History! Trump becomes first US president to cross into North Korea

The amazing Pres.Trump becomes the first setting U.S. president to enter into North Korea and meet face to face its iconic leader with the goal of friendship and peace between our two countries. ... :thup:

The amazing Pres.Trump becomes the first setting U.S. president to enter into North Korea and meet face to face its iconic leader with the goal of friendship and peace between our two countries. ... :thup:

Wow, it doesn't take you much to get a chubby!
It's historic, but it's also sad. Sad that a man as great as Trump has to meet with, and pretend he gives a shit about, a brutal dictator like Un who had 5 of his top people executed after the talks fell apart in February.

This man is a tyrant and needs to be killed and his regime removed.
And then the rain of artillery falls on Seoul..............and countless people die............which was close to where we were under the last administration.........

Rocket man sucks.........yup............so would another War.........

Which sucks more.......
We were not close to that under Obama.

We were close to that under your orange buddy.

Who is now stepping foot on NK soil and shaking hands with its dictator. Did Obama do that? He had 8 years.

How times have changed.
Listen Moonglow, history is water under the bridge, unless you are a Negro or Jew. And the Negro could care less had the Jew not said he should be butthurt.

But let us celebrate President Trump's achievements in regards to peace...please! Thanks in advance!

This is how far we have fallen. Meeting with someone is now an achievement.
Yes, it is sad but relations with NK suck and perhaps that can be addressed.

Trump does not get credit until something actually happens though. I remain rather skeptical that anything will happen.
Meeting in person on Kim's turf shows them we are willing. It is a peace offering in a manner of speaking. It obviously isn't a guarantee of success but it has to be perceived by NK as a good sign.

Shows them we're willing to do what?
No predicted nuclear war with North Korea?
Trump isn't a war monger?
Listen Moonglow, history is water under the bridge, unless you are a Negro or Jew. And the Negro could care less had the Jew not said he should be butthurt.

But let us celebrate President Trump's achievements in regards to peace...please! Thanks in advance!

This is how far we have fallen. Meeting with someone is now an achievement.
Yes, it is sad but relations with NK suck and perhaps that can be addressed.

Trump does not get credit until something actually happens though. I remain rather skeptical that anything will happen.
Meeting in person on Kim's turf shows them we are willing. It is a peace offering in a manner of speaking. It obviously isn't a guarantee of success but it has to be perceived by NK as a good sign.

Shows them we're willing to do what?
Trump is no longer afraid now that NK has gotten rid of it`s nukes. The free coward`s wall is nearing completion and Hillary is doing hard time in Leavenworth for using email. The gullible goobers will believe anything will they not? :) :)
Listen Moonglow, history is water under the bridge, unless you are a Negro or Jew. And the Negro could care less had the Jew not said he should be butthurt.

But let us celebrate President Trump's achievements in regards to peace...please! Thanks in advance!

This is how far we have fallen. Meeting with someone is now an achievement.
Yes, it is sad but relations with NK suck and perhaps that can be addressed.

Trump does not get credit until something actually happens though. I remain rather skeptical that anything will happen.
Meeting in person on Kim's turf shows them we are willing. It is a peace offering in a manner of speaking. It obviously isn't a guarantee of success but it has to be perceived by NK as a good sign.

Shows them we're willing to do what?

Willing to do what? The US is the party trying to tell NK what it can and can't do.
This is how far we have fallen. Meeting with someone is now an achievement.
Yes, it is sad but relations with NK suck and perhaps that can be addressed.

Trump does not get credit until something actually happens though. I remain rather skeptical that anything will happen.
Meeting in person on Kim's turf shows them we are willing. It is a peace offering in a manner of speaking. It obviously isn't a guarantee of success but it has to be perceived by NK as a good sign.

Shows them we're willing to do what?

Willing to do what? The US is the party trying to tell NK what it can and can't do?
NK is broke and it's people are starving. If you can't figure out what the carrot on the end of the stick is you don't belong in this thread
This is how far we have fallen. Meeting with someone is now an achievement.

Golfing Gator, why do you hate peace, you sick war monger?
We are at war?

Is Trump this great peacemaker?

Or has he over estimated himself dealing with a country with a history of making deals to get what it wants & then breaking them in hopes of as better deal.

NK has signed these agreements in the past. They did not last.

Before you start your dancing naked around the fire, any deal will be meaningless unless it can last.
Billy boy Clinton and that N. Korea would never have Nukes.............didn't work did it............

NK got their nuke under GW Bush.


The deal with Clinton was BS...............same kind of deal Obama made..........BS...........

You are a party of excuses............
It's historic, but it's also sad. Sad that a man as great as Trump has to meet with, and pretend he gives a shit about, a brutal dictator like Un who had 5 of his top people executed after the talks fell apart in February.

This man is a tyrant and needs to be killed and his regime removed.
And then the rain of artillery falls on Seoul..............and countless people die............which was close to where we were under the last administration.........

Rocket man sucks.........yup............so would another War.........

Which sucks more.......
We were not close to that under Obama.

We were close to that under your orange buddy.
They fired missiles under Obama...........heard Obama scolded them harshly.............lol

Yes, it is sad but relations with NK suck and perhaps that can be addressed.

Trump does not get credit until something actually happens though. I remain rather skeptical that anything will happen.
Meeting in person on Kim's turf shows them we are willing. It is a peace offering in a manner of speaking. It obviously isn't a guarantee of success but it has to be perceived by NK as a good sign.

Shows them we're willing to do what?

Willing to do what? The US is the party trying to tell NK what it can and can't do?
NK is broke and it's people are starving. If you can't figure out what the carrot on the end of the stick is you don't belong in this thread

All I saw is Trump giving Kim a photo op. Trump has spent his life showing neither his word, nor his signature, is his bond. With the fresh Iran example in mind, Kim isn't going to agree to anything substantive. I'll ask again - willing to do what?
The amazing Pres.Trump becomes the first setting U.S. president to enter into North Korea and meet face to face its iconic leader with the goal of friendship and peace between our two countries. ... :thup:

Shit, I thought this was another one of his Porn movies.... Donald Trump enter's North's rear!!
Hey ass wipe, the man starves his people, kills his relatives, kill journalist and ass fucks Trump on the side....thumbs up your worthless fool
ME: So President Trump becomes first US president to cross into North Korea as he meets Kim at DMZ. That is history. Talking is always better than war. We shall see how the Left attacks him for this as he surely will.

Trump, Kim meet at Demilitarized Zone, face-to-face for first time since Hanoi
source link

After days of speculation -- and optimistic statements by the two leaders -- President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met and shook hands Sunday at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea. It was their first face-to-face meeting since an ill-fated summit in Hanoi, Vietnam, in February.

Trump arrived at the DMZ shortly before 2 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, accompanied by South Korean President Moon Jae-in. They were shown awaiting Kim's arrival, along with South Korean military members and other officials.

But before the meeting with Kim was expected to begin, Trump met with some military members and others and was expected to review some relics from the Korean War era. "We're with you all the way," Trump told the service members, who included both U.S. troops stationed in South Korea as well as South Korean forces.

Finally around 2:40 a.m. ET, the two leaders spotted one another from a short distance apart, then walked toward one another. They met, shook hands, then briefly walked across the border into North Korea before crossing back to the DMZ. "I was proud to step over the line," Trump told Kim later, inside the Freedom House on the South Korea side, according to the Associated Press. "It is a great day for the world."

Do you think Kim will let any westerner any farther into NK? Maybe he will parade everyone to his labor work camps too. Also, invite the Warmbiers. What a bunch of crap.
The Warmbier nut case was WARNED REPEATEDLY BEFORE he left America to FOLLOW EVERY FUCKING RULE when he is was in NK. He DID NOT!!!!!!
Social Darwinism at its finest.
I bet you a million bucks NO ONE visiting NK today from the 'West' is breaking ANY of the rules CLEARLY laid out by NK.
I have travelled all over the world. The ONE THING you NEVER do is go to a foreign country and break any of their laws. It's basic fucking common sense!

I witnessed some border guards beat a man to DEATH for stealing a T-shirt from a train passenger.
The guards threw the dead man into a garbage compactor truck.
We all sat on the train and watched through the windows No one said a fucking word!
Meeting in person on Kim's turf shows them we are willing. It is a peace offering in a manner of speaking. It obviously isn't a guarantee of success but it has to be perceived by NK as a good sign.

Shows them we're willing to do what?

Willing to do what? The US is the party trying to tell NK what it can and can't do?
NK is broke and it's people are starving. If you can't figure out what the carrot on the end of the stick is you don't belong in this thread

All I saw is Trump giving Kim a photo op. Trump has spent his life showing neither his word, nor his signature, is his bond. With the fresh Iran example in mind, Kim isn't going to agree to anything substantive. I'll ask again - willing to do what?
What specifically do you want to happen with N. Korea.......

You are in charge for the moment..........speak into the microphone............
LOL at the peacenik left. Remember when I tell you they stand for nothing other than being against America in all ways.

Lets go over the timeline shall we?

When Trump insulted the fat little commie the left behind their favorite dyke and the rest of the deranged Trump haters said he was pushing us to the brink of nuclear war.

Yes, long winded bloated speech from that typical pathetic know it all bitch about how bad it was to insult the fat little NK leader.


Here is the same stupid ass liberals favorite dyke criticizing Trump for meeting the NK leader, and easing tensions of the war they claimed Trump was creating.

This is about the 4th post on this. No big deal.

It's just a hello and a reminder of how, conversely, the Kims twisted Obama into a painful, rather useless pretzel.
Obama did what most president's do, he put baby pig on ignore. Trump however is looking for land for a new Trump Tower, could give two fucks about you morons thinking this is a big deal....stop being so fuckin dumb, you people make me sick@!!

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