Hispanics Hate Trump

the ones that hate Donald Trump are mostly the illegals, and they dont vote anyway, right?, isnt that what the left tells us? there are no voting violations and therefore we dont need to insure that the vote is legal and honest.
So, in light of that, who cares what the illegals like or dont like. Fuck them, they are subhuman and have no rights in this country anyway.
Fuck them, they are subhuman
this is an example of why native born Mexicans will not support assholes on the right ..its all racial has nothing to do with a legality problem,and this "patriot" will now say he means the "illegals" not the native born....yea convince the native born ones you dont mean them too....

I've said before that if this were 11 million illegal immigrants from Canada there wouldn't nearly be this large of an outcry.

Why are canadian illegals different than any others?
Illegal means illegal.
we have 90 some million out of work and 45 million on food stamps. I don't care if they're from venus...if they are here illegally deport them.
america first.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
The left is gone, he's losing the middle, and the darkie right is fleeing for higher ground. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. To win you have to win the majority, not the overtly racist white right, and that's all he has even if they are in Trumpian MILF love currently. He has the We Hate Wetbacks minions, and that's not even close to enough.
He has the We Hate Wetbacks minions
so i guess we know who you are voting for....
I have very strict criteria next year. Their name must begin with the letters A-Z, and it needs this before it (D).
i was told only right wingers call Hispanics "beaners" and wetbacks....was i lied too?....or are you one of those phony democrats who are real nice to Mexicans when they are in front of you and show your true colors when they are not around?...no doubt out of fear....
I call them what you think of them. To me they are very nice people, like the little beaner who just served me lunch. I have nothing against her, you do...
thats the kind of reply i would expect from a racist,and one who wants to kill handicapped kids,like told you before jerk go over to the middle east and be with your hard line muslim buddies,while they are throwing gays off the roofs you can throw some handicapped kids off....you guys will have a blast....you people have so much in common...
the ones that hate Donald Trump are mostly the illegals, and they dont vote anyway, right?, isnt that what the left tells us? there are no voting violations and therefore we dont need to insure that the vote is legal and honest.
So, in light of that, who cares what the illegals like or dont like. Fuck them, they are subhuman and have no rights in this country anyway.
Fuck them, they are subhuman
this is an example of why native born Mexicans will not support assholes on the right ..its all racial has nothing to do with a legality problem,and this "patriot" will now say he means the "illegals" not the native born....yea convince the native born ones you dont mean them too....

I've said before that if this were 11 million illegal immigrants from Canada there wouldn't nearly be this large of an outcry.

Why are canadian illegals different than any others?

They're white
The big question is how many of these so called "hispanics" are legal entitled (and likely) to vote?

One of my neighbors is a legal immigrant. He came over from Mexico, legally. He despises the word "hispanic", says it means nothing. It took him 20 years to become a citizen. He had to jump through dozens of hoops, take tests, and deal with government bureaucrats. Says it was a real pain in the ass! He resents illegals. Says they should all be deported. He loves what Trump has said about illegal aliens, and he is a registered Democrat.

Like I said earlier in this thread- it's way to early for ANY poll to matter. Normal people don't start paying attention until the first primaries start, or later.
Normal people start paying attention in October, of next year.

Normal people love their national parks, nws, paved roads and police. Idiotic whining for cuts is very unpopular!

Matthew, the one-note horn is blowing again, how pathetic. :rofl:

Firstly, the Federal government is not in charge of local roads, police , fire, ETC. . The Feds have clearly defined "delineated powers". The rest is up to the states. If you have a problem with a road or bridge- its a state or local issue.

Secondly, the Feds do not have a "REVENUE" problem they have a "SPENDING" problem. The Feds waste hundreds of BILLIONS on silly, stupid, shit. When conservatives talk about "cutting spending" they want stupid shit cut. They want the feds to live within their fucking means and to spend OUR MONEY wisely. No more studies about Rabbit massages, laughing classes, and watching the grass grow......Coburn's 'Waste Book' details $19 billion in eye-opening government expenses
the ones that hate Donald Trump are mostly the illegals, and they dont vote anyway, right?, isnt that what the left tells us? there are no voting violations and therefore we dont need to insure that the vote is legal and honest.
So, in light of that, who cares what the illegals like or dont like. Fuck them, they are subhuman and have no rights in this country anyway.
Fuck them, they are subhuman
this is an example of why native born Mexicans will not support assholes on the right ..its all racial has nothing to do with a legality problem,and this "patriot" will now say he means the "illegals" not the native born....yea convince the native born ones you dont mean them too....

I've said before that if this were 11 million illegal immigrants from Canada there wouldn't nearly be this large of an outcry.

Why are canadian illegals different than any others?

They're white

Honestly.. If we had 11,000,000 motherfuckers running around saying "eh"... I'd be done with them too... they'd be demanding Tim Horton's on every corner and shit... damn Canucks.
the ones that hate Donald Trump are mostly the illegals, and they dont vote anyway, right?, isnt that what the left tells us? there are no voting violations and therefore we dont need to insure that the vote is legal and honest.
So, in light of that, who cares what the illegals like or dont like. Fuck them, they are subhuman and have no rights in this country anyway.
Fuck them, they are subhuman
this is an example of why native born Mexicans will not support assholes on the right ..its all racial has nothing to do with a legality problem,and this "patriot" will now say he means the "illegals" not the native born....yea convince the native born ones you dont mean them too....

I've said before that if this were 11 million illegal immigrants from Canada there wouldn't nearly be this large of an outcry.

Why are canadian illegals different than any others?

They're white

what is different about them?

bet republicans got more votes from people of all walks of life appalled by liberal sanctuary cities than dems wre going to get from hispanics who were likely to vote for dems anyway

try again

Poll: 62% Voters Want DOJ Action Against Sanctuary Cities
Jul 13, 2015 - A majority of likely voters say action should be taken against jurisdictions with sanctuary policies for illegal immigrants, according to a new ...

as you can see cuts across Party lines

So the people who hate big government want big government to crack down on cities.


Are you high? Nobody said any such thing...


No conservatives rant about the big central government in Washington?
Republicans got 27% of the vote against Obama

Run Trump and you get ten

2/3rds of Republicans don't want Trump as their nominee but here among USMB crowd you'd think he was US Supreme Leader by acclamation.

I would PAY to see a Biden/Trump race in 2016.
I would PAY to see the debates. Trump would walk all over Biden. actually, most high school kids would walk all over Biden.

Then if it's Biden vs Trump in the general you'll bet $1000 on Trump and put the money up?
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
The reason both parties have not made immigration a priority is because it's not a priory issue with most voters. Even after Trump's attempts to make illegal immigrants a scapegoat for most of America's problems, the issue still isn't a high priory item according to both Gallop and CNN polls taken in late July. The economy, jobs, racialism, income, and other social problems top immigration. According Gallop, immigration last year at this time was of even less importance with voters. Among Democrats immigration rank the least important of 13 issues. Among Republicans it ranked 8th out of 13.

bet republicans got more votes from people of all walks of life appalled by liberal sanctuary cities than dems wre going to get from hispanics who were likely to vote for dems anyway

try again

Poll: 62% Voters Want DOJ Action Against Sanctuary Cities
Jul 13, 2015 - A majority of likely voters say action should be taken against jurisdictions with sanctuary policies for illegal immigrants, according to a new ...

as you can see cuts across Party lines

So the people who hate big government want big government to crack down on cities.


Are you high? Nobody said any such thing...


No conservatives rant about the big central government in Washington?

You make no sense.... you can want the feds to enforce the laws and still not want a government that is intrusive... there are limits and it isn;t an all or nothing proposition. What is it with you libs... you seem unable to hold two thoughts at once.

bet republicans got more votes from people of all walks of life appalled by liberal sanctuary cities than dems wre going to get from hispanics who were likely to vote for dems anyway

try again

Poll: 62% Voters Want DOJ Action Against Sanctuary Cities
Jul 13, 2015 - A majority of likely voters say action should be taken against jurisdictions with sanctuary policies for illegal immigrants, according to a new ...

as you can see cuts across Party lines

So the people who hate big government want big government to crack down on cities.


Are you high? Nobody said any such thing...


No conservatives rant about the big central government in Washington?

You make no sense.... you can want the feds to enforce the laws and still not want a government that is intrusive... there are limits and it isn;t an all or nothing proposition. What is it with you libs... you seem unable to hold two thoughts at once.

Conservatives support nullification and/or secession. They hate the federal government, right up to the point where they think they can exploit it for their own agenda.

How about the sanctuary cities just nullify federal laws they don't like, eh?

bet republicans got more votes from people of all walks of life appalled by liberal sanctuary cities than dems wre going to get from hispanics who were likely to vote for dems anyway

try again

Poll: 62% Voters Want DOJ Action Against Sanctuary Cities
Jul 13, 2015 - A majority of likely voters say action should be taken against jurisdictions with sanctuary policies for illegal immigrants, according to a new ...

as you can see cuts across Party lines

So the people who hate big government want big government to crack down on cities.


Are you high? Nobody said any such thing...


No conservatives rant about the big central government in Washington?

You make no sense.... you can want the feds to enforce the laws and still not want a government that is intrusive... there are limits and it isn;t an all or nothing proposition. What is it with you libs... you seem unable to hold two thoughts at once.
Here's someone talking about a minority in negative terms, Soggy. I didn't even have to wait more than a couple hours: Even facts are denied by apologists for Islam | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Like I said. The modern day Right can't stop themselves.

bet republicans got more votes from people of all walks of life appalled by liberal sanctuary cities than dems wre going to get from hispanics who were likely to vote for dems anyway

try again

Poll: 62% Voters Want DOJ Action Against Sanctuary Cities
Jul 13, 2015 - A majority of likely voters say action should be taken against jurisdictions with sanctuary policies for illegal immigrants, according to a new ...

as you can see cuts across Party lines

So the people who hate big government want big government to crack down on cities.


Are you high? Nobody said any such thing...


No conservatives rant about the big central government in Washington?

You make no sense.... you can want the feds to enforce the laws and still not want a government that is intrusive... there are limits and it isn;t an all or nothing proposition. What is it with you libs... you seem unable to hold two thoughts at once.
Here's someone talking about a minority in negative terms, Soggy. I didn't even have to wait more than a couple hours: Even facts are denied by apologists for Islam | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Like I said. The modern day Right can't stop themselves.

Geeze Louise.... go feign your outrage elsewhere.... Curt Schilling? When did he become a prominent Republican? That outrages you? I think it's pretty dumb of him to do.. but outrage? Hardly, who gives a shit.
So the people who hate big government want big government to crack down on cities.


Are you high? Nobody said any such thing...


No conservatives rant about the big central government in Washington?

You make no sense.... you can want the feds to enforce the laws and still not want a government that is intrusive... there are limits and it isn;t an all or nothing proposition. What is it with you libs... you seem unable to hold two thoughts at once.
Here's someone talking about a minority in negative terms, Soggy. I didn't even have to wait more than a couple hours: Even facts are denied by apologists for Islam | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Like I said. The modern day Right can't stop themselves.

Geeze Louise.... go feign your outrage elsewhere.... Curt Schilling?
It sucks when you are proven wrong and I am proven correct, doesn't it.

Not a day goes by, Soggy. Not a day.

The modern day Right can't stop themselves. They blare in no uncertain terms just how much they HATE minorities.

Every. Single. Day.

Minorities notice shit like that. They notice the GOP does NOTHING to clean up the bigots. They notice the GOP panders to the bigots. They notice YOU do nothing to clean up the bigots.

They notice you calling Republicans like me liberals and all kinds of other nasty names for trying to do something about it. You are sending an unmistakable message to the bigots and to minorities when you attack people who are trying to clean up the Right from the inside.
Are you high? Nobody said any such thing...


No conservatives rant about the big central government in Washington?

You make no sense.... you can want the feds to enforce the laws and still not want a government that is intrusive... there are limits and it isn;t an all or nothing proposition. What is it with you libs... you seem unable to hold two thoughts at once.
Here's someone talking about a minority in negative terms, Soggy. I didn't even have to wait more than a couple hours: Even facts are denied by apologists for Islam | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Like I said. The modern day Right can't stop themselves.

Geeze Louise.... go feign your outrage elsewhere.... Curt Schilling?
It sucks when you are proven wrong and I am proven correct, doesn't it.

Not a day goes by, Soggy. Not a day.

The modern day Right can't stop themselves. They blare in no uncertain terms just how much they HATE minorities.

Every. Single. Day.

Minorities notice shit like that. They notice the GOP does NOTHING to clean up the bigots. They notice the GOP panders to the bigots.

They notice you calling Republicans like me liberals and all kinds of other nasty names for trying to do something about it.
Minorities or illegals.
Not that I would expect an anti American to see a difference.

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