Hispanics Hate Trump

Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
They haven't steered clear of the issue. They have been trying to pass an immigration bill for four years

Republicans have been blocking it

Good.... it's the same old shit.. let 'em flood the border, claim nothing can be done, grant amnesty.

Rinse, repeat.

No country can survive with open borders, it's national suicide.

you poor deflecting left-wing loser. even advocates of smaller government recognize the role of the government to protect the citizens. So yea; we want protection from a horde of invading illegals. it's only right
most of them wont vote for ANY Republican anyway
Bush won a majority of Hispanics.
Hispanics are natural GOP voters--industrious, family oriented, and religious. Only turdheads like Trump drive them away from the party.
"Bush won a majority of Hispanics.? Not even close...

View attachment 48227

The Rabbi prides himself in being wrong. Apparently it's a status symbol among his people.

Oh, now some Jew hating? Man you lefties are nasty people.
The Rabbi is not Jewish. His people are the uneducated white trash that support Trump.

Oh, and you know this how?
The 2014 estimates are out!
Florida has 56.8% white down from 58.1% in 2010. Hispanics make up 23.5%, up from 22.5% in 2010. 1% in Hispanic share!!!

Virgina 64.1% white, down from 65%. Hispanics 8.4%, up from 7.9%...Increase of .5% in Hispanic share.

North Carolina 64.7% down from 65.5%...Increase of .3% in Hispanic share.

Iowa 87.9% down from 88.7%! 5.3% Hispanic,,,, .3% increase in Hispanic share.

Colorado 69.6% down from 70.2%! 20.9% Hispanic..Increase of .2% in Hispanic share.

Nevada 52.8% down from 54.3%! 27.2% Hispanic! Increase of .7% in Hispanic share.
Census Explorer - Population Estimates Edition

The republicans need to win most of these.
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
They haven't steered clear of the issue. They have been trying to pass an immigration bill for four years

Republicans have been blocking it

Good.... it's the same old shit.. let 'em flood the border, claim nothing can be done, grant amnesty.

Rinse, repeat.

No country can survive with open borders, it's national suicide.
Well you be informing Canada, or should I?
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
They haven't steered clear of the issue. They have been trying to pass an immigration bill for four years

Republicans have been blocking it

Good.... it's the same old shit.. let 'em flood the border, claim nothing can be done, grant amnesty.

Rinse, repeat.

No country can survive with open borders, it's national suicide.
Well you be informing Canada, or should I?

Oh, look who woke up.
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
They haven't steered clear of the issue. They have been trying to pass an immigration bill for four years

Republicans have been blocking it


you idiots insist on marketing your "bills" as something other than the pandering votes at taxpayer expense schees they are
This does not concern me. It is time to stop pandering to these little groups. They need to assimilate and do what's best for the country, not what they thing is best for them.
54 million Hispanics are not a small group
It's a lot smaller than 196 million.

It only takes 70 million votes to win the Presidency
The Hispanic vote will split, with fair numbers of them siding with the idea of stiff resistance to further Illegal Immigration.

There is very little love lost between Blacks and Hispanics at-present, given that Hispanics have overtaken Blacks as the dominant Minority Population in the US.

And then there are the White Folk - another split-vote - with more leaning towards the (R)'s this time for a multitude of reasons, not just dealing with the Illegals.

Frankly, it's anybody's guess who's gonna come out on top this time, especially if Shrillary stays in the face, and actually becomes the Democratic standard bearer.

However, it looks like dealing with Illegal Aliens has become the Hot Button Topic of the 2016 race, at least with respect to domestic affairs, and is getting most of the oxygen in the room, so, it would appear that there's no going back, and damn the consequences - Devil take the first one who blinks.

We are, once again, entering upon a period of Interesting Times.
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
They haven't steered clear of the issue. They have been trying to pass an immigration bill for four years

Republicans have been blocking it

Good.... it's the same old shit.. let 'em flood the border, claim nothing can be done, grant amnesty.

Rinse, repeat.

No country can survive with open borders, it's national suicide.
Well you be informing Canada, or should I?

Oh, look who woke up.
" I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth" Only a right wing nut thinks that people can have their own truth. Trump lies. he does so shamelessly, without an compunction at doing so and regardless of how obvious the lies are because he knows that there are idiots out there who will accept "his truth" despite the falsity of his truth.
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
They haven't steered clear of the issue. They have been trying to pass an immigration bill for four years

Republicans have been blocking it

Good.... it's the same old shit.. let 'em flood the border, claim nothing can be done, grant amnesty.

Rinse, repeat.

No country can survive with open borders, it's national suicide.
Well you be informing Canada, or should I?

Oh, look who woke up.
When clients call, I drop by...
Polls Show A Majority Of Americans Oppose Obama's ...
Dec 10, 2014 - Somewhere between 51 and 56 percent of Americans oppose President Obama's executive amnesty program according to three polls ...
They oppose the way Obama went about granting temporary asylum. That in no way disproves the FACT that 80 percent of American favor citizenship or legal status.

I don't think so.

Not or......one but not the other.

You assume letting them stay here means citizenship automatically. It doesn't. Giving them the right to vote. Nope. They have to get in line for that.......if ever.

The problem with the right to vote is that many states issue drivers licenses to illegals.
The "Motor Voter" rule recognizes these drivers license as a valid voter registration so now we have illegals with the "right" to vote...Gee..I wonder who they'll vote for?

It's part of an orchestrated plan to skew the voting demographics and dilute and displace the white majority in this country.
in California they are "supposed" to be stamped for driving use only...."supposed" being the key word, have not seen any examples yet...
Polls Show A Majority Of Americans Oppose Obama's ...
Dec 10, 2014 - Somewhere between 51 and 56 percent of Americans oppose President Obama's executive amnesty program according to three polls ...
They oppose the way Obama went about granting temporary asylum. That in no way disproves the FACT that 80 percent of American favor citizenship or legal status.

I don't think so.

Not or......one but not the other.

You assume letting them stay here means citizenship automatically. It doesn't. Giving them the right to vote. Nope. They have to get in line for that.......if ever.

The problem with the right to vote is that many states issue drivers licenses to illegals.
The "Motor Voter" rule recognizes these drivers license as a valid voter registration so now we have illegals with the "right" to vote...Gee..I wonder who they'll vote for?

It's part of an orchestrated plan to skew the voting demographics and dilute and displace the white majority in this country.
in California they are "supposed" to be stamped for driving use only...."supposed" being the key word, have not seen any examples yet...

Well, humans are honest and gvt is efficient.I'm sure everything is fine.

Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
They haven't steered clear of the issue. They have been trying to pass an immigration bill for four years

Republicans have been blocking it

Good.... it's the same old shit.. let 'em flood the border, claim nothing can be done, grant amnesty.

Rinse, repeat.

No country can survive with open borders, it's national suicide.
The number of illegal immigrants has decreased over the last seven years. That hardly constitutes a " flood"

The way to decrease the population is not rounding up 11 million people and sending them to the other side of a fence

Cut back on Job opportunities in the U.S., prosecute employers like you would illegal workers. Improve employment opportunities in Mexico
Polls Show A Majority Of Americans Oppose Obama's ...
Dec 10, 2014 - Somewhere between 51 and 56 percent of Americans oppose President Obama's executive amnesty program according to three polls ...
They oppose the way Obama went about granting temporary asylum. That in no way disproves the FACT that 80 percent of American favor citizenship or legal status.

I don't think so.

Not or......one but not the other.

You assume letting them stay here means citizenship automatically. It doesn't. Giving them the right to vote. Nope. They have to get in line for that.......if ever.

The problem with the right to vote is that many states issue drivers licenses to illegals.
The "Motor Voter" rule recognizes these drivers license as a valid voter registration so now we have illegals with the "right" to vote...Gee..I wonder who they'll vote for?

It's part of an orchestrated plan to skew the voting demographics and dilute and displace the white majority in this country.
in California they are "supposed" to be stamped for driving use only...."supposed" being the key word, have not seen any examples yet...
"A: The new license includes a statement on the front that “Federal Limits Apply” and on the back that “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”"


IMMIGRATION: DMV revving up for driver's licenses
sure after he stuck his foot in his mouth than the back peddling begins...but he has at least brought up something all the other ones did not want to talk about....

Ok..let's make it personal instead of some vague claims and allegations....

You own your own house..or are paying a mortgage....or renting a house or apartment, right?

Do you think it would be ok for some random person off the street to sneak in one night and move into your spare bedroom and bring their family with them and demand that you feed them, clothe them, give them an education and share your money with them?

Why or why not?
what have i said to bring up this question?....i am not an illegal supporter,i just dont like how some people have made this a racial thing over a legality thing......

looking at the situation THAT way is different, isn't it? "Not In My Backyard", right?

Are you in favor of amnesty for illegals ...or deportation?
for any that can prove they have something going here,which would no doubt be the long timers,make them fill out the paper work if they refuse show them the door,any others, if they dont have a good reason for being here....see ya...any with a criminal record,out they go.....

"....prove they have something going here..."?

What the heck does THAT mean?..it's just vague enough to sound ok and make people feel better ....but it's really meaningless.Window dressing....and with guidelines THAT broad you should know by now that a football stadium worth of "lawyers" will keep THAT tied up in court for generations..effectively accomplishing nothing...meanwhile the problem continues to grow..which is exactly what anti american subversives want.
you dont know what that means?....the ones that have been here for years usually have something going here that they can prove,the guy who lives behind me has been cutting lawns for as long as i can remember and he has quite a few clients including business complexes in the Anaheim Hills....and the rent aint cheap around here....
This does not concern me. It is time to stop pandering to these little groups. They need to assimilate and do what's best for the country, not what they thing is best for them.
54 million Hispanics are not a small group
It's a lot smaller than 196 million.

It only takes 70 million votes to win the Presidency
The Hispanic vote will split, with fair numbers of them siding with the idea of stiff resistance to further Illegal Immigration.

There is very little love lost between Blacks and Hispanics at-present, given that Hispanics have overtaken Blacks as the dominant Minority Population in the US.

And then there are the White Folk - another split-vote - with more leaning towards the (R)'s this time for a multitude of reasons, not just dealing with the Illegals.

Frankly, it's anybody's guess who's gonna come out on top this time, especially if Shrillary stays in the face, and actually becomes the Democratic standard bearer.

However, it looks like dealing with Illegal Aliens has become the Hot Button Topic of the 2016 race, at least with respect to domestic affairs, and is getting most of the oxygen in the room, so, it would appear that there's no going back, and damn the consequences - Devil take the first one who blinks.

We are, once again, entering upon a period of Interesting Times.

Fuck them. This is the United States of America, not the fucking Beaner Republic. Obviously this is a burden we will have to deal with for a long time thanks to lax immigration laws. Nonetheless, we cannot govern America based upon a fucking beaner litmus test. If we do, then we are no longer s republic not are we the USA. We then become some kind of shithole third world nation, where house painter replaces doctor as the noblest profession and where everybody's yards are neatly manicured.
Polls Show A Majority Of Americans Oppose Obama's ...
Dec 10, 2014 - Somewhere between 51 and 56 percent of Americans oppose President Obama's executive amnesty program according to three polls ...
They oppose the way Obama went about granting temporary asylum. That in no way disproves the FACT that 80 percent of American favor citizenship or legal status.

I don't think so.

Not or......one but not the other.

You assume letting them stay here means citizenship automatically. It doesn't. Giving them the right to vote. Nope. They have to get in line for that.......if ever.

The problem with the right to vote is that many states issue drivers licenses to illegals.
The "Motor Voter" rule recognizes these drivers license as a valid voter registration so now we have illegals with the "right" to vote...Gee..I wonder who they'll vote for?

It's part of an orchestrated plan to skew the voting demographics and dilute and displace the white majority in this country.
in California they are "supposed" to be stamped for driving use only...."supposed" being the key word, have not seen any examples yet...

Well, humans are honest and gvt is efficient.I'm sure everything is fine.


Oh, most certainly...
Ok..let's make it personal instead of some vague claims and allegations....

You own your own house..or are paying a mortgage....or renting a house or apartment, right?

Do you think it would be ok for some random person off the street to sneak in one night and move into your spare bedroom and bring their family with them and demand that you feed them, clothe them, give them an education and share your money with them?

Why or why not?
what have i said to bring up this question?....i am not an illegal supporter,i just dont like how some people have made this a racial thing over a legality thing......

looking at the situation THAT way is different, isn't it? "Not In My Backyard", right?

Are you in favor of amnesty for illegals ...or deportation?
for any that can prove they have something going here,which would no doubt be the long timers,make them fill out the paper work if they refuse show them the door,any others, if they dont have a good reason for being here....see ya...any with a criminal record,out they go.....

"....prove they have something going here..."?

What the heck does THAT mean?..it's just vague enough to sound ok and make people feel better ....but it's really meaningless.Window dressing....and with guidelines THAT broad you should know by now that a football stadium worth of "lawyers" will keep THAT tied up in court for generations..effectively accomplishing nothing...meanwhile the problem continues to grow..which is exactly what anti american subversives want.
you dont know what that means?....the ones that have been here for years usually have something going here that they can prove,the guy who lives behind me has been cutting lawns for as long as i can remember and he has quite a few clients including business complexes in the Anaheim Hills....and the rent aint cheap around here....

Like I said..language like "prove they have something going for them" is a weak , vague, inexact "standard" and open for widespread abuse by subversives.
Be serious, man.
This does not concern me. It is time to stop pandering to these little groups. They need to assimilate and do what's best for the country, not what they thing is best for them.
54 million Hispanics are not a small group
It's a lot smaller than 196 million.

It only takes 70 million votes to win the Presidency
The Hispanic vote will split, with fair numbers of them siding with the idea of stiff resistance to further Illegal Immigration.

There is very little love lost between Blacks and Hispanics at-present, given that Hispanics have overtaken Blacks as the dominant Minority Population in the US.

And then there are the White Folk - another split-vote - with more leaning towards the (R)'s this time for a multitude of reasons, not just dealing with the Illegals.

Frankly, it's anybody's guess who's gonna come out on top this time, especially if Shrillary stays in the face, and actually becomes the Democratic standard bearer.

However, it looks like dealing with Illegal Aliens has become the Hot Button Topic of the 2016 race, at least with respect to domestic affairs, and is getting most of the oxygen in the room, so, it would appear that there's no going back, and damn the consequences - Devil take the first one who blinks.

We are, once again, entering upon a period of Interesting Times.

Fuck them. This is the United States of America, not the fucking Beaner Republic. Obviously this is a burden we will have to deal with for a long time thanks to lax immigration laws. Nonetheless, we cannot govern America based upon a fucking beaner litmus test. If we do, then we are no longer s republic not are we the USA. We then become some kind of shithole third world nation, where house painter replaces doctor as the noblest profession and where everybody's yards are neatly manicured.
Not your white trailer park trash nation either, Jethro.

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