Hitler and the right

US Navy cross


Following that line of logic,,,

Hitler was a community organizer
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Plus most religions maintain a code of conduct/honor that is not in keeping with statist practices.

Good point

The Nazi's advance of the the "German Christen" movement created in 1934 a schism called the “Confessional Church”
which had their Barmen Declaration- objecting to Nazi doctrine and to the interference of the State in the church.

Some brave people were imprisoned and/or murdered by the Nazis for that..
Martin Niemoeller
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Again, they could not reconcile the Nazi state's desire for total control/ sovereignty over a person.
In Christian religions (or Jewish), that ultimately belongs only to God.

Good post. I am a bit surprised. To clarify, Bonhoeffer was imprisoned for his anti-Nazi stance, but was executed for his implication with the July 20th conspirators.
Why are you so worried if anyone "believes" me? I'm not. I don't post at USMB to convert morons like you to any point of view. You are beyond any help I might offer. There are plenty of people that come here to see what opinions others have on issues. I have some opinions that some of these people appreciate seeing. You dissagreeing with me hardly changes that.
Huggy. Please. Don't spoil a good thread. naziman will now start inanely posting his usual bullshit for the next five pages.

I'd ask you to provide proof of my supposed Nazism, but you don't provide proof, either.

So, feel free to eat shit.
Ravi? I see no proof of my supposed Nazism. Did you choose to eat shit, then?
No, they WEREN'T.

"[FONT=arial,helvetica]Today, many youths imagine that the sole purpose of Hitler’s Third Reich was to kill and persecute the Jews, supposedly the only victims of the socialist regime. The reality is not so simple. This Jewish-dominated theme is a distortion of a biased media propaganda, strongly supported by Hollywood, which has been meticulously taken up by the present day education system. It was not just Jews, however, who suffered under the Third Reich. The Catholic nobility was also strongly persecuted by the Nazis.

From the onset of National Socialism, Baron von Guttenberg and his circle of friends realized the dangers it presented to their country and the Catholic religion, and they made efforts to fight it."

The Catholic nobility was decimated by Hitler. Monks were slaughtered, churches looted. But that's okay by today's Nazis, the progressives, who think the Nazis were doing the right thing, to hear them laud their policies,and pretend that the Catholics were pro-Nazi.


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No, they WEREN'T.

"[FONT=arial,helvetica]Today, many youths imagine that the sole purpose of Hitler’s Third Reich was to kill and persecute the Jews, supposedly the only victims of the socialist regime. The reality is not so simple. This Jewish-dominated theme is a distortion of a biased media propaganda, strongly supported by Hollywood, which has been meticulously taken up by the present day education system. It was not just Jews, however, who suffered under the Third Reich. The Catholic nobility was also strongly persecuted by the Nazis.

From the onset of National Socialism, Baron von Guttenberg and his circle of friends realized the dangers it presented to their country and the Catholic religion, and they made efforts to fight it."

The Catholic nobility was decimated by Hitler. Monks were slaughtered, churches looted. But that's okay by today's Nazis, the progressives, who think the Nazis were doing the right thing, to hear them laud their policies,and pretend that the Catholics were pro-Nazi.

The Catholic Resistance to Nazism in Germany by Marian T. Horvat and Judith F Mead

wow, what a shitty source. haha, how did you find this?
No, they WEREN'T.

"[FONT=arial,helvetica]Today, many youths imagine that the sole purpose of Hitler’s Third Reich was to kill and persecute the Jews, supposedly the only victims of the socialist regime. The reality is not so simple. This Jewish-dominated theme is a distortion of a biased media propaganda, strongly supported by Hollywood, which has been meticulously taken up by the present day education system. It was not just Jews, however, who suffered under the Third Reich. The Catholic nobility was also strongly persecuted by the Nazis.

From the onset of National Socialism, Baron von Guttenberg and his circle of friends realized the dangers it presented to their country and the Catholic religion, and they made efforts to fight it."

The Catholic nobility was decimated by Hitler. Monks were slaughtered, churches looted. But that's okay by today's Nazis, the progressives, who think the Nazis were doing the right thing, to hear them laud their policies,and pretend that the Catholics were pro-Nazi.

The Catholic Resistance to Nazism in Germany by Marian T. Horvat and Judith F Mead

wow, what a shitty source. haha, how did you find this?

it came with her copy of the protocols of the elders of zion

she just had to pay separate shipping and handling
No, they WEREN'T.

"[FONT=arial,helvetica]Today, many youths imagine that the sole purpose of Hitler’s Third Reich was to kill and persecute the Jews, supposedly the only victims of the socialist regime. The reality is not so simple. This Jewish-dominated theme is a distortion of a biased media propaganda, strongly supported by Hollywood, which has been meticulously taken up by the present day education system. It was not just Jews, however, who suffered under the Third Reich. The Catholic nobility was also strongly persecuted by the Nazis.

From the onset of National Socialism, Baron von Guttenberg and his circle of friends realized the dangers it presented to their country and the Catholic religion, and they made efforts to fight it."

The Catholic nobility was decimated by Hitler. Monks were slaughtered, churches looted. But that's okay by today's Nazis, the progressives, who think the Nazis were doing the right thing, to hear them laud their policies,and pretend that the Catholics were pro-Nazi.

The Catholic Resistance to Nazism in Germany by Marian T. Horvat and Judith F Mead

wow, what a shitty source. haha, how did you find this?

it came with her copy of the protocols of the elders of zion

she just had to pay separate shipping and handling
Anyone who thinks the Protocols is real is a Jew-hating retard.

Given that fact, do you think the Protocols is real, del?
wow, what a shitty source. haha, how did you find this?

it came with her copy of the protocols of the elders of zion

she just had to pay separate shipping and handling
Anyone who thinks the Protocols is real is a Jew-hating retard.

Given that fact, do you think the Protocols is real, del?

careful del, it is a clever trap set by ddadadadadadadadvaeman.
Like you would know.

i am really interested in how you managed to find this "source".

i mean, it is not difficult to find a serious source to defend catholics' behaviour during the third reich.

but the one you presented? holy moly.

I did a search and it was on the first page...

and did you forget to engage the filth filter in your search engine?

or did you just select the most inane hit?
No, they WEREN'T.

"[FONT=arial,helvetica]Today, many youths imagine that the sole purpose of Hitler’s Third Reich was to kill and persecute the Jews, supposedly the only victims of the socialist regime. The reality is not so simple. This Jewish-dominated theme is a distortion of a biased media propaganda, strongly supported by Hollywood, which has been meticulously taken up by the present day education system. It was not just Jews, however, who suffered under the Third Reich. The Catholic nobility was also strongly persecuted by the Nazis.

From the onset of National Socialism, Baron von Guttenberg and his circle of friends realized the dangers it presented to their country and the Catholic religion, and they made efforts to fight it."

The Catholic nobility was decimated by Hitler. Monks were slaughtered, churches looted. But that's okay by today's Nazis, the progressives, who think the Nazis were doing the right thing, to hear them laud their policies,and pretend that the Catholics were pro-Nazi.

The Catholic Resistance to Nazism in Germany by Marian T. Horvat and Judith F Mead


Thank you, kg; the persecution of Catholics, and other devout Christians is often overlooked in the discussion of the Third Reich.
Especially since the progressive history revisionists are working as hard as they can to pretend it didn't happen. It justifies their attacks on Christians.
Which in turn is exactly what the Nazis did to justify THEIR attacks on different groups.
It really makes no difference whether the Protocols are fact or fiction.

They accurately lay out the Zionist agenda for world domination.

And the enslavement of the gentile people. :cool:

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