Hispanic Exodus From the Democratic Party is Not Slowing

Democrats have always been their own worst enemy. The problem with Democrats is they are always willing to die on a hill representing the 0.1% of voters (for example, transgendered athletes) and the math doesn't add up when you factor in the averages. Republicans play the averages, and have a base message that appeals to the majority, even if their actual policies only benefit the richest 5-10% of Americans, and ignores the other 90%.
Yeah, it's been that way for a long time, for sure. And they just refuse to see it.

They'll dismiss the notion by saying "well, what's wrong with standing up for human rights?", or something benign like that.

What they refuse to admit is that it's not just what you're trying to accomplish, it's how you go about trying to accomplish it. Neither end of the spectrum appears to understand that.
I wouldn't say. . . "full," per se, but yes, the white supremacists, and white nationalists, do, definitely, these days have a tenancy to gravitate toward the GOP.

However, with that said. . . If in, Ukraine, the Neo-Nazis and the Jews can make common cause against their common foe? :dunno:

My apologies ... the Republican Party tends to attract the racist voters, not that the party itself is racist ... President Trump stood by all the Mexicans who came into this country through legal means ... the only knock is enforcing the law at the border ... so maybe the problem is with the law? ...

Disclaimer ... I think we should annex Mexico and be done with it ...
41% of Hispanic Americans now strongly disapprove of Biden. It's not just him either. The group's view of the Democratic Party in general continues to plummet. Some surveys have shown a 20% point swing among this group from Democrat to Republicans in less than two years and other polls have put the group evenly split between the two parties, a 360 from the lopsided advantage Democrats used to enjoy. Youngkin won the Hispanic vote by 12 points in Virginia in last year's gubernatorial race, which gave him his win over McAuliffe.

One of the sticking points appears to be the Democratic Party's position on illegal immigration. They've supported their "open borders" policy for years with the intention of pandering to Hispanics, but it's backfired, particularly with those who live in border counties who are experiencing the pains of this policy firsthand. His outreach to Maduro in Venezuela for oil has also caused angst in the community.

I remember years ago having a conversation with a Democrat who was crowing about how they'd be a permanent majority within the ten to 20 years because of the growing Hispanics population and I warned them that their prediction was predicated on the belief they would always be a loyal constituency and that may not be the case. The chickens are now coming home to roost.

As conservative pundits have pointed out......Republicans lose office when they fail to do what they say they are going to do.....democrats lose office when they do what they say they are going to do....
Yeah, it's been that way for a long time, for sure. And they just refuse to see it.

They'll dismiss the notion by saying "well, what's wrong with standing up for human rights?", or something benign like that.

What they refuse to admit is that it's not just what you're trying to accomplish, it's how you go about trying to accomplish it. Neither end of the spectrum appears to understand that.
They’re fucking up so bad that you voted for them and all they stand for in 2020.
hahaha…come on man….save the bullshit.
Some of this is more ignorance than racism. But Progs have fused everything into racism and hate. The kicker is that many Progs are of hate. We see the results up front every day. Even as on TV the shills say different. The nasty violent stuff expanding in our nation is vicious. And a good share is African Americans. People can be near or be fence walkers in doing bad things. Our Prop politicians, media, entertainers, local community leaders have turned it into an artform. The violence may still exist, but it can be less.

Violence from liberals is as old as liberalism itself ... English Barons forcing King John to sign Magna Cart ... by force of arms ... the American Revolution ... by force of arms ... the Wars of Religion ... the list goes on and on ...

Conservatives have Pope Francis ... kneel or die ... no violence in dragging, hanging and quartering ...
What position? Not being able to define what a woman is? Pro CRT? What position do you mean? Obama was the Deporter in Chief.
*Sigh*……. that you have to ask shows a lack of understanding on your part. Then, to compound your lack of knowledge, you accuse Mac of not adding value to the discussion. You doubled down and lost both times.

Edit: I quoted the wrong post of yours, my bad. This one was intended.

I wouldn't say. . . "full," per se, but yes, the white supremacists, and white nationalists, do, definitely, these days have a tenancy to gravitate toward the GOP.

However, with that said. . . If in, Ukraine, the Neo-Nazis and the Jews can make common cause against their common foe? :dunno:

My apologies ... the Republican Party tends to attract the racist voters, not that the party itself is racist ... President Trump stood by all the Mexicans who came into this country through legal means ... the only knock is enforcing the law at the border ... so maybe the problem is with the law? ...

Disclaimer ... I think we should annex Mexico and be done with it ...
“Racist“ you say….are you sure you know racism when you see/hear it?
Did this racist Republican Party you speak of openly support the racist organization called Black Lives Matter?
Did they / do they push for racist legislation like affirmative action?
Did they / do they say openly that “white people need not apply” for jobs such as Supreme Court Justices?
Do they celebrate every time a white person is replaced by a dark person in congress?
Did they offer taxpayer funded loans / subsidies to black farmers only?

Again, are you sure you know racism? Am I being racist for pointing out and acknowledging REAL racism?
Try harder Wokeologists!
My apologies ... the Republican Party tends to attract the racist voters, not that the party itself is racist ... President Trump stood by all the Mexicans who came into this country through legal means ... the only knock is enforcing the law at the border ... so maybe the problem is with the law? ...

Disclaimer ... I think we should annex Mexico and be done with it ...
I was actually listening to a black podcast with some professors from some HBCU's about how this has been an entrenched problem that is not so much in either party.

How it continued, is when they, I guess we could call, the "deep state," were worried about the civil rights movement, and the loss of control over the colonization of black communities, was originally a plan with Nixon's partnership with the Police Unions. You can't have control with localized policing, so, the key? Was to somehow have the FEDS, control policing nationwide, which, of course, is, unconstitutional.

So? How do you accomplish that? Well, but incentivizing through grants to police unions and departments through the feds. . .

This way? BOTH PARTIES, try to gain the favor of the police unions, and the black community (as well as the poor and disenfranchised,) remains oppressed.

Do these programs work?

"Federal grant and equipment programs for policing are often designed in ways that incentivize harmful policing and undermine local and state political accountability," says Rachel Harmon, a professor of law and director of the Center for Criminal Justice at the University of Virginia Law School. Harmon added, via email, that such programs "far more often focus on effective policing than ensuring that policing is fair, minimally harmful, or consistent with the law."

Barry Friedman, director of the Policing Project at NYU Law, is also critical of the Justice Department's law enforcement grants. "They do not insist on compliance with data reporting," he says, and "DOJ has a strong law enforcement perspective, rather than a community safety perspective."

". . . Over the years, politicians who wanted to make a difference didn’t. They were too beholden to the police unions and the police vote. I wrote a letter to President Bill Clinton in 1994 addressing this very issue, saying that honest cops have never been rewarded, and maybe there ought to be a medal for them. He wrote back, but nothing changed. In New York City, then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg professed that things were going to change, but in the end he went right along with his commissioner, Ray Kelly, who was allowed to do whatever he wanted. Kelly had been a sergeant when I was on the force, and he’d known about the corruption, as did Murphy.

As for Barack Obama and his attorney general, Eric Holder, they’re giving speeches now, after Ferguson. But it’s 20 years too late. It’s the same old problem of political power talking, and it doesn’t matter that both the president and his attorney general are African-American. Corruption is color blind. Money and power corrupt, and they are color blind too.

Only a few years ago, a cop who was in the same 81st Precinct I started in, Adrian Schoolcraft, was actually taken to a psych ward and handcuffed to a gurney for six days after he tried to complain about corruption – they wanted him to keep to a quota of summonses, and he wasn’t complying. No one would have believed him except he hid a tape recorder in his room, and recorded them making their demands. Now he’s like me, an outcast.

Every time I speak out on topics of police corruption and brutality, there are inevitably critics who say that I am out of touch and that I am old enough to be the grandfather of many of the cops who are currently on the force. But I’ve kept up the struggle, working with lamp lighters to provide them with encouragement and guidance; serving as an expert witness to describe the tactics that police bureaucracies use to wear them down psychologically; testifying in support of independent boards; developing educational guidance to young minority citizens on how to respond to police officers; working with the American Civil Liberties Union to expose the abuses of stun-gun technology in prisons; and lecturing in more high schools, colleges and reform schools than I can remember. A little over a decade ago, when I was a presenter at the Top Cops Award event hosted by TV host John Walsh, several police officers came up to me, hugged me and then whispered in my ear, “I gotta talk to you.”
So this means that all those immigrants coming into the US are not for more Democratic Party voters? Got it and will apply that misnomer to the GOP party including the illegals because it is Republicans that are hiring them. It's really nothing new since I spent forty years in construction and was training them during Reagan..
the republicans are the ones?.....you havent been to S.Cal lately have you.....3-5 million there .....yep a hell of a lot being hired by democrats....
the republicans are the ones?.....you havent been to S.Cal lately have you.....3-5 million there .....yep a hell of a lot being hired by democrats....
There’s atleast 10 million brown cockroaches here….probably 5 million in Lost Angeles alone….there are NO Republican owned business in or around that disgusting brown shithole full of filth. That’s all you need to know.
“Racist“ you say….are you sure you know racism when you see/hear it?
Did this racist Republican Party you speak of openly support the racist organization called Black Lives Matter?
Did they / do they push for racist legislation like affirmative action?
Did they / do they say openly that “white people need not apply” for jobs such as Supreme Court Justices?
Do they celebrate every time a white person is replaced by a dark person in congress?
Did they offer taxpayer funded loans / subsidies to black farmers only?

Again, are you sure you know racism? Am I being racist for pointing out and acknowledging REAL racism?
Try harder Wokeologists!
View attachment 631941
Oh yeah. . . that looks like super contemporary propaganda!


To real intellectual leaders of the black community, both parties are oppressors, and do not really do much to represent black interests. Any black media personalities or politicians, on liberal media, or in D.C. are, generally, sell-outs.

They call them the "mis-leadership class," just as real conservatives, and classical liberals, all know that Washington is completely corrupt. If you actually knew what was going on, you would probably be surprised, but you are a racist bigot. Filled with fear, hatred and bigotry.

Turn off the TEE VEE.
what does that have to do with what you said?....here let me remind you....the illegals because it is Republicans that are hiring them.....
True the Republicans love to hire them for agri-business and construction along with housemaids.
Oh yeah. . . that looks like super contemporary propaganda!


To real intellectual leaders of the black community, both parties are oppressors, and do not really do much to represent black interests. Any black media personalities or politicians, on liberal media, or in D.C. are, generally, sell-outs.

They call them the "mis-leadership class," just as real conservatives, and classical liberals, all know that Washington is completely corrupt. If you actually knew what was going on, you would probably be surprised, but you are a racist bigot. Filled with fear, hatred and bigotry.

Turn off the TEE VEE.
SPIN SPIN….In this thread you and ReinyDays were telling us the GOP harbors racism and attracts racists…REMEMBER NOW? I simply pointed out that you might be stupid and or grossly misled by media, social media and other propaganda originators….You respond by calling me a racist bigot and telling me to turn off the TV.
Do you see/hear how stupid that sounds?
There’s atleast 10 million brown cockroaches here….probably 5 million in Lost Angeles alone….there are NO Republican owned business in or around that disgusting brown shithole full of filth. That’s all you need to know.
i delivered to many republican owned businesses in OC who hired illegals....thats all you need to know....
Violence from liberals is as old as liberalism itself ... English Barons forcing King John to sign Magna Cart ... by force of arms ... the American Revolution ... by force of arms ... the Wars of Religion ... the list goes on and on ...

Conservatives have Pope Francis ... kneel or die ... no violence in dragging, hanging and quartering ...
Ahhh, so now the liberals are the conservatives, o-k-a-y.
True the Republicans love to hire them for agri-business and construction along with housemaids.
Cool personal theory but there are NO Republicans or Republican owned businesses in or around LA…..the super shithole where the nations majority of brown cockroaches reside.

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