Hispanics Hate Trump

Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
What percentage of those polled are actually US citizens?

You're like the fourth person to ask that. You people are in serious denial. It's truly sad.
I would think that you are in serious denial if you think those types of questions are not asked in specific areas to bring specific results.

Show us the evidence. Funny how none of you have been able to do that.

I'm still waiting for your answer to why you think canadians should be allowed to illegally enter our country. I can't figure that angle out.
90 million unemployed.

You're off by more than a factor of 10, retard.

Uhm, no he isn't... David Stockman wrote an excellent article on this just recently. It's very simple, I think you can follow it.

Stockman cites the number of 210 million adult Americans, who if they worked 2,000 hours per year, or about 40 hours per week, would deliver 420 million labor hours per year. When compared to the 240 million labor hours per year reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total workforce of the country is delivering 57.1 percent of those 420 million labor hours, and otherwise stated, 42.9 percent of those hours are not being delivered. Therefore, the calculation of unemployment by this measure is 42.9 percent.

When the number of Americans currently not working, which is reported at 93 million, is compared to that same workforce calculation of 210 million, that calculation of 93 million as a percentage of the 210 million suggests the unemployment rate is 44.29 percent. That calculation is very close to David Stockman’s estimate of the unemployment rate.

Read more at David Stockman Says Unemployment Is Really 42.9 Percent

So first, we make up a 42 percent unemployment number, and then to make that work, we have to invent 90 million unemployed people out of 212 million adults, meaning almost every other adult in America is unemployed.

I knew you were retarded, but I had no idea you were this retarded!
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
What percentage of those polled are actually US citizens?

You're like the fourth person to ask that. You people are in serious denial. It's truly sad.
I would think that you are in serious denial if you think those types of questions are not asked in specific areas to bring specific results.

Show us the evidence. Funny how none of you have been able to do that.

I'm still waiting for your answer to why you think canadians should be allowed to illegally enter our country. I can't figure that angle out.

Who said they should be?
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
What percentage of those polled are actually US citizens?

You're like the fourth person to ask that. You people are in serious denial. It's truly sad.
I would think that you are in serious denial if you think those types of questions are not asked in specific areas to bring specific results.

Show us the evidence. Funny how none of you have been able to do that.
prove Im wrong.
funny how you cant do that
90 million unemployed.

You're off by more than a factor of 10, retard.

Uhm, no he isn't... David Stockman wrote an excellent article on this just recently. It's very simple, I think you can follow it.

Stockman cites the number of 210 million adult Americans, who if they worked 2,000 hours per year, or about 40 hours per week, would deliver 420 million labor hours per year. When compared to the 240 million labor hours per year reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total workforce of the country is delivering 57.1 percent of those 420 million labor hours, and otherwise stated, 42.9 percent of those hours are not being delivered. Therefore, the calculation of unemployment by this measure is 42.9 percent.

When the number of Americans currently not working, which is reported at 93 million, is compared to that same workforce calculation of 210 million, that calculation of 93 million as a percentage of the 210 million suggests the unemployment rate is 44.29 percent. That calculation is very close to David Stockman’s estimate of the unemployment rate.

Read more at David Stockman Says Unemployment Is Really 42.9 Percent

So first, we make up a 42 percent unemployment number, and then to make that work, we have to invent 90 million unemployed people out of 212 million adults, meaning almost every other adult in America is unemployed.

I knew you were retarded, but I had no idea you were this retarded!

Trumpettes don't need facts. They know that if you repeat something often enough, it magically becomes true.
90 million unemployed.

Man, I'm going to be chuckling over that one for some time.

In July, both the unemployment rate (5.3 percent) and the number of unemployed persons (8.3 million) were unchanged.

93,000,000 out of 210,000,000 is not 8.3%

No one said it is, oh innumerate one.

... and yes, I get all the U numbers and whatnot. How can we survive when nearly half of able bodied people are not working?

It's unsustainable.
What special piss are you drinking that makes you actually believe every other adult in America is unemployed?

Serious question.
Table B-2. Average weekly hours and overtime of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted

Average weekly hours: 34.6

Stockman assumed an average of 40 per week, and he assumed every worker works 52 weeks a year, with no vacations or days off. I know that's the way some slavedrivers would like it, but his idiotic assumptions have no basis in reality whatsoever.

His assumption was 2000 hours a year per worker, when in fact it is closer to 1500.

Amateur mistakes.
What percentage of those polled are actually US citizens?

You're like the fourth person to ask that. You people are in serious denial. It's truly sad.
I would think that you are in serious denial if you think those types of questions are not asked in specific areas to bring specific results.

Show us the evidence. Funny how none of you have been able to do that.

I'm still waiting for your answer to why you think canadians should be allowed to illegally enter our country. I can't figure that angle out.

Who said they should be?

What?..we are talking about illegals sneaking into the country...You said canadian illegals were "different".

I don't get it. Why should they be let in?
The actual number as of July is 93,770,000... take it up with the BLS if you don't agree. That is the number of Americans of working age not working, for whatever reason.
Stockman also assumed every adult in America is a part of the labor force. Another huge erroneous assumption.
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
What percentage of those polled are actually US citizens?

You're like the fourth person to ask that. You people are in serious denial. It's truly sad.
I would think that you are in serious denial if you think those types of questions are not asked in specific areas to bring specific results.

Show us the evidence. Funny how none of you have been able to do that.
prove Im wrong.
funny how you cant do that

I don't have to prove a negative. You made the accusation without any evidence to back it up. It's up to you prove your claim. There is no onus on me to do anything.
Table B-2. Average weekly hours and overtime of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted

Average weekly hours: 34.6

Stockman assumed an average of 40 per week, and he assumed every worker works 52 weeks a year, with no vacations or days off. I know that's the way some slavedrivers would like it, but his idiotic assumptions have no basis in reality whatsoever.

His assumption was 2000 hours a year per worker, when in fact it is closer to 1500.

Amateur mistakes.
Amateur mistakes...

You are just a professional internet warrior....

Laughable fool. GO OUTSIDE sometime
The actual number as of July is 93,770,000... take it up with the BLS if you don't agree. That is the number of Americans of working age not working, for whatever reason.
I showed you the BLS figure. 8.3 million unemployed, not 93 million.

You either need glasses, or a reading comprehension class.

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