Hitler and the right

After they declared war on us first... :eusa_whistle:

I hear you

Like the war proves anything
Germany fascists even went after and killed fellow fascists of the SA. Night of the Long Knives

It is not like that made them any less "fascist"

The left have spent decades trying to marginalize it right, to cover for the fact that, it is a creature of the left.

They make the rather weak and limited argument that socialism is just pure nationalization of industry.
This argument is either intentionally misleading or based on a rather simplistic and ignorant view of economics
Shallow people can get lost in discussions on socialism

Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, Crony Capitalism
all the other collectivist groups are all based on the Rousseauian vision. They are creatures of the left. They are all promoters of Statism

They have more in common than not
which the left is trying to run from...

As I have quoted before"

Friedrich Hayek defined fascism best

"It is simply collectivism freed from all traces of an individualist tradition which might hamper its realization."

The Left's ignorance and intentional historical revisionism on these issues are
big factors in why the US keeps making the sames mistakes when it comes
to centralizing power.

"They are creatures of the left."

How much do Karl Rove and the Koch brothers pay you to invade the internet with such absolute shit?

I would like to be charitable and suggest that you are just simply wrong but that isn't the case is it you fucking lying snake.

You obviously know some history and it is clear that your "mission" is to re-write it.

Setting up a small group of people and corporations run by these people to bleed the rest of humanity of all it's resources and any ability to resist your big lies and big scam is hardly any wish from "the left".

People like you use religion and a war on education in an attempt to keep the majority of people dumbed down ignorant and compliant consumers....

You use supposedly democratically elected government by taking a short cut around the founders prescribed structure with lobbiests and obscene amounts of money/bribes.

"Leftists" my ass. You are pure evil. You represent the "1000 years" Hitler was talking about.

The trouble with your plan is that you can't dumb down enough people. Not everyone is mesmerized by "reality tv". Boy that's an oxymoron if there ever was one. Not everyone laughs when you play your laugh track asshole.

I have a dark side that actually wishes you god speed in your mindless destruction of democracy and the systematic dismantling of the middle class. People like you have the same problem of Hitler's "master race". You have convinced yourself that everyone you fuck with is weak. That missconception won't work any better for you than it did for Adolf.
Emotional little girl is emotional.
Interesting, the similarity between Mussolini and FDR, not only were they both leaders of countries but both breathed air and coughed at times. Almost identical twins.
Yeah, you just never mind the letters of admiration between the two.

Yep, they were real love letters. Almost reminds one of diplomacy as practiced between nations not at war. Might want to check how the love letters changed as time went on.
And the opinion of someone who thinks Communism is swell is worth...what, exactly?
I hear you

Like the war proves anything
Germany fascists even went after and killed fellow fascists of the SA. Night of the Long Knives

It is not like that made them any less "fascist"

The left have spent decades trying to marginalize it right, to cover for the fact that, it is a creature of the left.

They make the rather weak and limited argument that socialism is just pure nationalization of industry.
This argument is either intentionally misleading or based on a rather simplistic and ignorant view of economics
Shallow people can get lost in discussions on socialism

Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, Crony Capitalism
all the other collectivist groups are all based on the Rousseauian vision. They are creatures of the left. They are all promoters of Statism

They have more in common than not
which the left is trying to run from...

As I have quoted before"

Friedrich Hayek defined fascism best

"It is simply collectivism freed from all traces of an individualist tradition which might hamper its realization."

The Left's ignorance and intentional historical revisionism on these issues are
big factors in why the US keeps making the sames mistakes when it comes
to centralizing power.

"They are creatures of the left."

How much do Karl Rove and the Koch brothers pay you to invade the internet with such absolute shit?

I would like to be charitable and suggest that you are just simply wrong but that isn't the case is it you fucking lying snake.

You obviously know some history and it is clear that your "mission" is to re-write it.

Setting up a small group of people and corporations run by these people to bleed the rest of humanity of all it's resources and any ability to resist your big lies and big scam is hardly any wish from "the left".

People like you use religion and a war on education in an attempt to keep the majority of people dumbed down ignorant and compliant consumers....

You use supposedly democratically elected government by taking a short cut around the founders prescribed structure with lobbiests and obscene amounts of money/bribes.

"Leftists" my ass. You are pure evil. You represent the "1000 years" Hitler was talking about.

The trouble with your plan is that you can't dumb down enough people. Not everyone is mesmerized by "reality tv". Boy that's an oxymoron if there ever was one. Not everyone laughs when you play your laugh track asshole.

I have a dark side that actually wishes you god speed in your mindless destruction of democracy and the systematic dismantling of the middle class. People like you have the same problem of Hitler's "master race". You have convinced yourself that everyone you fuck with is weak. That missconception won't work any better for you than it did for Adolf.
Emotional little girl is emotional.

To be sure

The poster "Barry" tried to be more reasonable
but they too are blinded with a leftist construct that needs
to identify it all on the right and not focus on the real problem- statism.

Notice how in this construct, Leftism never does anything bad
Funny how that works

The issue is one of statism- which can come from both sides.

Socialism, communism, fascism, crony capitalism are all forms of some level of CPE's
and share little with a true free market system. Fascism depends on and thrives on a large and intrusive gov't or "big gov't", not small.

However, Fascism is unique
It tends to be syncretic- being neither left-wing nor right, exclusively.
Hitler even attacked, in Mein Kampf, left-wing and right-wing politics

"Today our left-wing politicians in particular are constantly insisting that their craven-hearted and obsequious foreign
policy necessarily results from the disarmament of Germany, whereas the truth is that this is the policy of traitors [...]
But the politicians of the Right deserve exactly the same reproach. It was through their miserable cowardice that those
ruffians of Jews who came into power in 1918 were able to rob the nation of its arms."


The issue is the power and scope of the gov't and the problems that
a large gov't can have on individual liberty. While many different groups
may use different reasons/causes for statism- it tends to never work out well and
they tend to end up at the same failed point in history.

Peter Drucker said it best:

"the complete collapse of the belief in the attainability of freedom and equality through Marxism has forced Russia
to travel the same road toward a totalitarian society of un-freedom and inequality which Germany has been following.
Not that communism and fascism are essentially the same. Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion,
and it has proved as much an illusion in Russia as in pre-Hitler Germany."

Sadly, for the US
many still chase this "illusion"-
Fed on part ignorance and delusions of utopia

So true-

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

No doubt, this won't be the last we have heard from these
apologists of failed statism

Here boy
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Yeah, you just never mind the letters of admiration between the two.

Yep, they were real love letters. Almost reminds one of diplomacy as practiced between nations not at war. Might want to check how the love letters changed as time went on.
And the opinion of someone who thinks Communism is swell is worth...what, exactly?

I thought we were discussing Mussolini and FDR now suddenly the topic changes to your premise that I think communism is swell. But that's OK, so now we can take up communism.
Since I know of no nation that has practiced Marxian communism it's hard to judge how swell it is, but we do know that those that started to implement communism dropped it like a bad habit, it didn't seem to work. Can you name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism?
Before the defenders of Hitler was a right winger go into full meltdown I would like to point out that intense made a valid comment. The U.S. did not declare war on Germany until after Germany declared war on the U.S..
Yep, they were real love letters. Almost reminds one of diplomacy as practiced between nations not at war. Might want to check how the love letters changed as time went on.
And the opinion of someone who thinks Communism is swell is worth...what, exactly?

I thought we were discussing Mussolini and FDR now suddenly the topic changes to your premise that I think communism is swell. But that's OK, so now we can take up communism.
Since I know of no nation that has practiced Marxian communism it's hard to judge how swell it is, but we do know that those that started to implement communism dropped it like a bad habit, it didn't seem to work. Can you name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism?
What was the Soviet Union?
Doubt that Hitler had the support of the conservative right wing?

1. "Hitler found his greatest support in traditionally conservative small towns. He campaigned with attacks on Marxism, making it clear that by Marxism he meant the Social Democrats. Hitler appealed to morality, attacking free love and what he inferred was the immorality of Berlin and some other major cities. He promised to stamp out big city corruption. He called for a spiritual revolution, for a "positive Christianity" and a spirit of national pride. Hitler repeatedly called for national renewal. He and his National Socialists benefited from the recent upheaval in the Soviet Union and the rise in fear and disgust for Bolshevism. His party's posters read:

If you want your country to go Bolshevik, vote Communist. If you want to remain free Germans, vote for the National Socialists."

Hitler and Germany: 1928 to 1935

2. Neville Chamberlain, appeaser in chief, after the Sudetenland was handed over to Hitler, "But the Conservative leader has always expressed his desire to find a peaceful solution to the Fuehrer's wish to create a new - and enlarged - German homeland in Europe."

BBC ON THIS DAY | 30 | 1938: 'Peace for our time' - Chamberlain

3. The French right admired Hitler, "When Socialists and Communists formed a Popular front Government in 1936 there were many French conservatives who boldly announced that Hitler was preferrable to the leadership of the French socialist Leon Blum."

Road to War

4. "right-to-work" anti-labor conservatives were also pro-Hitler. "There were a mulitude of other racists jumping on the Fascist bandwagon. Joseph P. Kamp printed over two million copies of his anti-labor pamphlet, "Join the C.I.O. and Help Build a Soviet America" which he advertised with the Ku Klux Klan. Millionaire John Kirby in Houston began publishing the anti-black, anti-labor Christian American in support of "right to work" legislation"

Support for Hitler (or Fascism) in the United States | Radical Reference

5. Foreshadowing Republican views on the Clinton being concerned about bin laden as a distraction from Lewinsky, "The former president, Herbert Hoover, had become the Republican Party's chief spokesman in foreign affairs, and when Germany seized Moravia and Bohemia, Hoover declared that no clear and present danger existed and that Britain, France and others in Europe would be able to defend themselves should there be war. Hoover spoke of Roosevelt's "dangerous adventures" and argued that Roosevelt was trying to divert people's attention from his failure to end the depression"

The United States, War Preparation, China, and Jewish Immigration: 1938-39

Hitler was a rightwinger.

And in related 'news', the sun rises in the east. :rolleyes:
No, Hitler was a fascist.

He was a rightwinger only in that he claimed to be...but in reality, the policies that he established, the methods that he used, the support that he garnered from the rest of the world...was all left wing.
It is universally debated. Leftwingers pretend it's right wing, but in reality, there are fascists who rise to power via support from the right, and fascists who rise to power via support from the left.

The 25 point program, which does lip service to capitalism, was clearly leftist in design and application. Likewise, Hitler did lip service to the Church, and then went to work dismantling the churches.

That's what lefty fascists do. They lie to gain power, then they show their true colors.
Fascism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I see no reference to "right wing" here.

Because that's just the leftist revisionist definition. As you've changed the definition of so many other terms you don't like to be associated with, but still are...likewise you're changing the definition of "fascism" to remove yourselves from the mix..when you know that's right where you stand.


they want to use a definition construct that is pushed by the left
Too funny, in the cold war days, Soviets use to accuse fellow communist they
did not agree with, as "fascists"

It goes to show the Left has not changed much over time

Notice as how they desperate what to deny the main issue
The issue is of the nature of gov't

No doubt they feel the Left will get correct- this time
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