Hispanics Hate Trump

exactly!! the pandering Left is all about deceiving enough people to get through the next election!!!

i'd like to see one of the left-wing nutjobs on this board right now explain to me how making millions of mostly Hispanic illegals legal citizens is going to help struggling Black families in inner cities
...Which always rises up when times are hard and they need someone to blame for their lot in life.
Godwin's Law and Godwin's Law Redux (KKK)...

A Two-Fer...


Total bullshit, of course...

But funny stuff, Paint...

Damned funny stuff...

DO keep it up...

The more White Folk you alienate, just for opposing Illegal Immigration, the more you push across the line into the (R) camp for 2016...

Like I said earlier... the DNC called, and left a message for you... they asked you to please stay off of their side.

But... DO keep it up... you're doing the RNC's 2016 recruiting FOR them... and that, too, is funny stuff...
Republicans got 27% of the vote against Obama

Run Trump and you get ten

Trump really scares you doesn't he, jake (er, winger, er jake). Trump will destroy hillary, biden, fauxahontas, old bernie, or whoever you fools run. Ya got nobody and I find that hilarious.
You posted that four years ago about how many nut job, flash in the pan republicans? Cain, Perry, Bachman. How you think someone that more than 60 % of Americans are adamant they will never vote for can win is a testament to your idiocy.

that will change after the debates. Once the voters hear trump vs the hildebeast or plugs they will vote trump.
Sure it will. After all, he has skyrocketed from the high teens to the low twenties among Republicans since his sterling performance in the first clown car debate.
Ya gotta love the arrogance and smug self-confidence of these really Out-in-Left-Field types.

It's going to make it vastly easier, to (1) retain the Senate, (2) retain the House, and (3) take the White House away from you in 2016.

Just sayin'...
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
Well sorry but many American Hispanics who are citizens want stricter immigration laws.

Leah Barkoukis - Hispanic Activists Fight For Tougher Immigration Laws in Texas

Guess we'll just have to wait and see how they vote if Trump makes it to nomination.
Well, if you believe the polls, most Hispanics would favor any candidate over Trump. They want to see an end to the immigration problem but most of all they don't want to have to worry about a family member, friend or neighbor being deported because they don't have documentation.

How about it?
You think it would be ok if some random person from off the street snuck into your house, moved into your spare bedroom and moved their family and a few friends in with them and expected you to feed and clothe them and give them some of your money?

Yes or no.
Why or why not?
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
Sounds like Bernie sanders, not bowing down to the lobbyists and the like. Trump has some good ideas, but he's a buffoon. His father was a caterpillar after all, explains the hair.
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
The left is gone, he's losing the middle, and the darkie right is fleeing for higher ground. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. To win you have to win the majority, not the overtly racist white right, and that's all he has even if they are in Trumpian MILF love currently. He has the We Hate Wetbacks minions, and that's not even close to enough.
I dont see stating fact as a racist meltdown. Indicate where the racism was in that statement

As someone once said, the worst racists are the ones who don't think they're racist.
still waiting for someone to point out the racism in that comment.

he cant

libs are bomb-throwing hypocrites

No need to throw a tantrum. It's just a message board.

When you call Obama a shoeshine boy it's a racial slur.
why is it racial?
I see nothing racial about it.

let it go..his whole routine is snarky one liners.
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
Sounds like Bernie sanders, not bowing down to the lobbyists and the like. Trump has some good ideas, but he's a buffoon. His father was a caterpillar after all, explains the hair.

What grade are you in?
still waiting for someone to point out the racism in that comment.

he cant

libs are bomb-throwing hypocrites

No need to throw a tantrum. It's just a message board.

When you call Obama a shoeshine boy it's a racial slur.
why is it racial?
I see nothing racial about it.

carbonhead thinks all shoe shine boys are black. he is a racist.
Thats the only thing I can figure too.
Like no white people ever shine their shoes.
Funny how the liberals try to put their racism on other people.

they're projecting.

bet republicans got more votes from people of all walks of life appalled by liberal sanctuary cities than dems wre going to get from hispanics who were likely to vote for dems anyway

try again

Poll: 62% Voters Want DOJ Action Against Sanctuary Cities
Jul 13, 2015 - A majority of likely voters say action should be taken against jurisdictions with sanctuary policies for illegal immigrants, according to a new ...

as you can see cuts across Party lines

So the people who hate big government want big government to crack down on cities.


Are you high? Nobody said any such thing...
i find it hilarious the Left brags that nobody can pander like they can.

the other poster are right; Trump took a stand and is standing by it.
the Left cant say how their plans to PANDER FOR VOTES of the mostly Hispanic illegals that snuck in will make the lives better for anybody but the ones they are pandering to, rewarding them for breaking our immigrataion laws with legal status
most of them wont vote for ANY Republican anyway
Bush won a majority of Hispanics.
Hispanics are natural GOP voters--industrious, family oriented, and religious. Only turdheads like Trump drive them away from the party.
"Bush won a majority of Hispanics.? Not even close...

View attachment 48227

The Rabbi prides himself in being wrong. Apparently it's a status symbol among his people.

Oh, now some Jew hating? Man you lefties are nasty people.
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
They haven't steered clear of the issue. They have been trying to pass an immigration bill for four years

Republicans have been blocking it
most of them wont vote for ANY Republican anyway
Bush won a majority of Hispanics.
Hispanics are natural GOP voters--industrious, family oriented, and religious. Only turdheads like Trump drive them away from the party.
"Bush won a majority of Hispanics.? Not even close...

View attachment 48227

The Rabbi prides himself in being wrong. Apparently it's a status symbol among his people.

Oh, now some Jew hating? Man you lefties are nasty people.
The Rabbi is not Jewish. His people are the uneducated white trash that support Trump.

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