Hispanics: The Democrats may have put themselves in a bind

This is why political parties should not take voters for granted…
Yep. They spend more time trying to "beat" the other party than in really understanding their constituents.

Same thing happened in the GOP. We learned in 2016 that the Republican "establishment" wasn't listening to those constituents, either.
It really does amaze me, given how closely you follow my posts, how absolutely clueless you are about my politics.

I would keep trying to explain them, but it's clear that you simply lack the capacity to understand.
I follow close enough to know that you want immigration/migration to be an open affair with no wall to prevent or even slow the flood of unneeded and unwanted poor hispanics into America

if they choose to come they will always have your permission to do so
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That any Hispanic who votes Republican is dumber than a Chicken who votes for Colonel Sanders.

We've been over this, Vichy Mac. You predicted a big Hispanic shift to Trump, and it didn't happen. (no, a four percent variance for an incumbent president isn't a shift.)

Which proves exactly nothing. The reality is, Americans as a whole are socially conservative and fiscally liberal. So the GOP has always done a pretty good job getting stupid people to vote for them by playing on their sexual and religious fears as well as their racial ones.

Many hispanics know that a vote for dems is a vote for bondage and exploitation.
Yep. They spend more time trying to "beat" the other party than in really understanding their constituents.

Same thing happened in the GOP. We learned in 2016 that the Republican "establishment" wasn't listening to those constituents, either.

We also learned that dems dont listen to their constituents either. Big revelation there, mac!!!
I follow close enough to know that you want immigration/migration to be an open affair with no wall to prevent or even slow the flood of unneeded and unwanted poor hispanics into America

if they choose to come they will always have your permission to do so
Completely, absolutely wrong.

Thanks for so perfectly illustrating my point.
Democrats be like... Hispanics are an inferior race that comes here to be slaves... I mean work...
Completely, absolutely wrong.

Thanks for so perfectly illustrating my point.

As a devout supporter of Sleepy Joe in his quest for reelection, how does this jibe with reality?

Biden seeks to open the doors, and you support him for a 2nd term.
As a devout supporter of Sleepy Joe in his quest for reelection, how does this jibe with reality?

Biden seeks to open the doors, and you support him for a 2nd term.
Another wrong response. I tolerate the mediocre Biden only, and I have said that many times. I have disagreements with the Dems on virtually every issue, and definitely on immigration and race.

Maybe one day you guys can start thinking outside of your little box. But I won't be holding my breath.
We also learned that dems dont listen to their constituents either. Big revelation there, mac!!!

So we have two parties not paying any attention to their constituents but people continue to elect them. Perhaps that makes sense to some.
So we have two parties not paying any attention to their constituents but people continue to elect them. Perhaps that makes sense to some.
And THAT is one of the shining examples of how our current system incentivizes this shit.

We need to change the system, or nothing else changes.

Completely, absolutely wrong.

Thanks for so perfectly illustrating my point.
Meaning you would support the wall if we called it the Ceasar Chavez Protective Barrier and Trump got no credit for it?
Another wrong response. I tolerate the mediocre Biden only, and I have said that many times. I have disagreements with the Dems on virtually every issue, and definitely on immigration and race.

Maybe one day you guys can start thinking outside of your little box. But I won't be holding my breath.

You do more than "tolerate" Biden, you support his ambitions without question.

In fact there is nothing that the 74 million little Trumpsters can possibly do to get you to switch allegiance.

Or am I missing something?

What could The Donald possibly say to get you to change your mind?
Meaning you would support the wall if we called it the Ceasar Chavez Wall and Trump got no credit for it?
No. I have other ideas. I've expressed them many times.

You would not understand them.

If you want a wall, build it. You don't need my support.
No. I have other ideas. I've expressed them many times.

You would not understand them.

If you want a wall, build it. You don't need my support.
Which brings us back to my first comment which is that you want entry into the United States unimpeded

then if you manage to jail enough employers for hiring them they will get discouraged and go back to Mexico

thats your policy and it sucks

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