Hitler and the right

So what if "the Right" supported Hitler?

That's like saying the Democrats were pro-Jim Crow. It's true, but it misses the point that political movements/institutions shift over time. While there are some very basic and crude similarities, "the Right" of Nazi Germany was its own beast, unlike any right-wing movements of any other countries, primarily because it defined itself on German and Teutonic nationalism.
Doubt that Hitler had the support of the conservative right wing?

1. "Hitler found his greatest support in traditionally conservative small towns. He campaigned with attacks on Marxism, making it clear that by Marxism he meant the Social Democrats. Hitler appealed to morality, attacking free love and what he inferred was the immorality of Berlin and some other major cities. He promised to stamp out big city corruption. He called for a spiritual revolution, for a "positive Christianity" and a spirit of national pride. Hitler repeatedly called for national renewal. He and his National Socialists benefited from the recent upheaval in the Soviet Union and the rise in fear and disgust for Bolshevism. His party's posters read:

The nazi party got its worst electoral result in traditional and catholic southern Bayern and Baden. The more catholic the less votes

Catholics in Germany:

Nazi support:

Second, you must contextualise things. We are talking about a period when liberal capitalism and parlamentarism were largely discredited. And mainstream parties sympathized with totalitarian ideologies, sometimes as a way to stop their opponents. The german right thought that they were able to control the nazis.

Third, they actually didn't care that much about religion. It was only instrumental in their obsession with race. The nazi party program talks about positive christianity "without binding itself to any confession". And demanded freedom for all religious faiths "insofar as they do not endanger its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the german race".


If you like association fallacies, let's copy/paste other points of the nazi program:

"The State must assume the responsibility of organizing thoroughly the entire cultural system of the people. The curricula of all educational establishments shall be adapted to practical life. The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State"

We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc.

We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.

Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits

Etc, etc

Hitler always blamed what he called "war profiteers"

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Ravi doesn't care about fact. She's been schooled on this topic for years, and she is going to continue to lie in order to hide the truth of the matter...Nazism sprung forth from and embraced progressive ideology.

And Progressive ideology continues to embrace the most vile of the Nazi practices. Population control via killing vulnerable classes of people.

Catholics died at the hands of Nazis because they adamantly opposed it.
and they opposed it before anyone else did. When American progressives were heaping glory on Hitler's head, Catholics were decrying him.
and they opposed it before anyone else did. When American progressives were heaping glory on Hitler's head, Catholics were decrying him.

How can you even think about such petty, inconsequential matters at a time like this?

Don't you know that the mods are fucking with the hallowed rep system? :eek:
Actually, the most vocal against Hitler were the commies. But we know you'll never admit to the truth, Babble.
From Answers.com
Actually pretty good answer:

"Although born and raised in the Catholic faith, Hitler grew to hate sincere Catholics and Christians in general, and during his career, persecuted them. He considered the Catholic teachings of humility, gentleness, and compassion toward others to be signs of "weakness," ill-befitting the members of the "Master Race," and did not wish Hitler Youth to learn to be "weak" and "wishy-washy" like Catholics and other Christians.
On March 10, 1937, Pope Pius XI published an encyclical critical of Nazism called Mit brennender Sorge (With Burning Anxiety). In response, uniformed members of the "Master Race" rounded up and imprisoned a number of Catholic monks.
Hitler hated Roman Catholics who stood with the Pope against him, but appreciated those Catholics who felt they could compromise their faith by becoming Nazis and supporting the utmost in brutality and wickedness, yet continuing to attend Mass, receiving the Sacraments, and claiming to be Catholic.

Read more: Why did Hitler hate Roman Catholics

For those interested in actually understanding, rather than just telling lies against Catholics. Who actually died for opposing Hitler in Germany.
From Answers.com
Actually pretty good answer:

"Although born and raised in the Catholic faith, Hitler grew to hate sincere Catholics and Christians in general, and during his career, persecuted them. He considered the Catholic teachings of humility, gentleness, and compassion toward others to be signs of "weakness," ill-befitting the members of the "Master Race," and did not wish Hitler Youth to learn to be "weak" and "wishy-washy" like Catholics and other Christians.
On March 10, 1937, Pope Pius XI published an encyclical critical of Nazism called Mit brennender Sorge (With Burning Anxiety). In response, uniformed members of the "Master Race" rounded up and imprisoned a number of Catholic monks.
Hitler hated Roman Catholics who stood with the Pope against him, but appreciated those Catholics who felt they could compromise their faith by becoming Nazis and supporting the utmost in brutality and wickedness, yet continuing to attend Mass, receiving the Sacraments, and claiming to be Catholic.

Read more: Why did Hitler hate Roman Catholics

For those interested in actually understanding, rather than just telling lies against Catholics. Who actually died for opposing Hitler in Germany.

I hear you

Is it any different than antebellum blacks who actually owned slaves that
were not their relatives ?

One would not argue that all blacks then supported slavery


Like most statists, they wanted to impose their
belief system and, in effect, make a new religion

For example, Rosenberg, in his influential book for Nazis,
“The Myth of the Twentieth Century”, he wrote:

There is no proof for the often made claim that Jesus was a Jew. Indeed, there is much to show the contrary.
Jesus possibly was Aryan, or partially so, showing the Nordic type strongly.

Give me a break- Jesus was not a Jew!

The Nazi's were like all statists.
Nothing can be above the state, man or religion.

Religion was viewed as nothing more to them then a form of competition
and something to be manipulated to help keep the gov't in power.
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Plus most religions maintain a code of conduct/honor that is not in keeping with statist practices.
Plus most religions maintain a code of conduct/honor that is not in keeping with statist practices.

Good point

The Nazi's advance of the the "German Christen" movement created in 1934 a schism called the “Confessional Church”
which had their Barmen Declaration- objecting to Nazi doctrine and to the interference of the State in the church.

Some brave people were imprisoned and/or murdered by the Nazis for that..
Martin Niemoeller
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Again, they could not reconcile the Nazi state's desire for total control/ sovereignty over a person.
In Christian religions (or Jewish), that ultimately belongs only to God.

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