Hitler did try to expel the Jews


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
The Demon wanted to move them out of Europe
The UK took in only a few thousand Jewish kids with foster families
FDR took in zero

Every nation refused !!!
Only the lucky escaped to UK or Palestine

I once read about a ship full of Jewish refugees being turned away from the United States during FDR's administration. SHAMEFUL!

I once read that the New York Times (back in the days when it was actually a bone fide newspaper!) soft pedaled the anti-Jewish measures in Germany because the newspaper (owned by a Jewish American family) did not want to be accused of being biased. SHAMEFUL!
The Demon wanted to move them out of Europe
The UK took in only a few thousand Jewish kids with foster families
FDR took in zero

Every nation refused !!!
Only the lucky escaped to UK or Palestine
Thought everybody knew this - you sound surprised?
More Jews beat up by blacks in NYC today
NYC murder rate up 130 percent this year as they weakened the cops
The Demon wanted to move them out of Europe
The UK took in only a few thousand Jewish kids with foster families
FDR took in zero

Every nation refused !!!
Only the lucky escaped to UK or Palestine
I don't want to be rude here, but men didn't want their kids circumcised, and their wives C-sectioned, so it was death to the Jews, and millions upon millions had to die to put a stop to that vile practice. This time its even worse, because the Jews got the Catholics on board with their bad medicine.
The Demon wanted to move them out of Europe
The UK took in only a few thousand Jewish kids with foster families
FDR took in zero

Every nation refused !!!
Only the lucky escaped to UK or Palestine
I don't want to be rude here, but men didn't want their kids circumcised, and their wives C-sectioned, so it was death to the Jews, and millions upon millions had to die to put a stop to that vile practice. This time its even worse, because the Jews got the Catholics on board with their bad medicine.
Way off topic
I was Circum and I agree it’s a barbaric and disgusting practice
Way off topic
Not just the foreskin. It's wisdom teeth, tonsils, appendices, spleens, you name it. All sorts of brutal butchery, bad medicine, and unnecessary surgery.

The docs deny life-saving aid and fabricate death certificates to excuse themselves from murder and mayhem.
Way off topic
Not just the foreskin. It's wisdom teeth, tonsils, appendices, spleens, you name it. All sorts of brutal butchery, bad medicine, and unnecessary surgery.

The docs deny life-saving aid and fabricate death certificates to excuse themselves from murder and mayhem.
Most of the sensation is on the foreskin
All the corpuscles
Never looked into it before but I see a lot of information about the situation available through the Holocaust Museum.

A Gallup poll taken on November 24–25, 1938, (two weeks after Kristallnacht) asked Americans: “Should we allow a larger number of Jewish exiles from Germany to come to the United States to live?” 72% responded “no.”​
The Demon wanted to move them out of Europe
The UK took in only a few thousand Jewish kids with foster families
FDR took in zero

Every nation refused !!!
Only the lucky escaped to UK or Palestine
Oh absolutely. Hitler wanted to deport all Jews as the initial solution.

Not one GD country wanted them. Not one except a few here and there..................USA, few................LOLOL

To be fair, no one thought extermination was the final solution, otherwise most Jews would have survived.

THE WORLD bores much of the Holacaust.

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