Hitler and the right

No, he's a progressive hero. They pretend he's not, but they adhere religiously to his 25 points all the same.


That was stupid. Even for you. Howzabout you name any so-called "liberal" that would hang your image in thier home?

I can think of many right wing fucks that probably already have one gracing thier crib.. some likely over the mantle.

No. Your attempt at a come-back was stupid. In your case -- of course -- that's redundant.

Hitler is no more of an icon to the right than he is to the left.

And it's Hitler's image, you moron.

I have seen many a lib derp with pictures of Stalin and Mao and Che. Given that, they have no basis to object to the other famous liberal murdering scumbag, Hitler.


That was stupid. Even for you. Howzabout you name any so-called "liberal" that would hang your image in thier home?

I can think of many right wing fucks that probably already have one gracing thier crib.. some likely over the mantle.

No. Your attempt at a come-back was stupid. In your case -- of course -- that's redundant.

Hitler is no more of an icon to the right than he is to the left.

And it's Hitler's image, you moron.

I have seen many a lib derp with pictures of Stalin and Mao and Che. Given that, they have no basis to object to the other famous liberal murdering scumbag, Hitler.

My bad...I thought your were sharing from your hero collection..

As for the last sentence. I don't believe you. I have been in a few homes in my 63 years and never seen "Stalin and Mao and Che" or "Hitler" images on the wall. I think YOU belive it though as you do with much of what you pull out of your ass.
there is going to be quite a stir when you get your asses kicked on all these cases huh?
That was stupid. Even for you. Howzabout you name any so-called "liberal" that would hang your image in thier home?

I can think of many right wing fucks that probably already have one gracing thier crib.. some likely over the mantle.

No. Your attempt at a come-back was stupid. In your case -- of course -- that's redundant.

Hitler is no more of an icon to the right than he is to the left.

And it's Hitler's image, you moron.

I have seen many a lib derp with pictures of Stalin and Mao and Che. Given that, they have no basis to object to the other famous liberal murdering scumbag, Hitler.

My bad...I thought your were sharing from your hero collection..

As for the last sentence. I don't believe you. I have been in a few homes in my 63 years and never seen "Stalin and Mao and Che" or "Hitler" images on the wall. I think YOU belive it though as you do with much of what you pull out of your ass.

No. You didn't think any such thing. I'm not a fucking lib.

As for your last mutterance, who cares what a tool like you "believes" or says he believes or doesn't believe?

The fact is: lots of libs have pictures of Che and Mao (and they have been known to lovingly and reverentially carry his stupid book around with them too) and lots of libs thought Stalin was the best fucking thing since sliced bread.

You are either pitiably ignorant or simply dishonet. It doesn't matter which.
Don't forget

many Progressives. left and right
were fascinated with Fascism and Progressive leaders desperate
to get out of the Great Depression looked at their big gov't ways for guidance

Of course and for good reason, the people tried to distance themselves from their early fascination with Fascism with the war and the aftermath.

For example
FDR said:
There seems to be no question that [Mussolini] is really interested in what we are doing and I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy.
Comment in early 1933 about Benito Mussolini to US Ambassador to Italy Breckinridge Long, as quoted in Three New Deals : Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939 (2006) by Wolfgang Schivelbusch, p. 31
I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman.
Comment on Benito Mussolini in 1933, as quoted in Three New Deals : Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939 (2006) by Wolfgang Schivelbusch, p. 31

Mussolini himself praised the New Deal as following his own corporate state, as quoted in a July 1933 article in the New York Times,
"Your plan for coordination of industry follows precisely our lines of cooperation."
Which makes sense since the NRA, with its regulations and industry organizations, was nothing more than another creature of the left- corporatism.

Two fascists leaders admiring FDR's economic policies
Funny how that works...

No need to thank me

Right, because unsourced quotes negate the fact that FDR declared war on Germany and Italy.

It's pretty sad that you can't dispute the OP.


This is a sad indication of the state of education in this country. The Constitution specifically gives Congress the sole authority to declare war. They declared war on Japan on 8 Dec 1941, and then declared war on Germany and Italy on 11 Dec 1941, the day after both countries declared war on us. If the only thing that will make something that is in every history book about WWII I have ever read true is you seeing it on the internet I have actual links for you.

BBC ON THIS DAY | 11 | 1941: Germany and Italy declare war on US

Declaration of war by the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, Hitler was a fascist.

Fascism is an extreme rightwing ideology.

Look it up Einstein. :thup:

Actually, they are syncretic. They oppose almost everything conservatives and liberals stand for, and advocate things the extreme elements on both sides believe in. I generally label them progressive to piss idiots off, but I also understand the difference between a progressive and a liberal.
No, Hitler was a fascist.

Fascism is an extreme rightwing ideology.

Look it up Einstein. :thup:

They are too busy trying to re-write history than do anything so mundane as look up a definition they already want to change.

The OP is obviously the person in this thread rewriting history, why else would she insist that FDR declared war on Germany before they declared war on us?


That was stupid. Even for you. Howzabout you name any so-called "liberal" that would hang your image in thier home?

I can think of many right wing fucks that probably already have one gracing thier crib.. some likely over the mantle.

Probably the same ones who would hang this one in the campaign office of somebody running for president of the United States.


Go ahead, tell me this murdering scum was a right winger.
That was stupid. Even for you. Howzabout you name any so-called "liberal" that would hang your image in thier home?

I can think of many right wing fucks that probably already have one gracing thier crib.. some likely over the mantle.

No. Your attempt at a come-back was stupid. In your case -- of course -- that's redundant.

Hitler is no more of an icon to the right than he is to the left.

And it's Hitler's image, you moron.

I have seen many a lib derp with pictures of Stalin and Mao and Che. Given that, they have no basis to object to the other famous liberal murdering scumbag, Hitler.

My bad...I thought your were sharing from your hero collection..

As for the last sentence. I don't believe you. I have been in a few homes in my 63 years and never seen "Stalin and Mao and Che" or "Hitler" images on the wall. I think YOU belive it though as you do with much of what you pull out of your ass.
Neo-Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note the swastikas on display by these right wing nutjobs.
So they want a small non intrusive gov't as well?

Good to know


Speaking of hate groups...

Former KKK Leader David Duke Supports Black Democrat Jew-Hater For Congress

“In a race for Congress between an anti-Zionist black activist and a black activist who is a bought and paid for Zionist Uncle Tom, I’ll take the anti-Zionist any day,” Mr. Duke says in the video. “In this election of limited choices, I believe that Charles Barron is the best choice. Why? Because I think there’s no greater danger facing the United States of America and facing the world than the unbridled power of Zionist globalism. … Charles Barron stands against that power. If I lived in New York City, I would certainly vote for Charles Barron


Hey he supports OWS as well
Funny how that works

As noted before

Peter Drucker said it best:

"the complete collapse of the belief in the attainability of freedom and equality through Marxism has forced Russia
to travel the same road toward a totalitarian society of un-freedom and inequality which Germany has been following.
Not that communism and fascism are essentially the same. Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion,
and it has proved as much an illusion in Russia as in pre-Hitler Germany."
Last edited:
Hitler didn't regulate rifles or shotguns, only handguns.

Nazi Weapons Act of 1938 (Translated to English)

Classified guns for "sporting purposes".
All citizens who wished to purchase firearms had to register with the Nazi officials and have a background check.
Presumed German citizens were hostile and thereby exempted Nazis from the gun control law.
Gave Nazis unrestricted power to decide what kinds of firearms could, or could not be owned by private persons.
The types of ammunition that were legal were subject to control by bureaucrats.
Juveniles under 18 years could not buy firearms and ammunition.

Nazi Gun Control

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