Hitler´s last hours

It is a great song, but what does it have to do with the German manner and, most of all, the picture drawn in the clip. Is that a special sort of German humour?
The baby is real Adolf Hitler, born in the USA.
The Germans were idiots to think they could win a war against Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States all at the same time. They should have overthrown Hitler the minute he suggested such a thing was possible.

Its not like the Germans had much of a choice.
If you read about what the Treaty of Versailles did to Germany and what amounted extortion and slavery it was attempting to continue to do, the Germans had no choice in supporting someone, anyone, like Hitler, who would end the Treaty of Versailles.
WWI was started by the Allies, not the Axis powers, and was totally illegal.
Then the Allies stole all the German shipping, overseas holdings, property, companies, etc., and about half of Germany itself.
Then demanded annual reparations no country could possibly afford.

Anyone reading history has to conclude the bad guy was the Allies.
That included the US.
We were illegally shipping arms and money to England.
Hitler was a master at firing up the mob with his lies. He wanted to make Germany great again.

Typical populist positions ensured to gain the most support.
But the "Night of the Long Knives" implies a total shift in ideology to follow the shift in support.
In other words, Hitler sold out to the wealthy elite, who were not mainly German, but multi national.
Nazi Germany was the victim of an induced mass hysteria. They had to be defeated. Thank God they were. That doesn’t make todays Germans bad people or a collection of eunuchs. The Allies United to defeat the threat of the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese. Credit where it’s due: Great Britain, Russia and the United States primarily.

There are stil major threats out there today. Clear thinking and courage and decisiveness is urgently required. The bad guys cannot be allowed to prevail. And I don’t care how much some people proclaim it: but Putin is not a good guy. He is an epitome of evil. He now needs to be put down like the rabid dog Hitler was.

Meanwhile, I acknowledge that we need to get our shit together, too. The Dims and the libtards need to be defeated at the polls.

The reality is that the Germans were not the ones with self induced mass hysteria.
It was the populations of the Allies who were being lied to and supported the criminal acts against Germany and the Axis powers of WWI.
The Allies in WWI were the criminals.
They abused Germany and forced WWII to happen, deliberately, in order to produce more munitions profits.
Hitler was bad.
He was an opportunist.
But he was funded and supported by the multi nationals, not Germans.
The reality is that the Germans were not the ones with self induced mass hysteria.
It was the populations of the Allies who were being lied to and supported the criminal acts against Germany and the Axis powers of WWI.
The Allies in WWI were the criminals.
They abused Germany and forced WWII to happen, deliberately, in order to produce more munitions profits.
Hitler was bad.
He was an opportunist.
But he was funded and supported by the multi nationals, not Germans.
No no. The “reality” is that the deluded German people sopped up the insanity of Hitler’s rhetoric. Your post is the worst kind of historical revisionism. It’s a lie and you’re a moron.
Said no actual historian ever.

For example, all the generals said to not invade Russia.
There was no need, since they had a good treaty relationship.
But it was western capitalists funding Hitler who insisted.
No one could possibly imagine that could have ever succeeded.
It was obviously intended to destroy Hitler.
And he should have known better.
If he was in control, he would not have taken the bait.

There is no historian who claims Hitler was actually in charge of anything.
He neither had the intellect or imagination.
He was just the speech reader.
No no. The “reality” is that the deluded German people sopped up the insanity of Hitler’s rhetoric. Your post is the worst kind of historical revisionism. It’s a lie and you’re a moron.

Most of what Hitler said was correct.
There really are international conspiracies to exploit the masses and working class.
Materialism and capitalism really are a threat to any society.
They diminish natural social order that is based on inherent empathy.
They cause envy, hate, and fear instead of social trust and unity.

The part where Hitler lied was to claim there was some sort of inherent Germanic superiority, when in reality Germans are just as susceptible to materialism and capitalism corruption.
Slavs and Jews are no more evil or corrupt than Germanics.
And in fact, Slavs and Ashkenazi Jews are Germanic in origin.
The reality is that the Germans were not the ones with self induced mass hysteria.
It was the populations of the Allies who were being lied to and supported the criminal acts against Germany and the Axis powers of WWI.
The Allies in WWI were the criminals.
They abused Germany and forced WWII to happen, deliberately, in order to produce more munitions profits.
Hitler was bad.
He was an opportunist.
But he was funded and supported by the multi nationals, not Germans.
Do you have any proof of that?
For example, all the generals said to not invade Russia.
There was no need, since they had a good treaty relationship.
But it was western capitalists funding Hitler who insisted.
No one could possibly imagine that could have ever succeeded.
It was obviously intended to destroy Hitler.
And he should have known better.
If he was in control, he would not have taken the bait.

There is no historian who claims Hitler was actually in charge of anything.
He neither had the intellect or imagination.
He was just the speech reader.
"There was no need, since they had a good treaty relationship.
But it was western capitalists funding Hitler who insisted."
Apparently you've never read Mein Kampf.
Most of what Hitler said was correct.
There really are international conspiracies to exploit the masses and working class.
Materialism and capitalism really are a threat to any society.
They diminish natural social order that is based on inherent empathy.
They cause envy, hate, and fear instead of social trust and unity.

The part where Hitler lied was to claim there was some sort of inherent Germanic superiority, when in reality Germans are just as susceptible to materialism and capitalism corruption.
Slavs and Jews are no more evil or corrupt than Germanics.
And in fact, Slavs and Ashkenazi Jews are Germanic in origin.
Fuck off. You’re an asshole.
Although your idiot post is non responsive, your link is horseshit. Of course the NAZIs we’re socialist.

Sorry, but you really have to not know anything about WWII in order to say something that wrong.

Hitler STARTED off with the SA who were socialist sort of, but in reality were more just a bunch of veterans from WWI who were angry that they were not getting any pensions, medical services, etc.
It was the SA who propelled Hitler into the political spotlight by winning elections.

But it was NOT the SA who got Hitler into power.
It was Hindenburg, who privately negotiated with Hitler.
Hitler was given a choice.
Ether stay socialist and be killed, or turn anti-socialist and be appointed Chancellor.
So Hitler took the position as Chancellor and had every single socialist SA member killed in the "Night of the Long Knives".

If you don't believe me, then just look at Krupp and all the munitions companies during WWII in German.
Were ANY of them socialized?
Not a single one.
They were all privately owned and operated, making multi national capitalists very happy.
Hitler implemented not a single socialist act, ever.
Sorry, but you really have to not know anything about WWII in order to say something that wrong.

Hitler STARTED off with the SA who were socialist sort of, but in reality were more just a bunch of veterans from WWI who were angry that they were not getting any pensions, medical services, etc.
It was the SA who propelled Hitler into the political spotlight by winning elections.

But it was NOT the SA who got Hitler into power.
It was Hindenburg, who privately negotiated with Hitler.
Hitler was given a choice.
Ether stay socialist and be killed, or turn anti-socialist and be appointed Chancellor.
So Hitler took the position as Chancellor and had every single socialist SA member killed in the "Night of the Long Knives".

If you don't believe me, then just look at Krupp and all the munitions companies during WWII in German.
Were ANY of them socialized?
Not a single one.
They were all privately owned and operated, making multi national capitalists very happy.
Hitler implemented not a single socialist act, ever.
You’re an imbecile. And you lap up bullshit. The only thing you know about history appears to be disinformation. Your ignorance is astounding. gfy.

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