Hispanics Hate Trump

This does not concern me. It is time to stop pandering to these little groups. They need to assimilate and do what's best for the country, not what they thing is best for them.
54 million Hispanics are not a small group
It's a lot smaller than 196 million.

It only takes 70 million votes to win the Presidency
The Hispanic vote will split, with fair numbers of them siding with the idea of stiff resistance to further Illegal Immigration.

There is very little love lost between Blacks and Hispanics at-present, given that Hispanics have overtaken Blacks as the dominant Minority Population in the US.

And then there are the White Folk - another split-vote - with more leaning towards the (R)'s this time for a multitude of reasons, not just dealing with the Illegals.

Frankly, it's anybody's guess who's gonna come out on top this time, especially if Shrillary stays in the face, and actually becomes the Democratic standard bearer.

However, it looks like dealing with Illegal Aliens has become the Hot Button Topic of the 2016 race, at least with respect to domestic affairs, and is getting most of the oxygen in the room, so, it would appear that there's no going back, and damn the consequences - Devil take the first one who blinks.

We are, once again, entering upon a period of Interesting Times.
Hispanics have voted Democrat in every presidential election since 1972 by wide margins. So you think Republics promising mass deportations are going to attract Hispanics? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

The Republican problem with Hispanic voters — in 7 charts
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
It is what it is. If he doesn't get their vote so be it. He can't/won't pander to them and he shouldn't. He has at least taken a stand is sticking with it. When you run for President or are President a good leader will make the hard decisions and stand by them. I'd rather a presidential hopeful run on their truth, rather than a bunch of shit their party or people want to hear.

Wonder why BOTH parties steer clear of this issue? Now you see why. They don't want to lose favorability. Trump on the other hand doesn't care. There is a problem andhe has taken it head on.

The millions who didn't go to the voting booths last election will show up en force this time around. It would be nice for him to get those votes but he won't need them.
The reason both parties have not made immigration a priority is because it's not a priory issue with most voters. Even after Trump's attempts to make illegal immigrants a scapegoat for most of America's problems, the issue still isn't a high priory item according to both Gallop and CNN polls taken in late July. The economy, jobs, racialism, income, and other social problems top immigration. According Gallop, immigration last year at this time was of even less importance with voters. Among Democrats immigration rank the least important of 13 issues. Among Republicans it ranked 8th out of 13.

you say trump is trying to "make illegal immigrants a scapegoat for most of americ'a problems"..No he isn't.You haven't listened or you don't want to hear anything else...Your anti trump bias is leaking through but whatever..

You also said it wasn't a priority. I disagree every admin in recent memory has pretended to "reform" immigration...BS..it always turns into amnesty..americans are sick and tired of it.

it's out there and people are being FORCED to look at and it is a priority..

Cancer isn't a "priority" until the doctor tells you that you have it and describes what it's doing to you.

90 million unemployed.
40 million on food stamps.
we do NOT need 30 million illegals here..for ANY reason. Illegal means against the law.
america first

bet republicans got more votes from people of all walks of life appalled by liberal sanctuary cities than dems wre going to get from hispanics who were likely to vote for dems anyway

try again

Poll: 62% Voters Want DOJ Action Against Sanctuary Cities
Jul 13, 2015 - A majority of likely voters say action should be taken against jurisdictions with sanctuary policies for illegal immigrants, according to a new ...

as you can see cuts across Party lines

So the people who hate big government want big government to crack down on cities.


Are you high? Nobody said any such thing...


No conservatives rant about the big central government in Washington?

You make no sense.... you can want the feds to enforce the laws and still not want a government that is intrusive... there are limits and it isn;t an all or nothing proposition. What is it with you libs... you seem unable to hold two thoughts at once.

Conservatives support nullification and/or secession. They hate the federal government, right up to the point where they think they can exploit it for their own agenda.

How about the sanctuary cities just nullify federal laws they don't like, eh?
now this is just funny,
The Conservatives are exploiting the government.
not the liberals.
no exploitation in making other people pay for your food, housing, transportation and health care against their will.
certainly no exploitation when it comes to redistribution of wealth.,
Wont even mention someone that pays no tax at all screaming about the rich not paying their fair share.
do liberals really want to talk about exploitation?
Yawn.... all this from the party of Sharpton, Farrakhan, Ayers, Dohrn, etc?

This does not concern me. It is time to stop pandering to these little groups. They need to assimilate and do what's best for the country, not what they thing is best for them.
54 million Hispanics are not a small group
It's a lot smaller than 196 million.

It only takes 70 million votes to win the Presidency
The Hispanic vote will split, with fair numbers of them siding with the idea of stiff resistance to further Illegal Immigration.

There is very little love lost between Blacks and Hispanics at-present, given that Hispanics have overtaken Blacks as the dominant Minority Population in the US.

And then there are the White Folk - another split-vote - with more leaning towards the (R)'s this time for a multitude of reasons, not just dealing with the Illegals.

Frankly, it's anybody's guess who's gonna come out on top this time, especially if Shrillary stays in the face, and actually becomes the Democratic standard bearer.

However, it looks like dealing with Illegal Aliens has become the Hot Button Topic of the 2016 race, at least with respect to domestic affairs, and is getting most of the oxygen in the room, so, it would appear that there's no going back, and damn the consequences - Devil take the first one who blinks.

We are, once again, entering upon a period of Interesting Times.
Hispanics have voted Democrat in every presidential election since 1972 by wide margins. So you think Republics promising mass deportations are going to attract Hispanics? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

The Republican problem with Hispanic voters — in 7 charts

Most here legally aren't fans of the illegals....

No conservatives rant about the big central government in Washington?

You make no sense.... you can want the feds to enforce the laws and still not want a government that is intrusive... there are limits and it isn;t an all or nothing proposition. What is it with you libs... you seem unable to hold two thoughts at once.
Here's someone talking about a minority in negative terms, Soggy. I didn't even have to wait more than a couple hours: Even facts are denied by apologists for Islam | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Like I said. The modern day Right can't stop themselves.

Geeze Louise.... go feign your outrage elsewhere.... Curt Schilling?
It sucks when you are proven wrong and I am proven correct, doesn't it.

Not a day goes by, Soggy. Not a day.

The modern day Right can't stop themselves. They blare in no uncertain terms just how much they HATE minorities.

Every. Single. Day.

Minorities notice shit like that. They notice the GOP does NOTHING to clean up the bigots. They notice the GOP panders to the bigots.

They notice you calling Republicans like me liberals and all kinds of other nasty names for trying to do something about it.
Minorities or illegals.
Not that I would expect an anti American to see a difference.
The topic to which I linked was attacking Muslims, dipshit.

It is just as I said. Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, and gays: the favorite targets of the bigots infecting the Right today. If you are a minority, and see another minority being attacked by the Right, and no one stopping it, it doesn't take a genius to know that isn't the only bigotry being tolerated in the Republican ranks.

As for Mexican illegals, to label them all as rapists and "bringing crime", and saying only SOME are good people, is unadulterated bigotry, asshole.
for any that can prove they have something going here,which would no doubt be the long timers,make them fill out the paper work if they refuse show them the door,any others, if they dont have a good reason for being here....see ya...any with a criminal record,out they go.....

"....prove they have something going here..."?

What the heck does THAT mean?..it's just vague enough to sound ok and make people feel better ....but it's really meaningless.Window dressing....and with guidelines THAT broad you should know by now that a football stadium worth of "lawyers" will keep THAT tied up in court for generations..effectively accomplishing nothing...meanwhile the problem continues to grow..which is exactly what anti american subversives want.
you dont know what that means?....the ones that have been here for years usually have something going here that they can prove,the guy who lives behind me has been cutting lawns for as long as i can remember and he has quite a few clients including business complexes in the Anaheim Hills....and the rent aint cheap around here....

Like I said..language like "prove they have something going for them" is a weak , vague, inexact "standard" and open for widespread abuse by subversives.
Be serious, man.
if you can prove you have been working for lets say 10 years,how is that weak?...i answered your question you just dont like the answer.....
if you BROKE THE LAW GETTING HERE...everything else is irrelevant.

Like I said..you can't rob a bank and then rescue a drowning child and get to keep the money because you did something "good" afterward...
c'mon man...be serious. everybody thinks they're "special" and the rules shouldn't have to apply to them..
Actually, most illegal immigrants didn't break the law getting here. They came in legally but didn't leave when their visa expired.
You make no sense.... you can want the feds to enforce the laws and still not want a government that is intrusive... there are limits and it isn;t an all or nothing proposition. What is it with you libs... you seem unable to hold two thoughts at once.
Here's someone talking about a minority in negative terms, Soggy. I didn't even have to wait more than a couple hours: Even facts are denied by apologists for Islam | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Like I said. The modern day Right can't stop themselves.

Geeze Louise.... go feign your outrage elsewhere.... Curt Schilling?
It sucks when you are proven wrong and I am proven correct, doesn't it.

Not a day goes by, Soggy. Not a day.

The modern day Right can't stop themselves. They blare in no uncertain terms just how much they HATE minorities.

Every. Single. Day.

Minorities notice shit like that. They notice the GOP does NOTHING to clean up the bigots. They notice the GOP panders to the bigots.

They notice you calling Republicans like me liberals and all kinds of other nasty names for trying to do something about it.
Minorities or illegals.
Not that I would expect an anti American to see a difference.
The topic to which I linked was attacking Muslims, dipshit.

It is just as I said. Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, and gays: the favorite targets of the bigots infecting the Right today. If you are a minority, and see another minority being attacked by the Right, and no one stopping it, it doesn't take a genius to know that isn't the only bigotry being tolerated in the Republican ranks.

As for Mexican illegals, to label them all as rapists and "bringing crime", and saying only SOME are good people, is unadulterated bigotry, asshole.
if it bothers them I would think the best course of action would be for them to go back to the country that loves them more.
"....prove they have something going here..."?

What the heck does THAT mean?..it's just vague enough to sound ok and make people feel better ....but it's really meaningless.Window dressing....and with guidelines THAT broad you should know by now that a football stadium worth of "lawyers" will keep THAT tied up in court for generations..effectively accomplishing nothing...meanwhile the problem continues to grow..which is exactly what anti american subversives want.
you dont know what that means?....the ones that have been here for years usually have something going here that they can prove,the guy who lives behind me has been cutting lawns for as long as i can remember and he has quite a few clients including business complexes in the Anaheim Hills....and the rent aint cheap around here....

Like I said..language like "prove they have something going for them" is a weak , vague, inexact "standard" and open for widespread abuse by subversives.
Be serious, man.
if you can prove you have been working for lets say 10 years,how is that weak?...i answered your question you just dont like the answer.....
if you BROKE THE LAW GETTING HERE...everything else is irrelevant.

Like I said..you can't rob a bank and then rescue a drowning child and get to keep the money because you did something "good" afterward...
c'mon man...be serious. everybody thinks they're "special" and the rules shouldn't have to apply to them..
Actually, most illegal immigrants didn't break the law getting here. They came in legally but didn't leave when their visa expired.
look at the number of illegals, look at the number of visas that are legally given out by the government each year.
then come back and correct your statement.
besides, if they overstay, they are here illegally.
If you have a friend over for the weekend, and they just decide to stay in your house as a fixture against your will, do you just refer to them as a new family member or do you finally ask them to leave.
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
What percentage of those polled are actually US citizens?

You're like the fourth person to ask that. You people are in serious denial. It's truly sad.
I would think that you are in serious denial if you think those types of questions are not asked in specific areas to bring specific results.
If I was taking a poll to see if Americans thought higher welfare payments were needed, would I make my calls in a upper class working neighborhood, or would I make those calls in the hood.
"....prove they have something going here..."?

What the heck does THAT mean?..it's just vague enough to sound ok and make people feel better ....but it's really meaningless.Window dressing....and with guidelines THAT broad you should know by now that a football stadium worth of "lawyers" will keep THAT tied up in court for generations..effectively accomplishing nothing...meanwhile the problem continues to grow..which is exactly what anti american subversives want.
you dont know what that means?....the ones that have been here for years usually have something going here that they can prove,the guy who lives behind me has been cutting lawns for as long as i can remember and he has quite a few clients including business complexes in the Anaheim Hills....and the rent aint cheap around here....

Like I said..language like "prove they have something going for them" is a weak , vague, inexact "standard" and open for widespread abuse by subversives.
Be serious, man.
if you can prove you have been working for lets say 10 years,how is that weak?...i answered your question you just dont like the answer.....
if you BROKE THE LAW GETTING HERE...everything else is irrelevant.

Like I said..you can't rob a bank and then rescue a drowning child and get to keep the money because you did something "good" afterward...
c'mon man...be serious. everybody thinks they're "special" and the rules shouldn't have to apply to them..
Actually, most illegal immigrants didn't break the law getting here. They came in legally but didn't leave when their visa expired.

now you're talking in circles...

jesus h christ..first of all, go ahead and prove that...and while you're at it give me the exact number of illegal in the country...Right...no one knows...and you CAN'T prove it...

Second. Oh, their visa expired...I didn't think of that

...in that case DEPORT THEM TOO. they are are NOW breaking the law and forfeit all previous benefits and considerations.

What part of "illegal" is giving you so much comprehension trouble?


You dodged this before. maybe you didn't see it. ;)

Do you think it would be ok if some random person from off the street snuck into your house, moved into your spare bedroom and moved their family and a few friends in with them and expected you to feed and clothe them and give them some of your money?

Yes or no.
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Here's someone talking about a minority in negative terms, Soggy. I didn't even have to wait more than a couple hours: Even facts are denied by apologists for Islam | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Like I said. The modern day Right can't stop themselves.

Geeze Louise.... go feign your outrage elsewhere.... Curt Schilling?
It sucks when you are proven wrong and I am proven correct, doesn't it.

Not a day goes by, Soggy. Not a day.

The modern day Right can't stop themselves. They blare in no uncertain terms just how much they HATE minorities.

Every. Single. Day.

Minorities notice shit like that. They notice the GOP does NOTHING to clean up the bigots. They notice the GOP panders to the bigots.

They notice you calling Republicans like me liberals and all kinds of other nasty names for trying to do something about it.
Minorities or illegals.
Not that I would expect an anti American to see a difference.
The topic to which I linked was attacking Muslims, dipshit.

It is just as I said. Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, and gays: the favorite targets of the bigots infecting the Right today. If you are a minority, and see another minority being attacked by the Right, and no one stopping it, it doesn't take a genius to know that isn't the only bigotry being tolerated in the Republican ranks.

As for Mexican illegals, to label them all as rapists and "bringing crime", and saying only SOME are good people, is unadulterated bigotry, asshole.
if it bothers them I would think the best course of action would be for them to go back to the country that loves them more.
It bothers US citizens of Hispanic ethnicity, too. What do you think those people should do?

Oh, yeah. Vote Democrat.

The whole point of the OP.
90 million unemployed.

You're off by more than a factor of 10, retard.

Uhm, no he isn't... David Stockman wrote an excellent article on this just recently. It's very simple, I think you can follow it.

Stockman cites the number of 210 million adult Americans, who if they worked 2,000 hours per year, or about 40 hours per week, would deliver 420 million labor hours per year. When compared to the 240 million labor hours per year reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total workforce of the country is delivering 57.1 percent of those 420 million labor hours, and otherwise stated, 42.9 percent of those hours are not being delivered. Therefore, the calculation of unemployment by this measure is 42.9 percent.

When the number of Americans currently not working, which is reported at 93 million, is compared to that same workforce calculation of 210 million, that calculation of 93 million as a percentage of the 210 million suggests the unemployment rate is 44.29 percent. That calculation is very close to David Stockman’s estimate of the unemployment rate.

Read more at David Stockman Says Unemployment Is Really 42.9 Percent
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
What percentage of those polled are actually US citizens?

You're like the fourth person to ask that. You people are in serious denial. It's truly sad.
I think you're afraid of Trump.

What is there to be afraid of?
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
What percentage of those polled are actually US citizens?

You're like the fourth person to ask that. You people are in serious denial. It's truly sad.
I would think that you are in serious denial if you think those types of questions are not asked in specific areas to bring specific results.

Show us the evidence. Funny how none of you have been able to do that.

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