Hispanics Hate Trump

And that is fine. Perhaps some other candidate will feel better to you. I'm not 100 % sold I am going to vote for him, but I like many things he says. I do not agree with him on some things and that is the same with any candidate. Be realistic and think was HE can do without Congress. He can't repeal laws, he can work on repealing some things, but he has to go through Congress, unlike Obama.

I'm sold on Ted Cruz. If Trump ends up the nom somehow I would be ok with it, but the 3 major RINOs are no goes. I'll vote for Bernie first.

He can't even get arrested and, like Perry, is desperately trying to get some attention.

Maybe he should dye his hair blond and sit under a tanning lamp.

Don't laugh. That's all Trump has and there are some who are actually falling for it.
You haven't been listening or you lied.
Wait, wait, I get it now! We are to BRIBE people who broke our laws to vote for OUR guys, instead of going out and getting AMERICANS who are pissed to vote. What a deal.

Let me say it this way------------> every godda** welfare recipient who wants to have more babies and fleece us is going to be at the polls pulling the lever at LEAST once. If we can't get off our derrieres and vote to save our country, and work to get other people who think as we do to get to the polls, then we deserve to lose.

Consider what is being said here............we HAVE to pander to people who have broken OUR laws, and take our AMERICAN neighbors jobs, to get an American President elected.

As an AMERICAN, don't you think there is something wrong with this picture?

Oh, on the left, maybe not! We now pander to Iran, Cuba, Russia, and China. What the hell, we might as well allow all of them to run our country too!

What does this have to do with illegals?
Consider what is being said here............we HAVE to pander to people who have broken OUR laws, and take our AMERICAN neighbors jobs, to get an American President elected.

As an AMERICAN, don't you think there is something wrong with this picture?

Who do you think she is talking about? Sometimes comprehension is subtle.
Wait, wait, I get it now! We are to BRIBE people who broke our laws to vote for OUR guys, instead of going out and getting AMERICANS who are pissed to vote. What a deal.

Let me say it this way------------> every godda** welfare recipient who wants to have more babies and fleece us is going to be at the polls pulling the lever at LEAST once. If we can't get off our derrieres and vote to save our country, and work to get other people who think as we do to get to the polls, then we deserve to lose.

Consider what is being said here............we HAVE to pander to people who have broken OUR laws, and take our AMERICAN neighbors jobs, to get an American President elected.

As an AMERICAN, don't you think there is something wrong with this picture?

Oh, on the left, maybe not! We now pander to Iran, Cuba, Russia, and China. What the hell, we might as well allow all of them to run our country too!

What does this have to do with illegals?
Consider what is being said here............we HAVE to pander to people who have broken OUR laws, and take our AMERICAN neighbors jobs, to get an American President elected.

As an AMERICAN, don't you think there is something wrong with this picture?

Who do you think she is talking about? Sometimes comprehension is subtle.

So subtle that you conveniently ignored this:

"..We are to BRIBE people who broke our laws to vote for OUR guys, instead of going out and getting AMERICANS who are pissed to vote. What a deal.

Let me say it this way------------> every godda** welfare recipient who wants to have more babies and fleece us is going to be at the polls pulling the lever at LEAST once..."
2015 60 percent of the population is white and out of that 60% half of the whites are progressives and cut out a bunch of white women who won't vote for republicans and you left with a small percentage of bitter old white men who aren't enough to elect anything

The White population is currently 69%..the white percentage of registered voters is no doubt much higher. Voter turnout among with young people will be lower, without the cult of personalty like Obama.The Democrats are the ones running "old white people" not Republicans. Actually you sound like the "better old white man":slap:
2015 60 percent of the population is white and out of that 60% half of the whites are progressives and cut out a bunch of white women who won't vote for republicans and you left with a small percentage of bitter old white men who aren't enough to elect anything

The White population is currently 69%..the white percentage of registered voters is no doubt much higher. Voter turnout among with young people will be lower, without the cult of personalty like Obama.The Democrats are the ones running "old white people" not Republicans. Actually you sound like the "better old white man":slap:
62.5 last time I checked.
2015 60 percent of the population is white and out of that 60% half of the whites are progressives and cut out a bunch of white women who won't vote for republicans and you left with a small percentage of bitter old white men who aren't enough to elect anything

The White population is currently 69%..the white percentage of registered voters is no doubt much higher. Voter turnout among with young people will be lower, without the cult of personalty like Obama.The Democrats are the ones running "old white people" not Republicans. Actually you sound like the "better old white man":slap:
62.5 last time I checked.

Ok what's the white percentage of registered voters? illegals and non citizens are not supposed to vote. and he's still an angry old white man
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  • Thread starter
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  • #68
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
Shame on Gallup and shame on you. Of course they are going to get results like that. There are 11 million illegal Hispanics and their survey of 2000 probably found 1800 of them! Did the survey include ONLY LV (Likely Voters)? Those are Hispanics that vote in the last 4 elections or so. Likey voters would be legal immigrants who probably are in favor of Trump's plan. They are more likely to get their family over here if the illegals are taken out.

You should have thought of that, Bro. They were surveying illegals.

Where is your evidence they were surveying illegals?
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
Shame on Gallup and shame on you. Of course they are going to get results like that. There are 11 million illegal Hispanics and their survey of 2000 probably found 1800 of them! Did the survey include ONLY LV (Likely Voters)? Those are Hispanics that vote in the last 4 elections or so. Likey voters would be legal immigrants who probably are in favor of Trump's plan. They are more likely to get their family over here if the illegals are taken out.

You should have thought of that, Bro. They were surveying illegals.

Where is your evidence they were surveying illegals?
I read the entire article and the link of methodology. Always, they will say LV were the targets of the survey. Not a word.
  • Thread starter
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  • #70
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
Shame on Gallup and shame on you. Of course they are going to get results like that. There are 11 million illegal Hispanics and their survey of 2000 probably found 1800 of them! Did the survey include ONLY LV (Likely Voters)? Those are Hispanics that vote in the last 4 elections or so. Likey voters would be legal immigrants who probably are in favor of Trump's plan. They are more likely to get their family over here if the illegals are taken out.

You should have thought of that, Bro. They were surveying illegals.

Where is your evidence they were surveying illegals?
I read the entire article and the link of methodology. Always, they will say LV were the targets of the survey. Not a word.

That doesn't prove anything other than your own denial that your guy is a dud.
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
Shame on Gallup and shame on you. Of course they are going to get results like that. There are 11 million illegal Hispanics and their survey of 2000 probably found 1800 of them! Did the survey include ONLY LV (Likely Voters)? Those are Hispanics that vote in the last 4 elections or so. Likey voters would be legal immigrants who probably are in favor of Trump's plan. They are more likely to get their family over here if the illegals are taken out.

You should have thought of that, Bro. They were surveying illegals.

Where is your evidence they were surveying illegals?
I read the entire article and the link of methodology. Always, they will say LV were the targets of the survey. Not a word.

That doesn't prove anything other than your own denial that your guy is a dud.
Trump is not "my guy." I will wait for a few months before I decide. I like his approach to illegals, deal making and bringing manufacturing back to the US.
  • Thread starter
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  • #72
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
Shame on Gallup and shame on you. Of course they are going to get results like that. There are 11 million illegal Hispanics and their survey of 2000 probably found 1800 of them! Did the survey include ONLY LV (Likely Voters)? Those are Hispanics that vote in the last 4 elections or so. Likey voters would be legal immigrants who probably are in favor of Trump's plan. They are more likely to get their family over here if the illegals are taken out.

You should have thought of that, Bro. They were surveying illegals.

Where is your evidence they were surveying illegals?
I read the entire article and the link of methodology. Always, they will say LV were the targets of the survey. Not a word.

That doesn't prove anything other than your own denial that your guy is a dud.
Trump is not "my guy." I will wait for a few months before I decide. I like his approach to illegals, deal making and bringing manufacturing back to the US.

Well, I just assumed, because you seem to defend him an awful lot.
most of them wont vote for ANY Republican anyway
Bush won a majority of Hispanics.
Hispanics are natural GOP voters--industrious, family oriented, and religious. Only turdheads like Trump drive them away from the party.
I hate agreeing with you but I have to here.

Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.
  • Thread starter
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  • #74
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
Shame on Gallup and shame on you. Of course they are going to get results like that. There are 11 million illegal Hispanics and their survey of 2000 probably found 1800 of them! Did the survey include ONLY LV (Likely Voters)? Those are Hispanics that vote in the last 4 elections or so. Likey voters would be legal immigrants who probably are in favor of Trump's plan. They are more likely to get their family over here if the illegals are taken out.

You should have thought of that, Bro. They were surveying illegals.

Where is your evidence they were surveying illegals?
I read the entire article and the link of methodology. Always, they will say LV were the targets of the survey. Not a word.

That doesn't prove anything other than your own denial that your guy is a dud.
Trump is not "my guy." I will wait for a few months before I decide. I like his approach to illegals, deal making and bringing manufacturing back to the US.

Well, I just assumed, because you seem to defend him an awful lot.
I do. But was actually a Walker - Kasich person early on. But Kasich disappointed me. I thought Bush was most presidential but he really blew it with his comment on anchor babies was for Asians, only. He's just a natural politician. Lying when it helps. Trump, I think is honest. That s great! But I don't like his crassness. I don't want to be the laughing stock of the world anymore.
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
This is not an adequate poll. The sample in most likely filled with illegals who would naturally be against Trump. The sample has to be from LV, or "Likely Voters." Then you get a good representation of how a vote could turn out for that day.

"For surveys of all adults, the population targets are determined by census bureau data.

For political surveys, census bureau data provides a starting point and a series of screening questions are used to determine likely voters. The questions involve voting history, interest in the current campaign, and likely voting intentions."

If you read the methodology of this survey, you will see that there is not reference to Likely Voters. With nearly 12 million illegals, the chance of getting a correct estimate of voters who "despise" Trump is far fetched.
Time for the wetbacks to revolt, let the lawns go un-mowed and the beds go unmade. For those who think - Well shit dude, whitey doesn't think that? Yes, he does...
What? you expected honesty?
They have their marching orders...both parties and the media are afraid of him.
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
That is a wonderful success story, and probably many more are out there. But his success was due to you if you are the one who brought him up. He took an opportunity and made the most of it. There is no way of knowing but is his story the same as most anchor babies? If it was, I would be there with his choice in a heart beat. But we can't say that can we?

Tell your nephew, Congratulations, he made people he knew proud of him and even a conservative poster! A Fortune 500 company! Wow! I wish him the best
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.

That's nice.

Too bad his father was a criminal...The first thing he did in america was break our immigration law...

deport. all .illegals.

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