Hispanics Hate Trump

looking at the situation THAT way is different, isn't it? "Not In My Backyard", right?

Are you in favor of amnesty for illegals ...or deportation?
for any that can prove they have something going here,which would no doubt be the long timers,make them fill out the paper work if they refuse show them the door,any others, if they dont have a good reason for being here....see ya...any with a criminal record,out they go.....

"....prove they have something going here..."?

What the heck does THAT mean?..it's just vague enough to sound ok and make people feel better ....but it's really meaningless.Window dressing....and with guidelines THAT broad you should know by now that a football stadium worth of "lawyers" will keep THAT tied up in court for generations..effectively accomplishing nothing...meanwhile the problem continues to grow..which is exactly what anti american subversives want.
you dont know what that means?....the ones that have been here for years usually have something going here that they can prove,the guy who lives behind me has been cutting lawns for as long as i can remember and he has quite a few clients including business complexes in the Anaheim Hills....and the rent aint cheap around here....

Like I said..language like "prove they have something going for them" is a weak , vague, inexact "standard" and open for widespread abuse by subversives.
Be serious, man.
if you can prove you have been working for lets say 10 years,how is that weak?...i answered your question you just dont like the answer.....
if you BROKE THE LAW GETTING HERE...everything else is irrelevant.

Like I said..you can't rob a bank and then rescue a drowning child and get to keep the money because you did something "good" afterward...
c'mon man...be serious. everybody thinks they're "special" and the rules shouldn't have to apply to them..
Indeed... what you said. My grandparents came here from Great Britain and did so legally. I know people who have done it the right way. It's an affront to them to allow others to just sneak in and wait it out.

Now of course, there are some small-minded idiots who don't like the Mexicans and don't want them here. But they're just as bad as t hose that are using these people for political purposes... those folks really don't give shit about them either. Hell, we're all immigrants... even the Native Americans weren't all that "native". They too were immigrants.
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for any that can prove they have something going here,which would no doubt be the long timers,make them fill out the paper work if they refuse show them the door,any others, if they dont have a good reason for being here....see ya...any with a criminal record,out they go.....

"....prove they have something going here..."?

What the heck does THAT mean?..it's just vague enough to sound ok and make people feel better ....but it's really meaningless.Window dressing....and with guidelines THAT broad you should know by now that a football stadium worth of "lawyers" will keep THAT tied up in court for generations..effectively accomplishing nothing...meanwhile the problem continues to grow..which is exactly what anti american subversives want.
you dont know what that means?....the ones that have been here for years usually have something going here that they can prove,the guy who lives behind me has been cutting lawns for as long as i can remember and he has quite a few clients including business complexes in the Anaheim Hills....and the rent aint cheap around here....

Like I said..language like "prove they have something going for them" is a weak , vague, inexact "standard" and open for widespread abuse by subversives.
Be serious, man.
if you can prove you have been working for lets say 10 years,how is that weak?...i answered your question you just dont like the answer.....
if you BROKE THE LAW GETTING HERE...everything else is irrelevant.

Like I said..you can't rob a bank and then rescue a drowning child and get to keep the money because you did something "good" afterward...
c'mon man...be serious. everybody thinks they're "special" and the rules shouldn't have to apply to them..
The 14th doesn't mention how mommy got here. It could have, but it doesn't. The Supreme Court doesn't care either, nearly without exception.
The big question is how many of these so called "hispanics" are legal entitled (and likely) to vote?

One of my neighbors is a legal immigrant. He came over from Mexico, legally. He despises the word "hispanic", says it means nothing. It took him 20 years to become a citizen. He had to jump through dozens of hoops, take tests, and deal with government bureaucrats. Says it was a real pain in the ass! He resents illegals. Says they should all be deported. He loves what Trump has said about illegal aliens, and he is a registered Democrat.

Like I said earlier in this thread- it's way to early for ANY poll to matter. Normal people don't start paying attention until the first primaries start, or later.
The big question is how many of these so called "hispanics" are legal entitled (and likely) to vote?

One of my neighbors is a legal immigrant. He came over from Mexico, legally. He despises the word "hispanic", says it means nothing. It took him 20 years to become a citizen. He had to jump through dozens of hoops, take tests, and deal with government bureaucrats. Says it was a real pain in the ass! He resents illegals. Says they should all be deported. He loves what Trump has said about illegal aliens, and he is a registered Democrat.

Like I said earlier in this thread- it's way to early for ANY poll to matter. Normal people don't start paying attention until the first primaries start, or later.
Normal people start paying attention in October, of next year.
The sub-human comment was way out of line, but racial epithets don't even phase me.

Go ahead, call me a gringo.


I can understand the frustration people have and their use of terms to vent. I'm sick of some of these people and their entitled bullshit. Would I give them a chance to right their wrongs? Sure, but those who are a drain on the system, have no desire to assimilate, and are commiting crimes, should be catapulted back across the border.

Believe me, if they thought for a second that these folks would vote Republican, people Like G would personally be rounding them up and carting them back. They have no use for minorities except in the voting booth.

Oh fuck yeah!!

If people were crossing the border and had a conservative stance in a voting booth the moonbats would demand a wall be built with snipers and a minefield.

Straw men, and more straw men. It's all you tards have.

I have pointed out countless times the Mexican people coming here have strong family values, are deeply religious, and are very hard working. All qualities the Republican party claims to espouse, which makes their hateful treatment of Mexicans all that much more idiotic and self-destructive.

Instead of acknowledging these great qualities of the Mexican people and welcoming them, you retards hold up as heroes assholes like Trump and Coulter who call them rapists!

It is YOU assholes who want to put up walls and snipers because of hatred and fear.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

where r the examples idiot??

He has none... he's been asked repeatedly. All he does is spew worn out leftwing talking points.

Blah blah blah blah.....
I have plenty. In fact, all I have to do is wait. Any day or hour now, some right winger will oblige with yet another topic or post as they rant about another minority group in a negative way.

It's inevitable. Even though I tell you guys that is what you do, you STILL do it. You can't stop yourselves. It is ingrained.

Sometimes I will say, "You must be one of those LJB Democrats I keep hearing about". It sails right over their heads.
Just as I predicted.

I only had to wait a matter of a couple hours: Even facts are denied by apologists for Islam
Biden? Gimme a break.. he's either a rampant alcoholic or mentally ill. Either way, totally unfit to be President.
careful, pointing out the obvious will get you called a racist.
(its their way to make you comply and be silent)
so will calling brown people "subhuman"....

And "brown people" isn't? How about just Hispanic.
you know what i mean Soggy....and how come if what i said bothers you,you did not get on him when said they were sub-humans?...matter of fact no one did but me...no one got on paint my outhouse either when he called them "beaners" but me.....i guarantee you a Mexican will accept being called a brown person over a "beaner" or a sub-human....

I was more offended by what he said actually.... I don't use any of those terms..
intelligent decent people dont....
The big question is how many of these so called "hispanics" are legal entitled (and likely) to vote?

One of my neighbors is a legal immigrant. He came over from Mexico, legally. He despises the word "hispanic", says it means nothing. It took him 20 years to become a citizen. He had to jump through dozens of hoops, take tests, and deal with government bureaucrats. Says it was a real pain in the ass! He resents illegals. Says they should all be deported. He loves what Trump has said about illegal aliens, and he is a registered Democrat.

Like I said earlier in this thread- it's way to early for ANY poll to matter. Normal people don't start paying attention until the first primaries start, or later.
Normal people start paying attention in October, of next year.

Normal people love their national parks, nws, paved roads and police. Idiotic whining for cuts is very unpopular!
"....prove they have something going here..."?

What the heck does THAT mean?..it's just vague enough to sound ok and make people feel better ....but it's really meaningless.Window dressing....and with guidelines THAT broad you should know by now that a football stadium worth of "lawyers" will keep THAT tied up in court for generations..effectively accomplishing nothing...meanwhile the problem continues to grow..which is exactly what anti american subversives want.
you dont know what that means?....the ones that have been here for years usually have something going here that they can prove,the guy who lives behind me has been cutting lawns for as long as i can remember and he has quite a few clients including business complexes in the Anaheim Hills....and the rent aint cheap around here....

Like I said..language like "prove they have something going for them" is a weak , vague, inexact "standard" and open for widespread abuse by subversives.
Be serious, man.
if you can prove you have been working for lets say 10 years,how is that weak?...i answered your question you just dont like the answer.....
if you BROKE THE LAW GETTING HERE...everything else is irrelevant.

Like I said..you can't rob a bank and then rescue a drowning child and get to keep the money because you did something "good" afterward...
c'mon man...be serious. everybody thinks they're "special" and the rules shouldn't have to apply to them..
The 14th doesn't mention how mommy got here. It could have, but it doesn't. The Supreme Court doesn't care either, nearly without exception.
things change all the time...especially "interpretations"..we'll see.
you dont know what that means?....the ones that have been here for years usually have something going here that they can prove,the guy who lives behind me has been cutting lawns for as long as i can remember and he has quite a few clients including business complexes in the Anaheim Hills....and the rent aint cheap around here....

Like I said..language like "prove they have something going for them" is a weak , vague, inexact "standard" and open for widespread abuse by subversives.
Be serious, man.
if you can prove you have been working for lets say 10 years,how is that weak?...i answered your question you just dont like the answer.....
if you BROKE THE LAW GETTING HERE...everything else is irrelevant.

Like I said..you can't rob a bank and then rescue a drowning child and get to keep the money because you did something "good" afterward...
c'mon man...be serious. everybody thinks they're "special" and the rules shouldn't have to apply to them..
The 14th doesn't mention how mommy got here. It could have, but it doesn't. The Supreme Court doesn't care either, nearly without exception.
things change all the time...especially "interpretations"..we'll see.
The only thing you can do is amend it, period.
the ones that hate Donald Trump are mostly the illegals, and they dont vote anyway, right?, isnt that what the left tells us? there are no voting violations and therefore we dont need to insure that the vote is legal and honest.
So, in light of that, who cares what the illegals like or dont like. Fuck them, they are subhuman and have no rights in this country anyway.
Fuck them, they are subhuman
this is an example of why native born Mexicans will not support assholes on the right ..its all racial has nothing to do with a legality problem,and this "patriot" will now say he means the "illegals" not the native born....yea convince the native born ones you dont mean them too....

I've said before that if this were 11 million illegal immigrants from Canada there wouldn't nearly be this large of an outcry.
the ones that hate Donald Trump are mostly the illegals, and they dont vote anyway, right?, isnt that what the left tells us? there are no voting violations and therefore we dont need to insure that the vote is legal and honest.
So, in light of that, who cares what the illegals like or dont like. Fuck them, they are subhuman and have no rights in this country anyway.
Fuck them, they are subhuman
this is an example of why native born Mexicans will not support assholes on the right ..its all racial has nothing to do with a legality problem,and this "patriot" will now say he means the "illegals" not the native born....yea convince the native born ones you dont mean them too....

I've said before that if this were 11 million illegal immigrants from Canada there wouldn't nearly be this large of an outcry.

If my aunt had a penis....

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