Hispanic Exodus From the Democratic Party is Not Slowing

Cool personal theory but there are NO Republicans or Republican owned businesses in or around LA…..the super shithole where the nations majority of brown cockroaches reside.
I am sure you can prove that easily as you can assume it. :link:
*Sigh*……. that you have to ask shows a lack of understanding on your part. Then, to compound your lack of knowledge, you accuse Mac of not adding value to the discussion. You doubled down and lost both times.

Edit: I quoted the wrong post of yours, my bad. This one was intended.

Cool personal theory but there are NO Republicans or Republican owned businesses in or around LA…..the super shithole where the nations majority of brown cockroaches reside.
you are full of shit.....there many in OC who hired illegals just like everyone else....
“Racist“ you say….are you sure you know racism when you see/hear it?
Did this racist Republican Party you speak of openly support the racist organization called Black Lives Matter?
Did they / do they push for racist legislation like affirmative action?
Did they / do they say openly that “white people need not apply” for jobs such as Supreme Court Justices?
Do they celebrate every time a white person is replaced by a dark person in congress?
Did they offer taxpayer funded loans / subsidies to black farmers only?

Again, are you sure you know racism? Am I being racist for pointing out and acknowledging REAL racism?
Try harder Wokeologists!
View attachment 631941

I didn't think you knew what the word "apology" means ... never used it have you? ...
I didn't think you knew what the word "apology" means ... never used it have you? ...
I’m guessing you intended to be ambiguous…I’m guessing you’re not real proud of the point you were trying to make?
Can you give it to us straight….what do you mean by “apology” and how does it apply to the context of this thread?
I’m guessing you were able to identify their political affiliation by all the MAGA hats being worn in the office?
i delivered their fucking mail for 15 years and that includes their political mail....i got to know many owners good enough were i was getting some pretty nice gratuities at christmas times.....i seen the guys working around the buildings they own,they were not speaking english....your problem loser is that you cant except the fact that the party you love is just as guilty as the one you cant stand.....
SPIN SPIN….In this thread you and ReinyDays were telling us the GOP harbors racism and attracts racists…REMEMBER NOW? I simply pointed out that you might be stupid and or grossly misled by media, social media and other propaganda originators….You respond by calling me a racist bigot and telling me to turn off the TV.
Do you see/hear how stupid that sounds?

I only said attracts ... and never have I said Democrats don't ... just that the Democrats lie about it better ...

Annex ... then build a wall at the Honduran border ... shorter distance and better climate ...
i delivered their fucking mail for 15 years and that includes their political mail....i got to know many owners good enough were i was getting some pretty nice gratuities at christmas times.....i seen the guys working around the buildings they own,they were not speaking english....your problem loser is that you cant except the fact that the party you love is just as guilty as the one you cant stand.....
Typical leftist shit Harry…..”I know these few company-heads in O.C. that are Republican guys who hire illegals so therefore I’ll pretend there are lots of them out there.”
Don’t be ignorant Harry…leave that shit to the Left.
You knew of a few businesses that hired wetbacks…that all. Concluding that Republicans hire wetbacks in general is just plain retarded of you.
Typical leftist shit Harry…..”I know these few company-heads in O.C. that are Republican guys who hire illegals so therefore I’ll pretend there are lots of them out there.”
Don’t be ignorant Harry…leave that shit to the Left.
You knew of a few businesses that hired wetbacks…that all. Concluding that Republicans hire wetbacks in general is just plain retarded of you.
who is the one that said....there are NO Republicans or Republican owned businesses in or around LA......
Democrats have always been their own worst enemy. The problem with Democrats is they are always willing to die on a hill representing the 0.1% of voters (for example, transgendered athletes) and the math doesn't add up when you factor in the averages. Republicans play the averages, and have a base message that appeals to the majority, even if their actual policies only benefit the richest 5-10% of Americans, and ignores the other 90%.
so catering to the .1% ignores how many?

Lord you contradict yourself in a heartbeat with fucked up justifications.
41% of Hispanic Americans now strongly disapprove of Biden. It's not just him either. The group's view of the Democratic Party in general continues to plummet. Some surveys have shown a 20% point swing among this group from Democrat to Republicans in less than two years and other polls have put the group evenly split between the two parties, a 360 from the lopsided advantage Democrats used to enjoy. Youngkin won the Hispanic vote by 12 points in Virginia in last year's gubernatorial race, which gave him his win over McAuliffe.

One of the sticking points appears to be the Democratic Party's position on illegal immigration. They've supported their "open borders" policy for years with the intention of pandering to Hispanics, but it's backfired, particularly with those who live in border counties who are experiencing the pains of this policy firsthand. His outreach to Maduro in Venezuela for oil has also caused angst in the community.

I remember years ago having a conversation with a Democrat who was crowing about how they'd be a permanent majority within the ten to 20 years because of the growing Hispanics population and I warned them that their prediction was predicated on the belief they would always be a loyal constituency and that may not be the case. The chickens are now coming home to roost.

This is all hype and bullshit propaganda.
The Democrat Party is doing exactly what they’ve done for the last several decades…this shit is nothing new.
Mexican’s are pissed about $7 carne asada and $6 fuel FOR NOW that’s all….they will ALWAYS vote for free shit and for the right to sneak their cousin Humberto in….Their falsely assumed ‘conservative’ nature is NEVER displayed in their voting habits. They always look past baby killing and faggotry…they keep their eye on the prize that is FREE SHIT….That’s why the Party Of Foreigners and Filth love their needy, unAmerican dark people.
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My apologies ... the Republican Party tends to attract the racist voters, not that the party itself is racist ... President Trump stood by all the Mexicans who came into this country through legal means ... the only knock is enforcing the law at the border ... so maybe the problem is with the law? ...

Disclaimer ... I think we should annex Mexico and be done with it ...
so you've never heard Biden make racist statements?

generalities and stereotypes are for people who can't think.
who is the one that said....there are NO Republicans or Republican owned businesses in or around LA......
I like to talk about majorities, the greater percentile…why waste our time discussing the micro percentages of anything?

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