Zone1 Historical Photos Of Life In Palestine Before The Withdrawal Of British Troops In 1948

He was turning a blind eye towards their nuclear weapons program.
This while Iran was funding training, and providing weapons to the "insurrection" in Iraq that was killing our troops and many Iraqis.

BTW, my older son served there(Baghdad) with the First Cav Division, 2004-2005 and told me that about half of the "insurgents" they killed and captured spoke Farsi and carried grave markers in Farsi. Fairly clear indication of Iran's and Iranian's involvement.

BTW, I'm opposing your comment. The article is close to accurate. However, as for "independence from great power tutelage. "; Russia, CCP China, and North Korea have been significant in helping Iran's weapons development.

Lol. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. Our invasion was a huge blunder, but Clean Break Strategy and Operation Mass Appeal did their magic.
most every country that was decolonized usually turned to crap

The English colonial legacy was better than most, except where the commies took over, then had to murder millions to keep their control. Comparisons of post-colonial countries of the various European colonies is worth a study.
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  • Funny
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Lol. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. Our invasion was a huge blunder, but Clean Break Strategy and Operation Mass Appeal did their magic.

The mistake in Iraq was in believing Islamists can become civilized on their own. The 'nation building' was the disaster; their kids should have been taken and converted to Christianity and re-educated in 1st World schools, and their parents kept under martial law.
It's really horrific what Rothchild/Warburgs/Schiffs did to Palestine. They butchered 30 million Christians in Russia, tried to over throw Germany, Italy, Spain, you name it. They mass raped and murdered Catholic Priests and Nuns. They even dug up the graves of them and put them on public display in Spain.
And the offspring of these bolseviks now run the federal government of the USA.
last i checked the school for murdering priests and nubs is in georgia. graduates are assured steady work in a capitalist death squad.

so many have forgotten the atrocities of franco that i am glad you mention spain, so often forgotten on the annals of european totalitarianism.
The English colonial legacy was better than most, except where the commies took over, then had to murder millions to keep their control. Comparisons of post-colonial countries of the various European colonies is worth a study.
the english colonial legacy in ireland, kenya, india, south africa, etc etc etc is maybe a little less benign advertised. where did "the commies" take over from her majesty's ,minions and make conditions worse for indigenous people? canada?
It's really horrific what Rothchild/Warburgs/Schiffs did to Palestine. They butchered 30 million Christians in Russia, tried to over throw Germany, Italy, Spain, you name it. They mass raped and murdered Catholic Priests and Nuns. They even dug up the graves of them and put them on public display in Spain.
And the offspring of these bolseviks now run the federal government of the USA.

It was the machinations of Rothschild and that of long entrenched Zionist lobbies over the British government that caused the British to abrogate the McMahon Agreement(1) that promised Palestine to the Arabs in exchange for their help in fighting the Ottoman Turks.

In other words, while the Arabs were fighting and dying to earn their existing presence in Palestine, craven Zionist lobbyists safely in London were scheming over how to steal Palestine via the Balfour Declaration.

Re: ...
They butchered 30 million Christians in Russia,

Rarely does a single day pass when we are treated to relentless hyperbolic Holocaust hogwash but Hollywood and MSM are conspicuously mute when it comes to the genocidal barbarism committed by the early Communist government whose leadership was 80% Jewish. (2), (3).

It is a tragic irony that those who claim to have a monopoly on being persecuted have now become among the world's most barbaric of genocidal persecutors.


(1). "The McMahon Agreement"

EXCERPT "The McMahon-Hussein Agreement of October 1915 was accepted by Palestinians as a promise by the British that after World War One, land previously held by the Turks would be returned to the Arab nationals who lived in that land. The McMahon-Hussein Agreement was to greatly complicate Middle East history and seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917."CONTINUED

(2). "Stalin's Jews"

"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish",7340,L-3342999,00.html

EXCERPT "And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist."CONTINUED

(3). “Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish”

EXCERPT “Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.” CONTINUED
the english colonial legacy in ireland, kenya, india, south africa, etc etc etc is maybe a little less benign advertised. where did "the commies" take over from her majesty's ,minions and make conditions worse for indigenous people? canada?

So you're ignorant of history, but still want to throw out all the slogans you're indoctrinated to parrot when triggered. All of those countries you listed were better off afterwards, and some would be much better off if still colonies, like South Africa. Too bad you can't admit that, or your peers will make Scary Faces and Wag Fingers at you.
last i checked the school for murdering priests and nubs is in georgia. graduates are assured steady work in a capitalist death squad.

so many have forgotten the atrocities of franco that i am glad you mention spain, so often forgotten on the annals of european totalitarianism.

Any proof the alleged 'european totalitarianism' was worse than the indigenous kind? We need a laugh here.
It was the machinations of Rothschild and that of long entrenched Zionist lobbies over the British government that caused the British to abrogate the McMahon Agreement(1) that promised Palestine to the Arabs in exchange for their help in fighting the Ottoman Turks.

In other words, while the Arabs were fighting and dying to earn their existing presence in Palestine, craven Zionist lobbyists safely in London were scheming over how to steal Palestine via the Balfour Declaration.

Rarely does a single day pass when we are treated to relentless hyperbolic Holocaust hogwash but Hollywood and MSM are conspicuously mute when it comes to the genocidal barbarism committed by the early Communist government whose leadership was 80% Jewish. (2), (3).

It is a tragic irony that those who claim to have a monopoly on being persecuted have now become among the world's most barbaric of genocidal persecutors.


(1). "The McMahon Agreement"

EXCERPT "The McMahon-Hussein Agreement of October 1915 was accepted by Palestinians as a promise by the British that after World War One, land previously held by the Turks would be returned to the Arab nationals who lived in that land. The McMahon-Hussein Agreement was to greatly complicate Middle East history and seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917."CONTINUED

(2). "Stalin's Jews"

"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish",7340,L-3342999,00.html

EXCERPT "And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist."CONTINUED

(3). “Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish”

EXCERPT “Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.” CONTINUED

All the neo-fascists and their fellow travellers on the left have all sorts of elaborate fantasies they want to share with us, since nobody with IQ's above 20 wants to hang out with them in the conspiritard forum, except the 'libertarians', i.e. Burb Brat dopers. They're desperate for male attention.
No it wasn't. The British model stank.

Because they didn't stone women or murder enough Jews, right?

FYI, Indians are some of the most dedicated Anglophiles on the planet. It was Brits who united the sub-continent in the first place, and marginalized the Islamo-Nazis.
  • Palestine had a successful importing and exporting industry at the beginning of the 20th century.
  • The expansion of railroads throughout Palestine to neighboring countries helped the region's growth in business.
  • The British occupation of Palestine created tension amongst citizens and soldiers.
At the end of World War I, the British occupied the formerly Ottoman-controlled Palestine and declared the establishment in Palestine of a national home for Jewish people. For the next two decades, over 100,000 Jews entered Palestine.

Tensions reached their boiling point after the British withdrew from Palestine in 1948 and the Arab-Israeli War began.

Despite moments of heavy tension and conflict within Palestine during British occupation, life and commerce continued. Historical photos offer a glimpse into everyday life in Palestine before the withdrawal of British troops.

There was Never a Palestine. There was a Paleatinian Mandate in the area of British Control. Jordan was a part of this and chose to accept the UN solution and became a Nation FULL of Palestian decent people. Jordan is your Nation of Palestine from the ancient Phillistines.

After Syria and Lebannon were also made they devided the remaining land. Israel accepted and the Muzzies Rejected.

In the War that followed Jordan seized the West Bank and OCCUPIED it as Egypt seized and OCCUPIED Gaza.

Then in 67 & 73 they got their asses kicked in 2 Wars and Turned both areas into NO MANs LAND so they could continue a War against Israel by proxy.
It was the machinations of Rothschild and that of long entrenched Zionist lobbies over the British government that caused the British to abrogate the McMahon Agreement(1) that promised Palestine to the Arabs in exchange for their help in fighting the Ottoman Turks.

In other words, while the Arabs were fighting and dying to earn their existing presence in Palestine, craven Zionist lobbyists safely in London were scheming over how to steal Palestine via the Balfour Declaration.

Rarely does a single day pass when we are treated to relentless hyperbolic Holocaust hogwash but Hollywood and MSM are conspicuously mute when it comes to the genocidal barbarism committed by the early Communist government whose leadership was 80% Jewish. (2), (3).

It is a tragic irony that those who claim to have a monopoly on being persecuted have now become among the world's most barbaric of genocidal persecutors.


(1). "The McMahon Agreement"

EXCERPT "The McMahon-Hussein Agreement of October 1915 was accepted by Palestinians as a promise by the British that after World War One, land previously held by the Turks would be returned to the Arab nationals who lived in that land. The McMahon-Hussein Agreement was to greatly complicate Middle East history and seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917."CONTINUED

(2). "Stalin's Jews"

"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish",7340,L-3342999,00.html

EXCERPT "And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist."CONTINUED

(3). “Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish”

EXCERPT “Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.” CONTINUED
Warped history. Ottomans/Turks carried out the extermination of Armenians. Took every man woman and child out into what is now Syria, RAPED Tortured Beheaded them in mass. They played soccer with their heads. The ones assigned by Turks to do it. Present day Khurds.

Now the uncle of Arafat the Grand Mufti of Jerusalum was buddies with Hitler. He formed a Muzzie Waffen SS group who were assigned to one of the worst exterminatuoj camps in WWII. In present day Bisnia. They slaughtered Jews, Serbs, and kicked dogs.

Pathetic POSs that went back to the Muzzie world to finisg Hitlers Goal.
It was the machinations of Rothschild and that of long entrenched Zionist lobbies over the British government that caused the British to abrogate the McMahon Agreement(1) that promised Palestine to the Arabs in exchange for their help in fighting the Ottoman Turks.

In other words, while the Arabs were fighting and dying to earn their existing presence in Palestine, craven Zionist lobbyists safely in London were scheming over how to steal Palestine via the Balfour Declaration.

Rarely does a single day pass when we are treated to relentless hyperbolic Holocaust hogwash but Hollywood and MSM are conspicuously mute when it comes to the genocidal barbarism committed by the early Communist government whose leadership was 80% Jewish. (2), (3).

It is a tragic irony that those who claim to have a monopoly on being persecuted have now become among the world's most barbaric of genocidal persecutors.


(1). "The McMahon Agreement"

EXCERPT "The McMahon-Hussein Agreement of October 1915 was accepted by Palestinians as a promise by the British that after World War One, land previously held by the Turks would be returned to the Arab nationals who lived in that land. The McMahon-Hussein Agreement was to greatly complicate Middle East history and seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917."CONTINUED

(2). "Stalin's Jews"

"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish",7340,L-3342999,00.html

EXCERPT "And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist."CONTINUED

(3). “Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish”

EXCERPT “Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.” CONTINUED
the history (as opposed to the "prophecy") of this region needs to be studied in more detail and with a bit more attention to the "natives" whoever they are and where ever they came from.

any analysis of "historic homeland" logically ends with bantus bulldozing rhodesian farmers or the navajo walling off the four corners .
Any proof the alleged 'european totalitarianism' was worse than the indigenous kind? We need a laugh here.

no, not at all. but the european fascists including the usual axis plus , franco, and the portuguese guy do have similarities not shared by other of the era's cilts of personality.
Warped history. Ottomans/Turks carried out the extermination of Armenians. Took every man woman and child out into what is now Syria, RAPED Tortured Beheaded them in mass. They played soccer with their heads. The ones assigned by Turks to do it. Present day Khurds.

Now the uncle of Arafat the Grand Mufti of Jerusalum was buddies with Hitler. He formed a Muzzie Waffen SS group who were assigned to one of the worst exterminatuoj camps in WWII. In present day Bisnia. They slaughtered Jews, Serbs, and kicked dogs.

Pathetic POSs that went back to the Muzzie world to finisg Hitlers Goal.

Arafat and the mufti were not related. Different families.

So you're blaming the Palestinians now for the Holocaust. What gratitude. The Jews were refused sanctuary everywhere.

That is a result of Arab riots and massacres. plus the Brits favoring the Muslims due to their oil interests. We can note you have a lot to snivel bout re Jews and their alleged conspiracies but no critiques at all of your poor hapless Muslim vermin and their violent racism and bigotry.
There was Never a Palestine. There was a Paleatinian Mandate in the area of British Control. Jordan was a part of this and chose to accept the UN solution and became a Nation FULL of Palestian decent people. Jordan is your Nation of Palestine from the ancient Phillistines.

After Syria and Lebannon were also made they devided the remaining land. Israel accepted and the Muzzies Rejected.

In the War that followed Jordan seized the West Bank and OCCUPIED it as Egypt seized and OCCUPIED Gaza.

Then in 67 & 73 they got their asses kicked in 2 Wars and Turned both areas into NO MANs LAND so they could continue a War against Israel by proxy.
There was Never a Palestine.
The Romans called the land Palestine and so did the Muslims. It's been called Palestine for A LONG TIME. But whatever it was called, it's irrelevant. The Holy Land wasn't "A Land Without A People For A People Without A Land", people were living there for centuries.

There was a Paleatinian Mandate in the area of British Control. Jordan was a part of this and chose to accept the UN solution and became a Nation FULL of Palestian decent people. Jordan is your Nation of Palestine from the ancient Phillistines.

The ancient land of the Philistines was where Gaza is today, not in Jordan.

There were 1.2 million Palestinian Arab Muslims and Christians living in Palestine and when the UN gave 56% of that land to the 600K Jews who had migrated there from Europe, they were still outnumbered by over 150K Palestinians. There were 750K Palestinians who were living in approximately 500 villages, within that 56% of Palestine that was given to the Jews. How did the Jewish Zionists pretend to create a Jewish State with such demographics? The Zionists knew that it was impossible to create a Jewish State when the majority of your country is comprised of non-Jews. Their plan to expel all or at least most of the Palestinians preceded 1948. It was well-recognized before that time that the Jews had to "transfer" the Palestinians out.

After Syria and Lebannon were also made they devided the remaining land. Israel accepted and the Muzzies Rejected.
In the War that followed Jordan seized the West Bank and OCCUPIED it as Egypt seized and OCCUPIED Gaza.

They're not "Muzzies", just as Jews aren't Kikes, but you're definitely a worthless punk insulting people while hiding safely behind your computer in an undisclosed location.

All the Palestinians at the time weren't Muslims, there were Christians as well. This is also true today:

The Jews never accepted a land with a majority non-Jewish population, they were planning to purge the land of non-Jews way before 1948 and that's what they did. These Zionist Jews were even bombing the Palestinians and Brits, committing acts of terrorism before 1948:

The Jewish Zionists were targeting both the British occupiers and the Palestinians. The bombing of the King David Hotel destroyed the main offices of the Palestinian Authority and killed many Palestinians (Yes, the Palestinians had their own government authorities under the British Mandate). They were terrorizing the Palestinians and the British occupiers.

However, there was no reason for the Palestinian natives to give 56% of their homeland to anyone, losing 500 villages and forcing 750K people to move out of their homes and farmlands because a Western political organization (The UN in New York City) decided to. The land handed to the Jews, had access to both the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, unlike the portion given to the Palestinians which only had access to the Mediterranean. They also had more arable land and access to drinking water and irrigation sources for their agriculture. Why should the Palestinians accept such a crappy deal?


Then in 67 & 73 they got their asses kicked in 2 Wars and Turned both areas into NO MANs LAND so they could continue a War against Israel by proxy.

They started the war in 1967, claiming that Egypt and Jordan were going to attack them. They are the ones who conducted a surprise attack against both Egypt and Jordanian territory. You might be tougher and stronger, but if someone sucker punches you, they might knock you out.

In 1973, the Israelis got their asses kicked until Uncle Sam started a massive airlift campaign of supplies and weapons to Israel. Nixon ensured the survival of the Zionist Jewish State by resupplying it with ammunition, tanks..etc.

Israel has been holding Uncle Sam's hand like a toddler ever since, including today with its Uncle sending two aircraft carrier groups and arming Israel to the teeth, allowing it to carry out its genocide in Gaza.

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