Hitler and the right

Why won't FakeJake answer a simple question?

Jokey: Why do you, a wikipedia sourcer, care about what sources others use?

It's a simple question that you seem afraid to answer.

Man up, Jokey.... Answer the question and don't run away like a little girl....
Stop your whining and pining, son. You are a far right extremist out of touch with the American mainstream who wants nothing to do with the modern 21st century. Simply move on, and leave your betters to their world. Move along.
You're finding individuals. I am showing you entire groups of the far right that supported Hitler.

I knew you never read links, so I posted a video that explains how the left supported him. Apparently watching videos is also beyond your capacity for learning.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Stop your whining and pining, son. You are a far right extremist out of touch with the American mainstream who wants nothing to do with the modern 21st century. Simply move on, and leave your betters to their world. Move along.

So you admit you're afraid to answer a simple question?

Well, we knew you were a pussy, so it's understandable...

You often source wikipedia, so why do you complain when others do it?...

You're too stupid to grasp how stupid you look doing that...
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak,
with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility
and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306). Yet they destroyed the socialists, the communists, the democrats, cozied up to the capitalists, never nationalized industry, and so forth.

Hitler never nationalized industry?

Are you saying that government backed monopolies and oligarchies do not amount to nationalization?
Stop your whining and pining, son. You are a far right extremist out of touch with the American mainstream who wants nothing to do with the modern 21st century. Simply move on, and leave your betters to their world. Move along.

So you admit you're afraid to answer a simple question?

Well, we knew you were a pussy, so it's understandable...

You often source wikipedia, so why do you complain when others do it?...

You're too stupid to grasp how stupid you look doing that...

Concerned trolls' goals are not for any real debate
just to claim faux support for Romney while trying to
discourage the base at the same time.

They are easy to spot with statements like
"I am voting for Romney but he will crush the conservative base"
or how they will always have to come to the aid of the left

Really? Who would put this guy in charge of the Romney campaign?

Easy way to spot- they never start a thread
They can't - their ideas are too extreme for the American public
Some of the concerned trolls on here have over 31,000 posts
and have never started a thread.

The other easy spot -
they always claim they "won" in some way...
really sophomoric

Did you ever notice the posters that do this
Never really do

Funny how that works

Sad thing
Nobody believes them

Here boy
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The biggest Progressive lies were: FDR saved the country from the Great Depression, McCarthy's HUAC blacklisted innocent people and Hitler was a right winger
The Nazis were Socialists, leftists. They were not about individual freedom and liberty

No, the ADVERTISING* differs greatly; in practice fascism & communism are two sides of the same coin. No 'leftist' ADS in Germany, Italy, Spain, or Japan circa 1935-1945 however. Communists pretend to desire equality, fascists, superiority.

*All that either 'idea' is at the core, a product being promoted.
How telling that one old GOP mainstreamer can easily refute four (count them) reactionary extremists to the far right.

Quantam wrote, “ I posted a video that explains how the left supported him.” So I have asked the extremists here to put it context and offered links that did that, which the have ignored. Quantum refuses Toland and others’ point that Hitler never nationalized industries as socialists do when they get the chance. House asks about Wikipedia, which was never used here by me, and ignores the comptent repudiation of extremist reactionaery fear from the right of the sources that were used here by me. NeoTroll continues ramble and ignores the evidence I posted that put his silliness into context. Frank says flatly, “The Nazis were Socialists, leftists. They were not about individual freedom and liberty.” The Nazi righties destroyed the Socialists, particularly the homosexual leadership of Rohm in the SA, but the extremist reactionaries here ignore the facts.

Not one responded to what I posted earlier in repudiation of their extremist righty nonsense.

Here is a start for reviewing NeoTroll's book. I was excited to begin this book, as I believed the author sought to compare the many similarities between these regimes and their greatly different outcomes. At points, he addressed the similarities successfully, particularly in chapters titled Leadership and Propaganda. My problem with the book is that not only does it lack virtually any reactions from ordinary citizens of these countries but, instead, it contains a lot of political science references with few definitions or explanations. The period quotations that are used are of an equally-dull and clinical perspective. It took me longer to read the 191 pages of true content (not including the Notes) in Three New Deals than it has taken me to read books three times as long. Every time I tried to get into a chapter, with few exceptions, I was driven to frustration by the tedium of trying to take a personal perspective from the torrential downpour of -isms (Communism, Socialism, Bolshevism, Fascism, Collectivism, Individualism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Capitalism, Regionalism, and Nomadism, to name just a few.) Throw in the fact that each of these terms must be reexamined by the reader, since they no longer mean what they did in 1935, and you're talking about anything but a leisurely read.


We also should have, for clarity, from NeoTroll, comments by FDR after the Ethiopian invasion by Italy, Germany's rearmament, and the Spanish Civil War.

Oh, wait we, do: By October, 1937, President Roosevelt understood that the world was in danger, but he found himself facing a dilemma: On the one hand, German and Italian aggression were threatening world peace, and it was no longer a question of which side the United States might eventually support. President Woodrow Wilson had faced that issue when World War I broke out in 1914; the German practice of unrestricted submarine warfare had decided the issue for Wilson as to which side the United States would support. But Hitler's belligerence, his rejection of the restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles, his rearming of Germany, and his militant rhetoric, along with the participation of Italy and Germany and the Spanish civil war and the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, made it clear that if there was to be an enemy, it would be a fascist states of Germany and Italy.

On the other hand, the spirit of isolationism was strong in the United States. The United States military establishment was pitifully small, and the neutrality acts which Congress had recently passed limited America's ability to support nations with whom President Roosevelt was sympathetic. He wanted to assist nations that were victims of aggression, but he also needed to keep the neutralist, antiwar contingent at arm's length. This quarantine speech was a step in the direction of taking a position that made it clear on which side the United States stood but at the same time was not warlike enough to arouse Roosevelt's political opponents.

For more, open the link. http://www.academicamerican.com/worl...cs/FDRQuar.htm
The principles of human rights are clearly written in the Declaration of Independence. Americans have no greater, and no lesser, human rights than any other peoples.
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The biggest Progressive lies were: FDR saved the country from the Great Depression, McCarthy's HUAC blacklisted innocent people and Hitler was a right winger

You just wait till Romney wins!

He is going to marginalize you guys so quick, you won't know what hit you
(don't make me put this in BIG font to prove how correct I am)

Here boy (click here)

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The Nazis were Socialists, leftists. They were not about individual freedom and liberty
I am voting for Romney and I am glad he will crush the likes of you in the party :wink_2: ----------------------------------- :eusa_whistle: Here boy

You want Frank crushed. You will get you wish. Romney will crush you, too.

Romney is a good guy, and he can see you guys would pull what the Nazis did if you could get away it, so your days are numbered.
Stop your whining and pining, son. You are a far right extremist out of touch with the American mainstream who wants nothing to do with the modern 21st century. Simply move on, and leave your betters to their world. Move along.

So you admit you're afraid to answer a simple question?

Well, we knew you were a pussy, so it's understandable...

You often source wikipedia, so why do you complain when others do it?...

You're too stupid to grasp how stupid you look doing that...

Jake calls everybody who doesn't tout the progressive party line a right wing extremist. At the same time, he pretends he's a moderate middle of the road fellow.

It's to desensitize people to his own extremism, and move the middle further to the left.
Jake calls everybody who doesn't tout the progressive party line a right wing extremist. At the same time, he pretends he's a moderate middle of the road fellow.

It's to desensitize people to his own extremism, and move the middle further to the left.

well when you are looking from his perspective....

Extreme Left --- FakeJake ----------------------------Centrist -------------------------Extreme Right
Jake calls everybody who doesn't tout the progressive party line a right wing extremist. At the same time, he pretends he's a moderate middle of the road fellow.

It's to desensitize people to his own extremism, and move the middle further to the left.

well when you are looking from his perspective....

Extreme Left --- FakeJake ----------------------------Centrist -------------------------Extreme Right

Really it is sad

Just like Papa Obama

No one wants the "bag of goods" he is trying to sell

Well that should make him happy
Another thing they have in common

Here boy
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