Hispanics Hate Trump

Like I said..language like "prove they have something going for them" is a weak , vague, inexact "standard" and open for widespread abuse by subversives.
Be serious, man.
if you can prove you have been working for lets say 10 years,how is that weak?...i answered your question you just dont like the answer.....
if you BROKE THE LAW GETTING HERE...everything else is irrelevant.

Like I said..you can't rob a bank and then rescue a drowning child and get to keep the money because you did something "good" afterward...
c'mon man...be serious. everybody thinks they're "special" and the rules shouldn't have to apply to them..
that aint the question you asked me is it?....like i said i answered your question you just dont like the answer

hahahaha..yeah you "answered" my question by evading and trying to change the subject..all good.....I get it.
i changed the subject?....you asked me if i was for amnesty or deportation post 269...i answered you post 271....we even discussed my answer....now you are saying no matter what they are illegal....yea no shit.....now who changed the subject?....

You know what?
I think you're right. I confused you with another poster who mentioned overstaying exit visas.
Entirely my mistake. I apologize.
if you can prove you have been working for lets say 10 years,how is that weak?...i answered your question you just dont like the answer.....
if you BROKE THE LAW GETTING HERE...everything else is irrelevant.

Like I said..you can't rob a bank and then rescue a drowning child and get to keep the money because you did something "good" afterward...
c'mon man...be serious. everybody thinks they're "special" and the rules shouldn't have to apply to them..
that aint the question you asked me is it?....like i said i answered your question you just dont like the answer

hahahaha..yeah you "answered" my question by evading and trying to change the subject..all good.....I get it.
i changed the subject?....you asked me if i was for amnesty or deportation post 269...i answered you post 271....we even discussed my answer....now you are saying no matter what they are illegal....yea no shit.....now who changed the subject?....

You know what?
I think you're right. I confused you with another poster who mentioned overstaying exit visas.
Entirely my mistake. I apologize.
no problem Rota....you know i love you...not that way you perv...lol
if you BROKE THE LAW GETTING HERE...everything else is irrelevant.

Like I said..you can't rob a bank and then rescue a drowning child and get to keep the money because you did something "good" afterward...
c'mon man...be serious. everybody thinks they're "special" and the rules shouldn't have to apply to them..
that aint the question you asked me is it?....like i said i answered your question you just dont like the answer

hahahaha..yeah you "answered" my question by evading and trying to change the subject..all good.....I get it.
i changed the subject?....you asked me if i was for amnesty or deportation post 269...i answered you post 271....we even discussed my answer....now you are saying no matter what they are illegal....yea no shit.....now who changed the subject?....

You know what?
I think you're right. I confused you with another poster who mentioned overstaying exit visas.
Entirely my mistake. I apologize.
no problem Rota....you know i love you...not that way you perv...lol

I've done it before when I overlooked a poster that was on ignore. I'll have to be more careful
that aint the question you asked me is it?....like i said i answered your question you just dont like the answer

hahahaha..yeah you "answered" my question by evading and trying to change the subject..all good.....I get it.
i changed the subject?....you asked me if i was for amnesty or deportation post 269...i answered you post 271....we even discussed my answer....now you are saying no matter what they are illegal....yea no shit.....now who changed the subject?....

You know what?
I think you're right. I confused you with another poster who mentioned overstaying exit visas.
Entirely my mistake. I apologize.
no problem Rota....you know i love you...not that way you perv...lol

I've done it before when I overlooked a poster that was on ignore. I'll have to be more careful
we all fuck up,especially if there are a lot of posts going....one time i was saying something to someone who was also in another thread i was in,the guy just said wrong thread Harry,and it was like...fuck he is right....shit happens...
54 million Hispanics are not a small group
It's a lot smaller than 196 million.

It only takes 70 million votes to win the Presidency
The Hispanic vote will split, with fair numbers of them siding with the idea of stiff resistance to further Illegal Immigration.

There is very little love lost between Blacks and Hispanics at-present, given that Hispanics have overtaken Blacks as the dominant Minority Population in the US.

And then there are the White Folk - another split-vote - with more leaning towards the (R)'s this time for a multitude of reasons, not just dealing with the Illegals.

Frankly, it's anybody's guess who's gonna come out on top this time, especially if Shrillary stays in the face, and actually becomes the Democratic standard bearer.

However, it looks like dealing with Illegal Aliens has become the Hot Button Topic of the 2016 race, at least with respect to domestic affairs, and is getting most of the oxygen in the room, so, it would appear that there's no going back, and damn the consequences - Devil take the first one who blinks.

We are, once again, entering upon a period of Interesting Times.

Fuck them. This is the United States of America, not the fucking Beaner Republic. Obviously this is a burden we will have to deal with for a long time thanks to lax immigration laws. Nonetheless, we cannot govern America based upon a fucking beaner litmus test. If we do, then we are no longer s republic not are we the USA. We then become some kind of shithole third world nation, where house painter replaces doctor as the noblest profession and where everybody's yards are neatly manicured.
Found another racist to welcome.

Simple minds seek out simple solutions.
You would think immigration laws would reflect at lease some of the outrage that Americans feel about illegal immigration However Federal laws treat illegal immigration as a relatively minor offense. The unfairness of the laws, have turned entire community against enforcing the law which has given rise to the sanctuary cities across the country. For example:

  • Mere unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal.
  • You can not be charged with an infraction of the immigration law due solely to fact that you do not have proper identification.
  • Illegal Entry (Improper Entry) is a federal misdemeanor and carries only a $250 fine for first offense and no more than 6 mos. incarceration, a penalty that is rarely levied. By comparison illegal entry into a national park can carry a fine of $500 fine.
  • Immigration laws do not required that illegal immigrants be deported regardless of their offense. The law specifies which violations of immigration law are deplorable. The decision rests with the judge.
  • Immigration court is a civil court not a criminal court. Defendants are entitled to a lawyer but the court is not required to provide a lawyer to those that can't afford one as in criminal court. Most defendants must find a pro bono lawyer or the defendant must defend himself against charges argued by a prosecutor. In many cases, the judge seeing the unfairness of the situation sides with the defendant and simply releases him.
  • Although the charges must be proved beyond a shadow of doubt and the responsibility is on the prosecutor, proving a person is not a US citizen is extremely difficult if the defendant has not made a statement to that effect. Hearsay and circumstantial evidence are very common.
If we are to straighten out the immigration system we must start with the laws themselves. Our immigration laws are a muddle of conflicting statements that provide loads of loopholes for defendants. At the same time those laws are grossly unfair to defendants. The unfairness of the laws have turned entire communities against immigration law enforcement.

It is ridiculous to think that you can get rid of the illegal immigrants just by enforcing the laws because it is those laws that are responsible for keeping many illegals in the country.

Is Illegal Immigration a Crime? Improper Entry v. Unlawful Presence
8 U.S. Code § 1227 - Deportable aliens | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
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Bogus thread because the vast majority of hispanics in the US are illegals and can't vote. ...... :cool:
Incorrect. You make it sound that illegals just arrived 4 years ago. Nope.. Illegals has been coming here since the beginning of dawn. These kids are now adult and have families. Are US citizens and now eligible to vote.
Yes illegals can not vote but their anchor babies can vote. When you hear anchor babies. Are you really thinking 2or 3 years old?
most of them wont vote for ANY Republican anyway
Bush won a majority of Hispanics.
Hispanics are natural GOP voters--industrious, family oriented, and religious. Only turdheads like Trump drive them away from the party.
Isn't the Hispanic voters voted Obama in last election?
GOPs are working hard to gain Hispanic votes but you can kiss that goodbye.
All I know from Hispanic people that I know are piss off at Trump. I have several Mexican workers at our warehouse 20s to 30s. These are not illegals but are US citizens ( these are called anchor babies) most never bother to vote. But they will vote THIS TIME.
I call :bsflag:

There are a lot of hispanics who immigrated legally and can vote legally who support Trump.

I'm sick of republicrat political whores who pander to the illegal immigrant demands. The more they piss and moan, the more I support Trump, and he is not by any means my favorite.

What made you think they will vote for republican this time? My opinion which doesn't mean much is that... It will be a major turnout for Hispanic voters.
Hispanics Hate Trump

Somebody gives a rat's ass?
All hispanics seem to be accomplishing is generating hatetred for themselves from law-abiding US citizens. Good luck with that.
I'm sure there are many Hispanics who support Trump. The only thing is that all of them got into the US legally. There is a great difference between legal and illegal Hispanic immigrants.
I'm sure there are many Hispanics who support Trump. The only thing is that all of them got into the US legally. There is a great difference between legal and illegal Hispanic immigrants.
Yes there are a big difference between legal and illegals. Those are just in papers. One way or the other these legal Mexican has relatives that are illegals. So what made you think they don't sympathize each other.
Its stunning how some of you say our only choice is to allow millions of illegal CRIMINALS to pour across our borders and say nothing or we'll lose the Hispanic vote. Seriously? Hell just throw the doors wide open lets import 100 million Chinese how'd that be.

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