"His Property Has to Be Searched for National Security Purposes” – Rudy Giuliani on Actions to Take Against Biden

You know what I find funny as hell? Basic citizen types on here talking about classified material like they know about it.

Only around 1 percent of the American population has ever served in the military. And, not everyone in the military has to work, or has worked, around classified material.

To me, that means 99 percent of you yahoos endlessly bleating about how bad these classified leaks are don't know what you're talking about.

Me? I worked with classified material almost my whole career in the Navy (over 20 years). At a minimum, I held a confidential clearance as my job was handling all administrative paperwork for everyone in the command (and it was required for my job because of that) as well as the fact that I also had to have access to various other documents coming into the command because of being an admin type (or titless WAVE as some have called those who work in my job). When I went to my second seagoing command, I was given a Secret, then a Top Secret clearance because of some of the programs I volunteered for and was accepted to, and held those clearances for the rest of my career.

If you don't actually know how classified material works, please stop pontificating about it like you know what's what.
Biden isn't even allowed to still have these Obama white house documents... he wasn't a president he was a vice president... and you can walk across any base or camp or shipyard and see classified information everywhere you look... but If I took a CH-53 home with me I would go to prison for it... of course Biden left dozens of them in Afghanistan for China to play with so that horse has left the barn...
The idea of the FBI searching the residents could put to rest all the rumors about Biden and still having documents. Maybe they can find empty classified document folders like they did at Trumps home.
You know what I find funny as hell? Basic citizen types on here talking about classified material like they know about it.

Only around 1 percent of the American population has ever served in the military. And, not everyone in the military has to work, or has worked, around classified material.

To me, that means 99 percent of you yahoos endlessly bleating about how bad these classified leaks are don't know what you're talking about.

Me? I worked with classified material almost my whole career in the Navy (over 20 years). At a minimum, I held a confidential clearance as my job was handling all administrative paperwork for everyone in the command (and it was required for my job because of that) as well as the fact that I also had to have access to various other documents coming into the command because of being an admin type (or titless WAVE as some have called those who work in my job). When I went to my second seagoing command, I was given a Secret, then a Top Secret clearance because of some of the programs I volunteered for and was accepted to, and held those clearances for the rest of my career.

If you don't actually know how classified material works, please stop pontificating about it like you know what's what.
So why are you spouting your lies and stupidity here?
Comer is a nut. His constituents are white trash.

Dont you think Hunter should have gotten a different secretary? .... but she was hot. So maybe that had something to do with it. China knows what its doing. As for your accusations about Comer... pure hearsay.
his constituents are white trash??
You have no basis for that comment that is anywhere close to reality. You're not a serious person.

Bao received a degree at Tsinghua University, which is a recruiting hub for China’s intelligence service and has been designated a very high risk for economic espionage and links to cyber-attacks against PRC rivals. Bao then worked for the PRC’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), which oversees China’s macroeconomic planning and approves any major project that receives foreign funding. Bao joined Hunter Biden as he was attempting to do business with CEFC, a Chinese energy company closely affiliated with the Chinese government. Documents obtained by Committee Republicans reveal that Bao was also working for CEFC employees linked to the CCP. Bao appeared to be effectively running the joint venture under Hunter Biden’s name and sought to remain close to the Biden family following its collapse.
Rudy covers all the pertinent basis on Biden's crime.

He can actually talk long enough between alcohol drinks to make a statement?
Biden isn't even allowed to still have these Obama white house documents... he wasn't a president he was a vice president... and you can walk across any base or camp or shipyard and see classified information everywhere you look... but If I took a CH-53 home with me I would go to prison for it... of course Biden left dozens of them in Afghanistan for China to play with so that horse has left the barn...

Actually, he was. Obama signed an EO while he was president that included the VP as a person who could classify and declassify documents. Not sure if it's in this thread or another one, but I've linked to it via quoting a post, as well as provided a direct link and quoted the EO itself in a post I've made.
Rudy covers all the pertinent basis on Biden's crime.

This from the guy who has been disbarred in N.Y.S. for his role in the insurrection.
Rudy covers all the pertinent basis on Biden's crime.

Since Crackhead Hunter lived there every crack house in a 500 mile radius should be searched for Traitor Joe’s stolen Top Secret documents.
Actually, he was. Obama signed an EO while he was president that included the VP as a person who could classify and declassify documents. Not sure if it's in this thread or another one, but I've linked to it via quoting a post, as well as provided a direct link and quoted the EO itself in a post I've made.
Biden isn't even allowed to still have these Obama white house documents... he wasn't a president he was a vice president... and you can walk across any base or camp or shipyard and see classified information everywhere you look... but If I took a CH-53 home with me I would go to prison for it... of course Biden left dozens of them in Afghanistan for China to play with so that horse has left the barn...

While he may not have been allowed to hold onto the documents after he left the position of VP (should have returned them when he left, yeah, I said it), he WAS allowed to see them and determine the classification. Found the EO for you, here's the link.............

Here is the part where he has classification authority:

Sec. 1.3. Classification Authority. (a) The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President and the Vice President;

(2) agency heads and officials designated by the President; and

(3) United States Government officials delegated this authority pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.

And here is the part that includes his being able to declassify things (if he was the one that made it classified)...........


Sec. 3.1. Authority for Declassification. (a) Information shall be declassified as soon as it no longer meets the standards for classification under this order.

(b) Information shall be declassified or downgraded by:

(1) the official who authorized the original classification, if that official is still serving in the same position and has original classification authority;

(2) the originator's current successor in function, if that individual has original classification authority;

These are just portions of the EO, which is why I posted a link to the full thing. Would be too long to copy it into a post.
Rudy covers all the pertinent basis on Biden's crime.

This is fun.
Both sides bad. Both sides accusing the other side of being bad.
The people doing nothing but sit back with popcorn and watch while the screw the country over.
The question here is: What the fuck is wrong with the voters?
While he may not have been allowed to hold onto the documents after he left the position of VP (should have returned them when he left, yeah, I said it), he WAS allowed to see them and determine the classification. Found the EO for you, here's the link.............

Here is the part where he has classification authority:

Sec. 1.3. Classification Authority. (a) The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President and the Vice President;

(2) agency heads and officials designated by the President; and

(3) United States Government officials delegated this authority pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.

And here is the part that includes his being able to declassify things (if he was the one that made it classified)...........


Sec. 3.1. Authority for Declassification. (a) Information shall be declassified as soon as it no longer meets the standards for classification under this order.

(b) Information shall be declassified or downgraded by:

(1) the official who authorized the original classification, if that official is still serving in the same position and has original classification authority;

(2) the originator's current successor in function, if that individual has original classification authority;

These are just portions of the EO, which is why I posted a link to the full thing. Would be too long to copy it into a post.
Ok, since Traitor Joe claims he doesn’t know what documents these are, or how they got into his garage, home, and office…..and he has yet to claim he declassified ANYTHING, why do you think your post matters, Simp?
Ok, since Traitor Joe claims he doesn’t know what documents these are, or how they got into his garage, home, and office…..and he has yet to claim he declassified ANYTHING, why do you think your post matters, Simp?

You're just pissed that I can provide links to back up what I say, and you seem to have an inability to do so yourself.
You're just pissed that I can provide links to back up what I say, and you seem to have an inability to do so yourself.
Nice dodge. Now, go back and read my post and see if you can offer the board a coherent answer.

Im guessing you can’t.
Ok, since Traitor Joe claims he doesn’t know what documents these are, or how they got into his garage, home, and office…..and he has yet to claim he declassified ANYTHING, why do you think your post matters, Simp?

Nice dodge. Now, go back and read my post and see if you can offer the board a coherent answer.

Im guessing you can’t.

Okay...............challenge accepted...............

In your post, you bitched a bit about Biden, said he hasn't claimed to declassify anything yet, then you asked why I think my post matters.

Short answer.............my post only matters to me, as this is a discussion board where people are allowed to express their viewpoints. I expressed mine, and that's all that really matters to me. Probably matters very little to others, and that's okay, I'm not here to impress anyone.


While you might think your posts matter to a lot of people, in reality, they are just like mine. Phosphor dots forming words from anonymous posters on an internet message board that really don't matter much other than to the person making them. But, they might matter to others if there is information in there they might find helpful/interesting/funny/useful. Other than that? Nobody's posts on here really matter. Nobody on here is gonna change the world with just a post or two.
Okay...............challenge accepted...............

In your post, you bitched a bit about Biden, said he hasn't claimed to declassify anything yet, then you asked why I think my post matters.

Short answer.............my post only matters to me, as this is a discussion board where people are allowed to express their viewpoints. I expressed mine, and that's all that really matters to me. Probably matters very little to others, and that's okay, I'm not here to impress anyone.


While you might think your posts matter to a lot of people, in reality, they are just like mine. Phosphor dots forming words from anonymous posters on an internet message board that really don't matter much other than to the person making them. But, they might matter to others if there is information in there they might find helpful/interesting/funny/useful. Other than that? Nobody's posts on here really matter. Nobody on here is gonna change the world with just a post or two.
So you agree with me that Barry Hussein’s EO doesn’t apply to this situation.
Has any Democrat on here offered any theory as to how those documents got into Biden's garage in the first place?

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