Hitler and the right

You hush. I've been told by people with absolutely NO partisan ax to grind that all oppressive and authoritarian political systems are on the right, and that the ultimate far left political system is a baby unicorn for everybody.

Can you really blame them

The Left's history is filled with unbelievable human suffering
Example people killed by Leftist govt's :

65 million in the People's Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
1 million in Vietnam

Since the Left apologists can't accept responsibility for it, they try to blame it on anything else or call it conservative, in some way.

Funny thing, the Left apologists always believe, when it comes to increasing gov't power and centralization,
they will get it right--- this time

"baby unicorn" is right


Here boy

Yes, I've seen that argument made. "The reason Communism failed is because the US always interfered and never gave it a chance! But when WE'RE in charge, it'll work GREAT!!"

Scary, innit, that people are so stupid?
No one, aside from in your fevered imagination, ever said that. No doubt you would have been a Stalin supporter, too, he was just as rightwing as Hitler.
Can you really blame them

The Left's history is filled with unbelievable human suffering
Example people killed by Leftist govt's :

65 million in the People's Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
1 million in Vietnam

Since the Left apologists can't accept responsibility for it, they try to blame it on anything else or call it conservative, in some way.

Funny thing, the Left apologists always believe, when it comes to increasing gov't power and centralization,
they will get it right--- this time

"baby unicorn" is right


Here boy

Yes, I've seen that argument made. "The reason Communism failed is because the US always interfered and never gave it a chance! But when WE'RE in charge, it'll work GREAT!!"

Scary, innit, that people are so stupid?
No one, aside from in your fevered imagination, ever said that. No doubt you would have been a Stalin supporter, too, he was just as rightwing as Hitler.

Stalin and Hitler were both fascists...who counted on the left to propel them to power.

And leftists complied.
What's the point? If Hitler campaigned against Marxism then Marxism is validated? Small towns in Germany which looked the other way when Jews were arrested and murdered are now classified by modern liberals as "right-wing"? The "eugenics" theory of racial purity which was promoted by Nazis evolved into "planned parenthood" which is promoted by the American left today. I guess Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental disorder".
Random set of alleged issues. Read The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich. That will end any comparisons to conservatives & Nazis.
Can you really blame them

The Left's history is filled with unbelievable human suffering
Example people killed by Leftist govt's :

65 million in the People's Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
1 million in Vietnam

Since the Left apologists can't accept responsibility for it, they try to blame it on anything else or call it conservative, in some way.

Funny thing, the Left apologists always believe, when it comes to increasing gov't power and centralization,
they will get it right--- this time

"baby unicorn" is right


Here boy

Yes, I've seen that argument made. "The reason Communism failed is because the US always interfered and never gave it a chance! But when WE'RE in charge, it'll work GREAT!!"

Scary, innit, that people are so stupid?
No one, aside from in your fevered imagination, ever said that.
No one, that is, but an idiot leftist. Possibly even you. You qualify, after all.
No doubt you would have been a Stalin supporter, too, he was just as rightwing as Hitler.
No, I prefer liberty over oppression, unlike leftists.
I'm surprised that my mocking of PoliticalChic went right over everyone's head. I suppose my OP was too subtle, though I thought it was a sledgehammer.

At least daveman confirmed, once again, what a POS hack he is.
I'm surprised that my mocking of PoliticalChic went right over everyone's head. I suppose my OP was too subtle, though I thought it was a sledgehammer.

At least daveman confirmed, once again, what a POS hack he is.

I disagree. Daveman is not a piece of shit. His posts only serve to make the world dumber. He is the whole flaming bag of liquid shit.
I'm surprised that my mocking of PoliticalChic went right over everyone's head. I suppose my OP was too subtle, though I thought it was a sledgehammer.

At least daveman confirmed, once again, what a POS hack he is.
You do know, don't you, that reality steadfastly ignores you and remains what it is?

It is not subject to your whims, child. No matter how much you pout and stamp your feet, reality ignores you.
I'm surprised that my mocking of PoliticalChic went right over everyone's head. I suppose my OP was too subtle, though I thought it was a sledgehammer.

At least daveman confirmed, once again, what a POS hack he is.

I disagree. Daveman is not a piece of shit. His posts only serve to make the world dumber. He is the whole flaming bag of liquid shit.
Thus speaks Huggy, who makes the world safe for democracy by posting music videos.

One of the Left's Big Lie's is that Hitler wasn't one of their very own.

Yes centralization of gov't power is a creature of the Left


Sinc FDR's New Deal and Fascism shared much of the same economic philosophy and the US
and Germany were using similar economic policies,
it’s not too surprising that Hitler sent the following letter to U.S. Ambassador Dodd on March 14, 1934:

The Reich chancellor requests Mr. Dodd to present his greetings to President Roosevelt.
He congratulates the president upon his heroic effort in the interest of the American people.
The president’s successful struggle against economic distress is being followed by
the entire German people with interest and admiration. The Reich chancellor is in accord
with the president that the virtues of sense of duty, readiness for sacrifice,
and discipline must be the supreme rule of the whole nation. This moral demand, which
the president is addressing to every single citizen, is only the
quintessence of German philosophy of the state,
expressed in the motto “The public weal before the private gain.”

Hitler had genuine admiration for FDR and his approach to government.
He told a correspondent of the New York Times in the same year, 1934.
“I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,”
“because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.”

He went on to note he was a leader who is
“understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.”
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