History of IRS Abuse:A real eyeopener.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I thought I knew most of the scandals but I was surprised at some of these. It's not just about Bush vs Obama.

I wish liberals would just shut the hell up making it seem that the world has only turned on these two Presidents; but that's a dream that will never be realized because progressives are a one trick pony using Bush as their whipping boy over and over.

The world of politics didn't start with Bush and it's not ending with Obama.

Now to this great piece.

This one is fascinating. Roosevelt and his administration hounded his enemy, Andrew Mellon to his death.

"Two of a kind," President Roosevelt and his close social and professional friend, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr. National Archives photo.


Industrialist and former Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon came under repeated attack from the Roosevelt administration during the early 1930s. Elmer Lincoln Irey, head of the criminal division of the Treasury Department’s tax enforcement branch from 1919 to 1946, later revealed that he was ordered by Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s Treasury secretary, to file trumped-up criminal charges against Mellon even though he was clearly innocent.

Authorities in Pittsburgh and Washington refused to indict Mellon, but he nonetheless spent the final years of his life defending himself from phony fraud accusations. The art collection that was the basis of the accusations was donated to the federal government after his death, becoming the core of the National Gallery of Art collection in Washington.

I knew about Reverend Martin Luther King and the State of Alabama; of course J. Edgar, Eisenhower targeting American Communists.

Didn't know about Roosevelt going after Huey Long. This was a surprise.

In his autobiography, Elmer Irey points to the Louisiana governor and senator as another Franklin Roosevelt rival who was subjected to a politically motivated tax investigation.

Irey wrote that a trumped-up case was being built against Long -- a populist firebrand and possible 1936 presidential challenger -- in the months before his 1935 assassination.

Doesn't this have a familiar ring?:eusa_angel:

As attorney general in his brother’s administration, Robert Kennedy worked with United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther to outline a strategy to combat the “far right” in America. The initiative, called the Ideological Organizations Audit Project, investigated the campaign contributions and tax-exempt status of dozens of right-wing groups.

Just so much more at the link.Nixon is in there of course. And so is Clinton and his hounding of Paula Jones with the IRS.

Quite a good history lesson to reflect on when we are discussing the politics of today.

RealClearPolitics - History of IRS Abuse - The "Reuther Memorandum"
Keep it up, franco: You do more damage to you own cause than anyone else could do.

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