History of Human Civilization - Facts 4 Religious/Political/Social/Cultural Arguments

Natural law theory can state anything it wants.

Not any more nor any less than the theory oif evolution can say whatever it wants.

Unalienable natural rights are a man made construct,

Is it a man made construct that you need to eat in order to live, that yo need to breathe in order to survive? When did man make up those constructs?

I say self awareness, consciousness, the ability to form abstract concepts like Unalienable natural rights.

That is part of it, freedom of conscience... the right to believe what you wish to believe. Thus, if a law was passed which required you to believe in natural rights, that wouyld violate your uaalienable right to believe what you will.

The only thing we have to do as a living being is take a breath and die.

And eat and sleep and etc etc etc... all of which are unalienable natural rights.

The brain is not fully formed when men are born. The life of man is dependent upon outside support to live beyond birth. Man is born totally dependent on other human beings

Irrelevant, even if true.

Your 'greenhouse emissions' thing is as :cuckoo: as is your 'the sky is lime green in color' analogies/nonsense/arguments/examples

Merely because they were extreme examples which you can not offer a counter to

A bear does NOT have a Right, natural or unnatural, to shit in the woods.

If you passed a law which made it unlawful the bear would still shit in the woods. If a law was passed that said you could not shit, you wold not and could not obey it. You have anatural right to shit. You have a natural right to breathe,... you are stuck on the conventional and/or erroneous understanding or definition of "rights".. obviously you have not read Hobbes or Locke...

A Bear shits wherever it is because of a bodily function, not because it is exercising a right.

It shits because it has to... and because it has to a law which forbids it violates an unalienable right to shit... Listen carefully... under natural law theory, unalienable rights include both biological functions and instinctual imperatives which we have no voluntary control over. Dont argue with me that that is not true, because it is a POSTULATE to natural law theory... once you understand that it can all fall into place. If you refuse to accept that then it will never make sense.

I do hope your students were much smarter than you gave them credit for.

2nd & 3rd year year law students at a major University taking a course entitled "Philosophy of the Law" are not dumb.

Did Hitler and the Nazis make it unlawful to be Jewish? No, they did not.

Yes they did.... and the penalty was death. The distinction here is with religious inquistions which allowed you to convert to save yourself.

Freedom of conscience? I like reading novels too

But reading novels is not an unalienable right, it is an auxillary right which preserves protects and enhances the underlying unalienable right of freedom of conscience.

Your rantings about what the Bill of Rights is about are frighteningly ignorant and imbecilic. And I am being kind here. :cool:

Obviously, I over estimated your intelligence and thought you might like an intellectual diversion into the basis of natural law theory.. I will refrain in the future.
Natural law theory can state anything it wants.
Not any more nor any less than the theory oif evolution can say whatever it wants.
legaleagle_45 said:
Dante said:
Unalienable natural rights are a man made construct,
Is it a man made construct that you need to eat in order to live, that yo need to breathe in order to survive? When did man make up those constructs?
Dante said:
I say self awareness, consciousness, the ability to form abstract concepts like Unalienable natural rights.
That is part of it, freedom of conscience... the right to believe what you wish to believe. Thus, if a law was passed which required you to believe in natural rights, that wouyld violate your uaalienable right to believe what you will.
legaleagle_45 said:
Dante said:
The only thing we have to do as a living being is take a breath and die.
And eat and sleep and etc etc etc... all of which are unalienable natural rights.
legaleagle_45 said:
Dante said:
The brain is not fully formed when men are born. The life of man is dependent upon outside support to live beyond birth. Man is born totally dependent on other human beings
Irrelevant, even if true.
legaleagle_45 said:
Dante said:
Your 'greenhouse emissions' thing is as :cuckoo: as is your 'the sky is lime green in color' analogies/nonsense/arguments/examples
Merely because they were extreme examples which you can not offer a counter to
legaleagle_45 said:
Dante said:
A bear does NOT have a Right, natural or unnatural, to shit in the woods.
If you passed a law which made it unlawful the bear would still shit in the woods. If a law was passed that said you could not shit, you wold not and could not obey it. You have anatural right to shit. You have a natural right to breathe,... you are stuck on the conventional and/or erroneous understanding or definition of "rights".. obviously you have not read Hobbes or Locke...
legaleagle_45 said:
Dante said:
A Bear shits wherever it is because of a bodily function, not because it is exercising a right.
It shits because it has to... and because it has to a law which forbids it violates an unalienable right to shit... Listen carefully... under natural law theory, unalienable rights include both biological functions and instinctual imperatives which we have no voluntary control over. Dont argue with me that that is not true, because it is a POSTULATE to natural law theory... once you understand that it can all fall into place. If you refuse to accept that then it will never make sense.
legaleagle_45 said:
Dante said:
I do hope your students were much smarter than you gave them credit for.
2nd & 3rd year year law students at a major University taking a course entitled "Philosophy of the Law" are not dumb.
legaleagle_45 said:
Dante said:
Did Hitler and the Nazis make it unlawful to be Jewish? No, they did not.
Yes they did.... and the penalty was death. The distinction here is with religious inquistions which allowed you to convert to save yourself.
legaleagle_45 said:
Dante said:
Freedom of conscience? I like reading novels too
But reading novels is not an unalienable right, it is an auxillary right which preserves protects and enhances the underlying unalienable right of freedom of conscience.
legaleagle_45 said:
Dante said:
Your rantings about what the Bill of Rights is about are frighteningly ignorant and imbecilic. And I am being kind here. :cool:
Obviously, I over estimated your intelligence and thought you might like an intellectual diversion into the basis of natural law theory.. I will refrain in the future.

I did not ask for an intellectual diversion into the basis of natural law theory. Why? Because I understand it well enough to think of it as "nonsense on stilts" as did Jeremy Bentham. I would bet your understanding of what equals intelligence and what equals education would cause a disagreement with most educated intellectuals I know.

Theory of evolution = scientific theory

Natural law theory = philosophy/ideology

To live past birth a human being does need to eat and breath. Such are facts of life.

Shitting: An inalienable right decreed by legaleagle_45

"2nd & 3rd year year law students at a major University taking a course entitled "Philosophy of the Law" are not dumb." -- you need to get out more often

The Third Reich did NOT make it illegal to be Jewish. Anti-Jewish Legislation in Prewar Germany Get with the program mister teacher
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Parents: The Glue Holding Our Civilization Together

December 31, 2013 by Jack Kerwick


“Thank you for your service.”

Whenever these words are uttered, it is always—always—a soldier to whom they are directed. And while police officers aren’t typically singled out for random expressions of gratitude, they too are held in particularly high esteem, for like soldiers, police officers are seen as constituting the line between civilization and savagery.

That this popular view is true as far it is goes is undeniable. Equally undeniable, however, is that it only goes so far. And it doesn’t go very far at that.

The reality is that, first and foremost, it is upon the shoulders of the parent that civilization depends.


Of course, both father and mother are equally essential to the creation and sustenance of civilization. But fathers are especially important, for not only is the father the protector of his family, in many respects it is the father who teaches both son and daughter what it means to be a man. As the renowned cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead famously said, “Motherhood is a biological fact, while fatherhood is a social invention.” She also remarked that “Fathers are biological necessities but social accidents.”

The family transforms males into men and men into fathers. A preponderance of fatherless homes does not bode well for a civilization.


Parents: The Glue Holding Our Civilization Together | FrontPage Magazine
History of Human Civilization - Facts 4 Religious/Political/Social/Cultural Arguments
History of Human Civilization - Most Arguments Need Facts


It is easier to understand where people are in error in their beliefs, if not easier to defeat their arguments (because of how human mind's work), if you know a few basic facts.


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