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History of Israel/Palestine and the Jewish Presence in Israel/Palestine

Actually, you're arguing that WW2 was justified, from the German point of view. You;are SO desperate to not have to admit that the Palestinians are acting like barbaric animals that you'll do ANYTHING -- including arguing that the Germans were JUSTIFIED in going to war -- to avoid it.

That's REALLY sad.

Its also a near-singular point of view.


yea, savages.. dirty jews... You just don't see the correlation, do you?
Oh who can forget this gem!


Israeli officer: I was right to shoot 13-year-old child
Guardian, 24 November 2004

Jerusalem -- An Israeli army officer who repeatedly shot a 13-year-old Palestinian girl in Gaza dismissed a warning from another soldier that she was a child by saying he would have killed her even if she was three years old.

The officer, identified by the army only as Captain R, was charged this week with illegal use of his weapon, conduct unbecoming an officer and other relatively minor infractions after emptying all 10 bullets from his gun's magazine into Iman al-Hams when she walked into a "security area" on the edge of Rafah refugee camp last month.

A tape recording of radio exchanges between soldiers involved in the incident, played on Israeli television, contradicts the army's account of the events and appears to show that the captain shot the girl in cold blood.

The official account claimed that Iman was shot as she walked towards an army post with her schoolbag because soldiers feared she was carrying a bomb.

But the tape recording of the radio conversation between soldiers at the scene reveals that, from the beginning, she was identified as a child and at no point was a bomb spoken about nor was she described as a threat. Iman was also at least 100 yards from any soldier.

Instead, the tape shows that the soldiers swiftly identified her as a "girl of about 10" who was "scared to death".

The tape also reveals that the soldiers said Iman was headed eastwards, away from the army post and back into the refugee camp, when she was shot.

At that point, Captain R took the unusual decision to leave the post in pursuit of the girl. He shot her dead and then "confirmed the kill" by emptying his magazine into her body.

The tape recording is of a three-way conversation between the army watchtower, the army post's operations room and the captain, who was a company commander.

The soldier in the watchtower radioed his colleagues after he saw Iman: "It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastward."

Operations room: "Are we talking about a girl under the age of 10?"

Watchtower: "A girl of about 10, she's behind the embankment, scared to death."

A few minutes later, Iman is shot in the leg from one of the army posts.

The watchtower: "I think that one of the positions took her out."

The company commander then moves in as Iman lies wounded and helpless.

Captain R: "I and another soldier ... are going in a little nearer, forward, to confirm the kill ... Receive a situation report. We fired and killed her ... I also confirmed the kill. Over."

Witnesses described how the captain shot Iman twice in the head, walked away, turned back and fired a stream of bullets into her body. Doctors at Rafah's hospital said she had been shot at least 17 times.

On the tape, the company commander then "clarifies" why he killed Iman: "This is commander. Anything that's mobile, that moves in the zone, even if it's a three-year-old, needs to be killed. Over."

there we have the very deliberate killing of a child, a child who was afraid and had every right to be
your opposition is doing fine without my help, but Just one point of order.

THERE IS NO TIME ELEMENT IN GENOCIDE. Slow or fast, the effect is still genocide.

:rofl: But the main element is a decline in populations! :rofl:

Here is what is happening in the Palestinian territory, Arab Israeli population and the Jewish Israeli population.

Here is the population Growth rate and birth rate vs. death rate in the West Bank.
Population growth rate:
2.985% (2007 est.)
Birth rate:
30.99 births/1,000 population (2007 est.)
Death rate:
3.85 deaths/1,000 population (2007 est.)

Let's see, the population growth is at 3%. The birth rate is nearly 10x the death rate. :rofl: A booming population, now that is genocide for you! :eusa_wall:

You say what about Gaza? The growth is even better:
Population growth rate
Birth rate
39.45 births/1,000 population (2006 est.)
Mortality rate
3.8 deaths/1,000 population (2006 est.)
http://pademographics.com/Herzliya Presentation.ppt#1

Let's see, you have nearly a 4% growth rate in Gaza and 10x+ birth rate to growth rate! And this is where all the fighting is taking place. Did I embarrass you enough yet? No, OK I will go on.

Let's compare these numbers to Israel.
Population growth rate
overall: 1.7% (2006 est.)

Israeli Arab population is 2.5% (3.3% in 1999 to 2.5% in 2006).
Israeli Jewish population is 1.4%.

Crude birth rate
20.8 births/1,000 population (2006)
Crude death rate
6.18 deaths/1,000 population (2006 est.)
Wow that is amazing. Israel is really committing a successful genocide , yet the the population growth in Gaza, WB and of the Israeli Arabs doubles that of the Jews and Israel death to birth rate to death rate is nowhere near that of Gaza or WB. :eusa_eh:

:eusa_doh: I guess those pesky Jews need to take somes lesson in genocide tactics, because they suck at it. LOL the genocide you talk about is nothing more than the anti-semite's wet-dream. So now that I have shown the ignorance of your comments, please pick a better tactic! :bowdown: :clap2:
I guess I wasnt clear.
Israelis killl Palestinians civilians because Palestinian terrorists hide behind them.
Palestinians kill Israeli civilians as part of a dliberate campaign to kill Israeli civilians.
Somehow, in your eyes, the Israeli actions are just as bad as, if not worse than, the palestinians actions.
How is that?
Oh no you are quite backwards.
I am?

Israelis are hiding behind Israeli civilians and are deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians ina directed effort to kill them, whereas Palestinians only kill Israeli civilians when trying to kill israeli terrorists?

Please, show this to be true.

No, wait, never mind. Asking you to show this to be true gived credibility to your assertion.

That you made the assertion at all means you have no credibility whatsoever,
I guess those pesky Jews need to take somes lesson in genocide tactics, because they suck at it. LOL the genocide you talk about is nothing more than the anti-semite's wet-dream. So now that I have shown the ignorance of your comments, please pick a better tactic!

HA! says the guy whose ass was handed to him yesterday by FOUR dictionary quotes.

Still trying to pretend that the subjication of an ethnic people hinges on a TIME and POPULATION variable, eh?

Hey, I just gave you the actual definitions from four unbiased sources but hey... Those disctionarys were probably just antisemitism jooo hating websites that only dirty goyim use to demonize israel...

thats GOTTA be it!
I am?
Israelis are hiding behind Israeli civilians and are deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians ina directed effort to kill them, whereas Palestinians only kill Israeli civilians when trying to kill israeli terrorists?
Please, show this to be true.
No, wait, never mind. Asking you to show this to be true gived credibility to your assertion.
That you made the assertion at all means you have no credibility whatsoever,

did you see the above image of the PALESTINIAN being used as a human shield?

of course not.

jews can do no wrong!

hell, they can even magically construct word definitions to conform to their racial hatred of pals too!

:rofl: But the main element is a decline in populations! :rofl:

Here is what is happening in the Palestinian territory, Arab Israeli population and the Jewish Israeli population.

Here is the population Growth rate and birth rate vs. death rate in the West Bank.


Let's see, the population growth is at 3%. The birth rate is nearly 10x the death rate. :rofl: A booming population, now that is genocide for you! :eusa_wall:

You say what about Gaza? The growth is even better:

http://pademographics.com/Herzliya Presentation.ppt#1

Let's see, you have nearly a 4% growth rate in Gaza and 10x+ birth rate to growth rate! And this is where all the fighting is taking place. Did I embarrass you enough yet? No, OK I will go on.

Let's compare these numbers to Israel.

Wow that is amazing. Israel is really committing a successful genocide , yet the the population growth in Gaza, WB and of the Israeli Arabs doubles that of the Jews and Israel death to birth rate to death rate is nowhere near that of Gaza or WB. :eusa_eh:

:eusa_doh: I guess those pesky Jews need to take somes lesson in genocide tactics, because they suck at it. LOL the genocide you talk about is nothing more than the anti-semite's wet-dream. So now that I have shown the ignorance of your comments, please pick a better tactic! :bowdown: :clap2:

Yes they are committing genocide because as usual, the water the palestinians need and the water that belongs to them will NOT be disbursed the palestinians. The farmlands will continue to be confiscated or destroyed. The homes will still be bulldozed, they wont be allowed to build new ones and they territory they are allowed to suffer on has become less and less.

Why dont we look at their infant mortality, or the death rates by violence heh?

Or how bout we take in the fact that the Israeli jewish population is increasing at the highest levels seen so far while the palestinians leaving for other nations have also risen.

Oh but that would be a more truthful look at the situation and we dont encourage that in this conflict do we?

I wonder how many Israeli children suffer malnutrition and lack of clean water as opposed to palestinians. I wonder how many children have had thier homes bulldozed in Israel as opposed to palestinians....ah the questions we dont like asked and we certainly dont want answered!
I am?

Israelis are hiding behind Israeli civilians and are deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians ina directed effort to kill them, whereas Palestinians only kill Israeli civilians when trying to kill israeli terrorists?

Please, show this to be true.

No, wait, never mind. Asking you to show this to be true gived credibility to your assertion.

That you made the assertion at all means you have no credibility whatsoever,

You have just been shown more than one case of Isrealis using palestinians as human shields as well as an IDF officer targeting and shooting to death a 13 year old little girl.....there was no terrorist or other person around her at all. They just targeted a civilian CHILD and murdered her and the officer was charged with petty infractions instead of murder...I guess Israel condones the murdering of palestinian children then?
Jews have been kicked out of every country on earth, including 800,000 from arab countries, so your argument about descendats goes out the window. Jews were entitled to a country according to the balfour document and the united nations, so sorry ruby, your flat wrong on this.

I love how ruby and others try to say, oh not many jews were in israel, when they were EXILED by the romans.

I mean, so many anti israel, notice i did NOT say anti-semetic arguements are just b.s., althought some are valid though.

ruby, I respect your opinion, and god knows your entitled to it, and you probably think im wrong too lol. But palestine was created by the romans, they are not a special people.

First of all, how lovely that you chose wikipedia for your ONE source and why do you think they trump the ISRAELI govt documents that prove otherwise.

Secondly, the european jews are not descended from that area, they descend from europe.

They dont have to be an independent state according to our rules...any political community and entity is regarded as a nation and a cohesive culture. They have rights both as individuals and as a community.

The population before the mass exodus was mostly non jewish BUT those jews who DID live there and had been living there were members of the palestinian community since RELIGION was not the determining factor for being palestinian. The problems started when the mass immigration flooded in with plans to expel the current residents and make a JEWISH homeland and thereby getting rid of the palestinians.

Why should palestinians accept their own demise? Its a ridiculous thing to ask of them and no one in their right mind would EXPECT them to say yes.


I think that sums it up. There was a minority of Jewish people there and they had the same rights palestinians had...rights were not doled out based on religion (as they are now since israel was created). What was WRONG was that their self determination was denied and a campaign of genocide was started by the zionists so that they take over the lands and make it a JEWISH homeland instead of a homeland for all those that actually lived there.

Citing there has been jewish presence in the area throughout history is NO solid basis on which to say that european jews have a RIGHT to displace the palestinians who have lived there since the 7th century.

Its RIDICULOUS. Just because europeans have adopted religions or parts of other regions cultures dosent give them the right to go claim the lands as their own and drive out the natives by force and via violence and genocide.
your argument is non sense. If a an idf commits a crime, they get punished, while, the palestinian terrorists use their kids as human sheilds.

You have just been shown more than one case of Isrealis using palestinians as human shields as well as an IDF officer targeting and shooting to death a 13 year old little girl.....there was no terrorist or other person around her at all. They just targeted a civilian CHILD and murdered her and the officer was charged with petty infractions instead of murder...I guess Israel condones the murdering of palestinian children then?
Jews have been kicked out of every country on earth, including 800,000 from arab countries, so your argument about descendats goes out the window. Jews were entitled to a country according to the balfour document and the united nations, so sorry ruby, your flat wrong on this.

I love how ruby and others try to say, oh not many jews were in israel, when they were EXILED by the romans.

I mean, so many anti israel, notice i did NOT say anti-semetic arguements are just b.s., althought some are valid though.

ruby, I respect your opinion, and god knows your entitled to it, and you probably think im wrong too lol. But palestine was created by the romans, they are not a special people.

They have not been kicked out of every country they ever lived in, thats a very gross exaggeration. When were they kicked out of Sweden? When were they kicked out of America? When were they kicked out of Ethiopia?

The arab nations you speak of, all this was spurred on by the zionist movement that invaded their region intent on dispossing it of the current resident aka GENOCIDE, just as the settlers did to the native american indians.

It may also interest you to know that many of the violence perpetrated against arab jews were actually done by the zionist movement themselves to scare the arab jews into fleeing to Israel. I already provided a link from an Iraqi Jew who himself was PART OF THAT.

I also already provided (and shogun did as well) numerous cases where the IDF used people, including minors as human sheilds. I also provided a story where an IDF soldier AIMED and KILLED a child and did so KNOWINGLY. The recordings of the communications were CLEAR. He was told it was just a scard little girl and he shot anyway and then went down and shot her a bunch more times AND he is not apologetic at all...he said he would do it even if it were a 3 yr old! He was not charged with murder, he got a slap on the hand and was charged with mis-using his weapon! Thats condoning the murder of palestinian children!

Palestine was not created by the Romans! They were simply the group that conquered the area, one of MANY who did so. This includes the jews who also were conquerors of the area...why do you think Jews should be the ones with some large claim to it? They are merely one group who conquered the area among many. Gods promise dosent cut it since you cant even begin to prove god exists OR that he made such a promise.

The legitimate claim is really by those who have continued to live there for thousands of years and that includes the Jews who continued to live there and NO ONE was kicking them out. It dosent include mass immigration of euro jews who come to kick out palestinians though and there is no moral in the world you can point to that says its ok to commit genocide.
your argument is non sense. If a an idf commits a crime, they get punished, while, the palestinian terrorists use their kids as human sheilds.

Then why was he only charged with minor infractions instead of murder?

The soldier in the watchtower radioed his colleagues after he saw Iman: "It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastward."

Operations room: "Are we talking about a girl under the age of 10?"

Watchtower: "A girl of about 10, she's behind the embankment, scared to death."

A few minutes later, Iman is shot in the leg from one of the army posts.

The watchtower: "I think that one of the positions took her out."

The company commander then moves in as Iman lies wounded and helpless.

Captain R: "I and another soldier ... are going in a little nearer, forward, to confirm the kill ... Receive a situation report. We fired and killed her ... I also confirmed the kill. Over."

Witnesses described how the captain shot Iman twice in the head, walked away, turned back and fired a stream of bullets into her body. Doctors at Rafah's hospital said she had been shot at least 17 times.

On the tape, the company commander then "clarifies" why he killed Iman: "This is commander. Anything that's mobile, that moves in the zone, even if it's a three-year-old, needs to be killed. Over."

The army's original account of the killing said that the soldiers only identified Iman as a child after she was first shot. But the tape shows that they were aware just how young the small, slight girl was before any shots were fired.

The case came to light after soldiers under the command of Captain R went to an Israeli newspaper to accuse the army of covering up the circumstances of the killing.

A subsequent investigation by the officer responsible for the Gaza strip, Major General Dan Harel, concluded that the captain had "not acted unethically".

However, the military police launched an investigation, which resulted in charges against the unit commander.

Iman's parents have accused the army of whitewashing the affair by filing minor charges against Captain R. They want him prosecuted for murder.

I guess targeting and killing a little girl who is scard to death and no threat is acting ethically and really just amounts to misuse of a weapon and a waste of bullets? Is that it?
Jews have been kicked out of every country on earth, including 800,000 from arab countries, so your argument about descendats goes out the window. Jews were entitled to a country according to the balfour document and the united nations, so sorry ruby, your flat wrong on this.

I love how ruby and others try to say, oh not many jews were in israel, when they were EXILED by the romans.

I mean, so many anti israel, notice i did NOT say anti-semetic arguements are just b.s., althought some are valid though.

ruby, I respect your opinion, and god knows your entitled to it, and you probably think im wrong too lol. But palestine was created by the romans, they are not a special people.

The Romans changed the a name of Israel to Palestina in 135 AD. Yet the Arab Crusades (who the Pals are direct decendants from) didn't conquer Palestina until 638 AD. The name was changed 500 years before the Arabs set foot in Palestina, yet its the Arab Palestinians that decided to declare themselves the Palestinians. Funny truth is that none of the Muslims conquerers since 638 AD (Arabs, Turks, Jordanians and Egyptians) ever had an intentions of creating a Palestinian state. They had over a millenia to do it, but choose not to. Shit the Egypt and Jordan had a perfect 20 year window to do it, but they said NO!
The Romans changed the a name of Israel to Palestina in 135 AD. Yet the Arab Crusades (who the Pals are direct decendants from) didn't conquer Palestina until 638 AD. The name was changed 500 years before the Arabs set foot in Palestina, yet its the Arab Palestinians that decided to declare themselves the Palestinians. Funny truth is that none of the Muslims conquerers since 638 AD (Arabs, Turks, Jordanians and Egyptians) ever had an intentions of creating a Palestinian state. They had over a millenia to do it, but choose not to. Shit the Egypt and Jordan had a perfect 20 year window to do it, but they said NO!

The fact that they were many times conquered has nothing to do with a communitys right to govern itself and self determine. Its an inherent right we now value and recognize....is this sopposed to be different for the palestinians? Are they the only ones not afforded that right? They have lived there for thousands of years.

Jordan cannot create a palestinian state, the determination of their govt and lives were to be determined by PALESTINIANS ONLY. Not mass immgrating euro jews, not Britain, not France, not Jordan, not Egypt....just the palestinians and they have been denied this by Israel and its western backers (US and Britain).

The claim to the land is not due to ancient history, its due to the same factor we use for ALL OTHER GROUPS OF PEOPLE...who lives there and has been living there and therefore they have inherent rights as a community, there is no inherent right to go invade them, dispossess them of the land and community or committ genocide to become the "new owners".
The fact that they were many times conquered has nothing to do with a communitys right to govern itself and self determine. Its an inherent right we now value and recognize....is this sopposed to be different for the palestinians? Are they the only ones not afforded that right? They have lived there for thousands of years.

Jordan cannot create a palestinian state, the determination of their govt and lives were to be determined by PALESTINIANS ONLY. Not mass immgrating euro jews, not Britain, not France, not Jordan, not Egypt....just the palestinians and they have been denied this by Israel and its western backers (US and Britain).

The claim to the land is not due to ancient history, its due to the same factor we use for ALL OTHER GROUPS OF PEOPLE...who lives there and has been living there and therefore they have inherent rights as a community, there is no inherent right to go invade them, dispossess them of the land and community or committ genocide to become the "new owners".

You state the great paradox! The Pals (or Arab Crusaders who they are decendants from) conquered and lived their for a millenia. Such a long time the whole country has such been deemed their's, from your point of view.

So if Israel says in power for the next 500 years or so wil their claim ring louder than then Pals? Would you support that view 500 years from now? You would probably state NO! The Jews are there. Like it or not it will take a hell of a lot to get rid of them. The final solution that you desire won't come easy. They have a few million strong battle tested army with the latest technology and a vast arsenal of nuke, supposed the 3rd or 4th largest in the world.

Don't be too confident with Iran's big talk! Prez Alamdouchebag reminds me of the little guy on the playground that talked tough until final he got punched in the face and his tone turned to sumissive.
Im not sure id brag about Israels military while CLEARLY hiding behind the back leg of the American bulldog. Sure, sure... it's easy to dominate the hell out of rock throwing kids... but you don't know how russia and china is going to respond to the reality of a nuclear double standard for Israel than everyone else. THEY might just level the playing field on you so that, all of a sudden, Israel is not batting a mouse around with their cat paw but rather discovering themselves fighting an alleycat tom without the protection of the reliable west.

If you can kill and disregard people then you can BE killed and disregarded. The second coming won't stop an instigated avalanch of muslim reactions.
You state the great paradox! The Pals (or Arab Crusaders who they are decendants from) conquered and lived their for a millenia. Such a long time the whole country has such been deemed their's, from your point of view.

So if Israel says in power for the next 500 years or so wil their claim ring louder than then Pals? Would you support that view 500 years from now? You would probably state NO! The Jews are there. Like it or not it will take a hell of a lot to get rid of them. The final solution that you desire won't come easy. They have a few million strong battle tested army with the latest technology and a vast arsenal of nuke, supposed the 3rd or 4th largest in the world.

Don't be too confident with Iran's big talk! Prez Alamdouchebag reminds me of the little guy on the playground that talked tough until final he got punched in the face and his tone turned to sumissive.

There is no great paradox, we have now a very specific wrong and being committed KNOWINGLY against current standards and morals.

We now have refugees STILL in limbo.

It has nothing to do with trying to get rid of jews, it has to do with stopping genocide. Let them be ONE STATE then, jews and palestinians with both having equal say (one person, one vote) and allow ALL refugees to return as is their RIGHT (by law and by our own moral standards).

NO military might has ever defeated a committed and determined public and it never will. DO you expect Israel to nuke the very land they are trying to steal? Do you expect Israel to nuke so close to their own homes? Their nukes are meaningless in this situation. There is also another problem Israel faces...the truth on the genocide of palestinians is more known now around the world than it ever was....Israel cant really survive and prosper if they get too much cold shoulder from the world community.

It has nothing to do with Iran at all nor do I factor them in...they havent threatened Israel nor do I expect them to attack or invade Israel. Thats just propaganda being and has no real value in a meaninful view of the future situation.
Im not sure id brag about Israels military while CLEARLY hiding behind the back leg of the American bulldog. Sure, sure... it's easy to dominate the hell out of rock throwing kids... but you don't know how russia and china is going to respond to the reality of a nuclear double standard for Israel than everyone else. THEY might just level the playing field on you so that, all of a sudden, Israel is not batting a mouse around with their cat paw but rather discovering themselves fighting an alleycat tom without the protection of the reliable west.

If you can kill and disregard people then you can BE killed and disregarded. The second coming won't stop an instigated avalanch of muslim reactions.

Well Israel has one serious potential problem...the US is wearing itself out by spreading itself too thin and is creating too many enemies. It will face the prospect of NOT BEING able to support Israel as it has....then what does Isreal do? We are talking BILLIONS per year they get from the US, they really do need it and without it, they are going to feel it and suffer a bit and there isnt ANY OTHER nation who wants to take the place of the US as Israels bodyguard and provider.
There is no great paradox, we have now a very specific wrong and being committed KNOWINGLY against current standards and morals.
I think you state that because you don't know what it means. You state the Jews have been so far removed from the lands that they have no claim. An arrogant and bigotted stance I might add. Yet given time the same argument can be presented to the Pals.

We now have refugees STILL in limbo.
Yea who caused that? The Arabs when they told the Pals to leave for the could complete Hitler's Final Solution! The Arabs continued it by keeping the Pals in concentration camps for 60 years. What do Americans do with refugees? They let them into American Society! I know you anti-semitism who let you see the true culprit, but the ARABS ARE THE CAUSE OF REFUGEE PROBLEM!!!

It has nothing to do with trying to get rid of jews, it has to do with stopping genocide.
Hey retard! There is no fucking genocide. Growing population are not victims of genocide. When are you going to get you head out of your ass and drop that Anti-semitic propaganda claim. Maybe you should keep it up because then people will realize how little intelligence and credibility you have before they try to engage you in conversation!

Let them be ONE STATE then, jews and palestinians with both having equal say (one person, one vote) and allow ALL refugees to return as is their RIGHT (by law and by our own moral standards).
Again your being stupid. If it was that easy if would have been done a while back. The Pals want a state of their own, which includes Israel. That is primarily the reason the demand the right of return to Israel.

Say what you really want! A return back to the 1940s and the revive the Holocaust!

NO military might has ever defeated a committed and determined public and it never will.

Exactly that is why the Israelis will defeat the Pals terrorist. But that is not necessarily true. Without America and Russia, Europe who have been under German rule. Look at Sadam's Iraq he took out a committed and MORE numerous public enemy. He did it with brutality. You speak out of your ass.

DO you expect Israel to nuke the very land they are trying to steal?
Hey retard what land are they trying to steal. They have been giving back land. Take you anti-semitic glasses off of a minute and listen to the bull shit you preach.

Do you expect Israel to nuke so close to their own homes?
I don't expect them to nuke anyone. I expect them to create a Palestinian State at the '67 lines, soon after make peace with Lebanon and Syria and return the lands they occupied after the 6 day war. But of course for this to happen they need partners on the other side interested in peace! Abbas might be that man, but Hamas stands in the way.

If the currently summit breaks down and Hamas and Islamic Jihad start and intifida, then I expect Israel to BRUTALLY take down Hamas!

Their nukes are meaningless in this situation.
Again that is how stupid you are. They don't need the nukes for Pals. But Iran is more that far enough away where nuking them won't effect Israel. Same with Syria and same with Lebanon. And if Israel is on a fight of their life, what will it matter.

There is also another problem Israel faces...the truth on the genocide of palestinians is more known now around the world than it ever was....
Again fucking idiots talk doesn't mean anyone is listening. Get it through your thick skull their is no genocide.

Israel cant really survive and prosper if they get too much cold shoulder from the world community.
They have done well so far!

And let me kill you propaganda that its because of the USA that Israel has done so well economically! They get a lot of money from US, but most is used for defense and only a fraction of a percent makes up their GDP!

In 2007, direct economic aid from the US amounted to $120 million, or about 0.07% of Israel's GDP.
The are 18th in the world omn GDP per capita! Only Qatar that sits on a mountain of oil has a higher GDP per capita than Israel and don't forget that Israel has no Oil reserves. Look at your good all Iranian pals at 74!
List by the International Monetary Fund
Rank Country GDP (PPP)
$ per capita Estimates
(for 2006)

start after
1 Luxembourg 80,471 2005
2 Ireland 44,087 2005
3 Norway 43,574 2005
4 United States 43,444 2005
5 Iceland 40,277 2005
— Hong Kong, S.A.R., China 38,127 2005
6 Switzerland 37,369 2005
7 Denmark 36,549 2005
8 Austria 36,031 2005
9 Canada 35,494 2005
10 Netherlands 35,078 2005
11 United Kingdom 35,051 2005
12 Finland 34,819 2005
13 Belgium 34,478 2005
14 Sweden 34,409 2005
15 Qatar 33,049 2005
16 Australia 32,938 2004
17 Singapore 32,867 2005
18 Japan 32,647 2005
19 Germany 31,095 2005
20 Italy 30,732 2005
21 France 30,693 2005
22 Israel 30,464 2005
23 Taiwan (Republic of China) 30,084 2005
24 United Arab Emirates 29,142 2003
25 Cyprus 29,105 2005
— European Union 28,213 2005
26 Spain 27,522 2005
27 Greece 25,975 2005
28 New Zealand 25,531 2005
29 Brunei 25,315 2004
30 South Korea 23,926 2005
31 Slovenia 23,843 2005
32 Bahrain 23,604 2005
33 Czech Republic 23,100 2005
34 Portugal 22,677 2005
35 The Bahamas 20,507 2003
36 Malta 20,426 2005
37 Equatorial Guinea 20,322 2001
38 Kuwait 19,909 2004
39 Hungary 19,559 2004
40 Barbados 18,857 2005
41 Oman 18,841 2004
42 Estonia 18,216 2005
43 Seychelles 17,915 2005
44 Slovakia 17,559 2005
45 Saint Kitts and Nevis 17,523 2003
46 Trinidad and Tobago 17,451 2002
47 Saudi Arabia 16,744 2004
48 Botswana 16,190 2005
49 Argentina 15,937 2005
50 Lithuania 15,858 2005
51 Latvia 15,549 2005
52 Poland 14,880 2004
53 Croatia 14,368 2005
54 Antigua and Barbuda 13,909 2005
55 Mauritius 13,240 2005
56 Chile 12,983 2005
57 South Africa 12,796 2005
58 Libya 12,204 2004
59 Russia 12,096 2005
60 Malaysia 11,858 2005
61 Uruguay 11,646 2005
62 Costa Rica 11,606 2005
63 Mexico 11,249 2005
64 Romania 9,869 2005
65 Bulgaria 9,799 2005
66 Kazakhstan 9,294 2004
67 Grenada 9,255 2003
68 Brazil 9,108 2005
69 Turkey 9,107 2005
70 Thailand 9,084 2005
71 Tunisia 8,898 2004
72 Belarus 8,862 2005
73 Dominican Republic 8,851 2004
74 Iran 8,624 2005

Israel has a diversified economy with substantial government ownership and a rapidly developing high-tech sector.
The major industrial sectors include metal products, electronic and biomedical equipment, processed foods, chemicals, and transport equipment. Israel possesses a substantial service sector and the Israel diamond industry is one of the world's centers for diamond cutting and polishing. It is also a world leader in software development and is a major tourist destination. In 1998, Tel Aviv was named by Newsweek as one of the ten most technologically influential cities in the world.[5] American billionaires and business tycoons including Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Donald Trump have each praised Israel’s economic environment,[6] and the country was the destination for Berkshire Hathaway's first investment outside of the USA when it purchased ISCAR Metalworking, and the first R&D Centers outside the USA for companies including Intel and Microsoft. The country has now become known as Silicon Wadi.

it is largely self-sufficient in other agricultural products and food stuffs, due to the fact that food must be regulated Kashrut for sell in the Israeli retail market, and hence imports almost no food products from other countries. For centuries, farmers in Israel have grown varieties of citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges and lemons. Citrus fruits are still Israel's major agricultural export (see Jaffa orange).

Israeli Media Family Income?
Median household income national currency units Year PPP rate (OECD) Median household income (PPP)
Switzerland $54,000
California, US[8] US State $54,000
Ireland $47,000
United States $46,000
Canada $43,000
New Zealand $40,000
United Kingdom $39,000
Scotland[12] $38,000
Australia[13] $35,000
West Virginia, US[14] US state $33,000
Israel $31,400
Hong Kong $31,000
Singapore $30,000

How is their education?
Israel has the highest school life expectancy in the Greater Middle East and Southwest Asia, and is tied with Japan for second-highest school life expectancy on the Asian continent (after South Korea).[155] Israel similarly has the highest literacy rate in the Middle East, according to the United Nations.[156]

Israel's contributions to science?
Israeli contributions to science and technology have been significant. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, Israel has worked in science and engineering. Israeli scientists have contributed in the areas of genetics, medicine, agriculture, computer sciences, electronics, optics, engineering and other high-tech industries.

Israeli science is particularly well known for its military technology, from simple submachine guns like the Uzi, ranging to advanced anti-ballistic defense systems - like the Arrow. Moreover, Israel is among the small group of nations in the world that have the capability to launch satellites into orbit (the others include the USA, Russia, China, Japan, India, and some European nations through the ESA).

Israel has pioneered in advanced agricultural technology such as water-conserving irrigation methods, anaerobic digestion, salinity research, enriched compost, irrigation, and enhanced genetic engineered crops. Dry lands which have peace with Israel have received aid from and/or collaborated with Israeli experts in order to improve desert agriculture and produce more food. Israel has a world-wide reputation in this area.

Israel also has a high reputation in theoretical physics. Israeli physicists tend to deal more with theoretical and conceptual aspects of physics, especially in questions of time and space, and the paradoxes and strange phenomena of quantum mechanics.

Israel is also known for its well-developed and revolutionary medicine. Israel medical researchers and surgeons have worldwide reputation, in searching for new cures as well in high technology and reliability. Recently, a group of researchers from the Weizmann Institute developed a molecular biocomputer that may help cure cancer.

The Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, meanwhile, is home to Israel's only Nobel laureates in science, Profs. Avram Hershko and Aaron Ciechanover, who received the Nobel Prize in 2004 for their research on ubiquitin, a protein that marks unwanted cells for destruction. The school is also known for having one of the world's top electrical engineering faculties as well as the Western world's largest computer science faculty.

It has nothing to do with Iran at all nor do I factor them in...
You don't do that because you are clueless. If you don't factor them in, then that is because you have no knowledge on the subject.

they havent threatened Israel nor do I expect them to attack or invade Israel. Thats just propaganda being and has no real value in a meaninful view of the future situation.

:rofl: Stating they need to be wiped off the map. That they are targeting every point in Israel with its missiles and bombers. Next time, do a little reasearch before you make yourself look stupider. OK!
Well Israel has one serious potential problem...the US is wearing itself out by spreading itself too thin and is creating too many enemies. It will face the prospect of NOT BEING able to support Israel as it has....then what does Isreal do? We are talking BILLIONS per year they get from the US, they really do need it and without it, they are going to feel it and suffer a bit and there isnt ANY OTHER nation who wants to take the place of the US as Israels bodyguard and provider.

Is this guy still around?

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