Hllary the perpetual effective liar

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
Why Hillary Clinton Is Such An Effective, Perpetual Liar

Consider, for example, what we know about Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal alone, and the skill it must take to avoid prison time for it. We know that Hillary Clinton’s secret e-mail server was highly illegal because it processed and stored classified government information on an unsecure system. We know that much of this classified information originated with Clinton herself.

We know that she ordered at least one aide to break the law on her behalf by sending classified information over an unsecure system. We know she has lied repeatedly about transmitting classified information on her server, at press conferences and once, incredibly, under sworn testimony. We know that, although she insisted otherwise, Clinton deleted thousands of work-related e-mails. We know that one of her aides destroyed Clinton’s mobile devices with a hammer, preventing a full forensic analysis of her e-mail usage. We know that Clinton has lied about the FBI’s own assessment of her previous lies. And so forth.

Given this staggering level of criminal behavior, one might ask: how has Clinton been able to defend herself? The answer is: lying. For much more than a year Clinton has lied repeatedly and ceaselessly about her e-mail woes. She has lied about the classified information on the server, she has lied about her recordkeeping, she has lied about the very lies she has previously told, she has lied so frequently that it is entirely possible she has come to believe some of her own lies.

Therein lies the unrivaled brilliance of the Clinton Lie Machine: it’s the relentlessness of it all, the utter refusal to tell the truth, the determination to lie long after other self-respecting people would have given up and just admitted the facts.


The left knew she was a liar but sold themselves out in the search for the easy dollar.

They sold their moral souls supporting a woman who has a history of doing what she needed to do in order to take care of one thing...herself.

Read the first line of the article (I'll post it later)...what a kick in the ass !!!!
Democrats are O.K.

Hillary and her supporters are wicked and vile.

They somehow think that the gods will favor them because, after all, they are smarter......

But then a bunch of gun loving, bitterly clinging, religon loving idiots...beat the crap out of them.
Hillary lies because she has fucked up in every job she's ever had. If she didn't lie about herself nobody would hire her to mow a lawn.
We are a racist nation.....??

We finally figured that out.

It was about 50 million racists who voted in an affirmative action failure. Not because he was able to find his skinny ass with both hands...but because he was black.

It's interesting that the political forum only has a single post relating to Hillary. I'm assuming that even the radical left is secretly relieved that the Hildabeast wasn't elected.
We are a racist country ???

They finally figured that out.

Who knew.

After all, in 2008 about 50,000,000 racists voted in an affirmative action failure...not because he could find his ass with both hands....but because he was black.

It's interesting that the political forum only has a single post relating to Hillary. I'm assuming that even the radical left is secretly relieved that the Hildabeast wasn't elected.

She's yesterday's news.

Now, all you have are the butthurters of the left crying about Trump.

And he's not even president yet.

I think he's a mess.

But, the left has completely come unglued and forgotten the POS they nominated, ooops coronated their queen (at the expense of Bernie Sanders and his hardworking supporters).
the election is over somebody turn the bots off they're posting month old articles again

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