Hispanics Hate Trump

What? you expected honesty?
They have their marching orders...both parties and the media are afraid of him.
No one is afraid of him. He's riling up the KKK pitchforks on his Blame the Beaners tour. Been there, seen it flame out time and again...
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Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
That is a wonderful success story, and probably many more are out there. But his success was due to you if you are the one who brought him up. He took an opportunity and made the most of it. There is no way of knowing but is his story the same as most anchor babies? If it was, I would be there with his choice in a heart beat. But we can't say that can we?

Tell your nephew, Congratulations, he made people he knew proud of him and even a conservative poster! A Fortune 500 company! Wow! I wish him the best

I didn't raise him How old do you think I am?
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
That is a wonderful success story, and probably many more are out there. But his success was due to you if you are the one who brought him up. He took an opportunity and made the most of it. There is no way of knowing but is his story the same as most anchor babies? If it was, I would be there with his choice in a heart beat. But we can't say that can we?

Tell your nephew, Congratulations, he made people he knew proud of him and even a conservative poster! A Fortune 500 company! Wow! I wish him the best

I didn't raise him How old do you think I am?
I don't know late 20's, early 30's.
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
After Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney lost the Latino vote by more than 40% in 2012, the Republican Party has started an effort to rebrand itself, then comes Trump determined to alienated every Latino in the country.

Not the immigrants that are now citizens. They can now get their families over here more quickly if illegals were deported.
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
After Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney lost the Latino vote by more than 40% in 2012, the Republican Party has started an effort to rebrand itself, then comes Trump determined to alienated every Latino in the country.

Not the immigrants that are now citizens. They can now get their families over here more quickly if illegals were deported.
The hatred that many Americans have for illegals spilled over to all Latinos. Just over half of all Hispanic adults in the U.S. worry that they, a family member or a close friend could be deported, a new nationwide survey of Latinos by the Pew Hispanic Center has found. The survey finds that Hispanics oppose these enforcement measures, often by lopsided margins. Three quarters (75%) disapprove of workplace raids; some 79% prefer that local police not take an active role in identifying illegal immigrants; and some 55% disapprove of states checking for immigration status before issuing driver’s licenses.

In short Latino's have liberal attitudes toward undocumented immigrants and certainly do not favor Trumps approach to undocumented immigrants. What Trump is doing is tearing down the work the GOP has done to win the Hispanic vote.
I call :bsflag:

There are a lot of hispanics who immigrated legally and can vote legally who support Trump.

I'm sick of republicrat political whores who pander to the illegal immigrant demands. The more they piss and moan, the more I support Trump, and he is not by any means my favorite.

Trump never wanted them to vote for him, he thinks he can get more angry white people than Hispanics, and he is probably right. It's pathetic that some Americans can be swayed by such naked fascist scapegoating.


Hitler's vitriolic beer hall speeches began attracting regular audiences. He became adept at using populist themes, including the use of
scapegoats, who were blamed for his listeners' economic hardships. Psychiatrist Carl Jung commented in 1938 that Hitler is the "first man to tell every German what he has been thinking and feeling all along in his unconscious about German fate, especially since the defeat in the World War".Hitler used personal magnetism and an understanding of crowd psychology to advantage while engaged in public speaking.Historians have noted the hypnotic effect of his rhetoric on large audiences, and of his eyes in small groups. The author Alfons Heck, a former member of the Hitler Youth, describes the reaction to a speech by Hitler:

We erupted into a frenzy of nationalistic pride that bordered on hysteria. For minutes on end, we shouted at the top of our lungs, with tears streaming down our faces: Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil! From that moment on, I belonged to Adolf Hitler body and soul.

— Alfons Heck
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
After Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney lost the Latino vote by more than 40% in 2012, the Republican Party has started an effort to rebrand itself, then comes Trump determined to alienated every Latino in the country.

wanting to enforce our laws "alienates" latinos?
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
After Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney lost the Latino vote by more than 40% in 2012, the Republican Party has started an effort to rebrand itself, then comes Trump determined to alienated every Latino in the country.

wanting to enforce our laws "alienates" latinos?
No, your Blame the Beaners racism does...
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oy vey, hitler again... :blues:

The stock market in the United States crashed on 24 October 1929. The impact in Germany was dire: millions were thrown out of work and several major banks collapsed. Hitler and the NSDAP prepared to take advantage of the emergency to gain support for their party. They promised to repudiate the Versailles Treaty, strengthen the economy, and provide jobs.[118]

Great Depression provided a political opportunity for Hitler. Germans were ambivalent to the parliamentary republic, which faced strong challenges from right- and left-wing extremists. The moderate political parties were increasingly unable to stem the tide of extremism, and the German referendum of 1929 helped to elevate Nazi ideology.[120] The elections of September 1930 resulted in the break-up of a grand coalition and its replacement with a minority cabinet. Its leader, chancellor Heinrich Brüning of the Centre Party, governed through emergency decrees from President Paul von Hindenburg. Governance by decree.
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
After Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney lost the Latino vote by more than 40% in 2012, the Republican Party has started an effort to rebrand itself, then comes Trump determined to alienated every Latino in the country.

wanting to enforce our laws "alienates" latinos?


Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
After Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney lost the Latino vote by more than 40% in 2012, the Republican Party has started an effort to rebrand itself, then comes Trump determined to alienated every Latino in the country.

wanting to enforce our laws "alienates" latinos?


Its worse than that. In this decade, the number of Hispanic voters in Florida has risen 12%....
Florida is a must win for the GOP. No Florida; no White House.


Hispanics are set to become a quarter of the voting population in 2016 here in Arizona. Romney won AZ by 10 points (212,000) but that was almost all in Maricopa County where he bested Obama by 147,000 and some change. A lot of the other 50 some odd thousand were in the north up by Flagstaff. They are staying red. Maricopa is ripe for the picking regardless of who the GOP nominates but Trump on the ballot is great news for the Dems.
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.
After Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney lost the Latino vote by more than 40% in 2012, the Republican Party has started an effort to rebrand itself, then comes Trump determined to alienated every Latino in the country.

wanting to enforce our laws "alienates" latinos?
Being harassed.
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.

you say the dumbest sh*t. just because you have a personal expierence with a hard-working illegal that means what again? try talking to the parent of a son or daughter murdered by an illegal. you cant demonize people who are guilty of murder. According to your logic merely mentioning the crimes of illegals is some kind of assualt on the good ones. that is just stupid shit ...................bro.

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