Hitler and the right

liberalism and conservatism have core values. Those values do not change much, but what does change is the means to achieve those core values. For example, Jefferson believed in small limited government, but small limited government is not a core liberal value it can be a means to achieve a value. When Jefferson became the government his view of small limited government began to change, his fear of government faded somewhat. The same process occurred with Reagan, he preached small limited government until elected.
The problem with defining liberalism and conservatism is that too often the means to achieve their core values is assumed to be part of the definition.

Reagan tried to eliminate the Department of Education and asked for a line item veto (remember, Democrats neutered the Presidency in with their Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974)
Who Am I?

I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Prove it.

My father was a Communist, a government employee and had multiple children with several woman

My dad an industrial scientist - I'm not

My father was not interested in my Mom and me so he abandoned us and we moved around a lot when I was young

40 to 60% of US marriages end in divorce each year.

I was not raised in the country that elected me

Good - That means he knows more about the world than Sarah Palin. (So do most slugs but not many republican politicians)

In my mid 30’s I wrote an autobiography highlighting my early years, political ideas, and thoughts on race

I then wrote a second book further describing my political ideas and ambitions

Most politicians write such things. George W Bush did.

I’ve always maintained an exaggerated sense of self-importance

He's a politician - What the devil do you expect?

I require constant admiration

Seems you do

I believe in Universal Health Care

I'm politically right of centre but I do as well.

I believe capitalism is evil

He's said it doesn't work. So have a lot of other people. I happen to believe he's talking bollocks but it's hardly a killer statement.
I believe Einstein said it was the source of evil as did some bloke called Jesus.

I am an anti-Semite

Better supply at least one quote where Obama states a hatred of Jews.

I believe in curtailing the rights of the people to own guns

Good on the lad. The gun lobby are bloody idiots.

I used economic turmoil to springboard myself to political power

You mean the total cock up of the last Bush administration. Hardly a great political point to attempt.

I destroy my political enemies

Bush killed his own troops to line his pockets with dirty money. Top that.

I love using Grecian Temples as a backdrop to give speeches


Louis Farakan thought very highly of me

Saddam admired Ron Raygun.
Big deal.

One of my very first actions was to seize control on my nation’s car companies

Or save a bunch of US jobs from moving to Japan or some other country.

Your post, sir, is twaddle.
Yes. It is.

On the other hand, no matter how badly they suck, the definition itself remains either correct or incorrect.

In the case of classical liberalism, they appear to be pretty much right on the money.

This is the liberal of today. Classical liberalism is a thing of the past. If you want to live in the past, fine.


lib·er·al·ism   [lib-er-uh-liz-uhm, lib-ruh-] Show IPA
the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.
a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.
( sometimes initial capital letter ) the principles and practices of a liberal party in politics.
a movement in modern Protestantism that emphasizes freedom from tradition and authority, the adjustment of religious beliefs to scientific conceptio

The TERM being defined was not "liberalism."

The term being defined was "CLASSICAL liberalism."

Liberalism is opposed to Conservatism :: CLASSICAL Liberalism IS conservatism.

So when you guys are criticizing liberals, you are criticizing yourselves. Interesting.
This is the liberal of today. Classical liberalism is a thing of the past. If you want to live in the past, fine.


lib·er·al·ism   [lib-er-uh-liz-uhm, lib-ruh-] Show IPA
the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.
a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.
( sometimes initial capital letter ) the principles and practices of a liberal party in politics.
a movement in modern Protestantism that emphasizes freedom from tradition and authority, the adjustment of religious beliefs to scientific conceptio

The TERM being defined was not "liberalism."

The term being defined was "CLASSICAL liberalism."

Liberalism is opposed to Conservatism :: CLASSICAL Liberalism IS conservatism.

So when you guys are criticizing liberals, you are criticizing yourselves. Interesting.

Nope. You just highlighted your inability to grasp even simple sentences.

A CLASSICAL liberal is not a liberal. A modern day liberal tries to deny that he/she is a liberal. But modern day liberals (no matter what fake name they use for their political philosophy) still don't quite understand the virtues of limited government. It's a pretty good give away for what they really are.

Now, let's address your problem. If there's any chance of going back on line for a second helping of brains, you need it. Badly. Petition the Almighty.
There are different types of liberalism and conservatism, each with a little different slant on some life.
A problem with defining literalism or conservatism by defining people is that many people, except Limbaugh etc. may have a liberal view of some things and a conservative views of others.
How are you dealing with the bitter disappointment?

Me?.. you have to be on drugs. I like the way it is all turning out.

Dave you are such an idiot...seriously...
Really? Who's believing your unsubstantiated horseshit?

I count zero. You? :lol:

Why are you so worried if anyone "believes" me? I'm not. I don't post at USMB to convert morons like you to any point of view. You are beyond any help I might offer. There are plenty of people that come here to see what opinions others have on issues. I have some opinions that some of these people appreciate seeing. You dissagreeing with me hardly changes that.
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Me?.. you have to be on drugs. I like the way it is all turning out.

Dave you are such an idiot...seriously...
Really? Who's believing your unsubstantiated horseshit?

I count zero. You? :lol:

Why are you so worried if anyone "believes" me? I'm not. I don't post at USMB to convert morons like you to any point of view. You are beyond any help I might offer. There are plenty of people that come here to see what opinions others have on issues. I have some opinions that some of these people appreciate seeing. You dissagreeing with me hardly changes that.
Huggy. Please. Don't spoil a good thread. naziman will now start inanely posting his usual bullshit for the next five pages.
Really? Who's believing your unsubstantiated horseshit?

I count zero. You? :lol:

Why are you so worried if anyone "believes" me? I'm not. I don't post at USMB to convert morons like you to any point of view. You are beyond any help I might offer. There are plenty of people that come here to see what opinions others have on issues. I have some opinions that some of these people appreciate seeing. You dissagreeing with me hardly changes that.
Huggy. Please. Don't spoil a good thread. naziman will now start inanely posting his usual bullshit for the next five pages.

Point well taken. Naziman...there is no need to respond to me...my posts are meaningless and nobody reads them anyways .. I accept that your attacks are 100% correct in the name of keeping this thread on topic.

What we talkin bout here?...Oh ya..Hitler and the right. I think any reasonable person would conclude that Hitler was bad. Any person that cares about thier fellow man could conclude that Christian Fundamentalists NewGOPers do not care for anyone but the wealthiest among us, the top 1%. That in itself is fascist by nature.
Me?.. you have to be on drugs. I like the way it is all turning out.

Dave you are such an idiot...seriously...
Really? Who's believing your unsubstantiated horseshit?

I count zero. You? :lol:

Why are you so worried if anyone "believes" me? I'm not. I don't post at USMB to convert morons like you to any point of view. You are beyond any help I might offer. There are plenty of people that come here to see what opinions others have on issues. I have some opinions that some of these people appreciate seeing. You dissagreeing with me hardly changes that.
If you would substantiate any of your claims, more people would appreciate your views.

But you're not interested in that. Oh, well.
Really? Who's believing your unsubstantiated horseshit?

I count zero. You? :lol:

Why are you so worried if anyone "believes" me? I'm not. I don't post at USMB to convert morons like you to any point of view. You are beyond any help I might offer. There are plenty of people that come here to see what opinions others have on issues. I have some opinions that some of these people appreciate seeing. You dissagreeing with me hardly changes that.
Huggy. Please. Don't spoil a good thread. naziman will now start inanely posting his usual bullshit for the next five pages.

I'd ask you to provide proof of my supposed Nazism, but you don't provide proof, either.

So, feel free to eat shit.
Why are you so worried if anyone "believes" me? I'm not. I don't post at USMB to convert morons like you to any point of view. You are beyond any help I might offer. There are plenty of people that come here to see what opinions others have on issues. I have some opinions that some of these people appreciate seeing. You dissagreeing with me hardly changes that.
Huggy. Please. Don't spoil a good thread. naziman will now start inanely posting his usual bullshit for the next five pages.

Point well taken. Naziman...there is no need to respond to me...my posts are meaningless and nobody reads them anyways .. I accept that your attacks are 100% correct in the name of keeping this thread on topic.

What we talkin bout here?...Oh ya..Hitler and the right. I think any reasonable person would conclude that Hitler was bad. Any person that cares about thier fellow man could conclude that Christian Fundamentalists NewGOPers do not care for anyone but the wealthiest among us, the top 1%. That in itself is fascist by nature.
It would be, if it were true.

Have you ever considered thinking for yourself? Are you even capable?

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