Hitler was a Socialist Liberal

Apparently, you failed to note the parallels between Nazi policies and today's libtard policies. Also apparently, you don't think ANTIFA and BLM are offsprings of Obama.

Also apparently, you fail to remember that Hitler was a white supremacist (like the Democrat's KKK)...only Germans were worth a shit to him. He hated blacks, Jews and many others. He was REALLY pissed when Jesse Owens beat their asses in 1936...and again when Joe Louis beat Max Schmeling (knocked his krout ass OUT) in the first round of their second fight.

Apparently you're totally clueless as to what socialism actually is, it really isn't about Obama, BLM, racism or white supremacy

Also, did you ever wonder why the Bu$h crime family would finance a 'socialist' like Hitler?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

A lot of people liked Hitler before he exposed what he really was. The same is true for Hillary. People liked her until they realized she was a pathological liar and a total piece of shit!
Everyone in the world knows Trump is a pathological liar and a horrible human being.
Hillary isn't in the same stratosphere as the pussygrabber in this area.
Just you bringing her up shows you have no game and no honestly about the incompetent liar in the White House.
Did you poll everyone in the world, or is just some more make believe stuff you posted?
Hey dumbshit. That quote is not from Adolf Hitler.

It is from a pamphlet written by Gregor Strassor.

Guess what else he said in that same pamphlet, retard?

The spirit of our National Socialist idea has to overpower the spirit of liberalism and false democracy if there is to be a third Reich at all! Deeply rooted in organic life, we have realized that the false belief in the equality of man is the deadly threat with which liberalism destroys people and nation, culture and morals. violating the deepest levels of our being!

Nazi Ideology Before 1933
You've got your definition of liberals confused again it looks like.
Apparently, you failed to note the parallels between Nazi policies and today's libtard policies. Also apparently, you don't think ANTIFA and BLM are offsprings of Obama.

Also apparently, you fail to remember that Hitler was a white supremacist (like the Democrat's KKK)...only Germans were worth a shit to him. He hated blacks, Jews and many others. He was REALLY pissed when Jesse Owens beat their asses in 1936...and again when Joe Louis beat Max Schmeling (knocked his krout ass OUT) in the first round of their second fight.

Apparently you're totally clueless as to what socialism actually is, it really isn't about Obama, BLM, racism or white supremacy

Also, did you ever wonder why the Bu$h crime family would finance a 'socialist' like Hitler?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

A lot of people liked Hitler before he exposed what he really was. The same is true for Hillary. People liked her until they realized she was a pathological liar and a total piece of shit!
Everyone in the world knows Trump is a pathological liar and a horrible human being.
Hillary isn't in the same stratosphere as the pussygrabber in this area.
Just you bringing her up shows you have no game and no honestly about the incompetent liar in the White House.
Did you poll everyone in the world, or is just some more make believe stuff you posted?
Don't need to poll anyone. If anyone at this stage doesn't see the fat anus isn't the biggest liar in the world they're just not paying attention. Like you for example.
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Apparently, you failed to note the parallels between Nazi policies and today's libtard policies. Also apparently, you don't think ANTIFA and BLM are offsprings of Obama.

Also apparently, you fail to remember that Hitler was a white supremacist (like the Democrat's KKK)...only Germans were worth a shit to him. He hated blacks, Jews and many others. He was REALLY pissed when Jesse Owens beat their asses in 1936...and again when Joe Louis beat Max Schmeling (knocked his krout ass OUT) in the first round of their second fight.

Apparently you're totally clueless as to what socialism actually is, it really isn't about Obama, BLM, racism or white supremacy

Also, did you ever wonder why the Bu$h crime family would finance a 'socialist' like Hitler?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

A lot of people liked Hitler before he exposed what he really was. The same is true for Hillary. People liked her until they realized she was a pathological liar and a total piece of shit!
Everyone in the world knows Trump is a pathological liar and a horrible human being.
Hillary isn't in the same stratosphere as the pussygrabber in this area.
Just you bringing her up shows you have no game and no honestly about the incompetent liar in the White House.
Did you poll everyone in the world, or is just some more make believe stuff you posted?
Don't need to poll anyone. If anyone at this stage doesn't see the fat anus isn't the biggest liar in the world they're just not paying attention. Like you for example.
I see. You claim everyone knows Trump is a liar but you can't back up that claim. Why is that? Could it be that Trump is not lying as much as you claim he is? Can you stop making up stuff?
Hey dumbshit. That quote is not from Adolf Hitler.

It is from a pamphlet written by Gregor Strassor.

Guess what else he said in that same pamphlet, retard?

The spirit of our National Socialist idea has to overpower the spirit of liberalism and false democracy if there is to be a third Reich at all! Deeply rooted in organic life, we have realized that the false belief in the equality of man is the deadly threat with which liberalism destroys people and nation, culture and morals. violating the deepest levels of our being!

Nazi Ideology Before 1933

And 17 months after Hitler became chancellor I see poor old Greg's ability to quote anything was put to rest during the Night of the Long Knives.
I've never seen so many America hating trolls in one spot.
Look in the mirror for the biggest one.
And no you cannot " fuck my ass" like you said in a PM, faqqot.
Flaming reported. So did you talk to everyone or did you just make that up?
Report? I have the PM to prove it you lying asshole.
Flaming report. Lmao
Could you be a bigger pussy?
Flaming reported. Now, can you stop flaming and answer the question? How can you know what everyone on the world thinks?
Apparently you're totally clueless as to what socialism actually is, it really isn't about Obama, BLM, racism or white supremacy

Also, did you ever wonder why the Bu$h crime family would finance a 'socialist' like Hitler?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

A lot of people liked Hitler before he exposed what he really was. The same is true for Hillary. People liked her until they realized she was a pathological liar and a total piece of shit!
Everyone in the world knows Trump is a pathological liar and a horrible human being.
Hillary isn't in the same stratosphere as the pussygrabber in this area.
Just you bringing her up shows you have no game and no honestly about the incompetent liar in the White House.
Did you poll everyone in the world, or is just some more make believe stuff you posted?
Don't need to poll anyone. If anyone at this stage doesn't see the fat anus isn't the biggest liar in the world they're just not paying attention. Like you for example.
I see. You claim everyone knows Trump is a liar but you can't back up that claim. Why is that? Could it be that Trump is not lying as much as you claim he is? Can you stop making up stuff?
Why do you advertise how stupid u are?
Analysis | President Trump’s list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000

This is not the first time I showed you this you dumb ass..
A lot of people liked Hitler before he exposed what he really was. The same is true for Hillary. People liked her until they realized she was a pathological liar and a total piece of shit!
Everyone in the world knows Trump is a pathological liar and a horrible human being.
Hillary isn't in the same stratosphere as the pussygrabber in this area.
Just you bringing her up shows you have no game and no honestly about the incompetent liar in the White House.
Did you poll everyone in the world, or is just some more make believe stuff you posted?
Don't need to poll anyone. If anyone at this stage doesn't see the fat anus isn't the biggest liar in the world they're just not paying attention. Like you for example.
I see. You claim everyone knows Trump is a liar but you can't back up that claim. Why is that? Could it be that Trump is not lying as much as you claim he is? Can you stop making up stuff?
Why do you advertise how stupid u are?
Analysis | President Trump’s list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000
You said "everyone knows Trump is a liar" and now you claim something else. Stop trolling and flaming and show us all how you know everyone in the world knows Trump is a liar? Could it be you are just making up stuff that has no basis in reality?
I've never seen so many America hating trolls in one spot.
Look in the mirror for the biggest one.
And no you cannot " fuck my ass" like you said in a PM, faqqot.
Flaming reported. So did you talk to everyone or did you just make that up?
Report? I have the PM to prove it you lying asshole.
Flaming report. Lmao
Could you be a bigger pussy?
Flaming reported. Now, can you stop flaming and answer the question? How can you know what everyone on the world thinks?
This pussy loves the word " flaming."
He's more sensitive than a 6 year old girl.
But you still can't stop flaming and you still refuse to answer the question. Why is that?
Everyone in the world knows Trump is a pathological liar and a horrible human being.
Hillary isn't in the same stratosphere as the pussygrabber in this area.
Just you bringing her up shows you have no game and no honestly about the incompetent liar in the White House.
Did you poll everyone in the world, or is just some more make believe stuff you posted?
Don't need to poll anyone. If anyone at this stage doesn't see the fat anus isn't the biggest liar in the world they're just not paying attention. Like you for example.
I see. You claim everyone knows Trump is a liar but you can't back up that claim. Why is that? Could it be that Trump is not lying as much as you claim he is? Can you stop making up stuff?
Why do you advertise how stupid u are?
Analysis | President Trump’s list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000
You said "everyone knows Trump is a liar" and now you claim something else. Stop trolling and flaming and show us all how you know everyone in the world knows Trump is a liar? Could it be you are just making up stuff that has no basis in reality?
Everyone who doesn't have his head up his ass has heard Trump lie daily.
Now count the days he's been president.
every honest person with eyes and ears and half a brain knows... even pence. lol
Did you poll everyone in the world, or is just some more make believe stuff you posted?
Don't need to poll anyone. If anyone at this stage doesn't see the fat anus isn't the biggest liar in the world they're just not paying attention. Like you for example.
I see. You claim everyone knows Trump is a liar but you can't back up that claim. Why is that? Could it be that Trump is not lying as much as you claim he is? Can you stop making up stuff?
Why do you advertise how stupid u are?
Analysis | President Trump’s list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000
You said "everyone knows Trump is a liar" and now you claim something else. Stop trolling and flaming and show us all how you know everyone in the world knows Trump is a liar? Could it be you are just making up stuff that has no basis in reality?
Everyone who doesn't have his head up his ass has heard Trump lie daily.
Now count the days he's been president.
You still haven't proven your statement that "everyone in the world knows Trump is lying". How about responding to that?
Lil Mikey has had 5 web sites on trump's chronic lying thrown in his face but he still doesn't believe it.
Lil Mikey has had 5 web sites on trump's chronic lying thrown in his face but he still doesn't believe it.
Ok troll, like always you smoke dodge and refuse to answer your bullshit claims. You must have something real special for them to let you get away with your non stop attacks. Good night loser.
You still haven't proven your statement that "everyone in the world knows Trump is lying". How about responding to that?

:laugh2: no matter what is known by whom, all the well known lies are still real and fully verified.

since you can't dispute the lies, you choose to dispute who knows the lies are lies. :laugh2:
A favorite tactic employed by leftists is to describe the Nazis as “right wing,” with Adolf Hitler, their leader, as the grand leader of this “right wing” movement. Rewriting history is pretty common for leftists, as their history is littered with injustice (the KKK was founded by Democrats, did you know?). Injustices they claim to fight against today. Awkward.

But thanks to this nifty thing called “history” in combination with “the internet,” we can bust this myth once and for all. Thoroughly. Or until a leftist insists on ignoring it. Then we’ll hold them down and tape their eyes open. Just kidding, that’s only what a leftist would do. For those who’d rather watch this column in video form, there’s one below. For those who prefer reading, yuck. But scroll down.

Adolf Hitler wasn’t “right wing.” If you take nothing else from this post, just remember Hitler was a socialist.

FINALLY MYTH BUSTED…Hitler was a Socialist Liberal

{I found only two mistakes in the article:

"So excuse us Second Amendment supporters when we here Obama, Sanders and Clinton talking about regulating guns more than they’re regulated today. Call us paranoid. We’ll keep our guns."

"Hitler was a horrible human being. But aside from how he treated the Jews, aside from his monsterous ways, his polcies were anything but “conservative.” He wanted big government, he wanted big eductation, he wanted thought control. He hated political dissidents. He loathed free-speech. He feared an armed citizenry."}
I don't have to risk macular degeneration reading your retarded talking "point." Ask some of Dear Adolf's fans here whether they think he was a Liberal.

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