History! Trump becomes first US president to cross into North Korea

KJU sent Trump a birthday card. They shook hands at the border and Trump stepped foot on North Korean soil. It's not a bad thing. If a personal relationship between the two men can keep talks going, I'm all for it. The goal here is nuclear disarmament. Or at least control. If Trump's "hand of friendship" can keep that goal on the table, at least, we are all winning.
Where was the morons hand in dealing with Iran ??? Oh yes hands busy tearing up our agreement
Now Edward, that's another thread, dear.
But surely old you have to see the hypocrisy here On one hand shaking hands with a murderer with missiles and nukes and on the other ripping up an agreement just because he hates Obama ?/
The amazing Pres.Trump becomes the first setting U.S. president to enter into North Korea and meet face to face its iconic leader with the goal of friendship and peace between our two countries. ... :thup:

Wow, it doesn't take you much to get a chubby!

You on the other hand have to pop the little blue pill to raise the flag pole.

The amazing Pres.Trump becomes the first setting U.S. president to enter into North Korea and meet face to face its iconic leader with the goal of friendship and peace between our two countries. ... :thup:

Wow, it doesn't take you much to get a chubby!

You on the other hand have to pop the little blue pill to raise the flag pole.

View attachment 266989

Too much info brah! Next time, keep your shit to yourself.
The amazing Pres.Trump becomes the first setting U.S. president to enter into North Korea and meet face to face its iconic leader with the goal of friendship and peace between our two countries. ... :thup:

Shit, I thought this was another one of his Porn movies.... Donald Trump enter's North's rear!!
Hey ass wipe, the man starves his people, kills his relatives, kill journalist and ass fucks Trump on the side....thumbs up your worthless fool

Well, for some reason we won't nuke them into oblivion, so negotiations seem to be our only option. The man you just described has a passel full of nuclear weapons and is (no doubt) busy figuring out how to fly them to D.C.
So you can criticize him as a human being all you want, but short of exploding the man and his country, which is a pipe dream, how else do we handle this situation? We can't let them keep sailing those missiles over Japan. That got our attention for a reason.
The Fake News will spin it negative. What's astonishing about president Trump is his ability to multitask about 300 initiatives simultaneously. Before the Dem's and fake news can get going attacking him on something he's moved on to 10 new things. All hail our commander in chief! :eusa_clap:

doing 300 things at the same time is a waste if you do not complete any of them.

^^^ works at the DMV

more than likely you do since you think that never completing a project is a winning thing.

Working on something and never finishing it is failure. I always have multiple projects going on at the same time, but they also all have strict time tables and are all finished ahead of deadline.
It's historic, but it's also sad. Sad that a man as great as Trump has to meet with, and pretend he gives a shit about, a brutal dictator like Un who had 5 of his top people executed after the talks fell apart in February.

This man is a tyrant and needs to be killed and his regime removed.
And then the rain of artillery falls on Seoul..............and countless people die............which was close to where we were under the last administration.........

Rocket man sucks.........yup............so would another War.........

Which sucks more.......
We were not close to that under Obama.

We were close to that under your orange buddy.

Who is now stepping foot on NK soil and shaking hands with its dictator. Did Obama do that? He had 8 years.

How times have changed.

True, Obama never made Un his equal, or perhaps even his superior since Trump went to him. not the other way around.
Shows them we're willing to do what?

Willing to do what? The US is the party trying to tell NK what it can and can't do?
NK is broke and it's people are starving. If you can't figure out what the carrot on the end of the stick is you don't belong in this thread

All I saw is Trump giving Kim a photo op. Trump has spent his life showing neither his word, nor his signature, is his bond. With the fresh Iran example in mind, Kim isn't going to agree to anything substantive. I'll ask again - willing to do what?
Trade a nuclear program for guaranteed economic expansion ya moron.


no way in hell Un gives up his nukes. The best he will do is promise not to build anymore.
The Fake News will spin it negative. What's astonishing about president Trump is his ability to multitask about 300 initiatives simultaneously. Before the Dem's and fake news can get going attacking him on something he's moved on to 10 new things. All hail our commander in chief! :eusa_clap:

doing 300 things at the same time is a waste if you do not complete any of them.

^^^ works at the DMV

more than likely you do since you think that never completing a project is a winning thing.

Working on something and never finishing it is failure. I always have multiple projects going on at the same time, but they also all have strict time tables and are all finished ahead of deadline.

Serving #89 at your counter station am I right.
The Fake News will spin it negative. What's astonishing about president Trump is his ability to multitask about 300 initiatives simultaneously. Before the Dem's and fake news can get going attacking him on something he's moved on to 10 new things. All hail our commander in chief! :eusa_clap:

doing 300 things at the same time is a waste if you do not complete any of them.

^^^ works at the DMV

more than likely you do since you think that never completing a project is a winning thing.

Working on something and never finishing it is failure. I always have multiple projects going on at the same time, but they also all have strict time tables and are all finished ahead of deadline.

Serving #89 at your counter station am I right.

you can keep this up all you want, but you are the loser that thinks never finishing a project while working on 100 of them is a good thing.

If there is one thing you learn when you get your PMP, it is the importance of completion.
KJU sent Trump a birthday card. They shook hands at the border and Trump stepped foot on North Korean soil. It's not a bad thing. If a personal relationship between the two men can keep talks going, I'm all for it. The goal here is nuclear disarmament. Or at least control. If Trump's "hand of friendship" can keep that goal on the table, at least, we are all winning.


It's amateurish. Reliability and trust are the important factors in an agreement between nations, not personal feelings. Trump relentlessly proves he can't be trusted, and he extended that policy to include the US. Sure, the 'hand of friendship' doesn't hurt, but it's no substitute for professionalism.
I see the left have collective butthurt. Trump single handedly demolishes his critics yet again.
KJU sent Trump a birthday card. They shook hands at the border and Trump stepped foot on North Korean soil. It's not a bad thing. If a personal relationship between the two men can keep talks going, I'm all for it. The goal here is nuclear disarmament. Or at least control. If Trump's "hand of friendship" can keep that goal on the table, at least, we are all winning.


It's amateurish. Reliability and trust are the important factors in an agreement between nations, not personal feelings. Trump relentlessly proves he can't be trusted, and he extended that policy to include the US. Sure, the 'hand of friendship' doesn't hurt, but it's no substitute for professionalism.
I don't see how anyone could expect reliability and trust with North Korea, either. So go with what you've got.
The glass is half empty or half full. I agree that birthday card diplomacy is not the most powerful approach a statesman has ever taken, but we've got to keep things going, haven't we? With Trump at the helm, forget professionalism. Haven't you learned that yet? I'm looking at the cards in our hand, not the cards you wish were in our hand.
Well you think the two leaders of Korea could agree on something someday, but I can guarantee there will not be a reunification like Germany..

Not in the near future, but down the road, who knows? It took a few generations to chip apart the Soviet Union.
Had Pres. Obama done this you right wing, ass clowns would be calling him a traitor, consorting with the enemy and blah, blah, blah.
ME: So President Trump becomes first US president to cross into North Korea as he meets Kim at DMZ. That is history. Talking is always better than war. We shall see how the Left attacks him for this as he surely will.

Trump, Kim meet at Demilitarized Zone, face-to-face for first time since Hanoi
source link

After days of speculation -- and optimistic statements by the two leaders -- President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met and shook hands Sunday at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea. It was their first face-to-face meeting since an ill-fated summit in Hanoi, Vietnam, in February.

Trump arrived at the DMZ shortly before 2 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, accompanied by South Korean President Moon Jae-in. They were shown awaiting Kim's arrival, along with South Korean military members and other officials.

But before the meeting with Kim was expected to begin, Trump met with some military members and others and was expected to review some relics from the Korean War era. "We're with you all the way," Trump told the service members, who included both U.S. troops stationed in South Korea as well as South Korean forces.

Finally around 2:40 a.m. ET, the two leaders spotted one another from a short distance apart, then walked toward one another. They met, shook hands, then briefly walked across the border into North Korea before crossing back to the DMZ. "I was proud to step over the line," Trump told Kim later, inside the Freedom House on the South Korea side, according to the Associated Press. "It is a great day for the world."

Can they keep him?

Willing to do what? The US is the party trying to tell NK what it can and can't do?
NK is broke and it's people are starving. If you can't figure out what the carrot on the end of the stick is you don't belong in this thread

All I saw is Trump giving Kim a photo op. Trump has spent his life showing neither his word, nor his signature, is his bond. With the fresh Iran example in mind, Kim isn't going to agree to anything substantive. I'll ask again - willing to do what?
Trade a nuclear program for guaranteed economic expansion ya moron.


no way in hell Un gives up his nukes. The best he will do is promise not to build anymore.
And remember Trump says speed is not the object Why then did the POS rip up Iran agreement?

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