Hitler and the right

Some folks can never grasp that there is fiscal conservatism and there is social conservatism. And, that a Classical Liberals are not one of the two.

And you are not a CL.
Actually, I am.

"Classical liberalism is a political ideology that advocates limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, individual liberties including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets."

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The "free markets," as well as the government sponsored intervention into the affairs of other countries the US wanted to keep as client states in order to protect those "free markets" is where classic liberalism devolved into neoliberalism, and then to neoconservatism.
All, particularly the far righties who adore Hitler, will benefit from this movie.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Gsy4xs02Hs&fb_source=message]Hitler: The Rise of Evil - Mini-Series Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
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Even his MessiahRushie agrees with you! :D

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
All, particularly the far righties who adore Hitler, will benefit from this movie.

Hitler: The Rise of Evil - Mini-Series Trailer - YouTube

And lets not forget this:

Nazi Germany - Reichstag Fire

On 28th February 1933 Adolf Hitler went to see President Paul Hindenburg and informed him that the fire was the result of a Communist plot. Hindenburg was convinced and signed the Order of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State, known as the Reichstag Fire Decree.

Hitler used the Reichstag Fire Decree to arrest thousands of Communists and to ban all Communist publications. The Communist party was outlawed and not allowed to take part in the March 1933 elections (the Communist Party had gained 17% of the vote in the 1932 elections).

Without Communist opposition the Nazi Party gained 44% of the vote in the March 1933 elections. The German National People's Party, who supported the Nazi Party gained 8% of the vote. This gave Hitler a majority in the Reichstag.

With a majority in the Reichstag Hitler was able to pass the Enabling Act 23rd March 1933. The Enabling Act gave Hitler the power to pass laws independently of the Reichstag for a period of 4 years. This effectively made him Dictator of Germany.
Even his MessiahRushie agrees with you! :D

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.

I'm not your psychotherapist I don't know why you say stupid shit.
Nope, that's you, Frank. Salute your Dear Leader and goose step away, please.
I see that alliebabakoshergrl is heil saluting and goose stepping as well. Where did she find the uniform?
All, particularly the far righties who adore Hitler...

Like who, boy?

Like Jake.

He's always saying he's not left...and obviously he admires Hitler, he's continually promoting his policies.

Concerned trolls/ left have spent decades trying to marginalize it to cover for the fact that, it is a creature of the left.
They make the rather weak and limited argument that socialism is just pure nationalization of industry.
This argument is either intentionally misleading or based on a rather simplistic and ignorant view of economics
Something tells me in this case, it is the later....shallow people can get lost in discussions on socialism

Fascism, crony capitalism, socialism ets are all collective and statist in nature
They are part of the Rousseauian vision. It holds that the collective comes before the individual, our rights come from the group not from God or are innate that the tribe is the source of all morality, and the general will is the ultimate religious construct and so therefore the needs — and aims — of the group come before those of the individual.

Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Progressivism and all the other collectivist groups are all based on the Rousseauian vision. They are creatures of the left.

They have more in common than not
which the left is trying to run from...

Friedrich Hayek defined fascism best

"It is simply collectivism freed from all traces of an individualist tradition which might hamper its realization."

The Left's ignorance and intentional historical revisionism on these issues are
big factors in why the US keeps making the sames mistakes when it comes
to centralizing power.


Here boy
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All, particularly the far righties who adore Hitler...

Like who, boy?

Another concerned troll invoking Godwin's law
just means they lose, according to the rule and not very original
But did we expect any less

Happy 4th

and please don't feed the concerned trolls

Otherwise we will have to listen to another boring round of his lies and faux support for Romney
while he tries to discourage the base and falsely accuse anyone to the right of Papa Obama
being a fascist.

Really, over 31,000 posts from some of these concerned trolls, one would think
they could come up with something more original.

The Papa Obama Truth Goon Squads have to get some
better material


Here boy
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This is a great 4th already. The extremist far right have demonstrated this AM how much they don't care for America and how much they embrace Nazi behavior: intimidation, the Big Lie, and so forth.
This is a great 4th already. The extremist far right have demonstrated this AM how much they don't care for America and how much they embrace Nazi behavior: intimidation, the Big Lie, and so forth.

Big Lies:

FDR got us out of the Great Depression
McCarthy's HUAC blacklisted innocent people
Hitler was a Right Winger
This is a great 4th already. The extremist far right have demonstrated this AM how much they don't care for America and how much they embrace Nazi behavior: intimidation, the Big Lie, and so forth.

Big Lies:

FDR got us out of the Great Depression
McCarthy's HUAC blacklisted innocent people
Hitler was a Right Winger

I can't wait for Romney to win
He is going to throw you guys out of the party
You and other Fascists



Here boy
The Nazis were Socialists, leftists. They were not about individual freedom and liberty
For Hitler to refer to the emerging Nazi Party as socialist was comparable to the Ku Klux Klan calling itself the NAACP. That designation was a ploy intending to appeal to a significant segment of the German population of that era who were partial to certain pronounced socialist ideals. Unfortunately the ploy was totally effective. So effective it continues to this day to hoodwink Americans such as yourself.

Socialism, in its essential philosophy, was to Nazism what night is to day.
The Nazis were Socialists, leftists. They were not about individual freedom and liberty
For Hitler to refer to the emerging Nazi Party as socialist was comparable to the Ku Klux Klan calling itself the NAACP. That designation was a ploy intending to appeal to a significant segment of the German population of that era who were partial to certain pronounced socialist ideals. Unfortunately the ploy was totally effective. So effective it continues to this day to hoodwink Americans such as yourself.

Socialism, in its essential philosophy, was to Nazism what night is to day.

Yeah sure

they depended on small gov't
and individuality

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