Hispanics Hate Trump

This does not concern me. It is time to stop pandering to these little groups. They need to assimilate and do what's best for the country, not what they thing is best for them.
54 million Hispanics are not a small group
It's a lot smaller than 196 million.

It only takes 70 million votes to win the Presidency
The Hispanic vote will split, with fair numbers of them siding with the idea of stiff resistance to further Illegal Immigration.

There is very little love lost between Blacks and Hispanics at-present, given that Hispanics have overtaken Blacks as the dominant Minority Population in the US.

And then there are the White Folk - another split-vote - with more leaning towards the (R)'s this time for a multitude of reasons, not just dealing with the Illegals.

Frankly, it's anybody's guess who's gonna come out on top this time, especially if Shrillary stays in the face, and actually becomes the Democratic standard bearer.

However, it looks like dealing with Illegal Aliens has become the Hot Button Topic of the 2016 race, at least with respect to domestic affairs, and is getting most of the oxygen in the room, so, it would appear that there's no going back, and damn the consequences - Devil take the first one who blinks.

We are, once again, entering upon a period of Interesting Times.

Fuck them. This is the United States of America, not the fucking Beaner Republic. Obviously this is a burden we will have to deal with for a long time thanks to lax immigration laws. Nonetheless, we cannot govern America based upon a fucking beaner litmus test. If we do, then we are no longer s republic not are we the USA. We then become some kind of shithole third world nation, where house painter replaces doctor as the noblest profession and where everybody's yards are neatly manicured.
Tell us how you really feel next time?

And people still wonder why the Wetbacks don't vote GOP. Got one for you as well:
Most Americans want to Shut Down Sanctuary Cities ...
Jul 13, 2015 - The majority of voters in most demographic categories agree that the Justice Department should take action against sanctuary cities and the ...
There are problems with full cooperation with ICE. First being that holding prisoners for ICE without charges has been found a violation of 4th amendment rights by a federal court. Secondly full cooperation with ICE requires funding that the federal government has not been willing to provide. Lastly, once local police act as agents for immigration enforcement, then they lose informants and cooperation from the community. Also, the term full cooperation is undefined and thus the cooperation that ICE receives from local law enforcement in both sanctuary cities and other cities varies significantly. To get full cooperation from cities across the country, the federal government has to get it's act together.
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the ones that hate Donald Trump are mostly the illegals, and they dont vote anyway, right?, isnt that what the left tells us? there are no voting violations and therefore we dont need to insure that the vote is legal and honest.
So, in light of that, who cares what the illegals like or dont like. Fuck them, they are subhuman and have no rights in this country anyway.
Fuck them, they are subhuman
this is an example of why native born Mexicans will not support assholes on the right ..its all racial has nothing to do with a legality problem,and this "patriot" will now say he means the "illegals" not the native born....yea convince the native born ones you dont mean them too....
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
They haven't steered clear of the issue. They have been trying to pass an immigration bill for four years

Republicans have been blocking it

Good.... it's the same old shit.. let 'em flood the border, claim nothing can be done, grant amnesty.

Rinse, repeat.

No country can survive with open borders, it's national suicide.
The number of illegal immigrants has decreased over the last seven years. That hardly constitutes a " flood"

The way to decrease the population is not rounding up 11 million people and sending them to the other side of a fence

Cut back on Job opportunities in the U.S., prosecute employers like you would illegal workers. Improve employment opportunities in Mexico

Uhm, so removing 11,000,000 people won't reduce the population? You don't cipher very good Jethro.

Also, now you want to meddle in the affairs of a sovereign nation and fix their economy? They don't want to fix their economy... they have a policy of shipping their undesirables here instead. Problem solved.
Biden is more like the perverted retarded uncle that most families have but try to hide.
I dont think he is actually smart enough to be pres,,, oh wait, the liberals voted for the shoeshine boy twice.. never mind.

I don't think a bug eyed racist meltdown accomplishes much. Why do you?
I dont see stating fact as a racist meltdown. Indicate where the racism was in that statement

As someone once said, the worst racists are the ones who don't think they're racist.
still waiting for someone to point out the racism in that comment.

they're like drive by gangsters..they roll through and shoot and then run away as fast as they can...rinse and repeat...

It's more important to them to be able to relieve their frustrations in their own lives by calling people names, than it is to act like adults.
standard operating procedure
relieve their frustrations in their own lives by calling people names
you mean like when this guy called illegals "sub-humans"?.....
The 2014 estimates are out!
Florida has 56.8% white down from 58.1% in 2010. Hispanics make up 23.5%, up from 22.5% in 2010. 1% in Hispanic share!!!

Virgina 64.1% white, down from 65%. Hispanics 8.4%, up from 7.9%...Increase of .5% in Hispanic share.

North Carolina 64.7% down from 65.5%...Increase of .3% in Hispanic share.

Iowa 87.9% down from 88.7%! 5.3% Hispanic,,,, .3% increase in Hispanic share.

Colorado 69.6% down from 70.2%! 20.9% Hispanic..Increase of .2% in Hispanic share.

Nevada 52.8% down from 54.3%! 27.2% Hispanic! Increase of .7% in Hispanic share.
Census Explorer - Population Estimates Edition

The republicans need to win most of these.

There are Hispanics who will stand with their fellow countrymen, against Illegal Immigration.

There are HIspanics who will side with their ethnic or linguistic brethren, for Illegal Immigration.

We will know, come November 2016, where they stand, as a group.
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
The left is gone, he's losing the middle, and the darkie right is fleeing for higher ground. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. To win you have to win the majority, not the overtly racist white right, and that's all he has even if they are in Trumpian MILF love currently. He has the We Hate Wetbacks minions, and that's not even close to enough.
He has the We Hate Wetbacks minions
so i guess we know who you are voting for....
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
The left is gone, he's losing the middle, and the darkie right is fleeing for higher ground. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. To win you have to win the majority, not the overtly racist white right, and that's all he has even if they are in Trumpian MILF love currently. He has the We Hate Wetbacks minions, and that's not even close to enough.
He has the We Hate Wetbacks minions
so i guess we know who you are voting for....
I have very strict criteria next year. Their name must begin with the letters A-Z, and it needs this before it (D).
what have i said to bring up this question?....i am not an illegal supporter,i just dont like how some people have made this a racial thing over a legality thing......

looking at the situation THAT way is different, isn't it? "Not In My Backyard", right?

Are you in favor of amnesty for illegals ...or deportation?
for any that can prove they have something going here,which would no doubt be the long timers,make them fill out the paper work if they refuse show them the door,any others, if they dont have a good reason for being here....see ya...any with a criminal record,out they go.....

"....prove they have something going here..."?

What the heck does THAT mean?..it's just vague enough to sound ok and make people feel better ....but it's really meaningless.Window dressing....and with guidelines THAT broad you should know by now that a football stadium worth of "lawyers" will keep THAT tied up in court for generations..effectively accomplishing nothing...meanwhile the problem continues to grow..which is exactly what anti american subversives want.
you dont know what that means?....the ones that have been here for years usually have something going here that they can prove,the guy who lives behind me has been cutting lawns for as long as i can remember and he has quite a few clients including business complexes in the Anaheim Hills....and the rent aint cheap around here....

Like I said..language like "prove they have something going for them" is a weak , vague, inexact "standard" and open for widespread abuse by subversives.
Be serious, man.
if you can prove you have been working for lets say 10 years,how is that weak?...i answered your question you just dont like the answer.....
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
They haven't steered clear of the issue. They have been trying to pass an immigration bill for four years

Republicans have been blocking it

Good.... it's the same old shit.. let 'em flood the border, claim nothing can be done, grant amnesty.

Rinse, repeat.

No country can survive with open borders, it's national suicide.
The number of illegal immigrants has decreased over the last seven years. That hardly constitutes a " flood"

The way to decrease the population is not rounding up 11 million people and sending them to the other side of a fence

Cut back on Job opportunities in the U.S., prosecute employers like you would illegal workers. Improve employment opportunities in Mexico

Uhm, so removing 11,000,000 people won't reduce the population? You don't cipher very good Jethro.

Also, now you want to meddle in the affairs of a sovereign nation and fix their economy? They don't want to fix their economy... they have a policy of shipping their undesirables here instead. Problem solved.
First off, you are not going to round up and remove 11 million people
Second, your stupid fence will not keep them from coming back. Most do not even cross illegally

Smart thing to do is remove the reason they come across......jobs

But you are not that smart are ya?
Biden? Gimme a break.. he's either a rampant alcoholic or mentally ill. Either way, totally unfit to be President.
careful, pointing out the obvious will get you called a racist.
(its their way to make you comply and be silent)
so will calling brown people "subhuman"....

And "brown people" isn't? How about just Hispanic.
you know what i mean Soggy....and how come if what i said bothers you,you did not get on him when said they were sub-humans?...matter of fact no one did but me...no one got on paint my outhouse either when he called them "beaners" but me.....i guarantee you a Mexican will accept being called a brown person over a "beaner" or a sub-human....
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
They haven't steered clear of the issue. They have been trying to pass an immigration bill for four years

Republicans have been blocking it

Good.... it's the same old shit.. let 'em flood the border, claim nothing can be done, grant amnesty.

Rinse, repeat.

No country can survive with open borders, it's national suicide.
The number of illegal immigrants has decreased over the last seven years. That hardly constitutes a " flood"

The way to decrease the population is not rounding up 11 million people and sending them to the other side of a fence

Cut back on Job opportunities in the U.S., prosecute employers like you would illegal workers. Improve employment opportunities in Mexico

Uhm, so removing 11,000,000 people won't reduce the population? You don't cipher very good Jethro.

Also, now you want to meddle in the affairs of a sovereign nation and fix their economy? They don't want to fix their economy... they have a policy of shipping their undesirables here instead. Problem solved.
First off, you are not going to round up and remove 11 million people
Second, your stupid fence will not keep them from coming back. Most do not even cross illegally

Smart thing to do is remove the reason they come across......jobs

But you are not that smart are ya?

That's the role of the Mexican government, not the U.S.... oh, and you said "The way to decrease the population is not rounding up 11 million people and sending them to the other side of a fence" You did say that.

Like I said, the Mexicans have no desire to "fix" their society.... it's easier to convince the useful idiots here that it's the humane thing to just let 'em all in and take care of them while they send all their cash back to Mexico.

Problem solved.
Like Trump said. 64% didn't turn out for the last sElection. If they show up this time around it may be interesting.
Can you imagine actually having that clown in the Oafel Office ?
He should pick Lady GaGa for VP.
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
The left is gone, he's losing the middle, and the darkie right is fleeing for higher ground. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. To win you have to win the majority, not the overtly racist white right, and that's all he has even if they are in Trumpian MILF love currently. He has the We Hate Wetbacks minions, and that's not even close to enough.
He has the We Hate Wetbacks minions
so i guess we know who you are voting for....
I have very strict criteria next year. Their name must begin with the letters A-Z, and it needs this before it (D).
i was told only right wingers call Hispanics "beaners" and wetbacks....was i lied too?....or are you one of those phony democrats who are real nice to Mexicans when they are in front of you and show your true colors when they are not around?...no doubt out of fear....
Biden? Gimme a break.. he's either a rampant alcoholic or mentally ill. Either way, totally unfit to be President.
careful, pointing out the obvious will get you called a racist.
(its their way to make you comply and be silent)
so will calling brown people "subhuman"....

And "brown people" isn't? How about just Hispanic.
you know what i mean Soggy....and how come if what i said bothers you,you did not get on him when said they were sub-humans?...matter of fact no one did but me...no one got on paint my outhouse either when he called them "beaners" but me.....i guarantee you a Mexican will accept being called a brown person over a "beaner" or a sub-human....

I was more offended by what he said actually.... I don't use any of those terms..
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
The left is gone, he's losing the middle, and the darkie right is fleeing for higher ground. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. To win you have to win the majority, not the overtly racist white right, and that's all he has even if they are in Trumpian MILF love currently. He has the We Hate Wetbacks minions, and that's not even close to enough.
He has the We Hate Wetbacks minions
so i guess we know who you are voting for....
I have very strict criteria next year. Their name must begin with the letters A-Z, and it needs this before it (D).
i was told only right wingers call Hispanics "beaners" and wetbacks....was i lied too?....or are you one of those phony democrats who are real nice to Mexicans when they are in front of you and show your true colors when they are not around?...no doubt out of fear....
I call them what you think of them. To me they are very nice people, like the little beaner who just served me lunch. I have nothing against her, you do...
Biden? Gimme a break.. he's either a rampant alcoholic or mentally ill. Either way, totally unfit to be President.
careful, pointing out the obvious will get you called a racist.
(its their way to make you comply and be silent)
so will calling brown people "subhuman"....

And "brown people" isn't? How about just Hispanic.
you know what i mean Soggy....and how come if what i said bothers you,you did not get on him when said they were sub-humans?...matter of fact no one did but me...no one got on paint my outhouse either when he called them "beaners" but me.....i guarantee you a Mexican will accept being called a brown person over a "beaner" or a sub-human....
I don't address stupidity (calling illegals sub human)

Little background I'm half Mexican, my Uncle immigrated from Mexico and went through the whole immigration process. I support Trumps policies on immigration and like that he wants to make it a little easier. We have to get our country back and welcome people into this country LEGALLY. From everywhere!

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