Hispanics Hate Trump

Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.

My wife is Haitian. i know dozens of legal immigrants who have similar success stories; except they came here the legal way, enduring hardhips while waiting in the legal line, you know the actual immigration system? Yea they waited in line, patiently, filing papers and there is a fee involved with every step of the process. But they didnt get the enjoy the comfort of being in America flying under the radar, waiting for pandering Democrats and right-wingers with stories like yours to create a plan to make them legal. No they stayed with no job, suffering through crushing poverty, waiting for their sponsor here to come up with the money for the fee for the next step of the process
Do we have 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens from Canada in our midst?

Are Illegal-Alien Canadians flocking here to pop-out litters of Anchor Babies?

Are Illegal-Alien Canadians depressing wage-levels in Construction and other trades?

Are Illegal-Alien Canadians bringing their drug-wars and gang-wars here from across the border?

Are Illegal-Alien Canadians bringing non-vaccinated disease-carriers into the country?

Are Illegal-Alien Canadians putting an unsustainable strain on our resources?

Are Illegal-Alien Canadians marching and protesting on a national scale to allow even more Illegal-Alien Canadians into the country?

Are Illegal-Alien Canadians being pandered-to by Vote Whores in both parties who are afraid to say "No more. We've had enough."?

Wow... who knew?

I must have missed the memo.
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In an age of pandering Progressive politicians and soundbite media there is no "nice" way to say:

"Look, ALL of you, even the hard-working, humble, Christian ones who just want a better life for your family, need to stay on your own side of the border and apply to come here legally instead of sneaking in our country."
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This does not concern me. It is time to stop pandering to these little groups. They need to assimilate and do what's best for the country, not what they thing is best for them.
most of them wont vote for ANY Republican anyway
Bush won a majority of Hispanics.
Hispanics are natural GOP voters--industrious, family oriented, and religious. Only turdheads like Trump drive them away from the party.

I don't usually disagree with you, but in this case I do. There are a lot of legal hispanics that are sick of the turd world invasion. They've paid their dues, assimilated and have worked hard, but they're being undermined by illegals. Trump is homing on on the discontent all legal minorities have, but who aren't heard by the lame stream.

Eureka! Trump Is Tops among Latino Republicans, Univision Reports
WHY would a legal Hispanic who was born here, whose family has been here for years, generations even maybe; or EVEN A RECENT LEGAL IMMIGRANT, "hate Trump" or take issue with what he said?
EVERY immigrant group that comes here has to learn the language, take low-paying jobs at first. Knowing this WHO IS HURT THE MOST BY THE NEXT WAVE OF ILLEGALS MADE LEGAL BY PANDERING DEMOCRATS, or the next wave of illegals not made legal but here flying under the radar, but the RECENT LEGAL ONES? They are the ones who will be kept in low wages, struggling in a labor market overburdened with low-wage workers.
As if the op has the pulse of ALL the Hispanics in this country. One things for SURE. the op sure has a hardon for Trump. sheeesh:cuckoo:
BTW, where is the country of Hispania located?
Last I looked, it was at France's 8-o'clock position, on the other side of The Pond...
Net favorability is popular minus unpopular. Run him, and the GOP loses.

Yeah, because clearly we need another Bush in the White House, given what a bang-up job the first two did.

Here's why Trump is formidable. He engenders passion in his supporters. He is filling stadiums.

That means a lot more than favoribility in a group that wasn't going to vote for you anyway.
...Yeah, because clearly we need another Bush in the White House, given what a bang-up job the first two did.

Here's why Trump is formidable. He engenders passion in his supporters. He is filling stadiums.

That means a lot more than favoribility in a group that wasn't going to vote for you anyway
This was good, objective analysis on your part.
And that is fine. Perhaps some other candidate will feel better to you. I'm not 100 % sold I am going to vote for him, but I like many things he says. I do not agree with him on some things and that is the same with any candidate. Be realistic and think was HE can do without Congress. He can't repeal laws, he can work on repealing some things, but he has to go through Congress, unlike Obama.

I'm sold on Ted Cruz. If Trump ends up the nom somehow I would be ok with it, but the 3 major RINOs are no goes. I'll vote for Bernie first.

I like Cruz too, and I like Fiorina, or Carson, but I'm pulling for Trump first. I'd have no problem voting "for" any one of them, or any combination of them. We have some really good candidates this time around.

But vote for the SOCIALIST, Sanders? You've got to be joking.
I like Cruz too, and I like Fiorina, or Carson, but I'm pulling for Trump first. I'd have no problem voting "for" any one of them, or any combination of them. We have some really good candidates this time around.

But vote for the SOCIALIST, Sanders? You've got to be joking.

I'm afraid not, I'm as serious as cancer. This country is going off the collectivist cliff. The 3 RINOS will merely get us there slower than a looney democrook.

I say if we're going to go, mash the fucking gas peddle and get it over with.

At least Bernie believes in his bullshit bolshevik dogma. If he's got anything going for him, it's integrity. The RINOS don't.

How many Latinos are Republican?

How many latinos are illegal mexicans?

I can say that all the Puerto Ricans and Cubans I know hate mexicans, regardless of their immigration status, so I doubt they'd give a fruit fly's fuck about what Trump says about them.


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