
Are you okay? Have you seen a doctor recently?

Might be a good idea to get a checkup from the neck up.
Clinton molested and raped women and got away with it; when asked why he did it, he said because I could. That the same reason Hitler did what he did; all humans with power are dangerous. That's why we Americans believe that we need so many Constitutional safeguards; however, it appears that the left doesn't share that opinion.

There is Hitler and there is Trump, neither of which are human.

And, of course, anyone who comes after Trump to challenge the DNC, they would be inhuman as well.

Clinton molested and raped women and got away with it; when asked why he did it, he said because I could. That the same reason Hitler did what he did; all humans with power are dangerous. That's why we Americans believe that we need so many Constitutional safeguards; however, it appears that the left doesn't share that opinion.
You are, predictably, confused.

Why do people feel the need to continue to demonize with off the wall theories someone anyone who isn't a nazi fuck already knows was a scumbag?

He was an opportunist, a failed painter and a believer in the stabbed in the back lie at the end of WWI, he was a virulent antisemite, unfortunately a gifted orator and amateur strategist. Luckily he also was a narcissist and as he was proven correct in situations like Munich and the Fall of France, he stopped listening to his General Staff and led to blunders like Stalingrad, Dunkirk, and Kursk.

He found in the German nation after WWI a fertile ground for his desire for revenge and hatred, and found willing subordinates of varying intellect, goals and ability.

And he brought death and ruin to the German Nation.

He can be analyzed and castigated without having to invent crap about him.
Back in the day his supporters would say he was just trying to make Germany great again

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