dimms are trying so hard to lose in 2020.

They might, too many old white farts sucking off their socialist Medicare SS VA
Read the report?. 10 out of 12 repubs didn't?
That the limit of your education?
Apologies, I just saw "fucking" to add to dimms
You have all 455 pages of the Mueller report, less sources and methods.

The DOJ was under no obligation to release the report at all.

In fact, That fat fuck Nadler did not want the Starr report released. He is a hypocritical sack of dicks.

Stop being such whiny bitches, Dimms.
You have all 455 pages of the Mueller report, less sources and methods.

The DOJ was under no obligation to release the report at all.

In fact, That fat fuck Nadler did not want the Starr report released. He is a hypocritical sack of dicks.

Stop being such whiny bitches, Dimms.

Wow, more filth.
Dead giveaway for WV zero college education.
And maybe col "If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Terrific indoctrination and socialist benefits"
What were Barr’s specific lies?

How come none of the resident liberals will be specific?

Here, have some "specific", dummy; maybe you are not yet too demented to recognize the text:

What has this stupid bitch ever accomplished?

This whole hearing yesterday was simply grandstanding.

What new facts were gleaned from the hearing?

What questions did Hirono ask? What purpose did she serve?

Dimms are trying so hard to lose in 2020.​

That worthless blab was never worth posting, much less was it worth creating a thread, since there is no issue here - just a retard opening his pustule of stinking bile, and squirting all over the place.

Now, that's specific.
What were Barr’s specific lies?

How come none of the resident liberals will be specific?

Here, have some "specific", dummy; maybe you are not yet too demented to recognize the text:

What has this stupid bitch ever accomplished?

This whole hearing yesterday was simply grandstanding.

What new facts were gleaned from the hearing?

What questions did Hirono ask? What purpose did she serve?

Dimms are trying so hard to lose in 2020.​

That worthless blab was never worth posting, much less was it worth creating a thread, since there is no issue here - just a retard opening his pustule of stinking bile, and squirting all over the place.

Now, that's specific.

Thanks for proving my point.
That worthless blab was never worth posting, much less was it worth creating a thread, since there is no issue here - just a retard opening his pustule of stinking bile, and squirting all over the place.

Sounds like typical Trumpublican politics to me.....
What has this stupid bitch ever accomplished?

This whole hearing yesterday was simply grandstanding.

What new facts were gleaned from the hearing?

What questions did Hirono ask? What purpose did she serve?

Dimms are trying so hard to lose in 2020.

Now, what did she do this time?

Ah, I see, she hurt Barr's tiny fee-fee. Shame on her!

It's about time someone rose, in manly honor and self-righteousness, to Barr's defense, stridently whining about the terrible harm inflicted upon him.
ROFL! Watch the sanctimonious hypocrites who cried buckets for that douchebag Balsey Ford if anyone dared to criticize her. Dims will always rise to defend slander, and then they cry like babies if anyone tells the truth about them.

They both share the same thing. Republicans were not interested in finding the truth so they smeared Dr Ford. They even referenced a anonymous letter saying Dr Ford had lied. Yet they ignored potential perjury by Kavanaugh. They were the ones dealing in slander.
Ford couldn't remember when or where it supposedly happened.

She gave an entire days of testimony, under oath, in front of the whole country . She gave vivid details of the event. You think it was all a lie because she didn’t remember the date?

Even the gop senators said she was believable.
All of her witnesses didn't remember any of it.
That worthless blab was never worth posting, much less was it worth creating a thread, since there is no issue here - just a retard opening his pustule of stinking bile, and squirting all over the place.

Sounds like typical Trumpublican politics to me.....

You got a point here, from "someone's gotta do the raping" to "bleading out of her whatever", the Trumpletons have no problem, except in case someone is violating decorum by pointing to mendacity without mincing words. When, in fact, this one should be a clear-cut case (and it's not the only one):

On April 10, in a back and forth between Barr and Sen. Chris Van Hollen over Barr's March 24 letter, the Maryland Democrat asked Barr, "Did Bob Mueller support your conclusion?"

"I don't know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion," Barr replied.

Even when narrowly taken, Barr's answer stretches credulity. In his letter, Mueller specifically says that Barr's summary laying out the bottom-line conclusions of the report "did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office's work and conclusions." From this, it appears Mueller was not satisfied with Barr's conclusions.​

Here Barr is obviously lying about whether he knew Mueller disapproved with the spin he (Barr) used to distort Mueller's work. Guess what, our Trumpletons have no problem with the distortion, and also not with the lying about it to Congress, and by the top law enforcement officer of the U.S. of A. They rather re-bleat the "no collusion, no obstruction, complete exoneration" line they've been fed, even though Mueller's work makes that line a lie. One of more than 10,000, one should add.

They don't eff'n care.

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