Hispanic Exodus From the Democratic Party is Not Slowing

Yep. Among the many mistakes the Dems have made with their whole Identity Politics strategy has been to take Hispanics -- more conservative than many realize -- for granted.
I predicted years ago that Catholicism in the Hispanic community would eventually conflict with the movement of progressive Mores and values further to the left and we are now here at that point.
California & Texas Alone will provide the seats needed for GOP to get House Back
I predicted years ago that Catholicism in the Hispanic community would eventually conflict with the movement of progressive Mores and values further to the left and we are now here at that point.
That’s what Fox and the polls we said were bullshit are telling us to believe anyway.
I predicted years ago that Catholicism in the Hispanic community would eventually conflict with the movement of progressive Mores and values further to the left and we are now here at that point.
I hear you...except the Catholic churches look awfully empty now compared to 30 years ago.
To the OP I ask this question: Can Hispanics ever be "loyal" Republicans?

They've been Democrats for so long I don't think they could make a permanent switch to being a loyal Republican.
To the OP I ask this question: Can Hispanics ever be "loyal" Republicans?

They've been Democrats for so long I don't think they could make a permanent switch to being a loyal Republican.
I have a far more pertinent question. Can the Republicans be loyal Hispanics? Because that's what theyre going to need to be in order to get where they want to go. By 2040, probably sooner, the United States will be a majority Latino population.
I hear you...except the Catholic churches look awfully empty now compared to 30 years ago.
It seems like the Catholic Churches manifest vast cultural deficiencies such as incest, little boy raping, taxpayer dependency and overall criminality….Are those Republican / conservative attributes?
Democrats have always been their own worst enemy. The problem with Democrats is they are always willing to die on a hill representing the 0.1% of voters (for example, transgendered athletes) and the math doesn't add up when you factor in the averages. Republicans play the averages, and have a base message that appeals to the majority, even if their actual policies only benefit the richest 5-10% of Americans, and ignores the other 90%.

Dems could care less about any demographic, ethnicity, race, color, etc. This is what they do. If you think they care, you are one gullible person.
GOP as a whole are not on board with Cloward /Piven (The Browning of America ) that is why they rebuffed the Chamber of Commerce RINOs and ditched the Organizer Committee of the Debates
There is an exodus of American Jews from the Democrat Party ( Many know Biden will side with Iran in the End )
41% of Hispanic Americans now strongly disapprove of Biden. It's not just him either. The group's view of the Democratic Party in general continues to plummet. Some surveys have shown a 20% point swing among this group from Democrat to Republicans in less than two years and other polls have put the group evenly split between the two parties, a 360 from the lopsided advantage Democrats used to enjoy. Youngkin won the Hispanic vote by 12 points in Virginia in last year's gubernatorial race, which gave him his win over McAuliffe.

One of the sticking points appears to be the Democratic Party's position on illegal immigration. They've supported their "open borders" policy for years with the intention of pandering to Hispanics, but it's backfired, particularly with those who live in border counties who are experiencing the pains of this policy firsthand. His outreach to Maduro in Venezuela for oil has also caused angst in the community.

I remember years ago having a conversation with a Democrat who was crowing about how they'd be a permanent majority within the ten to 20 years because of the growing Hispanics population and I warned them that their prediction was predicated on the belief they would always be a loyal constituency and that may not be the case. The chickens are now coming home to roost.

The LEGAL immigrants to this nation, who actually were looking for and achieved a better life can see the writing on the wall. They've seen the third world first hand and they've seen the changes here as the US has become the 2 1/4---er, 2 1/2 world country.

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