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History of Israel/Palestine and the Jewish Presence in Israel/Palestine

"If "homeland" is the bases of the Palestinian argument, then history begins before 1948. How far back do YOU think is OK to look?"

riiight.. because as soon as jews started eyeing that land as a nation all of a sudden *POOF* pals magically appeared hellbent on killing jews!

just like MAGIC! History doesn't begin in '48 no matter how desperate you are to keep the sheeply christians infatuated with their second coming. It's pretty fucking relevant to go back as far as when jews started displacing pals in their own Manifest Destity. I realize that you don't think they count for human consideration but pals have memories and perceptions too. Didnt mean to shock you with that. It may to antisemeitic to admit as much but, Iswear, pals are humans too.

Why would there be an outcry over Israelis moving into and settling Israeli land?
Why would there be an issue with Israel putting up a wall to keep terrorists out?

uh, because it wasn't just "israeli land" anymore than Colorado was American land in the early 1800s?

Uh, because they are doing so to specifically marginalize what they see as competitors for the very land that they want to expand into one single jewish state? Your trail of tears is not a free pass just because you wave the antisemite label gun around.

Hell, do I even need to mention how racist you'd think of someone who DARED to ask why pals should be criticised for keeping terrorist jews (see pals) out?

Funny, you get away with generalizing pals as terrorists but.. thats ok. pals dont count, right?

Perhaps the Palestinians should have thought of that a little more over the last 40 years, rather than trying to realize their dream of the total destruction of Israel.

once again it's the "maybe that bitch should have thought about wearing that dress before getting raped" routine. Indeed, maybe Germanys jews should have thought about it when they were told to leave the country.. oh wait.. it doesn't work both ways, does it? oops.. silly me.. I forgot, we're talking about the new master race.

There are zillions of Palestinians in Jordan, which was the "Palestinian state" prior to 1967. If you are truly worried about the (non-existent) genocide of the Palestinians, why don't you suggest they go back to their original country?

Indeed! Of COURSE there were NO PALS in the land before '48! Hell, let's also rewrite hisotry and claim that Aliens Sailed the Seas in 1492! George Washington was a black man! Native Americans gave away north America as a gift to whitey because they wanted skyscrapers and hotdog vendors! No, REALLY! Let's just re-write the whole damn thing so we can justify Israel treating pals like the Germans treated them. It's not like THEY made excuses for the holocaust while it was happening too or anything.
Your wikipedia links were all about RELIGOUS history and beliefs...no way is that going to pass for a debate on a POLITICAL issue of today.

You want to trot out ancient religious history as some sort of basis and its far to ridiculous. It only takes one statement to deal with it...its religious doctrine and therefore has no place in the discussion.
What is is Mazada? What is the Western wall? What about the recently discovered Herrod Tomb? Are you also going to deny the records the Persians have on Cyrus the Great? Greeks on Alexander the Great?

I am not talking any miracles like the parting of the red seas or the resurrection of Christ. I am talking about the cold hard facts of history of the time. With you same reasoning we can state that anything that has happened in ancient history can be considered! That is crap.

The creation of Israel was done by mass emmigrating EUROPEANS, thats the proof.

Not only Europe, but also the Middle East. But the Jews are originated from Israel! Bottom line. You can deny the disporas all you want, that does make your interpretations turn. What you will also deny is that many Arabs migrated to the Palestine during the late 1800s and early 1900s! You will also not cry to the fact that most Jewish lands in Arab countries were confiscated and the Jews were murdered and exiled from their lands during the same time period! :mad:

They came from EUROPE and the jewish religion made it into europe just as christianity has and islam has.
:shock: WRONG, the Jews came to Europe as exciles from their lands. As slaves in the Roman expire etc. The Christians came freely and most really were converts and nationals were nationals of the country they have been in. Islam came to Europe as immigrants to start a new life.

especially since it means committing genocide against an entire community to do it.
Genocide!!! :rofl: God your dense! Genocide is the mass extermination of people on a rapid bases. I don't have time right now to look up the stats, but both the Israeli Arabs and Palestinian populations are growing more rapidly than the Jewish Israeli populations!. LOL if they are committing genocide they are doing a piss-poor job if it.

Yep persecution is wrong, but its not only happened to Jews.
We did it for the black slaves in Liberia! And the Jews have been BY FAR the most persecuted people of all time. Second to none.

Thats just stupid, I dont care who they descend from. They have been living there since the 7th century and are a nation and deserved to continue being one
Of course you don't, just like you don't care who the Jews really descended from. Ignorance is bliss.

and shouldnt be targeted for theft and genocide because Jews want their own homeland and are the victims of crimes in EUROPE.
First off there is nothing even close to a genocide, so you sound like an ignorant anti-semite when you state it. So I suggest, for your creditability stake you pick a better argument
Second, the Pals (direct descendants of the Arab Crusaders) took the lands under the sword. That is theft no less, no?

Make Germany give the Jews a homeland, they committed the crimes.
Germany is not the Jewish homeland. Besides the Holocaust was the 2nd genocide the Germans committed against the Jews, why would they want to remain their when anti-semitism is still very very high.

The problem started when the zionists decided they were going to genocide a nation of people so they could take their land.

The problem stated when the Jews were systematically kicked off their lands, mass-murdered and exciled, but the Assyrians, Babloyians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs Crusaders and Christian Crusaders.

After the Babloyians and Assyrians conquered Israel, the Jews fought back with the Persian to get their homeland back. They did the same when the Greeks and succeed. They tried it with the Romans when they tightened their rule. They did it again against the Byzantines and Persians. Any were back-stabbed by both people. Why would you think the would quit now? The Jews have been on a constant struggle to get their homeland back, since 586 BC. To which they have had many semi-autonmous rules and a few temporary independent states!
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, religious or national group. While precise definition varies among genocide scholars, the legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2 of the CPPCG defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."


Genocide!!! God your dense! Genocide is the mass extermination of people on a rapid bases. I don't have time right now to look up the stats, but both the Israeli Arabs and Palestinian populations are growing more rapidly than the Jewish Israeli populations!. LOL if they are committing genocide they are doing a piss-poor job if it.

oh SNAP! nothing in the wiki definition says anything about RAPID MASS EXTERMINATION being the standard by which we judge what counts as genocide.. but hey, why pay attention that that when, obviously, a jew hating antisemite wrote this definition!

So, if slaves grew in population during early America then, by your logic, they were not being subjigated by a white dominant ethnic class?

ooops.. forgot that my goyim ass wasnt supposed to make accurate historic references that diminish the blind cheerleading of a cookiecutter zionist.

my bad.
Of course you don't, just like you don't care who the Jews really descended from. Ignorance is bliss.

Apparently, so is riding the same wave the germans surfed on as long as your surfboard is made from some other ethnicity...

Again, why do JEWS get to count but pals dont get the same historic consideration?

oh, duh.. I forgot that they are not as human as jews are. silly me.
gen·o·cide (jn-sd)
The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.

gen·o·cide /ˈdʒɛnəˌsaɪd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[jen-uh-sahyd] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

Main Entry:
geno·cide Listen to the pronunciation of genocide

: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group

genocide Show phonetics
the murder of a whole group of people, especially a whole nation, race or religious group:
victims of genocide

Hey, at least we can just make shit up and call someone a jew hating antismeite instead of looking up the definition of the fucking word!
The problem stated when the Jews were systematically kicked off their lands, mass-murdered and exciled, but the Assyrians, Babloyians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs Crusaders and Christian Crusaders.

I tellya.. NOTHING says "we deserve reperations" quite like bringing up the fucking Assyrians and Babylonians!

Hell, I guess it's about time to give Ireland back to the pegans too, right?

oh shit.. silly me.. ONLY jews get to recreate history and pretend that ancient history validates the conquering of the new master race.. duh.
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, religious or national group. While precise definition varies among genocide scholars, the legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2 of the CPPCG defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."


Genocide!!! God your dense! Genocide is the mass extermination of people on a rapid bases. I don't have time right now to look up the stats, but both the Israeli Arabs and Palestinian populations are growing more rapidly than the Jewish Israeli populations!. LOL if they are committing genocide they are doing a piss-poor job if it.

oh SNAP! nothing in the wiki definition says anything about RAPID MASS EXTERMINATION being the standard by which we judge what counts as genocide.. but hey, why pay attention that that when, obviously, a jew hating antisemite wrote this definition!

Big deal genocide is the extermination of people! Can't happen when the populations grow.

So, if slaves grew in population during early America then, by your logic, they were not being subjigated by a white dominant ethnic class?
Has nothing to do with this. The black slavers in America is not the equivalent to genocide. Either way the Pals are not slaves.

but hey, IVE posted evidence that shows how far you will go to wrap fabricated shit around your zionist hardon so what can I really expect from you?

Indeed, lets pretend that slavery and the native wars and nazis have NOTHING to tell us about how Israel treats pals.. I mean, acknowledging the reality of history and actual DEFINITIONS are all telltale signs of jew hating antisemitism!

you sure are on to me, you big ole sleuth you....

Big deal genocide is the extermination of people! Can't happen when the populations grow.

Hell, when the fucking definition doesnt fit lets just make one up and isnsit that anyone who whips out the actual definition hates jooooos!

Indeed, slavery was like good natured social tickling because their population grew to fit the cotton picking demand!

Has nothing to do with this. The black slavers in America is not the equivalent to genocide. Either way the Pals are not slaves.

I guess that's easy to say being a zionist jew.. Hey, why don't you go ahead and insist that they LIKE living in shit camps until an israeli dozer comes by to make way for new jewish settlements... Hell, feel free! you wont say anything that fans of Jefferson Davis didn't agree with!
Carolina authorities developed laws to keep the African American population under control. Whipping, branding, dismembering, castrating, or killing a slave were legal under many circumstances. Freedom of movement, to assemble at a funeral, to earn money, even to learn to read and write, became outlawed.


hey.. why look at facts when we can just label someone a jooo hating antisemite?

Again, you dumb bastards are about as interested in peace as a cat is interested in sharing his food with a mouse.
what retarded bullshit.

I swear, dude. people like you, who were german, were the exact reason that nation let jews taste xylon B. It's crazy how far people like you will go to totally disregard pals for the sake of a state for the new master race.

You do th same shit each time, you have 1000+ posts but haven't said a think besides personal attacks and racist comments against the Jews.

You my friend need to take some debating classes! :eusa_snooty:
You do th same shit each time, you have 1000+ posts but haven't said a think besides personal attacks and racist comments against the Jews.
You my friend need to take some debating classes! :eusa_snooty:
You noticed this too, eh?

There's a reason message boards have an "ignore" feature.

You noticed this too, eh?

There's a reason message boards have an "ignore" feature.


It is frustrating, since I don't like getting pulled into a petty name-calling contest. Having differing opinions fine that is what debate boards are about, but piss matches getting annoying quickly.
It is frustrating, since I don't like getting pulled into a petty name-calling contest. Having differing opinions fine that is what debate boards are about, but piss matches getting annoying quickly.

Its pretty clear he's only interested in the latter. If you have something of value to add to a discussion board, you dont levy insults at everyone you respond to.
You do th same shit each time, you have 1000+ posts but haven't said a think besides personal attacks and racist comments against the Jews.

You my friend need to take some debating classes! :eusa_snooty:


certainly dropping four, count em, FOUR dictionary definitions on your head with links provided is just another joooo hating personal attack!

When in doubt, scream antisemite. Damn, you sure don't have a pattern, do you?

I'll stick with my school of debate, dude. I'm really not into that whole "make shit up as you go along if reality doesn't fit your opinion" school of debate.
You noticed this too, eh?

There's a reason message boards have an "ignore" feature.

too bad there is not BUILD A WALL feature, eh?

sucks not being able to just toss a cluster bomb at my neighborhood, doesnt it?
It is frustrating, since I don't like getting pulled into a petty name-calling contest. Having differing opinions fine that is what debate boards are about, but piss matches getting annoying quickly.

I take it you are forgiving the name calling in the neg rep you gave me...

Well, THAT sure isnt a shocker, lemme tellya.

May I quote you or would I be hating on jooos again by providing facts?
Its pretty clear he's only interested in the latter. If you have something of value to add to a discussion board, you dont levy insults at everyone you respond to.

Thank god you both are innocent of name calling.. Id hate to hve to stomach the stream of "but we were just defending ourselves" pretzel logic.
You do th same shit each time, you have 1000+ posts but haven't said a think besides personal attacks and racist comments against the Jews.

You my friend need to take some debating classes!

History of... 09-27-2007 11:39 AM GHook93 You does it feel to be a truely racist dumb bastard?

Indeed, what an example you set. Thankfully IM just a goyim and you are a jooo and there is a different standard for me than for you. We see how well you handle the idea of equal application. Maybe we can fabricate a new definition for Personal Attacks! Hell, if you can do it with the word Genocide Im SURE you can manipulate this one too!
what retarded bullshit.

I swear, dude. people like you, who were german, were the exact reason that nation let jews taste xylon B. It's crazy how far people like you will go to totally disregard pals for the sake of a state for the new master race.
What in hell is that supposed to mean?? Just asking.

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