Hispanics Hate Trump

Donald Trump is getting a raw deal. If you saw him announce for president, you know that Illegal Immigration was his THIRD point. Illegal Immigrants are costing the United States $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. We simply can not afford to carry 12,000,000 freeloaders any more. This is a matter of money, not race. Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers


Donald Trump's FIRST issue is JOBS, which was also the main issue of the 2012 presidential election. Hispanics felt the same way as the rest of the nation. Trump believes, and so do I, that when election day arrives Hispanics will vote for JOBS and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's TAX REFORM plan is his SECOND issue, and has been complimented even by liberals. The Trump Plan offers no filing income tax for those making under $50,000 a year! Making bankers and hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes! And, a plan to encourage the Fortune 500 to bring their money back from off-shore banks and into the American economy!

If you watched the Democratic Debate, both Clinton and Sanders lumped ALL immigrants together, and did not specifically mention the Wetbacks. In my opinion "lunch pail, working-class Democrats" realize that low-wage workers are a threat to their income, their unions, their future jobs, and their way of life. Middle-class voters will reject Washington insiders Clinton and Sanders for the fresh face of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a WHEELER DEALER with practical solutions. Mr. Trump will kick our economic enemies, China and Mexico, down the food-chain.

In the end, I believe the Republican Party will realize that Donald Trump is the only Republican that can win the 2016 general election.
I hope so. I like Carson but I just can't see him winning. I could see Trump and Carson together...that would be awesome.
Certainly would be awesome. For Hillary. If either Trump or Carson had to be questioned, under oath, like Hilkary was this week, they would collapse.
What is it that you know about Carson or Trump that would cause them to be questioned?
You have an obligation to bring this information to public view, I think its something that the voters should know going into the elections.

Both Trump and Carson do not have a chance debating Hillary.
Donald Trump is getting a raw deal. If you saw him announce for president, you know that Illegal Immigration was his THIRD point. Illegal Immigrants are costing the United States $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. We simply can not afford to carry 12,000,000 freeloaders any more. This is a matter of money, not race. Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers


Donald Trump's FIRST issue is JOBS, which was also the main issue of the 2012 presidential election. Hispanics felt the same way as the rest of the nation. Trump believes, and so do I, that when election day arrives Hispanics will vote for JOBS and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's TAX REFORM plan is his SECOND issue, and has been complimented even by liberals. The Trump Plan offers no filing income tax for those making under $50,000 a year! Making bankers and hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes! And, a plan to encourage the Fortune 500 to bring their money back from off-shore banks and into the American economy!

If you watched the Democratic Debate, both Clinton and Sanders lumped ALL immigrants together, and did not specifically mention the Wetbacks. In my opinion "lunch pail, working-class Democrats" realize that low-wage workers are a threat to their income, their unions, their future jobs, and their way of life. Middle-class voters will reject Washington insiders Clinton and Sanders for the fresh face of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a WHEELER DEALER with practical solutions. Mr. Trump will kick our economic enemies, China and Mexico, down the food-chain.

In the end, I believe the Republican Party will realize that Donald Trump is the only Republican that can win the 2016 general election.
I hope so. I like Carson but I just can't see him winning. I could see Trump and Carson together...that would be awesome.
Certainly would be awesome. For Hillary. If either Trump or Carson had to be questioned, under oath, like Hilkary was this week, they would collapse.
What is it that you know about Carson or Trump that would cause them to be questioned?
You have an obligation to bring this information to public view, I think its something that the voters should know going into the elections.

Both Trump and Carson do not have a chance debating Hillary.
This has nothing to do with what you quoted, you bring up a different conversation completely.
Donald Trump is getting a raw deal. If you saw him announce for president, you know that Illegal Immigration was his THIRD point. Illegal Immigrants are costing the United States $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. We simply can not afford to carry 12,000,000 freeloaders any more. This is a matter of money, not race. Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers


Donald Trump's FIRST issue is JOBS, which was also the main issue of the 2012 presidential election. Hispanics felt the same way as the rest of the nation. Trump believes, and so do I, that when election day arrives Hispanics will vote for JOBS and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's TAX REFORM plan is his SECOND issue, and has been complimented even by liberals. The Trump Plan offers no filing income tax for those making under $50,000 a year! Making bankers and hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes! And, a plan to encourage the Fortune 500 to bring their money back from off-shore banks and into the American economy!

If you watched the Democratic Debate, both Clinton and Sanders lumped ALL immigrants together, and did not specifically mention the Wetbacks. In my opinion "lunch pail, working-class Democrats" realize that low-wage workers are a threat to their income, their unions, their future jobs, and their way of life. Middle-class voters will reject Washington insiders Clinton and Sanders for the fresh face of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a WHEELER DEALER with practical solutions. Mr. Trump will kick our economic enemies, China and Mexico, down the food-chain.

In the end, I believe the Republican Party will realize that Donald Trump is the only Republican that can win the 2016 general election.
I hope so. I like Carson but I just can't see him winning. I could see Trump and Carson together...that would be awesome.
Certainly would be awesome. For Hillary. If either Trump or Carson had to be questioned, under oath, like Hilkary was this week, they would collapse.
What is it that you know about Carson or Trump that would cause them to be questioned?
You have an obligation to bring this information to public view, I think its something that the voters should know going into the elections.
About just about anything. Neither are capable of explaining in any detail what they would do if elected. I guess you are one of those third grade level thinkers he appeals to.
Donald Trump is getting a raw deal. If you saw him announce for president, you know that Illegal Immigration was his THIRD point. Illegal Immigrants are costing the United States $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. We simply can not afford to carry 12,000,000 freeloaders any more. This is a matter of money, not race. Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers


Donald Trump's FIRST issue is JOBS, which was also the main issue of the 2012 presidential election. Hispanics felt the same way as the rest of the nation. Trump believes, and so do I, that when election day arrives Hispanics will vote for JOBS and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's TAX REFORM plan is his SECOND issue, and has been complimented even by liberals. The Trump Plan offers no filing income tax for those making under $50,000 a year! Making bankers and hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes! And, a plan to encourage the Fortune 500 to bring their money back from off-shore banks and into the American economy!

If you watched the Democratic Debate, both Clinton and Sanders lumped ALL immigrants together, and did not specifically mention the Wetbacks. In my opinion "lunch pail, working-class Democrats" realize that low-wage workers are a threat to their income, their unions, their future jobs, and their way of life. Middle-class voters will reject Washington insiders Clinton and Sanders for the fresh face of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a WHEELER DEALER with practical solutions. Mr. Trump will kick our economic enemies, China and Mexico, down the food-chain.


In the end, I believe the Republican Party will realize that Donald Trump is the only Republican that can win the 2016 general election.

Trump is a moron who appeals to morons.

And USMB keeps sending me emails to return.

This post is typical as to why I do not spend time here.

When I want to talk about Donald Trump, I go to Donald Trump's account and ask him my question, not some anonymous person known only as "PaddyCakes." Then I go to the New York Times to verify what I have been told.


I present thought out-facts in USMB and the response I get is some idiot failing to zing a one-liner while presenting no fact links at all.

Until USMB moderators get the balls to dump incompetents, and restructure to provide facts from credible sources I will stay on Twitter and Google+. I want intelligent thoughtful discussion, not anonymous temper-tantrums.

It appears that better technology has left USMB behind. Once USMB ruled messaging on the internet. What a pity.
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Put your comments into the CDZ if you want an actual interchange of ideas.
Donald Trump is getting a raw deal. If you saw him announce for president, you know that Illegal Immigration was his THIRD point. Illegal Immigrants are costing the United States $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. We simply can not afford to carry 12,000,000 freeloaders any more. This is a matter of money, not race. Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers


Donald Trump's FIRST issue is JOBS, which was also the main issue of the 2012 presidential election. Hispanics felt the same way as the rest of the nation. Trump believes, and so do I, that when election day arrives Hispanics will vote for JOBS and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's TAX REFORM plan is his SECOND issue, and has been complimented even by liberals. The Trump Plan offers no filing income tax for those making under $50,000 a year! Making bankers and hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes! And, a plan to encourage the Fortune 500 to bring their money back from off-shore banks and into the American economy!

If you watched the Democratic Debate, both Clinton and Sanders lumped ALL immigrants together, and did not specifically mention the Wetbacks. In my opinion "lunch pail, working-class Democrats" realize that low-wage workers are a threat to their income, their unions, their future jobs, and their way of life. Middle-class voters will reject Washington insiders Clinton and Sanders for the fresh face of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a WHEELER DEALER with practical solutions. Mr. Trump will kick our economic enemies, China and Mexico, down the food-chain.


In the end, I believe the Republican Party will realize that Donald Trump is the only Republican that can win the 2016 general election.
Trump should stop hiring undocumented workers, it encourages them to come.

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