Hispanics Hate Trump

Bogus thread because the vast majority of hispanics in the US are illegals and can't vote. ...... :cool:
One of four is not a vast majority, podjo, and Hispanic citizens do vote. You don't support the American dream. You have a vision of a Muslim America, which will never happen. Run along.
It seems everyone hates Trump. Then he must be doing something right.

He came in like a wrecking ball...

2015 60 percent of the population is white and out of that 60% half of the whites are progressives and cut out a bunch of white women who won't vote for republicans and you left with a small percentage of bitter old white men who aren't enough to elect anything
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
Shame on Gallup and shame on you. Of course they are going to get results like that. There are 11 million illegal Hispanics and their survey of 2000 probably found 1800 of them! Did the survey include ONLY LV (Likely Voters)? Those are Hispanics that vote in the last 4 elections or so. Likey voters would be legal immigrants who probably are in favor of Trump's plan. They are more likely to get their family over here if the illegals are taken out.

You should have thought of that, Bro. They were surveying illegals.
2015 60 percent of the population is white and out of that 60% half of the whites are progressives and cut out a bunch of white women who won't vote for republicans and you left with a small percentage of bitter old white men who aren't enough to elect anything

Whatever it takes.
I call :bsflag:

There are a lot of hispanics who immigrated legally and can vote legally who support Trump.

I'm sick of republicrat political whores who pander to the illegal immigrant demands. The more they piss and moan, the more I support Trump, and he is not by any means my favorite.

Trump never wanted them to vote for him, he thinks he can get more angry white people than Hispanics, and he is probably right. It's pathetic that some Americans can be swayed by such naked fascist scapegoating.
Anyone running for an office wants votes. Except Trump. He's not going to lie to the country to get a fraction of a population.
Bogus thread because the vast majority of hispanics in the US are illegals and can't vote. ...... :cool:
GTFO..save that BS..it doesn't fly..illegals are issued drivers licenses in a number of states that also have the "Motor Voter" rule.
Those Driver's licenses are accepted as a valid voter registration.
And are stamped "not valid as ID for elections." You know it.
I call :bsflag:

There are a lot of hispanics who immigrated legally and can vote legally who support Trump.

I'm sick of republicrat political whores who pander to the illegal immigrant demands. The more they piss and moan, the more I support Trump, and he is not by any means my favorite.

Trump never wanted them to vote for him, he thinks he can get more angry white people than Hispanics, and he is probably right. It's pathetic that some Americans can be swayed by such naked fascist scapegoating.
Anyone running for an office wants votes. Except Trump. He's not going to lie to the country to get a fraction of a population.
A fraction of the population is all he can get. The rest might be stupid, and they are, but they are better than Trump and his minions...
Now the trump supporters will find a picture of 10 Hispanic people on Facebook to claim trump has the Hispanic vote.
David, did you ever think that maybe the surveyed illegals? Read about the survey. Never did they ask if they were a citizen or if they had voted before. Or what surveys call, Likely Voters.
I call :bsflag:

There are a lot of hispanics who immigrated legally and can vote legally who support Trump.

I'm sick of republicrat political whores who pander to the illegal immigrant demands. The more they piss and moan, the more I support Trump, and he is not by any means my favorite.

Trump never wanted them to vote for him, he thinks he can get more angry white people than Hispanics, and he is probably right. It's pathetic that some Americans can be swayed by such naked fascist scapegoating.
Anyone running for an office wants votes. Except Trump. He's not going to lie to the country to get a fraction of a population.
Do you actually think he is honest? LOL he's a real estate speculator, lying is as natural to him as breathing.

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