Hitler’s 1923 “Beer Hall Putsch” and Trump’s 2021 “Capitol Invasion” Compared

I get it ..most fragile insecure white men hate it when an accomplished black woman reaches levels he can't....
We can add that to your long list of shit you will forever stay mad about ...and the rest of could ZERO fucks about your tears..fuck you

Tell us ONE thing that stupid bitch has accomplished.

7 race based decision making
8 circumventing the family unit to indoctrinate children into the ideology.
First of all, the election was not contested....Second, you morons wasn't asking VP to request an audit -- you wanted him to certify fake electors using forged certificates....the only ones engaged in fraud the whole time has been you fascists...

Furthermore, still to this day....you bitches have not proven a single case of widespread voter fraud anywhere...even the folks you thought were going to prove it -- admitted they had ZERO EVIDENCE...yall are clowns.....fascsists...and don't give a fuck about the will of the people -- just serving an orange moron who came to power due to racism.....no matter how much you lie and gaslight -- that fact will remain true...
You are so damn confused about this it is pathetic.

The Democrats stole the election with the scam of using the pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts. The election was stolen from the American people.

Congress could have called for an audit of the districts where there was evidence of massive fraud. Districts where the counting was stopped when Trump was ahead and magically resumed hours later with thousands of unverified ballots marked for Joe Potatohead. Districts where Republican observers were shut out of observing the counting.

If the parties had ben reversed you Moon Bats would have been yelling and screaming to have an audit so just shut the fuck up about there not being fraud.
Biff_Poindexter Hey, biffy. I am STILL waiting for you to post ONE thing that bitch has acomplished!
There was no beer at the Jan 6th Putsch...just some lost college bowl fans
Hitler’s armed “Beer Hall Putsch” in 1923 was in some ways just as shambolic as Trump’s failed Jan. 6th attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Hitler’s coup attempt failed to take any government buildings in Munich, let alone follow up with a march on Berlin to seize the German central government.

The situations in Germany then and the U.S. today were VERY different. The U.S. has had over two centuries of republican constitutional government, which most Americans in both parties still vociferously claim to defend. Most of the violent Capitol protesters in D.C., even those with Confederate flags, body armor and pepper spray … were not fully developed ideological fascists.

Many of the invaders of the Capitol were just angry Trump fanatics who swallowed their leader’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. Trump was in fact U.S. “Commander in Chief” on Jan. 6th, though a lame duck. Hitler was only 34 years old, still an extremist nobody in 1923. Trump was seeking only to prevent the reading of the state-verified electoral votes so that the election would be thrown into a specially constituted House assembly — where he expected a Republican majority would allow him to stay in power “Constitutionally.”

Both Jan. 6th and Munich were high stakes gambles — “dress rehearsals” and “propaganda spectacles.” Hitler gained notoriety from his failed coup, used his trial to denounce the Weimar government of “Liberals, Jews and Communists,” and was jailed for less than a year (where he wrote Mein Kampf). Just ten years later he was put in power … Constitutionally. Trump hopes to be re-elected in 2024.

As crazy as Trump is, as crazy as many of his fanatic followers talk, Trump and they are only harbingers of things to come — they are certainly not now full-fledged fascists like Adolph Hitler was.
Science fiction. Trump didn't actually do anything to instill a FUCKING COLD, let alone a putsch. Great fiction, filled with fear and weirdness of a deluded cult.
We have democrats inciting ACTUAL race riots Vis-a-Vis the BLM in 2020, Democrats stood by and did nothing to stop or they actually SUPPORTED race riots. Sounds like the fucking KRISTALNACT. Democrats ACTUALY did this. And then these same Soros/Blackwater funded weirdness, these same foreign funded weirdo DEMOCRATS have the nerve to impeach TRUMP and hold hearings against against a president without any actual facts, and this "Jan 6th hearing" is three times these scoundrels have done this. Time to investigate who is funding the democrats. Time to put democrats under a microscope.
In 1954 Puerto Rican nationalists stormed the capital building firing shots and wounding five U.S. Representatives. They were tried and convicted and sentenced to life but were pardoned by president Jimmie Carter. — Whitehall

The story behind the Puerto Rican nationalist suicide attack on Congress and Democratic President Truman is interesting but irrelevant. They were not trying to organize any kind of coup in D.C., not trying to overthrow the U.S. government or change its ruling party, not even particularly angry at the then-ruling regime & President. They can best be considered individual terrorists trying to make a statement (like early PLO militants in Israel). They were violent advocates of Puerto Rican “national liberation.”
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I just wanted to add, here, that Hitler put on his pants one leg at a time, and wouldn't you know it, but TRUMP puts on his pants one leg at a time, too!
The old and grossly overweight (draft dodging) Trump probably has trouble putting his pants on, and wanted to keep sitting in the comfortable Presidential chair after losing the election.

Hitler was very different, only 34 and already with hundreds of armed men beside him. Quite a few were highly decorated military heroes and veterans like General Ludendorff, who also sought to “Make Germany Great Again!”

Ludendorff had participated in an earlier putsch in 1920, and appears in the photo with Hitler below.

The photo is of all those originally tried for leading the Munich Putsch with Hitler. We see the predominantly military and ex-military nature of Hitler’s early movement. Hitler always sought to surround himself with such figures, but after the failure in Munich he determined to use legal methods to take power, and emphasized propaganda and “Big Lie” techniques — which proved very effective.
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The Democratic Party today can not be compared to the Communists of those times. Rather the Democrats are properly compared to the Liberal, or Social Democratic parties of the time, parties that were destroyed by Hitler along with the Weimar Republic and Weimar Constitution
What a croc of shit. The Democrats are almost exactly like the Bolsheviks who were the communists. Just because certain events did or didn’t happen like they did in the 1920s and 30s doesn’t mean their ideology isn’t the same.
What a croc of shit. The Democrats are almost exactly like the Bolsheviks who were the communists. Just because certain events did or didn’t happen like they did in the 1920s and 30s doesn’t mean their ideology isn’t the same.
I can almost see you spitting in frustration. Your ignorance of this period and of what “Bolshevism” was (and is) is obvious.

To call Biden’s utterly disorganized corporate-dominated Democrats “Bolshevik” and “Communist” is another ridiculous “Big Lie” — just Trump cultist / John Birch Society ultra-partisan Republican bullshit.

On another day you or your colleagues might call the Democratic Party “social-democratic” … as a criticism or an insult. But today according to you they are “Bolshevik” & “Communist”! Whatever works, eh?
The story behind the Puerto Rican nationalist suicide attack on Congress and Democratic President Truman is interesting but irrelevant. They were not trying to organize any kind of coup in D.C., not trying to overthrow the U.S. government or change its ruling party, not even particularly angry at the then-ruling regime & President. They can best be considered individual terrorists trying to make a statement (like early PLO militants in Israel). They were violent advocates of Puerto Rican “national liberation.”
You want to compare Hitler's rise to power in the early 30's to an unarmed trespass incident in 2021 but president Carter pardoning the Puerto Rican invasion of the Capital that wounded 5 Representatives is irrelevant? Come on.
The story behind the Puerto Rican nationalist suicide attack on Congress and Democratic President Truman is interesting but irrelevant. They were not trying to organize any kind of coup in D.C., not trying to overthrow the U.S. government or change its ruling party, not even particularly angry at the then-ruling regime & President. They can best be considered individual terrorists trying to make a statement (like early PLO militants in Israel). They were violent advocates of Puerto Rican “national liberation.”
Total bullshit.
The "Bonus Army" of about 43,000 WW1 Veterans invaded Washington in 1932 demanding compensation for their sacrifice in the World War. Ironically it was Douglas MacArthur who crushed the Veteran uprising with military weapons. FDR didn't notice it while he was campaigning.
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You are so damn confused about this it is pathetic.

The Democrats stole the election with the scam of using the pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts. The election was stolen from the American people.

Congress could have called for an audit of the districts where there was evidence of massive fraud. Districts where the counting was stopped when Trump was ahead and magically resumed hours later with thousands of unverified ballots marked for Joe Potatohead. Districts where Republican observers were shut out of observing the counting.

If the parties had ben reversed you Moon Bats would have been yelling and screaming to have an audit so just shut the fuck up about there not being fraud.
If the right thing was done, and the handful of corrupt precincts been properly audited and scrutinized I don't see how the the potato could have been installed as the POTUS which was once a great republic. Of course I believe the rumors that SCOTUSCJ Roberts shut down all judicial proceedings in the interests of the elites and because many major cities would be in ruins. DC would only remain a habitable place because Trump would have declared Martial Law and NG Troops would still be patrolling as if they were in Bagdad.

The left has terrorized and infiltrated the federal gov't in a manner the islamic jihadists could only dream about. Then again I'm confident that once it's feasible, the global elites are going to exterminate most of the islamic world and totally eradicate that religion. I'm also pretty confident that SCOTUSCJ Roberts visited Epstein Island at least once and someone has pictures of him with his ding-a-ling stuck in something it ought not have been in, or he wouldn't be a regular 4th leftist dissent vote, nor would obozocare remain a law.

Just say'in is all...


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