Hitler and the right

Especially since the progressive history revisionists are working as hard as they can to pretend it didn't happen. It justifies their attacks on Christians.

NOT I, many Catholics sheltered Jews, aided them at the risk of their own lives. A bit on the Pope and his attempts to resist the deluge:

Appearing before 250,000 pilgrims at Lourdes in April 1935, Cardinal Pacelli said:
[The Nazis] are in reality only miserable plagiarists who dress up old errors with new tinsel. It does not make any difference whether they flock to the banners of the social revolution, whether they are guided by a false conception of the world and of life, or whether they are possessed by the superstition of a race and blood cult.[citation needed]
In 1936, Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, Papal Nuncio to Germany, asked Cardinal Pacelli, then Vatican Secretary of State, for instructions regarding an invitation from Hitler to attend a Nazi Party meeting in Nuremberg, along with the entire diplomatic corps. Pacelli replied, ”The Holy Father thinks it is preferable that your Excellency abstain, taking a few days’ vacation.”[citation needed]
In 1937, Orsenigo was invited along with the diplomatic corps to a reception for Hitler’s birthday. Orsenigo again asked the Vatican if he should attend. Pacelli’s reply was, “The Holy Father thinks not. Also because of the position of this Embassy, the Holy Father believes it is preferable in the present situation if your Excellency abstains from taking part in manifestations of homage toward the Lord Chancellor,”[citation needed]
During Hitler’s visit to Rome in 1938, Pius XI and Pacelli avoided meeting with him by leaving Rome a month early for the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo.
The Vatican was closed, and the priests and religious brothers and sisters left in Rome were told not to participate in the festivities and celebrations surrounding Hitler’s Visit. On the Feast of the Holy Cross, Pius XI said from Castel Gandolfo, “It saddens me to think that today in Rome the cross that is worshipped is not the Cross of our Saviour.”
[edit]Denouncing the "war of ideologies"

Peter Kent writes:
Once the Rome-Berlin Axis had been proclaimed, the Holy See sought to drive a wedge between Germany and Italy. In early January 1937, a series of articles in Osservatore Romano returned to the theme of denouncing the war of ideologies attendant on the Spanish Civil War, and as Mussolini sought to turn Italian opinion towards Germany, the Pope sought to turn it in the opposite direction. A public protest against the German treatment of the Church was called for so that there should be no doubt where the Pope stood and what attitude Catholics should take.[31]
And more on the false claims of Catholic/Christian support for Nazism:

Plan for the Roman Catholic Church
Historian Heinz Hürten (professor emeritus at the Catholic University of Eichstaett) noted that the Nazi party had plans for the Roman Catholic Church, according to which the Church was supposed to "eat from the hands of the government." The sequence of these plans, he states, follow this sequence: an abolition of the priestly celibacy and a nationalisation of all church property, the dissolution of monastic religious institutes, and an end to the influence of the Catholic Church upon education. Hutzen states that Hitler proposed to reduce vocations to the priesthood by forbidding seminaries from receiving applicants before their 25th birthdays, and thus had hoped that these men would marry beforehand, during the time (18 – 25 years) in which they were obliged to work in military or labour service. Also, along with this process, the Church's sacraments would be revised and changed to so-called "Lebensfeiern", the non-Christian celebrations of different periods of life.[76]
There existed some considerable differences among officials within the Nazi Party on the question of Christianity. Goebbels is purported to have feared the creation of a third front of Catholics against their regime in Germany itself. In his diary, Goebbels wrote about the "traitors of the Black International who again stabbed our glorious government in the back by their criticism", by which Hutzen states meant the indirectly or actively resisting Catholic clergymen (who wore black cassocks).[77]
[edit]Christians imprisoned or died under the Third Reich
Although there are high profile cases of individual Lutherans and Catholics who died in prison or in concentration camps, the largest number of Christians who died would have been Jewish Christians or mischlinge who were sent to death camps for their race rather than their religion. Kahane (1999) state that the total number of Christians of Jewish descent in the Third Reich is estimated at around 200,000.[78] Among the Gentile Christians 11,300 Jehovah's Witnesses were placed in camps, and about 1,490 died, of whom 270 were executed as conscientious objectors.[79] Dachau had a special "priest block." Of the 2,720 priests (among them 2,579 Catholic) held in Dachau, 1,034 did not survive the camp. The majority of these priests were Polish (1,780), of whom 868 died in Dachau.
[edit]Other beliefs
It really makes no difference whether the Protocols are fact or fiction.

They accurately lay out the Zionist agenda for world domination.

And the enslavement of the gentile people. :cool:

Sunni, take a long walk off a short pier.:mad:
It really makes no difference whether the Protocols are fact or fiction.

They accurately lay out the Zionist agenda for world domination.

And the enslavement of the gentile people. :cool:

Sunni, take a long walk off a short pier.:mad:
Obviously you have never read them.

And have no idea what the Protocols actually say.

Yet you have a strong opinion against them. :cool:
I need more. I did a couple of searches and came up with nothing.

you don't need to do anything but read the stuff you linked.

it is factually incorrect in many places. sloppy.

and the big hint is the joos-media conspiracy bullshit.

one big whopper is that the stauffenberg plot is allegedly not talked about much.
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Sadly, there is little said today in history books about this tragedy and heroism of this German resistance movement.[/FONT]

the problem is more that this one group is getting all the attention when the resistance is mentioned. often forgetting that many of those of the 20th july plot were avid nazis until the war went south.

and that is just the beginning.
It really makes no difference whether the Protocols are fact or fiction.

They accurately lay out the Zionist agenda for world domination.

And the enslavement of the gentile people. :cool:

Sunni, take a long walk off a short pier.:mad:
Obviously you have never read them.

And have no idea what the Protocols actually say.

Yet you have a strong opinion against them. :cool:

I have and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are such obvious fraudulent, sick rantings no one SINCE Hitler has given them any credence.
I need more. I did a couple of searches and came up with nothing.

you don't need to do anything but read the stuff you linked.

it is factually incorrect in many places. sloppy.

and the big hint is the joos-media conspiracy bullshit.

one big whopper is that the stauffenberg plot is allegedly not talked about much.
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Sadly, there is little said today in history books about this tragedy and heroism of this German resistance movement.[/FONT]

the problem is more that this one group is getting all the attention when the resistance is mentioned. often forgetting that many of those of the 20th july plot were avid nazis until the war went south.

and that is just the beginning.

Fascism even had many admirers here at home before
the war broke out

For example
FDR said:
There seems to be no question that [Mussolini] is really interested in what we are doing and I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy.
Comment in early 1933 about Benito Mussolini to US Ambassador to Italy Breckinridge Long, as quoted in Three New Deals : Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939 (2006) by Wolfgang Schivelbusch, p. 31

I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman.
Comment on Benito Mussolini in 1933, as quoted in Three New Deals : Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939 (2006) by Wolfgang Schivelbusch, p. 31

Mussolini himself praised the New Deal as following his own corporate state,
as quoted in a July 1933 article in the New York Times,

"Your plan for coordination of industry follows precisely our lines of cooperation."

Which makes sense since the NRA, with its regulations and industry organizations, was nothing more than another creature of the left- corporatism.
I need more. I did a couple of searches and came up with nothing.

you don't need to do anything but read the stuff you linked.

it is factually incorrect in many places. sloppy.

and the big hint is the joos-media conspiracy bullshit.

one big whopper is that the stauffenberg plot is allegedly not talked about much.
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Sadly, there is little said today in history books about this tragedy and heroism of this German resistance movement.[/FONT]

the problem is more that this one group is getting all the attention when the resistance is mentioned. often forgetting that many of those of the 20th july plot were avid nazis until the war went south.

and that is just the beginning.

I thought it was a personal account by a couple of women of the persecution of the Catholic nobility.

I'm not sure I expect it to be a minute-by-minute accounting of everything that happened during WWII.

It's a personal account of the persecution of Catholics. Works for me, it's supporting evidence that blows Ravi's idiocy out of the water.

You'd think she never saw the Sound of Music.
I need more. I did a couple of searches and came up with nothing.

you don't need to do anything but read the stuff you linked.

it is factually incorrect in many places. sloppy.

and the big hint is the joos-media conspiracy bullshit.

one big whopper is that the stauffenberg plot is allegedly not talked about much.
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Sadly, there is little said today in history books about this tragedy and heroism of this German resistance movement.[/FONT]

the problem is more that this one group is getting all the attention when the resistance is mentioned. often forgetting that many of those of the 20th july plot were avid nazis until the war went south.

and that is just the beginning.

The college group, The Society of the White Rose is heartbreaking story. Many, many heroes though have stories little known. I posted of the French Resistance hero Moulin once. Aubrac died just this last April.
I need more. I did a couple of searches and came up with nothing.

you don't need to do anything but read the stuff you linked.

it is factually incorrect in many places. sloppy.

and the big hint is the joos-media conspiracy bullshit.

one big whopper is that the stauffenberg plot is allegedly not talked about much.
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Sadly, there is little said today in history books about this tragedy and heroism of this German resistance movement.[/FONT]
the problem is more that this one group is getting all the attention when the resistance is mentioned. often forgetting that many of those of the 20th july plot were avid nazis until the war went south.

and that is just the beginning.

I thought it was a personal account by a couple of women of the persecution of the Catholic nobility.

I'm not sure I expect it to be a minute-by-minute accounting of everything that happened during WWII.

It's a personal account of the persecution of Catholics. Works for me, it's supporting evidence that blows Ravi's idiocy out of the water.

You'd think she never saw the Sound of Music.

some catholics were persecuted.

the church however was playing it safe.

they tried to with the reichskonkordat in 1933.

the catholics who were persecuted were the ones who spoke up.

hey, almost like other germans, regardless of confession.

the catholic church had one shining moment, led by bishop galen.

they spoke out against T4.

leading to the stopping of the overt euthanasia system.

if you want to defend catholics, home in on this.

Clemens August Graf von Galen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It doesn't matter. My point is the catholic church did take a stand against Nazism and Catholics died making that stand. A lot of people.
It doesn't matter. My point is the catholic church did take a stand against Nazism and Catholics died making that stand. A lot of people.

Name one OTHER religion that took such a brave stand. Jehovah's Witnesses were exterminated because of their religion, the pope played his cards carefully with the Third Reich, as best he could. One beautiful photo:

File:FTP-p012904.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But thank you for the link.

More on the Catholic Resistance:

Dachau had a special "priest block." Of the 2720 priests (among them 2579 Catholic) held in Dachau, 1034 did not survive the camp. The majority were Polish (1780), of whom 868 died in Dachau.
Patriarch Gavrilo V of the Serbian Orthodox Church, imprisoned in Dachau from September to December 1944
a number of the Polish 108 Martyrs of World War Two:
Father Jean Bernard (1907–1994), Roman Catholic priest from Luxembourg who was imprisoned from May, 1941 to August, 1942. He wrote the book Pfarrerblock 25487 about his experiences in Dachau
Blessed Titus Brandsma, Dutch Carmelite priest and professor of philosophy, died 26 July 1942
Norbert Čapek (1870–1942) founder of the Unitarian Church in the Czech Republic
Blessed Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski, Polish Roman Catholic priest, died 23 February 1945
August Froehlich, German Roman Catholic priest, he protected the rights of the German Catholics and the maltreatment of Polish forced labourers
Hilary Paweł Januszewski
Ignacy Jeż Catholic Bishop
Joseph Kentenich, founder of the Schoenstatt Movement, spent three and a half years in Dachau
Bishop Jan Maria Michał Kowalski, the first Minister Generalis (Minister General) of the order of the Mariavites. He perished on 18 May 1942, in a gas chamber in Schloss Hartheim.
Adam Kozlowiecki, Polish Cardinal
Max Lackmann, Lutheran pastor and founder of League for Evangelical-Catholic Reunion.
Blessed Karl Leisner, in Dachau since 14 December 1941, freed 4 May 1945, but died on 12 August from tuberculosis contracted in the camp
Josef Lenzel, German Roman Catholic priest, he helped of the Polish forced labourers
Bernhard Lichtenberg - German Roman Catholic priest, was sent to Dachau but died on his way there in 1943
Martin Niemöller, imprisoned in 1941, freed 4 May 1945
Nikolai Velimirović, bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church and an influential theological writer, venerated as saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Lawrence Wnuk
Nanne Zwiep, Pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church in Enschede, spoke out from the pulpit against Nazis and their treatment of Dutch Citizens and anti-Semitism, arrested 20 April 1942, died in Dachau of exhaustion and malnutrition 24 November 1942
More than two dozen members of the Religious Society of Friends (known as Quakers) were interned at Dachau. They may or may not have been considered clergy by the Nazis, as all Quakers perform services which in other Protestant denominations are considered the province of clergy. Over a dozen of them were murdered there.

Rachel Teo: Resistance against the Holocaust by Catholic Laypeople

Introduction: Zegota (back to top)

The Catholic population in Europe during the time of the war was a substantial one, with countries such as France, Italy, Germany and Poland possessing Catholics as their majority population. Coupled by the fact that Catholicism was rooted in moral and humanitarian principles of righteous behaviour, of sacrifice and love, one could and would expect resistance as substantial as the population figures. On the contrary, however, the Catholic response to the Holocaust remained a passive one, and attempts to actively oppose the Nazi regime were sparse and often organised only on local levels. A Catholic response to the Holocaust is thus difficult to measure due to its sporadic nature. Compounding this problem was the fact that the responses varied according to their proximity with the Nazi government, both physically and ideologically. Regardless, these circumstances did not prevent the rise of a movement that involved the involvement and efforts of many Catholics in an underground anti-Nazi movement known as the Zegota.

The Zegota were both brilliant, and heroic.
it came with her copy of the protocols of the elders of zion

she just had to pay separate shipping and handling
Anyone who thinks the Protocols is real is a Jew-hating retard.

Given that fact, do you think the Protocols is real, del?

careful del, it is a clever trap set by ddadadadadadadadvaeman.

How 'bout you, Bird Boi? Do you believe the Protocols is a real document written by Jews?

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