Hitler was a Socialist Liberal

Hitler was a national socialist.

He hated freedom of speech just as much as the modern hard leftists.
Hitler was a national socialist.

He hated freedom of speech just as much as the modern hard leftists.
As though crusaders were for free speech.


I don't see crusaders appearing anywhere in the topic description. Perhaps you might want to start a topic of your own?

Separation of church and state, a other important achievement of Western civilization. Your Muslim friends that you worship don't have such luxuries, so where is your crusade against that?
Socialism cannot tolerate any sort of freedom and individuality… fact
Socialism cannot tolerate any sort of freedom and individuality… fact
I don't know, they've got different flags and some have beards...

I don't see crusaders appearing anywhere in the topic description.
I don't see free speech anywhere in the topic description either, but it was introduced by a loony crusader.

You didn't notice the word "Hitler" at the start of the sentence? Hitler appears at the very title of the thread.

If you are this attention deficit, perhaps a discussion forum doesn't suit you.
A favorite tactic employed by leftists is to describe the Nazis as “right wing,” with Adolf Hitler, their leader, as the grand leader of this “right wing” movement. Rewriting history is pretty common for leftists, as their history is littered with injustice (the KKK was founded by Democrats, did you know?). Injustices they claim to fight against today. Awkward.

But thanks to this nifty thing called “history” in combination with “the internet,” we can bust this myth once and for all. Thoroughly. Or until a leftist insists on ignoring it. Then we’ll hold them down and tape their eyes open. Just kidding, that’s only what a leftist would do. For those who’d rather watch this column in video form, there’s one below. For those who prefer reading, yuck. But scroll down.

Adolf Hitler wasn’t “right wing.” If you take nothing else from this post, just remember Hitler was a socialist.

FINALLY MYTH BUSTED…Hitler was a Socialist Liberal

{I found only two mistakes in the article:

"So excuse us Second Amendment supporters when we here Obama, Sanders and Clinton talking about regulating guns more than they’re regulated today. Call us paranoid. We’ll keep our guns."

"Hitler was a horrible human being. But aside from how he treated the Jews, aside from his monsterous ways, his polcies were anything but “conservative.” He wanted big government, he wanted big eductation, he wanted thought control. He hated political dissidents. He loathed free-speech. He feared an armed citizenry."}
Most on the right are so accustomed to lying they don’t even know what the truth is anymore – or simply don’t care.
You didn't notice the word "Hitler" at the start of the sentence? Hitler appears at the very title of the thread.
And a crusader appeared next to a rant on free speech. What, you didn't notice?
So is every leader of every first world nation in world history.

Only someone that doesn't believe in any regulations or laws believes in the lies you do.
Only a fool votes for blue dogs...like Hillary!
Only a rightwing moron would ‘argue’ Hitler was a ‘socialist liberal’ – or a rightwing liar.

Fascism is on the right side of the political spectrum – reactionary, authoritarian, hostile to change, diversity, and individual liberty.
You didn't notice the word "Hitler" at the start of the sentence? Hitler appears at the very title of the thread.
And a crusader appeared next to a rant on free speech. What, you didn't notice?

I did notice that crusades have NOTHING to do with the topic. It was completely random comment, designed to insult, but of course an utter failure as I am an atheist, who is not exactly a "crusader". What a moron.

My comment was completely related to the thread, the OP was trying to say that Hitler was a liberal. The truth is, he only shares some striking similarities with the hard leftists such as yourself. All your arguments seem to fail.
Hitler was a Socialist Liberal

Is it that time of year already? Boy, how time flies!
Do you have anything substantive to add? I really hate that you snowflakes are melting down about this article.
I'm not melting down, Francis. Just like Fox brings out its annual "Liberal war on Christmas" dog whistle that gets all of you fright-wingers wagging your tails; every few months, one of the USMB fright-wing brigade retards trots out the "Hitler was a liberal" meme. And I laugh and laugh at it just like I'm laughing at you. If you can't take the criticism, then don't post the bullshit.

Here you go, kid. Wipe your nose.

.....Adolf Hitler wasn’t “right wing.” If you take nothing else from this post, just remember Hitler was a socialist.

This might surprise you but Hitler was a politician and one thing politicians do very well is lie

Claiming to be socialist is something else than actually being a socialist comrade

You might want to look up who financed Hitler and his nazis, also the first candidates for the concentration camps weren't the jews but communists, union leaders and other assorted left wing 'scum'... all part of the plan to make Germany great again

So how do you know which politicians who said they were socialists were lying and which weren't?

Look up who put Lenin on a train to Moscow.

There's nothing more typical than communists killing other communists. Staling executed millions of communists, and he sent millions more to the Gulag - all good loyal party man.

Your stupid logic has been posted in this forum 1000 times, and it's been shot down every time.
.....Adolf Hitler wasn’t “right wing.” If you take nothing else from this post, just remember Hitler was a socialist.

This might surprise you but Hitler was a politician and one thing politicians do very well is lie

Claiming to be socialist is something else than actually being a socialist comrade

You might want to look up who financed Hitler and his nazis, also the first candidates for the concentration camps weren't the jews but communists, union leaders and other assorted left wing 'scum'... all part of the plan to make Germany great again

Apparently, you failed to note the parallels between Nazi policies and today's libtard policies. Also apparently, you don't think ANTIFA and BLM are offsprings of Obama.

Also apparently, you fail to remember that Hitler was a white supremacist (like the Democrat's KKK)...only Germans were worth a shit to him. He hated blacks, Jews and many others. He was REALLY pissed when Jesse Owens beat their asses in 1936...and again when Joe Louis beat Max Schmeling (knocked his krout ass OUT) in the first round of their second fight.
However, FDR treated Jesse Owens worse than Hitler treated him.
A favorite tactic employed by leftists is to describe the Nazis as “right wing,” with Adolf Hitler, their leader, as the grand leader of this “right wing” movement. Rewriting history is pretty common for leftists, as their history is littered with injustice (the KKK was founded by Democrats, did you know?). Injustices they claim to fight against today. Awkward.

But thanks to this nifty thing called “history” in combination with “the internet,” we can bust this myth once and for all. Thoroughly. Or until a leftist insists on ignoring it. Then we’ll hold them down and tape their eyes open. Just kidding, that’s only what a leftist would do. For those who’d rather watch this column in video form, there’s one below. For those who prefer reading, yuck. But scroll down.

Adolf Hitler wasn’t “right wing.” If you take nothing else from this post, just remember Hitler was a socialist.

FINALLY MYTH BUSTED…Hitler was a Socialist Liberal

{I found only two mistakes in the article:

"So excuse us Second Amendment supporters when we here Obama, Sanders and Clinton talking about regulating guns more than they’re regulated today. Call us paranoid. We’ll keep our guns."

"Hitler was a horrible human being. But aside from how he treated the Jews, aside from his monsterous ways, his polcies were anything but “conservative.” He wanted big government, he wanted big eductation, he wanted thought control. He hated political dissidents. He loathed free-speech. He feared an armed citizenry."}

1) The right seem to be trying to make Hitler out as left wing in some petty bullshit for their partisan politics. You can't change history to suit your needs, no matter how much you try.

2) Hitler was FAR-right. Right and Far-right are two different things, but I guess it takes a certain amount of intelligence to figure this out, and if you're into partisan politics, you probably don't bother with that kind of thing.

The people running around in the streets beating innocent people, black, hispanic, and white...doesn't matter so long as they *think* they might be trump supporters are closer to 'muh hitler' than the dudes with the swastika flags.

I'm not really sure where you're coming from here. Can you explain it a little more clearly so I can reply?

My point is these antifa creeps attack anyone and everyone and get away with it.

Okay, and for the Antifa types who are thugs I'd agree with you.

The problem here is another case of people taking side with things and not seeing things properly. But it's part of the game and the Republicans play the game and the Democrats play the game.

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